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User Interviews [Third Interview out now]
Archive: 107 posts
Hello everyone, as you most likely know, there are creator spotlights where one brilliant creator is interviewed and asked many questions in which is often one of the best reads on LBPCentral. However a lot of us haven't been interviewed either at all or generally. So now is your chance! without further ado let me Introduce: http://i44.tinypic.com/fp5jxe.png Yes! User Interviews. I seek to let some of you get to know your fellow forum members but there is one problem. Who goes firsties? So lets have some recommendations shall we? If you wish to be interviewed then post below. [Once on board please do not back down or you will not get another chance.] Once we get a collection of members seeking to be interviewed I will start interview people by random. If you feel that this idea is stale/awful/repetitive/omgerdz you copiez the creator spotlight/cheesy/wow I could go for some pringles right about now/There once was an ugly barnacle. Then feel free to nag at me all you want below. Interviews Out now! Interview 1 Dragonvarsity Well there are few people who haven't heard of Dragonvarsity and those people have never posted in the General sections or been on this site for that long at all. For all three plus years he has been here, Dragonvarsity has continued to make a great impression on all of us. I interviewed him to get to know the person behind that mask. You have been here for years, is there any moments that you think you will remember even after it's all said and done? Being able to help test and give feedback for fantastic projects like Aeropulse and Elemental Enigma from my great friends lyrradxox and royalxpirate, for sure, as well as all the time discussing with my great friend Darkcloudrepeat about different contests and projects of mine and his. I'll also remember the Console Wars for the great interactive writing experience it's been (speaking of which, I got to get back on that!) and the practice it's given me to continue writing. Speaking of which, being able to create some totally whack concept art and play along in some crazy writing festivities with >er and gdn001 for the >er's story writing club has been wonderful, man we really need to get that comic rev- oh wait I mean uhmm.. Some of Testuidini's little stunts will be hard to erase from my memory too, like sticking me and xero's avatar faces on all kinds of posters and paintings. Aside from those, the overall excitement of the LBP2 beta era, and some other points in time I can't really think of right now, there's just a bunch of great memories from this forum, and even though a lot of great people have left or dipped in activity, I don't see myself having to leave anytime soon, so hopefully more great memories will come! Has anyone on the website given you any special moments in particular? And who do you most enjoy the company of on the forum? [Can be multiple people] Well, Ninjaferret22 gave me this beautiful piece for my birthday a few years back, if only I could show it but unfortunately half of the missing-in-action artist's images seem to be broken in her thread. Still, it was very thoughtful, as was all of the hard work TheZimInvader put into making a drawing for my pirate sackboy in her own interesting new style, and the time spent from other artists. There was also some ridiculous fun in The Console Wars: Blackout for the eight or so who had stuck with it, and I definitely had some jaw-dropping moments from the creator. Aside from that, I remember when my level spotlights and creator interviews were still up, I got some very nice comments from people like GRAVEL and shropshirelass that made my work totally worth it. The future is a lot closer then it seems. Any plans for what you want to do in the not so distant future? Both in real life and on the forum. Find the time to get into programming, specifically for game development, but also for other things like web design, that will be a must for me. It's also about finding the right tools to learn from or teach oneself. I can't say I'll be visiting LBP much more, so it's why I've stuck to this one subset of the forum. Being able to participate in more great interactive writing experiences or roleplaying games like Mafia or TCW (or something new hopefully) would be great to keep myself entertained and be helping in crafting some exciting adventures. ^^ What got you into Little big planet and why did you originally come on to this forum? When I first got an iPhone I was kind of in the whole "app" craze, and one of these little one dollar time wasters I bought was a title called Pocket God. Looking at the devs' blog, there were several mentions of people who had created these levels for Pocket God in "Little Big Planet," and they were very impressive looking, but the style of the game was weird looking and I had never heard of it before. Later on in 2009, I had seen some ads for Little Big Planet again, some time between Black Friday and the winter holidays, so when my brother and I decided to split the money to buy a PS3, he got Modern Warfare 2 and I got Little Big Planet: Game of the Year Edition. ^^ As for the forums, well, I had been playing a lot of great community levels and noticed how so many people added this little advertising logo for LBPC, so I eventually caved in and visited the site, which led me to join. Too bad I didn't just go to the site the minute I saw one of those ads or I probably could've been closer to being part of the now-dying breed of '09ers. (I kid, it's not as bad as the nearly extinct '08ers... or '07ers.. *shudder*) What hobbies/talents/activities do you have/do? Umm.. playing LBP? I do like to play videogames, and I do like to get what time I can to larn programming so I can try making some botched-up prototype games. I'm a pretty good runner and I'm trying to find time to learn to play the guitar more, but most of the hobbies/talents I've tried getting into have continuously been pushed to the side so I hardly feel like I've had the time to truly master.. well, anything, but hopefully I can hone in on my interests and not let life's crap get in the way more than it already has. If one of the moderators said ?hey would you be interested in being a moderator?? what would be your response and why? "Thanks but I'm not sure if I'd have the time for it." At least... I wouldn't have the interest outside the 'General' subforum, but even still. Thankfully, things have cooled down as opposed to years back to where every once in a while you'd get someone so angry they'd get into this 10 page-long rant with one of the mods like rtm before eventually being shut up and banned or whatever, so I wouldn't have to settle someone like that down. Also, some of the restrictions put where nobody could put a 'fail' image or whatever up because of some new, highly sensitive policies were then put in place, boy would I hate being one of the people who'd have to enforce those kind of rules. Thankfully, as I said before, it's not as annoyingly watched over like it was years back. What are your favourite things in the world? Astounding architecture, mind-bending puzzles woven into games that give you a huge sense of achievement once compelte, pokemans, martial arts, etc. etc. What are your least favourite things in the world? When people add an extra 'u' onto words like 'favorite'. I kid, I kid! Aside from that, probably Stalin, the future of our environment and governments, destruction of habitats, animal cruelty, child abductions, and maybe not much attention to asteroids like that one that could pass us by in 2032.. If you could meet anyone on the forum in real life, who would it be and why? Alismuffin, mainly to find out what the heck happened to that awesome indie project, "Don't Fall Asleep." Is there any advice you would like to give to new people on the forum? If an armored, kitten-petting geezer walks up to you offering peanuts, don't take them. Lack of association is the best way of escape! Finally is there a final comment you would like to give? Well I'm so sorry it took me ages to answer this. Well Thank you a lot Dragonvarsity for your time. Who will Rock the interview stage next? Interview Dos Ryan86me Ryan ain't a golden oldie. But in his short time with us he has touched many hearts. As well as insulted many faces. I decided to sit down, have a coffee