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The Master Brick

Archive: 4 posts

I am creating a level (well, really three levels) where you can build with Lego-style bricks. Once you have emitted the brick you want to work with, you hop in the master brick and put them together.

The brick has three speeds; high, low and crawl. You can rotate freely or pivot at 90? angles. You can change layers, lock and unlock bricks, use it to drive the car you built or pilot the spaceship you made.

In the pic, the master brick is the little orange box behind the blue brick. Incidentally and unfortunately, you will not get this version of this blue brick. If you look close, you can see a piece of thin layer placed halfway inside the thick layer, put there via .the 1/2 nudge tool . The problem being once you capture the object, that nudged thin becomes thack when emitted or pulled from your popit. I am either going to go with the thack version or make a theck version.

2013-10-16 18:31:00

Posts: 434

I've had the pleasure of driving that master brick and it works like a charm!2013-10-16 22:19:00

Posts: 359

What's that? You demand more pics of this unassuming orange blob in action? Say no more...


2013-10-17 02:37:00

Posts: 434

I've had the pleasure of driving that master brick and it works like a charm!

I have seen this level as well and it has got me quite excited to finally play with bricks again
2013-10-20 02:11:00

Posts: 611

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