LBPC Mafia: Blood & Ice-cream Sign-ups
Archive: 115 posts
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=46721&d=1378586154 Welcome to this part of the forum games, where wise men come to die and clowns come to go crazier! This is fourth in row of LBPC’s new, 2013-year’s mafia forum-games, this time hosted by the miraculous me! Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to… LBPC Mafia: Blood & Ice-cream! How to play? In order to participate in the LBPC Mafia, you need to sign up. Signing up is easy – just leave a post on this page saying “I'm In.” (or any other phrase of signing up that suits your fancy), and I will PM you your role after a fair amount of players volunteer. Roles are randomly generated, so requesting for a role over PM will result in absolutely nothing (even if you give me cookies). There are two individual teams – the Civilians and the Mafia. The game proceeds in two repeating stages – day and night – and starts off with day. Every day, each member of the game will use logical deduction and exquisitely random guessing to try and determine who they would like to vote for – the citizens wanting to discover who is Mafia and vote them off, and the Mafia wanting to vote off whoever floats their boat. There shall be NO PMs among citizens – all discussion will remain on the game’s thread. Everybody will vote on whoever they would like to vote on. The handsome chief of police – yours truly – will frequently tally up these votes, in order to give the fair citizens and the not-so fair Mafia scum a report, which will be publicly posted as a standard, grade-A post. When the night comes, the Mafia will privately communicate via PMs who they would like to assassinate. Then, when they come to a conclusion, they will all PM me the group’s choice. If the Civilians manage to kill off all of the DMM, they will have officially won the game. If, however, at any time, the number of Mafia members is greater than the number of Civilians, the Mafia will have won the game. When playing this game, there are two things you will largely want to do. First, you will want to tell off all of those Mafia scumbags, and find out who they are. This requires deep, hard thinking, but guessing or using Random.org is, of course, a perfectly viable solution . The second thing you want to do is profess your innocence, though you will probably save this for when you have a lot of people screaming “EVERYONE, BELIEVE ME! HE IS PART OF THE DARN MAFIAAAA!”. More rules: -Do not post a picture of the PM I sent you saying what your role is, even if you are dead. You may post it after the game is over if you want however. -Stay active. There are always those foolish inactive players in the game. Don't be one of them. -Do not privately reveal your role to another member. We want to have fun in this game. Even if you are the most hated person in the whole town, it’s still fun for us! -At night time, you may not post game-related information, such as who you think is guilty. You may however, post funny gifs and ask me if it's day yet. "Are we there yet?" -If you are confused or want to know about another mafia game, check out Ryan86Me's/Jarrequin001’s previous mafia game. Roles Mafia -The Trader: The trader has the power to switch roles with any other player. If he chooses to switch roles with a civilian, when the trader dies s/he’s revealed to have died a civilian and when the traded civilian dies, s/he is revealed to have died a Mafioso. However, this is only limited to titles. The original allegiances of the players do stay through this process. (NOTE: The traded player may not tell they have been traded. This is absolutely forbidden under any and all circumstances, and the judgment for doing this will be brutal.) -Mafioso: A standard member of the mafia. Mafioso’s mission is to plan with other Mafiosi and survive the game, while appearing innocent. At night, all Mafiosi (including the Trader) will choose who the mafia will terminate that night. Civilians: -Civvie: A standard civilian. Civvie’s duty is to deduce and find evidence on who they find suspicious and then accuse who they think is part of the mafia. -Sheriff: Every night, the sheriff may find out the role of any one player of his or her choice. They PM me the player whose role they want to find out. Then, the sheriff must win over the civilians and vote the mafia scum out of town (by this, I mean killing, of course. In progressively brutal ways, I promise). -Doctor: When the night falls, the doctor decides to save someone who they find to be in danger of death at night. If this is performed on a player who is getting massacred by the townsfolk, the player is saved, but the doctor dies instead. -NEW: Priest: Once in the game, during night or day, the priest shall PM me his or her choice to activate their special ability. Once the ability is activated, the next time anyone would die, nobody dies. This indicates one night of peace and no blood. This night is a small light in the sea of darkness. Third Party: -Redesigned: Serial killer: The serial killer (who decides their own nickname) is a powerful role, standing independent of both, mafia and the innocent civilians. Two times in the game, the serial killer may choose to kill a person. S/he PMs me about his choice at day (this death may be prevented by the priest, so beware). Then, after night, his victim is found dead, killed in the way the serial killer wants (or if they won’t specify, I’ll