and interview him. Butter-Kicker is at it again and just enforcing that Rock isn't as humble as he may want us to believe. Lets just hope that Ryan isn't as grumpy as the peanut lord or as Ryan's avatar would suggest. You aren't exactly a oldie of the site. I mean you have only been here for little over a year.But whilst you have been here I am sure you have witnessed some sad,funny or down-right disturbing moments. Any come to mind in particular? Yep. Finding out Rawk has a girlfriend, and that she was not, despite first impressions, a statue of a Disney Princess. It's a bit hard to describe the feelings and emotions in my head at that time. ARR FORUM GAMES ARR YOU ENJOY THOSE ARR. WHY AM I A PIRATE ARRR. Any favorite forum game moments? Arr Arr.. er, I mean, man, that's a lot of forum game moments to choose from. I ARR think I'll go with the whole flamingemu and craigmond soap opera debate. If only flamingemu had turned out to be male - I never would've let craig live it down . Arr Do you see yourself as a creative person? Or are you more of the lean back with a couple of Pepsi's kinda guy? I prefer Coke In all seriousness, I'm creative when I need be (a la TCW, though I haven't been as active as I've wanted to be lately)), but I'm pretty laid back (AKA lazy, to be brutally honest ) for the most part. If you do want to see me being creative for reasons unknown, feel free to listen to some of the stuff I have up on Soundcloud under Anoxia's account (AnoxiaOfficial), or check out the collage I did for Halloween in the Art and Creativity sub-forum. Here it comes. The Cliche' Moderator Question. *mhmmm.* If one of the Moderators asked you "Hey would you like to be a Moderator?" What would you respond with and why? "Despite my sudden urge to hug you and make love to the nearest LBPC-related object that I can find out of sheer joy, I must decline your offer," is something along the lines of what I would say. While I would definitely be happy to be a moderator on LBPC, I simply don't have the free time to do so, what with school, homework, etc. If I had more time to be on LBPC, however, I would for sure spring on the opportunity. As well as being friendly we are quite the competitive bunch here at LBPC. If you were to create a competition on anything. What would it be? Hmm... Smexiness. I would for sure win. What's that, you say? You don't think I would win that competition? Fine, then. Music creation. People could make a song through one of the following means - playing an instrument, or through the LBP music creator. Entries in these categories would be judged separately by 3 appointed judges who would not be a part of the contest. Any people you would like to thank? Anyone you think you will remember especially. WHO IS COOL DAWG? WELL U PRETTY TIGHT DAWG WIT DAT INTERVIEWALIZATION ACTION. Anyway, I want to give a shout-out to 5 people in particular: SR20DETDOG - For hosting the Community Chessboard, designing a badass logo for my one-man band Anoxia (which I hope to start making music in again), and sharing his awesome artwork. Dragonvarsity - For being extremely hospitable, and for urging me to keep up the writing for TCW (I swear I'm still working on my next post, Dragon! I just got the flu in the middle of writing it, which unfortunately set me back.) You, butter-kicker - For also being there in the Forum Games, for the wonderfully perverted jokes and fodder for the Quote Archive, and, of course, for this interview! RockSauron - For PEANUTS. And for all of the Forum Game fun Burnvictim42 - For introducing me to one of my favorite forum games of all time: LBPC Mafia. Of course, there are plenty of other great people I've met on these forums, but, if I mentioned all of them, this question alone would be the majority of the interview . I have seen your smexy face. I know what that Avatar was based off. Anyone you would like to meet even if you have not seen there smexy or not so smexy face? Now, back up. You said "smexy or not so smexy." So, right off the bat, let me clear this up - we are all smexy here at LBPC. Anyway, I can't really single out anyone to meet - you're all pretty awesomely equal in my book. I suppose, however, that the person I have the biggest likelihood of meeting would be Rawk, what with him being at Disney a lot and me going to Disney with my family on a pretty regular basis. Of course, I would have to explain to my parents upon meeting him that he is not, indeed, a child predator from the interwebz, which would probably be their first reaction should a dude of whom's identity they had no idea of come and refer to me as "Ryan86me". That'd be a bit awkward. We all like LBP here right? (If not. Get out) But we all have to take gaming brakes from it. What games but LBP do you like? I like a lot of games, really - I don't even know where to begin. Hmm...the Persona Series, the Killzones, Portal 1 and 2, Half Life 1 and 2, the (sadly all but gone) Tony Hawk games, Guitar Hero, a little bit of Pokemon here and there, Hotline Miami, Super Stardust Delta, BlazBlue, etc, etc, and et cetera. Lastly. I like you hair. Also any last comments? I've got a lot of things I could say, but I'll leave everyone off with this - thanks to the people of LBPC for being such a great community! Also, hair. http://i.imgur.com/uyk7GoR.jpg Well wasn't that a Rawky show? Who will be RAWKING the interviews next week? It ain't going to be RockSauron that's for sure. Interview Moltres FreeAim This guy is too cheeky. I mean the cheek of this guy is cheek. Buttcheek that is. First he sends me all of his answers in Comic Sans and if that isn't enough he has the guts to positively start mouthing us off in some of his answers. Back in my day these young witter-snappers would have met my belt. Wait. He is older then I am. Never mind. On with the interview. Freeaim Such wow much interview. If you could change one thing about our beautiful home LBPC. What would it be and why? A 2010'er such as yourself has to have some ideas right? That's a funny thing to ask. If I thought that something would need to be changed here, I would probably state it without being asked. That being said, there are a few technical issues with the site, which I am sure are being constantly discussed and worked on. You've talked to a lot of people on this forum. Anyone who comes to mind especially that you will always remember fondly? There are lots of people I like here. Some of them I find brilliant and some of them are simply kind. I remember every single one of those people, but only if I really try. That's the key to moving forward instead of sticking to the past. Here it comes. The Cliche' Moderator Question. *mhmmm.* If one of the Moderators asked you "Hey would you like to be a Moderator?" What would you respond with and why? Yes I copied this from Ryan's interview. Why? Because I can. That's why! I am not rather passionate about things like that, so my answer would be no. While I have been signing up for the Spotlight team, the contest team thingy and several other groups, moderating is not a thing I would ever want to do. I see this site as a friendly place I can come and have fun at. I fear that after becoming a moderator, I would see this place as more of a work place. There are a lot of funny moments on LBPC but there are also dem sad moments. Any friends that have left the forums that you will/do miss and Why? I just wonder... how disappointing would it be if I answered 'no'? I guess I am about to find out, because that's my answer. Now, don't see me as a heartless person for saying this, but I find it really difficult to miss people, especially ones I only know from the internet. It's sad. Why would I want to be sad? Then again, there are few people at the time I would have wanted to spend a little more time with when they were here, but names are not required. You have all the creative abilities in the world at your disposal. What do you make? A trampoline-planet, a dinosaur park, time machine and the create a circus at the stone age, a machine that could hold a small event horizon in it (because I find the concept of event horizons fascinating), an asteroid with a pyramid on it, a parallel universe where troubles are sorted out with card games and a magic house where every room tricks the people in it with mirrors, smoke and fake doors, because it would be hilarious. Another Cliche' question. Is there anyone on this forum that you