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weapons test

Archive: 7 posts

here some weapons i've been working on. got a pistol, a machine gun and flam thrower. thought id show em off. grab them to equip them and use l1 and r1 to change direction. r2 is the trigger. at the moment there is no ammo logic cause i don't know how to do that yet. lol!

weapons test (http://lbp.me/v/qnxfwdh)

edit: they now have ammo logic. r1 is now the trigger, reload is triangle and you switch directions with L1 and circle.
2013-09-25 04:27:00

kindo vall
Posts: 22

Awesome!! I will check it out! I will toy with it (like I do with all things I get) and if I make adjustments or add logic or things to it to add effects or twists, I will let you know!2013-09-28 05:02:00

Posts: 66

I'll be back for this, looks good.2013-09-29 01:08:00

Posts: 15

Today when I get on, this will be one of my things to check. Then if there are any weapons we are prized, I will play with it and tell you any add-ons i made. Thanks and I will fill you in later.2013-09-29 15:50:00

Posts: 66

thanks for the review jorel. ill have to take a look at those problems. it will run out of ammo after about 3 reloads i believe then you have to find more ammo. cant remember but i don't think i put much ammo in the level. ill have to check up on this though.i also plan to make them a bit more detailed once i iron out the kinks. And i may just make them a give away. Thanks again!2013-10-01 03:19:00

kindo vall
Posts: 22

thanks for the review jorel. ill have to take a look at those problems. it will run out of ammo after about 3 reloads i believe then you have to find more ammo. cant remember but i don't think i put much ammo in the level. ill have to check up on this though.i also plan to make them a bit more detailed once i iron out the kinks. And i may just make them a give away. Thanks again!
Your so very welcome! I love to do that. If you make any more projects, PLEASE let me know! I will do all I can to help you. When they are given away, please tell me. I will toy with them and if I make any adjustments I want you to see, I have a level to give it away just to you personally.
2013-10-01 03:30:00

Posts: 66

I've added a flash light. have yet to fix the death problem with the guns. flash light isn't perfect. still a bit jittery. all these things im putting on this test sight i plan to use in my zombie levels. im still working on the apartment building interior so that's taking most of my time. ill finish them sooner or later. lol!2013-10-04 05:12:00

kindo vall
Posts: 22

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