come up with something… Juicy). If there are six or less people left in the game and the serial killer is alive, s/he will go on a killing spree and slaughter everyone else who is still alive. If either faction wins before this point, or if the serial killer is killed, this will not happen. Turn-system: The game begins during the beginning of the first day. This is when the roles have been decided and people may start suspecting and/or voting others. The day will last for +-48 hours, depending on whether all the votes have been cast or if I face personal obstacles that prevent me from ending the game in time. The night will last between 18 and 24 hours, depending on the mafia’s choice. If the mafia decides their kill at night before the 18-hour mark and the doctor won’t be able to decide who to save before this, too bad. Special thanks: Special thanks to Burnvicim42, Ryan86Me and jarrequin001 for hosting the previous games. Lots of material here is made by them and I couldn’t have done this without their help. Signing up: Be sure to do that while you can! I will be holding this for a couple of days at least. I will announce when I’m about to close the sign-ups, so be sure to do this before it’s too late. Just say you want to sign up and I’ll add you! (And please, do try to stay active if you do sign up.) List of players: jarrequin001 amoney1999 Jedi_1993 Shooter0898 megaextremist SnipySev TheUltraDeino craigmond butter-kicker Ryan86Me Dawnbreaker_23 Burnvictim42 Ali_Star Flamingemu PS: I know some of you may be a bit burnt out at the moment. Therefore, if you won't join, I would respect it very much if you said something good about this or something. What do you think of the priest? Or the serial killer redesign? Feel free to tell. PSS: Another special thanks to jarrequin001 for the Trader. | 2013-09-07 21:44:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I'm in! Also if you need help on how to run the game, ask. | 2013-09-07 21:51:00 Author: jarreguin001 ![]() Posts: 351 |
I'm in! Also if you need help on how to run the game, ask. I will, thanks! | 2013-09-07 21:51:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I'll join, since these games are so much fun. | 2013-09-07 21:56:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
[img] -Do not post a picture of the PM I sent you saying what your role is, even if you are dead. You may post it after the game is over if you want however. ... PSS: Another special thanks to jarrequin001 for the Trader. I feel like it's my fault that rule exists. lol. No problem man! I really feel that the Trader role is a big game-changer if used correctly. Also, omg, the Priest. That's such a genuine idea! | 2013-09-07 21:57:00 Author: jarreguin001 ![]() Posts: 351 |
EDIT: I'm in | 2013-09-07 21:58:00 Author: Shooter0898 ![]() Posts: 996 |
Redesigned serial killer sounds interesting. I'm in. Also, does the priest cancel the day's lynch too or not? | 2013-09-07 21:59:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
Alright, thanks Jar and Jedi, Amoney, I'll add you, but please be a tad bit more active this time, if you can. Just a suggestion. It may be a strategy, though. Anyway, I will go to sleep now. I will come back in 8 hours or so, so... Well, I won't be signing more folks up in 8 hours. Kay, see ya. Also, Jedi, yes it does. That's the point. No death for one night only. | 2013-09-07 21:59:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Alright, thanks Jar and Jedi, Amoney, I'll add you, but please be a tad bit more active this time, if you can. Just a suggestion. It may be a strategy, though. Anyway, I will go to sleep now. I will come back in 8 hours or so, so... Well, I won't be signing more folks up in 8 hours. Kay, see ya. Also, Jedi, yes it does. That's the point. No death for one night only. Am I not aloud to join? | 2013-09-07 22:07:00 Author: Shooter0898 ![]() Posts: 996 |
Im definitely in, hopefully I don't die at the very start this time | 2013-09-07 22:16:00 Author: megaextremist ![]() Posts: 221 |
Am I not aloud to join? Just say you're in, and he'll read the post. | 2013-09-07 22:20:00 Author: jarreguin001 ![]() Posts: 351 |
I'm in. Shouldn't this be a separate signups thread? | 2013-09-07 22:57:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
I'm in. | 2013-09-08 01:34:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
@SnipySev Thanks. It says "sign-ups" now. @Shooter If you want to join, say you want to join. I'm dumb as a brick sometimes, so don't try to stretch my intelligence on that matter, or any other. You're added now. ![]() @Everyone Alright. I've added everyone willing to join so far. There is one thing that didn't come clear in my original post, so I'll say it here: in case that serial killer and either faction would win at the same time (such as the mafia being slaughtered the same night the population of the town would hit six), the victory will go to the winning faction, not the serial killer. Also, I will be naming players of the day, depending on how much they've contributed to the game, how many discussions they have started and just their amount of participation in the game discussions. This will not affect the game at all, but there will be little something in the next morning's newspaper for the players who do this. Speaking of the newspapers, there will be several hints there for those with a keen eye. These hints do not directly reveal anything, however. They will be sort of