would like to meet face to face. Maybe go have lunch with. Oh no... If I wanted to know how people's faces look, there's always the "Ugly mugs of LBPC"-thread for it. If you could create a video game/movie. what would the game/movie be about? Oh, there are a few movies I would want to make! Sci-fi is a big passion of mine and my movie would be in a near future where humans have created a time-tunnel to the dinosaur era and created a fun place where tourists can go to and watch dinosaurs and interact with them. However, trouble would spring when the time-tunnel would expand in a massive scale, creating an alternate reality where (modern/post-modern) humans and dinosaurs would basically live on the same planet at the same time. Another one is a fantasy movie in 1920's, with pharaohs and mystery in Egypt and stuff. I know movies like that exist, but I mean one that is actually good. What are your hobbies in the real world. Yes that it exists Drama! I love to act and write and direct short plays and sketches for different sorts of purposes, but mostly for entertainment of myself and others. I have actually written and directed and acted in different variations of the classic "Frank, Frank, Frank" sketch (I don't know how classic that is... anywhere, but it's a classic here) as well as a few short plays, such as "Back to the Future!!1", where a specially picked bunch of time-travelers test the first time-travel device and go back about 2000 years ago to find the truth about the events of the bible (which was actually on a special request) and a play where Santa Claus gets a burn-out and decides to choose a predecessor for his work (all of these plays had the majestic budget of "what people happen to find in their houses"). As you see, I am very passionate about the things I do. Any last thoughts/comments? This was a rather fascinating interview! I don't think participating in one is actually quite as much fun as actually reading them, but... Well, it's fun anyway, especially when I get to brag about and exaggerate my surprisingly low amount of social life. As holiday seasons are fast approaching, I suggest you all switch to a less-serious mind-set about most things and chill! Well thanks FreeAim (Cheeky dude). I sure enjoyed this interview and in order to apologize for the long wait next week is the: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Any recommendations for the Christmas special? feel free to leave below. | 2013-10-18 19:40:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Ok then? Odd idea. Oh well. Sure, might be fun. The RAWK approves of his greatness spreading to the rest in here :kz: | 2013-10-18 19:46:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
:o this is a great idea ^^ I could do one if anyone cares or whatever >.> | 2013-10-18 20:14:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Ok then? Odd idea. Oh well. Sure, might be fun. The RAWK approves of his greatness spreading to the rest in here :kz: So you're willing to be interviewed right? Thats 1. :o this is he best idea. How about Dragonvarsity?? Thank you for the nice comment. Also Drago is a great Idea. I'll talk to him and see if he wants to. :3 | 2013-10-18 20:19:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Wait I just understood the OP wasn't to recommend other people for no reason http://i.imgur.com/x0iq6P3.gif | 2013-10-18 22:27:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Wait I just understood the OP wasn't to recommend other people for no reason http://i.imgur.com/x0iq6P3.gif No that meant don't recommend people who have said stuff like "I don't want to be interviewed ever!" What you did was fine. | 2013-10-18 22:36:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
I don't care if flame just Ron-Swanson'd her vote for me, I say it still counts! This is a great idea, I would most indubitably love to be interviewed if the chance to ever pops up. | 2013-10-19 01:56:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
It might work better if you just picked interesting members to interview rather than have others vote on them. You could entertain suggestions, but having it all out in the open sorta ruins any ability to surprise your audience. | 2013-10-19 02:02:00 Author: jwwphotos Posts: 11383 |
Interesting idea, could be fun to get to know more about the people here, especially since I don't know who half of you are anymore! So many new faces. It might work better if you just picked interesting members to interview rather than have others vote on them. You could entertain suggestions, but having it all out in the open sorta ruins any ability to surprise your audience. Agreed, it works well for the Creator Spotlight. | 2013-10-19 05:41:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
It might work better if you just picked interesting members to interview rather than have others vote on them. You could entertain suggestions, but having it all out in the open sorta ruins any ability to surprise your audience. Very well then. This is a good point and I shall be switching to this. First Interview coming soon!!! | 2013-10-19 09:49:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Great idea! I am certain there are several interesting people to interview here. If only we knew someone who'd like that *wink* *wink.* Seriously, though, Rawk has been here for... centuries at least, so he certainly has interesting stories in, well, store for us. | 2013-10-19 10:33:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Very well then. This is a good point and I shall be switching to this. First Interview coming soon!!! lol... I am by no means telling you what to to, but in my experience it is much easier and more fun that way. | 2013-10-19 15:23:00 Author: jwwphotos Posts: 11383 |
Very well then. This is a good point and I shall be switching to this. First Interview coming soon!!! Oh gee, I wonde who the first interviewee is :kz: | 2013-10-19 15:32:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Oh gee, I wonde who the first interviewee is :kz: Someone humble? | 2013-10-19 16:55:00 Author: jwwphotos Posts: 11383 |
INTERVIEW ME OMG caps | 2013-10-19 17:08:00 Author: Woutery Posts: 793 |
Someone humble? http://i.imgur.com/t4KsfMe.png | 2013-10-19 17:22:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
What if this is just a really convoluted way to get Rocksauron's number... | 2013-10-19 18:04:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
What if this is just a really convoluted way to get Rocksauron's number... They're onto me... | 2013-10-19 18:28:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Silly butter. If you want the RAWK, you just need to ask | 2013-10-19 18:32:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Silly butter. If you want the RAWK, you just need to ask That sounds increasingly more wrong every-time I read it. | 2013-10-19 18:37:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
That sounds increasingly more wrong every-time I read it. He'll rawk your world | 2013-10-19 18:38:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Silly butter. If you want the RAWK, you just need to ask I want the RAWK so badly... | 2013-10-19 21:31:00 Author: DawnBreaker_23 Posts: 568 |
*insert RAWK-related innuendo here* | 2013-10-19 21:40:00 Author: Shooter0898 Posts: 996 |
I want the RAWK so badly... Sorry, already have a girlfriend. Also... Apparently I will not be the first interview. I hereby declare war on butter. | 2013-10-19 21:46:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Sorry, already have a girlfriend. Also... Apparently I will not be the first interview. I hereby declare war on butter. Oh? Where does she live? :kz: I too declare war on butter & shooter. Y U KILL A INNOCENT GURL?! | 2013-10-19 21:49:00 Author: DawnBreaker_23 Posts: 568 |
Oh? Where does she live? :kz: I too declare war on butter & shooter. Y U KILL A INNOCENT GURL?! Says the Dalek. | 2013-10-19 22:08:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Says the Dalek. *Whispers exterminate* | 2013-10-19 22:13:00 Author: DawnBreaker_23 Posts: 568 |
