Need Help With PS3 Errors
Archive: 1 post
Okay, so it started a very long time ago. Maybe about a year. I don't remember exactly. Anyway, my PS3 started having issues connecting to the PSN. I think it'd be easier to explain in steps. This is what would happen: 1. I would turn it on. 2. It would sign me in. 3. I would launch a game/application 4. I would be able to use the game/application online logged into PSN. (unless I had to update the game/application) 5. I would quit that game/application. 6. I would be signed out of PSN if I tried to launch another game/application. 7. I would not be able to sign back into PSN at all. 8. I would turn my PS3 off. 9. If I would turn it back on, it would still be unable to connect to the PSN. 10. I would have to wait about 5 hours before I could turn it back on successfully signing back in to PSN. Notes: * Sometimes the time and date would be random and the year would be way off into something like 2027. * I am not able to set the time and date with the internet. I can only update the time manually. * The error codes I encountered while failing to either connect to PSN or update the time via internet are: 80010519 and 8001050F. After GTA Online opened I had to fix this with all of the bugs causing me to have to turn off my PS3 and then the title updates would cause me to be signed out. So I looked around the internet for a fix. I found that my problem could be that my CMOS battery is dead which is what's responsible to keep the time and date correct while the system is off and stuff. So, I went through the trouble of tearing apart my PS3 Slim to reach the CMOS battery, and I replaced it with one I had just bought new from the store. I made sure I got the correct battery. (CR2032) Then I started it up and this happened: 1. It asked me for the time and date upon start-up. (which makes sense since I just changed the CMOS battery) 2. I entered the correct time and date. 3. It failed to sign in automatically. (I don't know why) 4. I set the time via the internet. (this was the first time it's worked since last year) 5. I signed-in and it worked fine. 6. I started up GTA V. 7. It told me I was not signed-in from the in-game menu, but when I hit the PS button I could see my friends list. 8. I turned off the console and turned it back on. 9. The first thing, it asked be for the time and date again. 10. It would NOT set the time via the internet. 11. It would not sign-in at all again. I then tested the old CMOS battery with an LED and it lit up perfectly fine. So this is where I'm at now. I always have to set the time and date when I turn it on, and I can't sign-in to the PSN at all.. That new battery seems to have made things worse.. I'm entirely confused and don't have the money to buy a new PS3 and the warranty is expired (plus I ripped of the warranty stickers. Plural stickers since I bought my PS3 referbished and it had two stickers.) If somebody could help me, that would be fantastic. I need help. UPDATE: I just started up my PS3 after about an hour and this happened: 1. It started up WITHOUT asking for the time and date. 2. It failed to sign in automatically. (probably because the time and date were wrong from the last time I didn't set it correctly) 3. I set the time via the internet. 4. I signed-in and it worked fine. 5. I started up GTA V and GTA Online seems to be working. UPDATE 2: After restarting it again, it seems to have the same issue just slightly different. | 2013-10-05 08:59:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
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