similar to Jarre's "goats" in the last game, if you know what that was. As well as that, I promise that there will be a new role, if enough people join. This role can go for either, mafia or civilians (not the third party, though, as the serial killer works alone), it can come at any point of the game, the first day or the third, and it will add a new twist to the game. That is, if there will be enough people in this game to hold all the roles. | 2013-09-08 07:41:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I think I shall sit this one out this time guys. Good luck future civilians ![]() | 2013-09-08 10:17:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Count me in ![]() Also, there should be a designated .gif poster who doesn't actually participate in the game, except for posting amusing and fitting gifs | 2013-09-08 12:55:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
Once I get a hold of a computer there will be some serious shameless advertising. | 2013-09-08 13:46:00 Author: Shooter0898 ![]() Posts: 996 |
Once I get a hold of a computer there will be some serious shameless advertising. Yes please! Feel free to do so all you want! | 2013-09-08 14:44:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I think we should establish right away the punishment for people who tell the civilians they were a victim of the trader, or even hint at it. It could ruin an entire game, so it must be clear there are serious consequences for doing it. How about we ban the people who prematurely reveal they have been "traded" for three whole games? Does that seem like a fair penalty? Also, can we get RAWK on board? I miss him | 2013-09-08 15:06:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
I think we should establish right away the punishment for people who tell the civilians they were a victim of the trader, or even hint at it. It could ruin an entire game, so it must be clear there are serious consequences for doing it. How about we ban the people who prematurely reveal they have been "traded" for three whole games? Does that seem like a fair penalty? Also, can we get RAWK on board? I miss him In short, we need a penalty for rule-breakers, hmm... I am not sure we need one. Now, call me naive, but when Butter found out he was traded, he didn't make any hints that could've been spotted by anyone who wasn't mafia, so I don't see this as an issue. If this would happen, though, I see no point in three-game ban, since they either weren't willing to play in the next one anyway, so I suggest a permanent ban from participating in mafia-games on this forum as the penalty for that, whether it's true or false. At the moment, though, my main concern is getting the required amount of people to join this... Advertise this, people! And yes, Rawk would be cool to get on board, due to his chaotic evil allegiance. Feel free to advertise this to him as well, if you wish. EDIT: As for Craig's idea of gif-poster... Do we really need one? We can just go straight ahead and tell everyone they can post gifs here by copying the gif's URL (by first right-clicking it), then pasting it to the post, putting [ IMG ] (without spaces) in front of it and [ /IMG ] without spaces at the end of the URL. Everyone's going to post gifs anyway. | 2013-09-08 15:57:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I think I shall sit this one out this time guys. Good luck future civilians ![]() Huzzah, another bystander! Our green text musn't go unnoticed! So yeah, I'm sitting this round out as well, life is too busy right now. I'm surprised we're going four rounds in a row, although the addition of the priest and the continuation of the trader should keep things pretty interesting. I am hoping for a bit of a break after this round though, so we can all get together after a cooldown for a big fifth game later in the future. (Just because Burn's major revival got over 100 pages, Ryan's got fifty-something, and Jarr's got thirty-something, although the high tensions for civvies and mafia for Burn's game did contribute to his revival's lengthiness.) *zwish* | 2013-09-08 16:01:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Now, if you want a big game, then you should especially join, DragonVarsity. If people don't join, then that won't happen. I understand that you have obstacles in your life, preventing you from being active here, or if you just are tired of playing overall, but even as long as player's activity is daily, s/he can and will make a difference in the game. I am trying to do new things with this game, in order to attract those who participated in the earlier games. I am sort of surprised at how it has, or, well, hasn't worked so far. | 2013-09-08 16:17:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
In short, we need a penalty for rule-breakers, hmm... I am not sure we need one. Now, call me naive, but when Butter found out he was traded, he didn't make any hints that could've been spotted by anyone who wasn't mafia, so I don't see this as an issue. If this would happen, though, I see no point in three-game ban, since they either weren't willing to play in the next one anyway, so I suggest a permanent ban from participating in mafia-games on this forum as the penalty for that, whether it's true or false. At the moment, though, my main concern is getting the required amount of people to join this... Advertise this, people! And yes, Rawk would be cool to get on board, due to his chaotic evil allegiance. Feel free to advertise this to him as well, if you wish. EDIT: As for Craig's idea of gif-poster... Do we really need one? We can just go straight ahead and tell everyone they can post gifs here by copying the gif's URL (by first right-clicking it), then pasting it to the post, putting [ IMG ] (without spaces) in front of it and [ /IMG ] without spaces at the end of the URL. Everyone's going to post gifs anyway. I was only joking ![]() But I'm off to promote the thread now | 2013-09-08 16:19:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