Hey, I tried to be funny in the last page but you completely ignored it! Get back there and comment on it! | 2013-10-19 22:43:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Hey, I tried to be funny in the last page but you completely ignored it! Get back there and comment on it! No, sorry, we moved onto subtly making inappropriate comments concerning a certain aspect of my anatomy. And my foot does not really appreciate it, thank you very much. | 2013-10-19 22:47:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Hey, I tried to be funny in the last page but you completely ignored it! Get back there and comment on it! http://i42.tinypic.com/3009xqa.png | 2013-10-19 22:50:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
I too declare war on butter & shooter. Y U KILL A INNOCENT GURL?! *prepares towns defences in a total war styled siege battle with everyone in the town mobilised ready to fight the horde* And so the Great War of LBPC begins. | 2013-10-19 22:50:00 Author: Shooter0898 Posts: 996 |
*prepares towns defences in a total war styled siege battle with everyone in the town mobilised ready to fight the horde* And so the Great War of LBPC begins. Rawk, I'll trade you Shooter for Dawn. | 2013-10-19 22:52:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Rawk, I'll trade you Shooter for Dawn. Only if I'm first interview. Man... this thread is sure full of SPAM. If only there were a CAN to put it all in... | 2013-10-19 22:53:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Only if I'm first interview. Man... this thread is sure full of SPAM. If only there were a CAN to put it all in... I know right also, you only have two more posts before 10,000!!! | 2013-10-19 22:55:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
*watches war from a distance sipping delicious tea, wipes her mouth on a napkin and gets on his horse to ride into the sunset* Also I'm confused who killed whom? Edit: :o 10000 posts! | 2013-10-19 22:56:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
*watches war from a distance sipping delicious tea, wipes her mouth on a napkin and gets on his horse to ride into the sunset* Also I'm confused who killed whom? Edit: :o 10000 posts! Make up your mind gurl! | 2013-10-19 23:00:00 Author: DawnBreaker_23 Posts: 568 |
Well technically, a lot of my posts have been deleted, and plus orum games... so I've actually made more than 10K Oh well. | 2013-10-19 23:08:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Well technically, a lot of my posts have been deleted, and plus orum games... so I've actually made more than 10K Oh well. Well by that logic I have probably made over 1000 but meh. Now you have 1 for 10,000. | 2013-10-19 23:10:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
So many unanswered questions... What will be the 10000th post, who is interviewee what does the fox say, ? also butter what will the structure of the interviews be? | 2013-10-19 23:30:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Man... this thread is sure full of SPAM. If only there were a CAN to put it all in... No way.. ..and now back on topic (hint hint*) Good luck with all the interviews. *That means everyone please stop the spam and get back on topic. | 2013-10-19 23:49:00 Author: jwwphotos Posts: 11383 |
Not entirely sure if I qualify for an interview, what with I only having ~200 (my god, I just used a tilde O_o. NOBODY USES THOSE THINGS) posts and only being here for a year. But hell, I'll put my name in here anyway Also, omgerdz u so totes copy crator spotlite and u suck so of the much EDIT: http://i42.tinypic.com/3009xqa.png Leave the memeing (yes, that is a verb now) to me http://i.imgur.com/FbWeEaU.png | 2013-10-25 02:04:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
Interview 1 Dragonvarsity Well there are few people who haven't heard of Dragonvarsity and those people have never posted in the General sections or been on this site for that long at all. For all three plus years he has been here, Dragonvarsity has continued to make a great impression on all of us. I interviewed him to get to know the person behind that mask. You have been here for years, is there any moments that you think you will remember even after it's all said and done? Being able to help test and give feedback for fantastic projects like Aeropulse and Elemental Enigma from my great friends lyrradxox and royalxpirate, for sure, as well as all the time discussing with my great friend Darkcloudrepeat about different contests and projects of mine and his. I'll also remember the Console Wars for the great interactive writing experience it's been (speaking of which, I got to get back on that!) and the practice it's given me to continue writing. Speaking of which, being able to create some totally whack concept art and play along in some crazy writing festivities with >er and gdn001 for the >er's story writing club has been wonderful, man we really need to get that comic rev- oh wait I mean uhmm.. Some of Testuidini's little stunts will be hard to erase from my memory too, like sticking me and xero's avatar faces on all kinds of posters and paintings. Aside from those, the overall excitement of the LBP2 beta era, and some other points in time I can't really think of right now, there's just a bunch of great memories from this forum, and even though a lot of great people have left or dipped in activity, I don't see myself having to leave anytime soon, so hopefully more great memories will come! Has anyone on the website given you any special moments in particular? And who do you most enjoy the company of on the forum? [Can be multiple people] Well, Ninjaferret22 gave me this beautiful piece for my birthday a few years back, if only I could show it but unfortunately half of the missing-in-action artist's images seem to be broken in her thread. Still, it was very thoughtful, as was all of the hard work TheZimInvader put into making a drawing for my pirate sackboy in her own interesting new style, and the time spent from other artists. There was also some ridiculous fun in The Console Wars: Blackout for the eight or so who had stuck with it, and I definitely had some jaw-dropping moments from the creator. Aside from that, I remember when my level spotlights and creator interviews were still up, I got some very nice comments from people like GRAVEL and shropshirelass that made my work totally worth it. The future is a lot closer then it seems. Any plans for what you want to do in the not so distant future? Both in real life and on the forum. Find the time to get into programming, specifically for game development, but also for other things like web design, that will be a must for me. It's also about finding the right tools to learn from or teach oneself. I can't say I'll be visiting LBP much more, so it's why I've stuck to this one subset of the forum. Being able to participate in more great interactive writing experiences or roleplaying games like Mafia or TCW (or something new hopefully) would be great to keep myself entertained and be helping in crafting some exciting adventures. ^^ What got you into Little big planet and why did you originally come on to this forum? When I first got an iPhone I was kind of in the whole "app" craze, and one of these little one dollar time wasters I bought was a title called Pocket God. Looking at the devs' blog, there were several mentions of people who had created these levels for Pocket God in "Little Big Planet," and they were very impressive looking, but the style of the game was weird looking and I had never heard of it before. Later on in 2009, I had seen some ads for Little Big Planet again, some time between Black Friday and the winter holidays, so when my brother and I decided to split the money to buy a PS3, he got Modern Warfare 2 and I got Little Big Planet: Game of the Year Edition. ^^ As for the forums, well, I had been playing a lot of great community levels and noticed how so many people added this little advertising logo for LBPC, so I eventually caved in and visited the site, which led me to join. Too bad I didn't just go to the site the minute I saw one of those ads or I probably could've been closer to being part of the now-dying breed of '09ers. (I kid, it's not as bad as the nearly extinct '08ers... or '07ers.. *shudder*) What hobbies/talents/activities do you have/do? Umm.. playing LBP? I do like to play videogames, and I do like to get what time I can to larn programming so I can try making some botched-up prototype games. I'm a pretty good runner and I'm trying to find time to learn to play the guitar more, but most of the hobbies/talents I've tried getting into have continuously been pushed to the side so I hardly feel like I've had the time to truly master.. well, anything, but