So i'm pretty sure that lame republishing exploit from LBP 1 & 2 still works right?
Archive: 5 posts
Please tell me i'm wrong. | 2013-09-08 22:36:00 Author: IcyFlamez_ ![]() Posts: 118 |
Unfortunately, it still does. I'm not sure if you mean Latin_Player_10 type stuff or just publishing your own level twice, but you can still do both. | 2013-09-10 14:19:00 Author: qwerty123456 ![]() Posts: 309 |
I don't completely understand what you're referring too. I'm talking about republishing slightly edited versions of the same level to keep it relevant which gets it more plays. | 2013-09-11 05:18:00 Author: IcyFlamez_ ![]() Posts: 118 |
That is the second thing I referred to. And yes, it still works unfortunately. | 2013-09-12 03:12:00 Author: qwerty123456 ![]() Posts: 309 |
Welp... Imma be using it a lot then | 2013-09-12 05:41:00 Author: IcyFlamez_ ![]() Posts: 118 |
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