Now, if you want a big game, then you should especially join, DragonVarsity. If people don't join, then that won't happen. I understand that you have obstacles in your life, preventing you from being active here, or if you just are tired of playing overall, but even as long as player's activity is daily, s/he can and will make a difference in the game. I am trying to do new things with this game, in order to attract those who participated in the earlier games. I am sort of surprised at how it has, or, well, hasn't worked so far. Alright, maybe my post was a bit oddly worded. I certainly don't want to take away from the anticipation of this game, and Mafia is definitely a great game to repeat over, especially when people try to add in new elements, like you have here, to deviate some from the traditional formula. I just know that I'm already signed up for the War of the Peanuts and have the Console Wars to host, although given that I have the time to post here, it's very reasonable to counter-argue that I should have the time to participate as well. I'll consider playing, I definitely don't want to try swaying the public with some sort of misinterpreted act of self-prophesizing the cast number of either rounds, but whether I get in on the action or not, I will wish this good luck! ^^ *zwish* | 2013-09-08 16:22:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Thank you very much, Dragon. Now, I don't want to appear demanding or manipulative here. In the end, the decision of joining is not up to me, but everyone who is about to or even considers joining in the first place. If you don't want to join, I can respect that. I am not pushing anyone, nor do I want to appear as if I was. | 2013-09-08 16:33:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Thank you very much, Dragon. Now, I don't want to appear demanding or manipulative here. In the end, the decision of joining is not up to me, but everyone who is about to or even considers joining in the first place. If you don't want to join, I can respect that. I am not pushing anyone, nor do I want to appear as if I was. I think we're all in agreement that no matter what happens, butter should be given the special role of "Gif Master." | 2013-09-08 16:37:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
I think we're all in agreement that no matter what happens, butter should be given the special role of "Gif Master." Mine Mine Mine MINE Mine Mine Mine MINE. | 2013-09-08 16:44:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
I can accept that, if he chooses to participate in the game. *Returns to hiding, waiting whether the mouse will go for the cheese... Or, well, seagull go for the fish, or not.* | 2013-09-08 17:01:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Also, can we get RAWK on board? I miss him Aww, how SWEET I might almost... BREAK A NAIL :kz: | 2013-09-08 17:12:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Rawk, be... Slightly less evil than usual. | 2013-09-08 17:54:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Rawk, be... Slightly less evil than usual. Oh, I know! Breaking Nails is the height of atrocity! | 2013-09-08 18:09:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
FreeAim, I think a permanent ban on rule breakers might be a little exaggerated. There's the possibility that someone might get distracted and indirectly reveal something they shouldn't. For example, during the last game Burn accidentally confirmed the number of remaining mafiosi. Doesn't seem fair to permanently punish someone for something done unintentionally. If they willingly sabotage the game, then I fully support banning them for good. | 2013-09-08 18:14:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Well, the case would of course be different if it was unintentional. | 2013-09-08 18:18:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Fine I'll join so I can be the Gif master. | 2013-09-08 18:25:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
When you came up with the title "blood and ice cream" what colour did you imagine the ice cream to be? | 2013-09-08 18:38:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
When you came up with the title "blood and ice cream" what colour did you imagine the ice cream to be? Why, I really like vanilla ice-cream, so I guess I thought of it being white. Why do you ask? | 2013-09-08 18:50:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Bea- erm..sign me up, FreeAim ![]() ((Hopefully, I'll be able to be more active this time around. School started in the middle of the last LBPC Mafia, which kind of threw me for a loop, but I'm getting into the hang of (unfortunately) being back.)) | 2013-09-08 19:16:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