hopefully I can hone in on my interests and not let life's crap get in the way more than it already has. If one of the moderators said “hey would you be interested in being a moderator?” what would be your response and why? "Thanks but I'm not sure if I'd have the time for it." At least... I wouldn't have the interest outside the 'General' subforum, but even still. Thankfully, things have cooled down as opposed to years back to where every once in a while you'd get someone so angry they'd get into this 10 page-long rant with one of the mods like rtm before eventually being shut up and banned or whatever, so I wouldn't have to settle someone like that down. Also, some of the restrictions put where nobody could put a 'fail' image or whatever up because of some new, highly sensitive policies were then put in place, boy would I hate being one of the people who'd have to enforce those kind of rules. Thankfully, as I said before, it's not as annoyingly watched over like it was years back. What are your favourite things in the world? Astounding architecture, mind-bending puzzles woven into games that give you a huge sense of achievement once compelte, pokemans, martial arts, etc. etc. What are your least favourite things in the world? When people add an extra 'u' onto words like 'favorite'. I kid, I kid! Aside from that, probably Stalin, the future of our environment and governments, destruction of habitats, animal cruelty, child abductions, and maybe not much attention to asteroids like that one that could pass us by in 2032.. If you could meet anyone on the forum in real life, who would it be and why? Alismuffin, mainly to find out what the heck happened to that awesome indie project, "Don't Fall Asleep." Is there any advice you would like to give to new people on the forum? If an armored, kitten-petting geezer walks up to you offering peanuts, don't take them. Lack of association is the best way of escape! Finally is there a final comment you would like to give? Well I'm so sorry it took me ages to answer this. Well Thank you a lot Dragonvarsity for your time. Who will Rock the interview stage next? | 2013-10-30 17:19:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Who will Rock the interview stage next?[/B] I this an indication of the next interviewee? | 2013-10-30 17:34:00 Author: Shooter0898 Posts: 996 |
I this an indication of the next interviewee? He merely wants to rub jelly in the wound. | 2013-10-30 18:56:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
He merely wants to rub jelly in the wound. Yes. Yes I do and not just any jelly. LIME JELLY. That stuff is sour. | 2013-10-30 18:59:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Butter, you left part of my answer to the final question out! D: Oh, actually, I guess you really didn't. :> | 2013-10-30 19:16:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Congrats to butter-kicker and Dragonvarsity! That was a great read. It brought back loads of memories for one thing. Your blog was great btw. You got some pretty cool people as interviewees! http://lbplevelplace.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/creator-interview-ladylyn1.html Thanks for the mention. I'm amazed you remembered and GRAVEL was a cool guy. Shame he's not around any more. | 2013-10-30 19:35:00 Author: shropshirelass Posts: 1455 |
Congrats to butter-kicker and Dragonvarsity! That was a great read. It brought back a loads of memories for one thing. Your blog was great btw. You got some pretty cool people as interviewees! http://lbplevelplace.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/creator-interview-ladylyn1.html Thanks for the mention. I'm amazed you remembered and GRAVEL was a cool guy. Shame he's not around any more. HOLD THE PHONE. My blog has a british version?! I've always wanted a site with a british version. | 2013-10-30 19:55:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Great interview, Dragon and Butter! Can't wait to read more. | 2013-11-03 04:21:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
What a great interview. I totally read it to the end. However, there is something else... Something important. Leave the memeing (yes, that is a verb now) to me http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=47195&d=1383469312 | 2013-11-03 09:02:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Interview Dos Ryan86me Ryan ain't a golden oldie. But in his short time with us he has touched many hearts. As well as insulted many faces. I decided to sit down, have a coffee and interview him. Butter-Kicker is at it again and just enforcing that Rock isn't as humble as he may want us to believe. Lets just hope that Ryan isn't as grumpy as the peanut lord or as Ryan's avatar would suggest. You aren't exactly a oldie of the site. I mean you have only been here for little over a year.But whilst you have been here I am sure you have witnessed some sad,funny or down-right disturbing moments. Any come to mind in particular? Yep. Finding out Rawk has a girlfriend, and that she was not, despite first impressions, a statue of a Disney Princess. It's a bit hard to describe the feelings and emotions in my head at that time. ARR FORUM GAMES ARR YOU ENJOY THOSE ARR. WHY AM I A PIRATE ARRR. Any favorite forum game moments? Arr Arr.. er, I mean, man, that's a lot of forum game moments to choose from. I ARR think I'll go with the whole flamingemu and craigmond soap opera debate. If only flamingemu had turned out to be male - I never would've let craig live it down . Arr Do you see yourself as a creative person? Or are you more of the lean back with a couple of Pepsi's kinda guy? I prefer Coke In all seriousness, I'm creative when I need be (a la TCW, though I haven't been as active as I've wanted to be lately)), but I'm pretty laid back (AKA lazy, to be brutally honest ) for the most part. If you do want to see me being creative for reasons unknown, feel free to listen to some of the stuff I have up on Soundcloud under Anoxia's account (AnoxiaOfficial), or check out the collage I did for Halloween in the Art and Creativity sub-forum. Here it comes. The Cliche' Moderator Question. *mhmmm.* If one of the Moderators asked you "Hey would you like to be a Moderator?" What would you respond with and why? "Despite my sudden urge to hug you and make love to the nearest LBPC-related object that I can find out of sheer joy, I must decline your offer," is something along the lines of what I would say. While I would definitely be happy to be a moderator on LBPC, I simply don't have the free time to do so, what with school, homework, etc. If I had more time to be on LBPC, however, I would for sure spring on the opportunity. As well as being friendly we are quite the competitive bunch here at LBPC. If you were to create a competition on anything. What would it be? Hmm... Smexiness. I would for sure win. What's that, you say? You don't think I would win that competition? Fine, then. Music creation. People could make a song through one of the following means - playing an instrument, or through the LBP music creator. Entries in these categories would be judged separately by 3 appointed judges who would not be a part of the contest. Any people you would like to thank? Anyone you think you will remember especially. WHO IS COOL DAWG? WELL U PRETTY TIGHT DAWG WIT DAT INTERVIEWALIZATION ACTION. Anyway, I want to give a shout-out to 5 people in particular: SR20DETDOG - For hosting the Community Chessboard, designing a badass logo for my one-man band Anoxia (which I hope to start making music in again), and sharing his awesome artwork. Dragonvarsity - For being extremely hospitable, and for urging me to keep up the writing for TCW (I swear I'm still working on my next post, Dragon! I just got the flu in the middle of writing it, which unfortunately set me back.) You, butter-kicker - For also being there in the Forum Games, for the wonderfully perverted jokes and fodder for the Quote Archive, and, of course, for this interview! RockSauron - For PEANUTS. And for all of the Forum Game fun Burnvictim42 - For introducing me to one of my favorite forum games of all time: LBPC Mafia. Of course, there are plenty of other great people I've met on these forums, but, if I mentioned all of them, this question alone would be the majority of the interview . I have seen your smexy face. I know what that Avatar was based off. Anyone you would like to meet even if