Will I be able to play with my online ps3 account and games after its on ps4? (YES)
Archive: 10 posts
Called Sony, you get to play all games on the Ps3 even after your account switches over. Ps3 stats most likely will not keep up with your Ps4 stats if you do an upgrade. The Ps4 comes with 30 Day Ps+ along with a $10 PSN Card. The guy I talked to said that they were looking at how fast the Ps4 downloaded today. They deleted GTA V, a 37 GB game, and re-downloaded it in 90 SECONDS! That would take my system over 900 min and my friend, whose playstation downloads twice as slow as mine, over 1800 min. You can tell how far gaming has come, and how far it will go. When's the whens the 500 Tera bite coming out? | 2013-11-06 23:23:00 Author: MusicMan234 ![]() Posts: 82 |
http://us.playstation.com/digitalupgrade/ Account should work across both systems it's already covered PS3, PSP and Vita. | 2013-11-07 01:55:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Hi, I am looking to get my ps4 on release and I wanted to know if I would still be able to play my games online on my Ps3, after I link my account to the Ps4? I would assume I would be able to. I know a few games from ps3 are free to ps4 so I may be able to download my content to it from those games. I also know my stats from Call of Duty Ghost will transfer to Ps4, BUT I want to know if my Call of Duty Ghosts stats will stay the same on Ps3 or If I won't be able to access Ghosts on my Ps3 anymore just because it technically turned into a Ps4 game. I got the digital download so I may be able to still play it on ps3. I may not be able to play games online at all on ps3, idk. It's almost like I should make a new account just for that reason. I will also call Gamestop and or Sony if any of you don't answer be the weekend. Thanks peepz! Yes. You will be able to use the same PSN account on your PS4, PS3, and Vita. I already redeemed 3 months of PS+ and am waiting for next Friday to come ![]() | 2013-11-07 02:58:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
Yes. You will be able to use the same PSN account on your PS4, PS3, and Vita. I already redeemed 3 months of PS+ and am waiting for next Friday to come ![]() I called sony and I got that info. The ps4 comes with 3 Months PS+ along with a $10 PSN card too. Is that where you got the PS+ or did you buy it separately? | 2013-11-07 04:50:00 Author: MusicMan234 ![]() Posts: 82 |
I called sony and I got that info. The ps4 comes with 3 Months PS+ along with a $10 PSN card too. Is that where you got the PS+ or did you buy it separately? The PS4 comes with 2 weeks of PS+ and no money. Whoever told you that had no clue what they were talking about. EDIT: And yeah, bought it separately. | 2013-11-08 02:37:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
The PS4 comes with 2 weeks of PS+ and no money. Whoever told you that had no clue what they were talking about. EDIT: And yeah, bought it separately. I called Sony, that seems like the most reliable source to me, so I think whoever told you was wrong. He specifically said that inside every PS4 there would be a $10 PSN Card to spend on anything you want along with a free 3 Month PS+ membership. I'm from the US so Idk if your from the UK or something and get different things than the US PS4, but I'm sticking with Sony on that one. A lot of information is getting released as the launch gets closer such as, will PS3 headsets work with the PS4. We asked him and he said they would release that information closer to launch. So more information that we didn't know is coming available now. | 2013-11-08 13:23:00 Author: MusicMan234 ![]() Posts: 82 |
I called Sony, that seems like the most reliable source to me, so I think whoever told you was wrong. He specifically said that inside every PS4 there would be a $10 PSN Card to spend on anything you want along with a free 3 Month PS+ membership. I'm from the US so Idk if your from the UK or something and get different things than the US PS4, but I'm sticking with Sony on that one. A lot of information is getting released as the launch gets closer such as, will PS3 headsets work with the PS4. We asked him and he said they would release that information closer to launch. So more information that we didn't know is coming available now. UK was 14 day trial last we heard but your phone guy isn't 100% correct either. We are excited to provide those of you in the US and Canada with a special promotional voucher in every PS4 box* that includes: $10 Sony Entertainment Network wallet credit for PlayStation Store 30-day free PlayStation Plus membership trial 30-day free Music Unlimited service trial http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/11/08/a-threefold-surprise-for-ps4-owners/ | 2013-11-08 16:09:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I called Sony, that seems like the most reliable source to me, so I think whoever told you was wrong. He specifically said that inside every PS4 there would be a $10 PSN Card to spend on anything you want along with a free 3 Month PS+ membership. I'm from the US so Idk if your from the UK or something and get different things than the US PS4, but I'm sticking with Sony on that one. A lot of information is getting released as the launch gets closer such as, will PS3 headsets work with the PS4. We asked him and he said they would release that information closer to launch. So more information that we didn't know is coming available now. You are right about the $10 thing, details were released today. 30 days of PS+, Music Unlimited, and $10 PSN store credit. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/11/08/a-threefold-surprise-for-ps4-owners/ | 2013-11-08 16:44:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152053414736803&set=a.186905261802.155462.14104316802&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf Yeah, they released the Music Unlimited today too. I also mis heard 3 Month for 30 days. I knew the $10 and Ps+ came with it though for sure | 2013-11-08 23:44:00 Author: MusicMan234 ![]() Posts: 82 |
Yes you can. You can have Vita/PS3/PS4 logged into your account at the same time. | 2013-11-09 13:16:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
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