Bea- erm..sign me up, FreeAim ![]() ((Hopefully, I'll be able to be more active this time around. School started in the middle of the last LBPC Mafia, which kind of threw me for a loop, but I'm getting into the hang of (unfortunately) being back.)) Yay, it's good to see I'm not the only one who likes using double brackets/parentheses in other, non-TCW threads. Also, since the game hasn't started yet, I should be fine not having to post in green/zwish at the end of each message. | 2013-09-08 19:42:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
I'm In Btw, me & Jar married. :3 | 2013-09-08 19:43:00 Author: DawnBreaker_23 ![]() Posts: 568 |
Why, I really like vanilla ice-cream, so I guess I thought of it being white. Why do you ask? Figured it might be white. It's kinda hard to explain why I asked without writing a few paragraphs and derailing your thread. I'm not asking to be mean or anything, I was just curious. | 2013-09-08 19:50:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
Newly raised from the dead, Burnvictim42 immediately starts running. He heads one hundred rock throws south, thirty leaps left and fifteen blue whales east and finally ends up in New LBPCentralio, a safe haven where he is almost guaranteed not to die in another mafia game.... CONSARN IT! ![]() | 2013-09-08 20:38:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
Yeah so anyways, how do you steal a coat? anyone? you jacket. | 2013-09-08 20:45:00 Author: megaextremist ![]() Posts: 221 |
Figured it might be white. It's kinda hard to explain why I asked without writing a few paragraphs and derailing your thread. I'm not asking to be mean or anything, I was just curious. All your sins will be forgiven if you join. | 2013-09-08 20:51:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Yeah so anyways, how do you steal a coat? anyone? you jacket. http://31.media.tumblr.com/7b05db84d9f1bf2ba7bad72732e1421e/tumblr_ml01gvUPCG1r18fjgo1_500.gif | 2013-09-08 21:07:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Newly raised from the dead, Burnvictim42 immediately starts running. He heads one hundred rock throws south, thirty leaps left and fifteen blue whales east and finally ends up in New LBPCentralio, a safe haven where he is almost guaranteed not to die in another mafia game.... CONSARN IT! ![]() Waiting for the inevitable rebuilding of Sackago. | 2013-09-08 21:28:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
http://31.media.tumblr.com/7b05db84d9f1bf2ba7bad72732e1421e/tumblr_ml01gvUPCG1r18fjgo1_500.gif Hey. Stop trying to steal my job bro. http://i55.tinypic.com/n53myv.gif | 2013-09-08 21:33:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
I'm In Btw, me & Jar married. :3 This is true. By the way, goats. | 2013-09-08 21:35:00 Author: jarreguin001 ![]() Posts: 351 |
Alright-y. From my current viewpoint, if new people join at this pace, the sign-ups will end at Tuesday. To help make this faster, however, certain people who keep posting here could join and maybe the sign-ups may end a little earlier, so the roles can be randomized and shared among you people. Currently we have the population of 12 and I hope to aim at least 18. If we hit 20, however, there will be an extra role added and if we hit 22 (which would be a miracle in itself), there will be another extra-role and the game will automatically start, with only the sign-ups made so far being accepted. From where I come from, the day is changing to Monday in twenty minutes and I am very glad with the amount of sign-ups made during these first 24 hours. Thank you everyone who has joined so far! | 2013-09-08 21:37:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Hey. Stop trying to steal my job bro. http://i55.tinypic.com/n53myv.gif OH NO HE'S AWAKE! http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8vuu0done1r9fil7o1_500.gif | 2013-09-08 21:58:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
if new people join at this paste http://i.imgur.com/0JG8E04.gif | 2013-09-08 21:59:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
We never discovered the meaning of goats... | 2013-09-09 01:53:00 Author: megaextremist ![]() Posts: 221 |
We never discovered the meaning of goats... Butter was the meaning of goats. He was a scapegoat of the mafia. Also, Ryan, stop stealing Butter's job. | 2013-09-09 05:45:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Butter was the meaning of goats. He was a scapegoat of the mafia. Also, Ryan, stop stealing Butter's job. oh ![]() | 2013-09-09 20:50:00 Author: megaextremist ![]() Posts: 221 |
Shotgun playing ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=925HMw34ByI | 2013-09-09 21:01:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
I may have to slightly postpone the beginning of the game, since there haven't really been any new sign-ups today. If any of you are interested to help this game start faster, you can advertise this if you want, either how I have advertised it in my signature or then you may do something yourself, such as ask a buddy to join, or asking a person who has already played but hasn't signed up yet if s/he's interested. | 2013-09-09 21:10:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I may have to slightly postpone the beginning of the game, since there haven't really been any new sign-ups today. If any of you are interested to help this game start faster, you can advertise this if you want, either how I have advertised it in my signature or then you may do something yourself, such as ask a buddy to join, or asking a person who has already played but hasn't signed up yet if s/he's interested. http://i43.tinypic.com/o94nm0.jpg | 2013-09-09 21:12:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