you have not seen there smexy or not so smexy face? Now, back up. You said "smexy or not so smexy." So, right off the bat, let me clear this up - we are all smexy here at LBPC. Anyway, I can't really single out anyone to meet - you're all pretty awesomely equal in my book. I suppose, however, that the person I have the biggest likelihood of meeting would be Rawk, what with him being at Disney a lot and me going to Disney with my family on a pretty regular basis. Of course, I would have to explain to my parents upon meeting him that he is not, indeed, a child predator from the interwebz, which would probably be their first reaction should a dude of whom's identity they had no idea of come and refer to me as "Ryan86me". That'd be a bit awkward. We all like LBP here right? (If not. Get out) But we all have to take gaming brakes from it. What games but LBP do you like? I like a lot of games, really - I don't even know where to begin. Hmm...the Persona Series, the Killzones, Portal 1 and 2, Half Life 1 and 2, the (sadly all but gone) Tony Hawk games, Guitar Hero, a little bit of Pokemon here and there, Hotline Miami, Super Stardust Delta, BlazBlue, etc, etc, and et cetera. Lastly. I like you hair. Also any last comments? I've got a lot of things I could say, but I'll leave everyone off with this - thanks to the people of LBPC for being such a great community! Also, hair. http://i.imgur.com/uyk7GoR.jpg Well wasn't that a Rawky show? Who will be RAWKING the interviews next week? It ain't going to be RockSauron that's for sure. | 2013-11-06 17:07:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
That interview sure rawked. | 2013-11-06 17:33:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
Ah, well, maybe next time I get into the top five. | 2013-11-06 17:36:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Ah, well, maybe next time I get into the top five. Hey, it was just the first 5 people I could come up with at the top of my head . There's countless more, like you, Dawn, craig, flamingemu, rialrees, gdn, ali_star, shooter, and the like. On a different day, you probably would've ended up in that list; those were just the people who happened to come to mind first. Oh, and I love the new avatar | 2013-11-06 18:12:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
That interview sure rawked. GET OUT Also, what's so hard to believe about me having a girlfriend? D: | 2013-11-06 18:34:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Also, what's so hard to believe about me having a girlfriend? D: Because we know you didn't get one with your internet-personality? I kid. @Ryan: I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! I kid again. | 2013-11-06 21:29:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Because we know you didn't get one with your internet-personality? I got one by being Silly. Which is more or less what my internet personality is. | 2013-11-06 21:31:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
GET OUT Also, what's so hard to believe about me having a girlfriend? D: It's not the fact you have one that is surprising. It's the fact she isn't a Disney princess. | 2013-11-06 21:31:00 Author: Shooter0898 Posts: 996 |
It's not the fact you have one that is surprising. It's the fact she isn't a Disney princess. She is to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 | 2013-11-06 21:33:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
She is to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Does anybody smell cheese? | 2013-11-06 21:50:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Got a mention :blush: Seriously though, great interviews butter, keep 'em coming <3 D: Who said I was a girl get ur facts straight. | 2013-11-07 17:04:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Although I seem to fall into the minority of users here* I would like to be interviewed. I doubt it will happen and I fully understand if I'm not, I just figured I'd nab the opportunity while it was here. *<-------See the custom description above my name? And my huge reputation bar? Neither do I. | 2013-11-11 02:57:00 Author: qwerty123456 Posts: 309 |
Interview Clank and Flash. | 2013-11-11 03:14:00 Author: Unknown User |
I confess: I am not the one being interviewed. Huh, took a lot to get that out of my chest. Blimey. | 2013-11-11 19:39:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Interview Clank and Flash. They're not coming back Let it go The only people left who you'd probably care about an interview for would be me and whale, and he never posts anymore. So potato | 2013-11-11 19:41:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
The only people left who you'd probably care about an interview for would be me and whale, and he never posts anymore. So potato And that is why you are never being interviewed. ever. :kz: | 2013-11-11 19:57:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
And that is why you are never being interviewed. ever. :kz: So you're not interviewing me just to make Alex mad? Fair enough. I can live with that. | 2013-11-11 20:01:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
No... no... That's... That's not nice. Anyway, interview me, I think I ****** the mods off more than most people. With some exceptions. Some people were worse than me. | 2013-11-12 02:41:00 Author: Unknown User |
So you're not interviewing me just to make Alex mad? Fair enough. I can live with that. No no no, he's not interviewing you just to make you mad. The whole Alex thing is just a convenient side effect. | 2013-11-12 02:42:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
I'm liking these but where is the rawk's? and mine? :kz: | 2013-11-12 09:33:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
No... no... That's... That's not nice. Anyway, interview me, I think I ****** the mods off more than most people. With some exceptions. Some people were worse than me. I highly doubt the current mods even remember you Anyway. Meh. Interview billy | 2013-11-12 12:44:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I highly doubt the current mods even remember you Wrong again... | 2013-11-12 13:23:00 Author: jwwphotos Posts: 11383 |
Wrong again... Curse you, jwwphotos, for proving me wrong! I will get you back... ... ... Somehow! | 2013-11-12 13:32:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
For the last time, I am not the one being interviewed! Cheese, you guys are thick sometimes! | 2013-11-12 14:28:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
For the last time, I am not the one being interviewed! Cheese, you guys are thick sometimes! Plot twist: he's the one being interviewed. | 2013-11-13 00:19:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Wrong again... oh **** | 2013-11-13 02:29:00 Author: Unknown User |
People do read these Butter. We just don't like to comment when there's nothing else than spam. We are just waiting for the next interview. PS: Stop it, guys! I am not the next person on the list! | 2013-11-19 07:18:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
People do read these Butter. We just don't like to comment when there's nothing else than spam. We are just waiting for the next interview. PS: Stop it, guys! I am not the next person on the list! You got me excited. I thought there was another Interview up. | 2013-11-19 08:31:00 Author: ConverseFox Posts: 2333 |
I'm liking these but where is the rawk's? and mine? :kz: Ok I don't care so much about rawk but you should seriously consider interviewing me, I am a great member. Just look at my avatar. And how cool I am. If you interview Rawk he will just spend all the time talking about how awesome I am anyway. /vote ard | 2013-11-21 20:18:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
Ok I don't care so much about rawk but you should seriously consider interviewing me, I am a great member. Just look at my avatar. And how cool I am. If you interview Rawk he will just spend all the time talking about how awesome I am anyway. /vote ard He's right, I would. | 2013-11-21 20:19:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Ok I don't care so much about rawk but you should seriously consider interviewing me, I am a great member. Just look at my avatar. And how cool I am. If you interview Rawk he will just spend all the time talking about how awesome I am anyway. /vote ard Who is this ard you speak of? | 2013-11-21 20:42:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Interview Flash | 2013-11-22 10:56:00 Author: Unknown User |
