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Do you regret anything that changed your life? "Poll"

Archive: 5 posts

Do you regret anything that changed your life?2013-10-22 23:01:00

Posts: 82

Yes, regret is one of the main principles of life I think. Without regret you're life would have less of a gauge of the wrong and right. Regretting making bad decisions gives you the pressure not to make the same mistake, and it can help you learn more about who you are and who you want to be. It's a feeling that we all hate, but need to have in order to understand our natures better.

So to sum up, I think just about everything will have regrets, and for the most part it will have changed their view to some extent, little or small. That's my penny's worth
2013-10-22 23:14:00

Posts: 2426

I'm sure we all have our dark secrets...2013-10-22 23:28:00

Posts: 1872

Yes, everyone has regret, but not everyone has regret that really changed their life. Some life changing thing other than the usual I regretted not doing my homework. A year is a long time though so most people probably do.2013-10-22 23:30:00

Posts: 82

Better to move on with your life than to waste it dwelling on the past, is what I like to say.2013-10-24 22:38:00

Posts: 1909

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