How about you go ahead and bug people in their Visitor Messages until they cave in? | 2013-09-09 21:17:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
The players who participated in previous rounds, have they been notified? Maybe we just need more time. The signups period for the first game was like a week and a half, so why the hurry? Starting yet another mafia game just a few days after the previous one ended is bound to get tiresome. How about you go ahead and bug people in their Visitor Messages until they cave in? That's a great way to convince people to not join the game. | 2013-09-09 21:43:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
That's a great way to convince people to not join the game. I know, I was just joking =P | 2013-09-09 23:55:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
I know, I was just joking =P Sarcasm doesn't carry over the internet very well, dude. We need a sarcasm font. Like... Sarcastica! To the patents office! | 2013-09-10 00:22:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Sarcasm doesn't carry over the internet very well, dude. We need a sarcasm font. Like... Sarcastica! To the patents office! Yeah, that really sucks. Sarcasm is determined by tone of voice rather than word choice. :/ Ya know what, from now on, every time I get sarcastic, I'll type in bright yellow text. Anyways, off to Kickstarter! So yeah, who agrees that cyan would be a good stand-alone sarcasm color? Until we have the sarcasm font or something? | 2013-09-10 00:35:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
bright yellow text. Anyways, off to Kickstarter! The text is blue, but the words say yellow... http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/288/653/844.jpg | 2013-09-10 01:57:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
Go on then, I'll sign up. And if I could put my name in the hat to host the next game, that'd be lovely. I'd probably give everyone a bit of a break first though. As for sarcasm, italics can work well, but only for single words, eg "The civilians did really well in the last two games". But more often than not, I find that a ![]() ![]() | 2013-09-10 09:47:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
You've been added. As I said, the beginning of the game will be postponed. I am currently unsure when I will start the game, but I hope I'll be able to do that Friday or Saturday. Thank you for your patience! | 2013-09-10 12:44:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
All your sins will be forgiven if you join. I bend the knee before no man or god, only ****. | 2013-09-10 17:37:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
erm please can I play | 2013-09-10 17:39:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
erm please can I play Yes. Yes you can. You have now been added. | 2013-09-10 18:02:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
We need more feels this round... | 2013-09-10 18:11:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
We need more feels this round... And a male pregnancy drama. | 2013-09-10 18:46:00 Author: Shooter0898 ![]() Posts: 996 |
And a male pregnancy drama. Too soon. | 2013-09-10 18:55:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
And a male pregnancy drama. Hey who said I was a male | 2013-09-10 19:08:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
Hey who said I was a male You did.... I'm sure of it. ![]() I'm very confused about your gender. You keep saying things that make me change my mind. ![]() | 2013-09-10 19:21:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
And a male pregnancy drama. Sssshhh. Never say that again, under any circumstance. Ever. | 2013-09-10 19:38:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Flirting with flamingemu is like playing Russian roulette with your best friend. [insert amusing but slightly-in-bad-taste-for-a-family-site punchline here] | 2013-09-10 20:24:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Flirting with flamingemu is like playing Russian roulette with your best friend. [insert amusing but slightly-in-bad-taste-for-a-family-site punchline here] Hey, flirting with me is the best. All the boys/girls are doing it <3 | 2013-09-10 21:33:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
Alright, alright, you win. Sign Taffey up for this game. | 2013-09-10 21:38:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Alright, alright, you win. Sign Taffey up for this game. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YeS. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_hvPmXN4BXPs/TE47wKiYoQI/AAAAAAAAAc8/zMryBbEL-zA/s1600/PussInBoots.gif | 2013-09-10 21:47:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Yeah so anyways um, what did the buffalo say to his son? bison | 2013-09-11 02:13:00 Author: megaextremist ![]() Posts: 221 |
I heard Einstein actually got along great with his parents. Well, relatively speaking. | 2013-09-11 02:35:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
In other news, it turns out that the generic student and his generic music teacher got off on a flat note. It's funny because it's a flat note, like a musical flat note. Funny, right? Right? | 2013-09-11 02:42:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