Interview Moltres FreeAim This guy is too cheeky. I mean the cheek of this guy is cheek. Buttcheek that is. First he sends me all of his answers in Comic Sans and if that isn't enough he has the guts to positively start mouthing us off in some of his answers. Back in my day these young witter-snappers would have met my belt. Wait. He is older then I am. Never mind. On with the interview. Freeaim Such wow much interview. If you could change one thing about our beautiful home LBPC. What would it be and why? A 2010'er such as yourself has to have some ideas right? That's a funny thing to ask. If I thought that something would need to be changed here, I would probably state it without being asked. That being said, there are a few technical issues with the site, which I am sure are being constantly discussed and worked on. You've talked to a lot of people on this forum. Anyone who comes to mind especially that you will always remember fondly? There are lots of people I like here. Some of them I find brilliant and some of them are simply kind. I remember every single one of those people, but only if I really try. That's the key to moving forward instead of sticking to the past. Here it comes. The Cliche' Moderator Question. *mhmmm.* If one of the Moderators asked you "Hey would you like to be a Moderator?" What would you respond with and why? Yes I copied this from Ryan's interview. Why? Because I can. That's why! I am not rather passionate about things like that, so my answer would be no. While I have been signing up for the Spotlight team, the contest team thingy and several other groups, moderating is not a thing I would ever want to do. I see this site as a friendly place I can come and have fun at. I fear that after becoming a moderator, I would see this place as more of a work place. There are a lot of funny moments on LBPC but there are also dem sad moments. Any friends that have left the forums that you will/do miss and Why? I just wonder... how disappointing would it be if I answered 'no'? I guess I am about to find out, because that's my answer. Now, don't see me as a heartless person for saying this, but I find it really difficult to miss people, especially ones I only know from the internet. It's sad. Why would I want to be sad? Then again, there are few people at the time I would have wanted to spend a little more time with when they were here, but names are not required. You have all the creative abilities in the world at your disposal. What do you make? A trampoline-planet, a dinosaur park, time machine and the create a circus at the stone age, a machine that could hold a small event horizon in it (because I find the concept of event horizons fascinating), an asteroid with a pyramid on it, a parallel universe where troubles are sorted out with card games and a magic house where every room tricks the people in it with mirrors, smoke and fake doors, because it would be hilarious. Another Cliche' question. Is there anyone on this forum that you would like to meet face to face. Maybe go have lunch with. Oh no... If I wanted to know how people's faces look, there's always the "Ugly mugs of LBPC"-thread for it. If you could create a video game/movie. what would the game/movie be about? Oh, there are a few movies I would want to make! Sci-fi is a big passion of mine and my movie would be in a near future where humans have created a time-tunnel to the dinosaur era and created a fun place where tourists can go to and watch dinosaurs and interact with them. However, trouble would spring when the time-tunnel would expand in a massive scale, creating an alternate reality where (modern/post-modern) humans and dinosaurs would basically live on the same planet at the same time. Another one is a fantasy movie in 1920's, with pharaohs and mystery in Egypt and stuff. I know movies like that exist, but I mean one that is actually good. What are your hobbies in the real world. Yes that it exists Drama! I love to act and write and direct short plays and sketches for different sorts of purposes, but mostly for entertainment of myself and others. I have actually written and directed and acted in different variations of the classic "Frank, Frank, Frank" sketch (I don't know how classic that is... anywhere, but it's a classic here) as well as a few short plays, such as "Back to the Future!!1", where a specially picked bunch of time-travelers test the first time-travel device and go back about 2000 years ago to find the truth about the events of the bible (which was actually on a special request) and a play where Santa Claus gets a burn-out and decides to choose a predecessor for his work (all of these plays had the majestic budget of "what people happen to find in their houses"). As you see, I am very passionate about the things I do. Any last thoughts/comments? This was a rather fascinating interview! I don't think participating in one is actually quite as much fun as actually reading them, but... Well, it's fun anyway, especially when I get to brag about and exaggerate my surprisingly low amount of social life. As holiday seasons are fast approaching, I suggest you all switch to a less-serious mind-set about most things and chill! Well thanks FreeAim (Cheeky dude). I sure enjoyed this interview and in order to apologize for the long wait next week is the: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Any recommendations for the Christmas special? feel free to leave below. | 2013-11-22 23:01:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
I remember you saying I'd be the Christmas Special, but I guess not. Oh well Um... I vote Ard. Oh, and nice interview. Whee. | 2013-11-22 23:21:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I vote Ard. Who is this ard you speak of? But wow a chsitmas interview that should be me just look at my avatar happy new avatar | 2013-11-23 00:33:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
Dang it, Cog knows I'm just playing with him. If we're voting for future interviewees then, I guess I'll go ahead and drop a few votes down for: ARD, Gilgamesh, and shropshirelass. (Not that there aren't a bunch of others to name.) | 2013-11-23 00:51:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
PS: Stop it, guys! I am not the next person on the list! YOU LIED TO US!!!!!!!!! | 2013-11-23 01:55:00 Author: Shooter0898 Posts: 996 |
Plot twist: he's the one being interviewed. https://mlpchan.net/oat/src/1383499299821.jpg | 2013-11-23 02:00:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
https://mlpchan.net/oat/src/1383499299821.jpg WOAH! You must be, like, a Wizard, or something. Or at least Brazilian. | 2013-11-23 02:14:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
WOAH! You must be, like, a Wizard, or something. Or at least Brazilian. ... "You're a Brazilian, Harry!" - Hagrid | 2013-11-23 14:48:00 Author: DominationMags Posts: 1840 |
Cog http://www.majhost.com/gallery/cogmonkey2/stuff/fuuuuuu.gif But anyway, I just noticed this thread was started on my birthday so I should definitely be next as a birthday present | 2013-11-27 02:58:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
Dang it, Cog knows I'm just playing with him. If we're voting for future interviewees then, I guess I'll go ahead and drop a few votes down for: ARD, Gilgamesh, and shropshirelass. (Not that there aren't a bunch of others to name.) Aaw, thank you! I don't think I'd be a good choice though (and that's not a FreeAim style bluff ). I'd like to see an interview with Burnvictim, Ali_Star or SnipySev. Also, I think someone should turn the tables on butter-kicker and interview him! Oh and biorogue too! | 2013-11-27 18:04:00 Author: shropshirelass Posts: 1455 |
These interviews are quite good. I'd like to see an interview with Burnvictim, shropshirelass, biorogue, or LadyLuck_777 | 2013-11-27 20:01:00 Author: DawnBreaker_23 Posts: 568 |
Can't wait for the next interview! | 2014-01-27 14:21:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Can't wait for the next interview! There won't be one. He just wants to torture me | 2014-01-27 16:34:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
The wait is figuratively killing me! WHO IS IT GOING TO BE?!?! | 2014-02-12 15:55:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
We're still waiting for the CHRISTMAS SPECIAL aren't we? | 2014-02-12 16:12:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
