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AI for spaceship dogfighting

Archive: 4 posts

I've done it again... I have gone and gotten myself sidetracked by one of my other projects. While knee deep in pseudo cluedo, all I could think about was making my dogfight spaceships act like MOBs when not user controlled. This way, whether you play it with three of your friends or by yourself, there will always be four ships engaged in combat.


Along with the AI, I am working on a series of power-ups that add a little variety and strategy to the mix. Things like strafing missiles, homing missiles, proximity mines, emp, shields, etc...

once I get a viable working combat mode, I want to add other features like capture the flag/resource that offer some team based play. Below is an early shot of the selection screen before the actual combat starts.

2013-10-04 15:15:00

Posts: 434

very cool! look forward to more of you're progress. I'm liking those gauges and switches. where did ya get them? i haven't found everything yet. I'm bad. lol!2013-10-04 19:25:00

kindo vall
Posts: 22

They are from the cross-controller pack. The rocket ships are from the toy story pack. I am also proud to point out that the controls are identical for left and right facing ships, no awkward mirrored controls to fumble through.2013-10-04 19:54:00

Posts: 434

This is so cool! No doubt you are an awesome creator2013-10-04 22:21:00

Posts: 66

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