You know, I'm not very good at magic - I can only do half of a trick...... I'm a member of the Magic Semi-circle (Shamelessly stolen from Tim Vine) | 2013-09-11 10:28:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
These puns are getting out of hand! | 2013-09-11 13:24:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I heard rumours that the mafia in the last game were planning on cutting off my left side. I'm pretty sure I'd be all right.![]() | 2013-09-11 17:53:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
Good one, Jedi. No, I mean it: really good one! http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m374i5Xv7u1rqfhi2o1_500.gif I'm sick and tired of these darned puns! One more and I am postponing the beginning of the game even further (like I'm probably doing anyway, due to reasons I would do something about myself if I could, though). I know, it's not exactly a nice thing to do, but that's who I am and you'll have to deal with it if you want to participate. I am just joking. The beginning of the game is postponed till Saturday. | 2013-09-11 18:09:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Well I guess you could say Freeaim is......Spanish.......wait what? | 2013-09-11 18:11:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
I'm sick and tired of these darned puns! One more and I am postponing the beginning of the game even further (like I'm probably doing anyway, due to reasons I would do something about myself if I could, though). I know, it's not exactly a nice thing to do, but that's who I am and you'll have to deal with it if you want to participate. I am just joking. The beginning of the game is postponed till Saturday. You could prepare horrible, gruesome, excrutiating Game of Thrones-style deaths for those who make bad puns. | 2013-09-11 18:30:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Good one, Jedi. No, I mean it: really good one! Don't applaud him... he ripped off another Tim Vine joke! ![]() | 2013-09-11 18:53:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Well, I'm glad that I can still communicate via sign language. ...... ....... ....... It's pretty handy. | 2013-09-11 18:58:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Well, I'm glad that I can still communicate via sign language. ...... ....... ....... It's pretty handy. I hope you die first | 2013-09-11 19:03:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
I hope you die first I'm glad I still haven't signed up yet. ![]() ((By the way, we're still waiting for you to return to le console war, flame.)) | 2013-09-11 19:32:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Don't applaud him... he ripped off another Tim Vine joke! ![]() Oh yeah... I thought his was about the rich man who cut off his butler's left hand. Serves him right. (Either way, Tim Vine is hilarious) On topic, how many players are we up to? Edit: I bumped this thread to continue the jokes on. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=78123-What-s-your-stupidest-joke | 2013-09-11 19:35:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
I'm glad I still haven't signed up yet. ![]() ((By the way, we're still waiting for you to return to le console war, flame.)) I'm glad I still haven't signed up yet. ![]() haven't signed up yet. ![]() yet. I swear to Odin, if you are giving me false hope here... EDIT: You can check all who have joined from the main post. I am not sure whether Rawk signing Taffey up was official, so I didn't add it. I think it's just a bad joke on Rawk's part. | 2013-09-11 20:49:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
No, I'm pretty sure Taffey signs up if I say so | 2013-09-11 21:22:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
No, I'm pretty sure Taffey signs up if I say so I bet that Taffey's mafia. | 2013-09-11 21:30:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
((By the way, we're still waiting for you to return to le console war, flame.)) ((What!? I've had that in my subscribed threads since day 1 and I kept checking my inbox :c Sorry DraVar, I'll have a look tomorrow ![]() | 2013-09-11 21:42:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
((What!? I've had that in my subscribed threads since day 1 and I kept checking my inbox :c Sorry DraVar, I'll have a look tomorrow ![]() ((DraVar? That's a new one. I can at least say that it's certainly better than "DragonVarsity." It's been more than bothersome for me to have to keep quiet when everyone capitalizes the 'V' and makes the rest of the name all ugly and whatnot.)) | 2013-09-11 22:01:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A Flat minor | 2013-09-12 01:42:00 Author: megaextremist ![]() Posts: 221 |
Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A Flat minor ((insert random pun here)) ...but seriously, that was pretty random. | 2013-09-12 03:19:00 Author: jarreguin001 ![]() Posts: 351 |
No, I'm pretty sure Taffey signs up if I say so Now, stop talking like that. You're confusing me. Soon, I'll start hitting myself as well! | 2013-09-12 05:50:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I bet that Taffey's mafia. Proof: http://i.imgur.com/fli1K5L.png | 2013-09-12 10:56:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
Photoshop job? Nah. | 2013-09-13 02:47:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
Photoshop job? Nah. Actually I used some sort of Chrome app. ![]() | 2013-09-13 04:16:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