We're still waiting for the CHRISTMAS SPECIAL aren't we? What you guys actually care enough about these to keep me making them? | 2014-02-12 19:23:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
What you guys actually care enough about these to keep me making them? Duh. doodies | 2014-02-12 19:27:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
What you guys actually care enough about these to keep me making them? Not as much as I care about you making RPG with me | 2014-02-12 19:29:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
http://i59.tinypic.com/r1wm6g.png It's the Rock and Fox connection as I give you a double whammy interview. Hopefully I can get back on track from here but enough about me. Let's move on to ConverseFox and then after take a visit to RockSauron ------------------------------ CONVERSEFOX Hey there my boi, Here is a question for ya. What if anything would you change or add to LBPC if you had the power to do so? Maybe add an adult section. Of course it'd require a sure way of making sure people aren't pretending to be an adult. Maybe verification via Skype? I dunno. This forum is host to many a splendid member. If you had to live with any of them who would they be and why? That's a tough question. I think it would be awkward to live with anybody I only know through text, but if I really had to I dunno who I'd choose. If we broadened it to neighbors then I'd say most people I know here including the old PSP forum people. Plus we'd be able to find out if Emu is male or female.. That's like the 8th wonder of the modern world. CLICHE' QUESTION. If you were offered the job of moderator on LBPC would you accept it and why? Probably not. I already have trouble staying within this site's rules. You have infinite money but you can only do one thing with it. What would that one thing be and why? One thing? Use it to live the rest of my life never getting a job. Cuz YOLO Any ideas about what you want to do in the future? Anything from programming games to working on films. I've actually recently started learning Java. Why did you originally come to this forum and how did you find out about it? I heard about this forum from an LBP level on the PSP. I came here out of curiosity, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Four years later, here I am. What is your favorite thing in the entire world and what is your least favorite? Favorite thing in the entire world? Tacos. Least favorite thing? Jokes about gingers. I have red hair and I don't necessarily hate jokes about gingers, but they're so annoying since I've heard them all already.. multiple times.. What does thy fox sayeth? "Aww man!" ... Get it? ... It was a Dora joke... Any final comment(s)? I suppose not.. Well.. I guess this is a comment, but.. ... What is this question even for... Like, am I supposed to spill the beans on my evil plan to take over the world? You can't defeat my foxiness. Like, don't even try.. seriously.. I need this on my super-villain resume. ---------------------------------------------- ROCKSAURON As one of the oldest currently active members of LBPC you must have seen your fair share of memorable moments. Can you list a couple please? Hm... Let's see! I first started getting active when I joined Marino (a pirate and one of the first mods who was eventually banned) and Darkelite (some guy) on some scribble drawing program I forget during the LBP beta as we drew up plans for levels we never made. A few weeks later, I got all depressed for a few days, before Stix made a thread titled "What's up with Rock?" which made me all happy that people noticed I was depressed. So I got more active. Then there was the great Clank fiasco of early 2009, when the original spambot (seriously, how did he get 4k posts way back when?) was banned for some reason and we lsot our colored usernames. Then, a few months alter, SPAM CAN! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ... Then, some things happened, and I'm now typing this up. You certainly aren't a shy one but these newer members might be a bit shy to get involved in the community. Any advice for the young ones? Keep it clean Rawk! Actually, I'm a very shy one. Talking to new people or going to new forums makes me all shy and scared. Only reason I'm so active is because I've been here for five and a half years. So my recommendation for shy noobs is to build a time machine and go back in time to summer 2008, registering then, and ry not to rewrite too much of reality with your knowledge and mere presence outside of the space time continuum. You have just been giving four tickets to the holiday of your dreams but you can only give the other three to members of LBPC. Who would you give them to and why? Out of currently active members? Hm... Well, first off, my holiday of my dreams is Disney World, but that's like 45 minutes away and I have an annual pass so not like it's that big a deal. Anyway... flamingemu, so I can finally decide on it's gender Ultimateclay (or Testundi or whoever he's called now) because he's my pet brat and I always take care of my pets Ard (NOT COG!) because I want to see if he'll actually kill me in person Where did this whole obsession for RPG's come from? You seem pretty peanuts about it.I for one cannot recall where it came from. I want to make RPG. Real bad. You have infinite money provided to you but you can only do one thing with it. What would it be? Doy. Make RPG. If you could choose one member for an interview who would it be and why? Ard because I'm pretty sure I made a joke with him beforehand about this subject matter but I can ardly be bothered to check to see the context. Any hobbies that you like to take part in the real world? I play videogames, watch Naruto (did I mention that yet?) as well as writing Naruto fanfiction because I'm a Narutard. I, uh, also walk my dog? I guess? CLICHE' QUESTION! If you were offered the place of super demon moderator. Would you accept it and why? I would wonder why Taffey (Or CC I guess, though I haven't seen him since he returned) got suddenly stupid. Otherwise, no, I wouldn't. It's be work I wouldn't want, I'd need to be less silly and calm down and act "professional", and I wouldn't get paid! THE HORROR Any final comments for this interview Rawky ol' boy? You knew it was coming... ARR PEE GEE! ------------------------------------- Well I hope you enjoyed this double whammy of interviews. It ain't no Christmas special but I hope you're satisfied. Who will flamingemu the stage next? | 2014-02-13 16:47:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Oh, I'm part of a double interview. I see. :kz: Oh well, nice! And judging by the ending, I'm guessing the next interviewee will be me. | 2014-02-13 16:53:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Getting an interview of RAWK is similar to what I would feel like if Leonardo Di Caprio won an Oscar. It's all good and all but... it's just not the same anymore. | 2014-02-13 16:56:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
Also, why didn't you get my reaction pic? Oh well, here it is http://31.media.tumblr.com/8266a79e006e064b8a5cfab68cf53615/tumblr_msfbnqGsDD1rxlk8io1_500.png | 2014-02-13 17:35:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
*this thread is exempt from my General Chat boycott* Ard (NOT COG!) because I want to see if he'll actually kill me in person A free trip to Disney and an opportunity to kill the Rawk? How could I refuse? :kz: Ard because I'm pretty sure I made a joke with him beforehand about this subject matter but I can ardly be bothered to check to see the context. I don't know what this means but that "ardly" thing was ardly funny 5 years ago so stop pls. Anyway yay new interviews wahoo love it good job :star::star::star::star::star: <3 | 2014-02-13 17:45:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
You think Ardly is unfunny? I Ardly give a darn :kz: Also, you're boycotting General Chat? You monster. | 2014-02-13 17:50:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Then there was the great Clank fiasco of early 2009, when the original spambot (seriously, how did he get 4k posts way back when?) was banned for some reason Trying to game the old rep system followed by a brief return and account suicide. | 2014-02-13 19:56:00 Author: Rabid-Coot Posts: 6728 |
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