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Title Screen

Archive: 5 posts

Hello fellow sackpeople! It's me, SuperSack and I need a bit of help. I am making a Roman Level series, and I would like to have a title screen on each level. I can't do it myself. Anyone that helps will get recognition in the comments and will get a exclusive Roman Costume without aceing any LBP1 levels. If you are intrested in helping me with the levels, friend me at this username: ACOG4575.

In addition, people can do more than help with the title screen. If you are good at, say building, then you can be a builder and help make the level. If you are good at circuitry, you can help with giving the sackbots features like climbing, ETC. The list goes on and on. I wish to make a professional level. The tutorial (already in progress) is a simple level. No circuitry. I can do that on my own. However, the tutorial is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. Im already planning out the second level (AKA first part). If anyone is intrested, place a app in the comments with this:



Age (doesn't really matter):

What are you good at? (Building, Circuitry, ETC):

Do you know a lot about Romans? (not needed):

Do you think I would find you proficient?:

Post that in the comments. Anyone who is accepted will come into one of my test worlds and I will test your skill. All will be explained later.
2013-10-25 21:39:00

Posts: 10

Moved to Ideas and Projects2013-10-26 00:55:00

Posts: 3458

What do you need help on with the title screen? What features will it have? Just a tutorial and starting the game? That would be simple, just get a selector and some holograms to scroll though. Then get AND gates to make it so once the hologram is on that option you can press the button.2013-10-26 14:43:00

Posts: 134

PSN: MusicMan234


Age (doesn't really matter): 17

What are you good at? (Building, Circuitry, ETC): Anything Little Big Planet. Building, Music, Scenery, Sackbots, Levels, Anything. 3 Years Expierence

Do you know a lot about Romans? (not needed): Yes

Do you think I would find you proficient?: Yes
2013-10-26 17:18:00

Posts: 82

Hi TheSuperSac,
Sure... I'd be happy to help out. Im quite good with graphicy stuff, logicy stuff, musicy stuff and designy stuff :-D
Just invite me @)
2013-10-27 01:23:00

Posts: 662

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