Actually I used some sort of Chrome app. ![]() Meh. But I want to know what that Chrome app is now. | 2013-09-13 13:24:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
Just throwing this in here in case someone is interested... The game is postponed quite a lot, yes, but if we get enough players, there'll be an extra role. I will keep this role hidden for a few days (or until the lucky one chooses to act, if that's the case) and its side is also kept a secret. However, I now ask everyone who's interested to message me a role, an already existing one or a brand new one and it will have a chance to be this "secret role." If you plan on messaging me, note these guidelines: -Message me with two roles: one mafia and one civilian, UNLESS the single role can fit both factions. -Do NOT reveal these roles to anyone else, or I will not take them into counting. -Do NOT reveal the fact that you actually messaged me with these roles. -If you suggest original role/s, then be sure to name them accordingly; I will not have dragon champions in this town. -I suggest that the roles you message me don't contain killing. If they do, I will be less likely to add either, since there's already a serial killer in the game and I don't want the game to be over in three days. -If no good suggestions come my way, I will design one myself. I will not reveal the designer of the role that will be added. In other news, feel more than free to market this game so we can get this started. We need at least a few more members before we can start the game in the first place. If you want an extra role added (which will not be revealed to anyone, not even its possible designer/suggester), we will need a few more than the few. | 2013-09-13 14:01:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Meh. But I want to know what that Chrome app is now. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/in-my-words/ifallpipodahhpbnemkhiddofdkhlekg | 2013-09-13 20:58:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/in-my-words/ifallpipodahhpbnemkhiddofdkhlekg Totally installing that now. | 2013-09-14 21:35:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
So when's the official start date? | 2013-09-14 21:51:00 Author: Shooter0898 ![]() Posts: 996 |
There is no official start date yet. However, if we fail to get more people to sign up in the next few days, I'll remove the serial killer role and begin the game. If you really want to help getting more people to join, then all I can ask you to do is market this with your signatures and so on. | 2013-09-14 22:16:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Just make sure to not wait too long, otherwise there might end up being a bit of a drop in activity for some of those currently signed up. | 2013-09-14 23:29:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Alright, the date for the end of the sign-ups is here! I will be starting game MONDAY EVENING, between 7PM and 8PM (GMT+0). If you Americans aren't getting what time that is, well, I think it's like 9AM-1PM there. I don't really know, nor should you expect me to know, especially if you can't do the counting yourself. However, since the game is beginning and we have only 14 members, the serial killer role will be removed, if no more players join. Also, any of the extra roles messaged me won't be added. While the sign-ups are ending, I strongly suggest you all try your best to get a few more players to sign up, so we can keep the serial killer without making it unbalanced. Current list of players: jarrequin001 amoney1999 Jedi_1993 Shooter0898 megaextremist SnipySev TheUltraDeino craigmond butter-kicker Ryan86Me Dawnbreaker_23 Burnvictim42 Ali_Star Flamingemu Thank you, who have joined so far! While I may not be getting to hold the mafia game I especially wanted, I promise to give my full attention to the game anyway, including the newspapers, daily updates and I will answer any and all questions you have. If any new people want to join, that'd be fantastic as well. EDIT: SIGN-UPS OVER! The game will being tomorrow. If you wanted to join, but didn't, too bad. You should've been here earlier. | 2013-09-15 06:40:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Got my PM. Now, we just wait for the game to start... | 2013-09-17 12:59:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
Everyone has got their PMs, yes. I will begin creating the main game thread. | 2013-09-17 14:04:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
The game will being tomorrow. If you wanted to join, but didn't, too bad. You should've been here earlier. WHAT?! But I only just heard about this, you literally gave us no time to join! You hypocritical savage, I don't need your petty mafia game anyway. | 2013-09-17 23:21:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
WHAT?! But I only just heard about this, you literally gave us no time to join! You hypocritical savage, I don't need your petty mafia game anyway. Yeah, I know, seriously, I would've loved to be in a mafia game! | 2013-09-18 02:10:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
WHAT?! But I only just heard about this, you literally gave us no time to join! You hypocritical savage, I don't need your petty mafia game anyway. Oh, I am deeply sorry! Let me express how deeply sorry I am by making this text italic. Yeah, I am sorry. I didn't totally give you enough time to join! | 2013-09-18 05:52:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
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