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Some logic questions

Archive: 7 posts

Hi everyone. Ivebeen messing abour on karting for a while and relised, i can come up with some aesome things....
but somethings irriate me, so I have a few questions.
1. Most annoying is the physics teaker and the way it relates to gravity. IN lbp2 you can siply turn of gravitys affect on an object by dampening it by 100%, in karting there apperas to be no such option. I KNow i can make an object be un-dynamic to make it stay put, but, i cant make that objerct change to dynamic by being hit.

Basically, I can make it so that i can have a tag on a bullet that will turn off an physics tweaker on a dynamic object so it falls etc. But, if its stationary in air, even if i touch off it it will stilll move. Its incredibly annoying as I can tweak dampening to be 1.0 (but not 100%???). Connecting up a direction splitter, etc, to the object only changes its colour, not it being dynamic.
Is there a way???
2. When I create a custom kart, there alwats seems to be an invisible block at the front. This is baffling.
I have tried moving the cockpit and chassis right to the frnt of the custom kart, but it still has an invisible area at the front.
I make a boat, and the idea is that it has to avoid floating boxes in the water. However, because of this 'area' at the front, its running into them before the actual prow reaches the box.

Is anyone else annoyed by these problems that just dont seem to make sense amd how can you fix them?
THanks guys an gals for any help you can give.
2013-10-10 13:02:00

Posts: 662

I was expecting some of the more meastro's to answer.

1. I'm not quite sure what effect you're trying for, just dropping an object when shot? If you don't want it to be dynamic, then use the sensor attached to a motor (piston?). Also, the dampening is in ratio, so 1.0 = 100%. It is a shame you can't selectively turn on it being dynamic... or at least not any way I know how.

2. There are greater minds than mine for this specific question (I've not dabbled in custom karts much), but I have seen several posts suggesting using a small piece of force field to put the cockpit on, and shrinking that within the custom kart to try to regulate the hit box size.
2013-10-10 21:56:00

Posts: 388

|Thanks for your advice St.Jimmy. Its a shame not more have embraced Karting, as its a great game and a brilliant multiplayer party game offline. Trying to do a halloween level myself. The object gravity thing is this...
I wanted a pillar to be at the side of the track, when someone shoots it, it collapses, however, if anyone runs into it, it wont budge.. At the moment it all works, except if a player touches it, it moves, despite being 0 gravity and full dampening. I even thought of glueing the pilliar to a small undynamic block of forcefield and wiring it that when it was hit, it destroyed the forcefield, allowing the block to fall....but no luck....sigh.....I'll keep trying ideas....but fair play to you for your help mate.
I got the kart to work....but not the way i wanted.
2013-10-11 01:10:00

Posts: 662

That's an interesting thing to go for. Sounds like fun. I have 2 suggestions.

1. This is for non-dynamic. You can have the pillar attached to a motor. You can use a hinge to make the pillar fall as a single unit, or several hinges to make pieces of the pillar fall more independently. Likewise, you can use pathfinder motors and a custom path to give it a more "real" falling feel.

2. For dynamic objects, you could try to use a magnet tool on pieces of the pillar and a forcefield (that's not dynamic) in the ground where you want the pillars stuck.
2013-10-11 03:36:00

Posts: 388

2. When I create a custom kart, there alwats seems to be an invisible block at the front. This is baffling.
I have tried moving the cockpit and chassis right to the frnt of the custom kart, but it still has an invisible area at the front.
I make a boat, and the idea is that it has to avoid floating boxes in the water. However, because of this 'area' at the front, its running into them before the actual prow reaches the box. .

Hey Sean88, sorry you've been having trouble! I have found with custom karts that applying microchips and certain logic items occupy "space" on the kart, creating odd physics. Do you have any custom logic applied to the kart?
2013-10-11 14:36:00

Posts: 114

Thabks for all your help guys... I will rey all your ideas today.
@StJimmysAdiction- I never thought of magents
@Hiroshige0- I have one, but need it. its on the rear side of the kart, but needed to handle speed and on/off lights logic and such.
2013-10-13 13:55:00

Posts: 662

Then that's likely your problem; I'd suggest making a quick copy of your kart and removing the chip altogether to test it out and see for sure whether its the cause.

If it is, then try offloading all the logic from the chip onto the kart directly and see how that works, you might have to shrink everything to microscopic size to get it all to fit cohesively.
2013-10-13 15:20:00

Posts: 114

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