Custom-built-gaming-PC Advice?
Archive: 19 posts
Hey all. I have been wanting to get a custom PC that's actually good for gaming and have been trying to look into it. But I'm not sure what I should get. I'm no expert of such technical stuff I can tell you that much, So I don't really understand much of it. And most people's advice I've seen online is pretty vague on what parts one should buy. And often a lot of folk basically just wanting you to figure it all out yourself. *mew But honestly I just don't really care about all the details. I just want a nice PC for once that isn't lame. So if anyone who has a good deal of knowledge about this kind of stuff that could help me out, then that would be great. Now I'll list off needs for the PC. I'd like it to be able to play nice looking games with a good 60-fps rate. It don't need to be able to handle crazy high graphic games or anything. Probably anything above PS4 type games isn't needed. I prefer not to pay more then altogether 700$ for the whole PC. Less would be nice tbh... This doesn't count the Monitor as I just plan on using my TV as the Monitor. I draw a fair lot and am developing games with a friend. So clearly I need the PC to be good at these things... Which I don't know why it wouldn't if it was good enough to play modern games. Hooho. But just saying. *mew --- But yeah. I need a list of what PC parts I should try to aim for. and for it all to be semi cheap. And any other PC advice is welcomed too. Also thanks for your time~ | 2013-08-24 02:26:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
When you say "nice looking games" that doesn't really hit me with what to share with you on specs. However under $700 does! I would look for a nice bare bones pc as you can add to it as you need more graphics prowess. Such as this http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8044219&csid=_61 This one isn't bad. The MB does have HDMI out for your TV, though we don't know the refresh rate on your tv so that might be an issue on faster moving games. The MB also supports Crossfire or SLI.. meaning NVidia or AMD technology for multiple graphics cards. Not that you would ever use two, but it is a nice feature. Plus.. I just like ASUS motherboards. The processor is an i5. Not terrible.. and it does have quad cores, as well as graphics which saves you from a graphics card for now. Which means at some point you want to move into more demanding games, you can simply stick one in. That being whatever costs around $300 - 500 at the time (based upon your later budget) should do nicely. example.. I usually shoot for this range in graphics cards as the bleeding edge new ones are over $1000. I usually can find one in the 300-500 or even 550 that will more than easily play all the newest, latest greatest games and full ultra settings. ..and when I need more power, I can look for the 2nd to do SLI and leapfrog the performance drastically. ..and at that point more like 100 - 250. ...though you then have to think of extra fans to help keep everything cool. The PSU isn't bad at 700w. I like over 1000w. ..but that can be an upgrade down the road as 700w will more than power these components even with a gfx card added. I still would think about a good monitor someday. Action games especially need a quite fast refresh rate or else 60fps is a bit meaningless to wish for. So a bit of investigation on your tv might be required. | 2013-08-24 14:36:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
TVs have different refresh rates? I thought they were all the same tbh... Hmm not sure if it covers enough details but I know that some of the info for my TV is that it's a 32" LCD Emerson TV. but yeah. I'd like to be able to play games such as the Batman: Arkham series games on the PC. I'm not sure if I should bother getting a graphics card that's powerful enough for next gen games or not really. But tbh I don't know half of what you are talking about. I just don't know what most of that stuff means. :F ...So is buying that 650$ bare bones PC enough for now? or are you saying that I will need to buy a ton of other stuff too right off the bat? And thanks for the help. I'll look into the PC you linked more soon. Also if there's any other info you need to know, just say so. *mew | 2013-08-24 21:21:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
TVs have different refresh rates? I thought they were all the same tbh... Hmm not sure if it covers enough details but I know that some of the info for my TV is that it's a 32" LCD Emerson TV. There's probably a thing with information on on the back, you should be able to get the model number and use it to look up the TV's features. | 2013-08-24 22:30:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Well.. I know monitors have different refresh rates and remember when buying my last HD that some dealt with motion much better. I realize it is supposed to be standard for tv broadcasts etc, but hooking up to a pc might be something else to think about and thought I should give it a mention. I can do a bit of reading up as to be honest, I am not sure. I just know that pc monitors have that issue. Other than a gfx card at some point, that system really should be all you need for awhile. My girlfriend runs without a gfx card and most of her games work fine. Never looked at the requirements for Batman: Arkham series games. I will have to take a look for you. Oh... you will need an OS and I suggest Win 7 pro 64bit. I guess I just blew your budget. ![]() ..I can look again at some pc's and see if I can't find something a bit cheaper to account for the OS. Ooops. lol | 2013-08-24 22:37:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Ok my TV seems to be this one. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Emerson-32-Class-720p-60Hz-LCD-HDTV-LC320EM1/14237649 Oh... you will need an OS and I suggest Win 7 pro 64bit. I guess I just blew your budget. ![]() ..I can look again at some pc's and see if I can't find something a bit cheaper to account for the OS. Ooops. lol I don't think I'll need to worry about the OS. Fairly sure a friend of mine can help me out there. *mew | 2013-08-24 22:51:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Theres a guy on youtube called Austin evans who has a bunch of budget pcs. i cant give a link right now but there very helpful videos. also go with a gtx 760 for your gpu. its only $250 and it can max out crysis 3 and uses a little bit of antialias. | 2013-08-25 05:17:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
First off; you'll want to build it yourself. You'll save money just by doing that. Second; We need to know what type of hard drive you need. Third; Unless you're doing video editing, any CPU should handle drawing fine. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1wrP7 Quick build I made for under $700; leaves room for more RAM, and has a good PSU. You might not be able to get each part for that EXACT price... but if you wait for Cyber Monday, you'll get that price or lower, no matter where you shop. EDIT; should mention that this has a better CPU and GPU then the PS4, and the only real caveat is RAM... I really prioritized it being upgradable though, and you will in all likelihood be able to afford more RAM. | 2013-08-26 17:13:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
First off; you'll want to build it yourself. You'll save money just by doing that. Second; We need to know what type of hard drive you need. Third; Unless you're doing video editing, any CPU should handle drawing fine. #1. That's fine. I knew since the start I would need to put it together myself. I made this topic simply for people to tell me what parts to buy since I have no idea whatsoever. #2. What type of hard drive do I need? Well you tell me. since I don't know. #3. Don't think i'll be doing video editing. So ok. And is that a list of everything I'll need? If so, thanks. ![]() | 2013-08-26 17:45:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
#1. That's fine. I knew since the start I would need to put it together myself. I made this topic simply for people to tell me what parts to buy since I have no idea whatsoever. #2. What type of hard drive do I need? Well you tell me. since I don't know. #3. Don't think i'll be doing video editing. So ok. And is that a list of everything I'll need? If so, thanks. ![]() Alright, under your budget... the PC I linked should work fine. You might want an SSD for the system files, along with some more RAM, but that computer should run most games Maxed. Glad to be of help!... feel free to ask to join the steam group when you build your rig. | 2013-08-26 19:41:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
feel free to ask to join the steam group when you build your rig. Well I have a steam account already. I just don't really use it much. And just wondering. Does the case have to be that black one? Black isn't my most favorite color. Not that it's a problem really. *mew | 2013-08-26 20:20:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Well I have a steam account already. I just don't really use it much. And just wondering. Does the case have to be that black one? Black isn't my most favorite color. Not that it's a problem really. *mew You can choose any case, I just chose a random one under $50 that had good user reviews for that link. | 2013-08-26 22:03:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Mostly you want a case that is easy to add stuff to. Extra drive bays, tons of fan possibilities for cooling, roomy so you can work around it, and my favorite is removable MB tray. | 2013-08-26 22:08:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
You can choose any case, I just chose a random one under $50 that had good user reviews for that link. Well I just wanted to make sure that all the parts you suggested would still work If I choose a different case. Mostly you want a case that is easy to add stuff to. Extra drive bays, tons of fan possibilities for cooling, roomy so you can work around it, and my favorite is removable MB tray. Hmm. I'll try to keep that in mind then. *mew | 2013-08-26 22:10:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Just make sure whatever mother board you choose, the case accepts. Many are ATX or mini ATX for example, so insure your case you select will allow the size of MB you select. | 2013-08-26 22:19:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Just make sure whatever mother board you choose, the case accepts. Many are ATX or mini ATX for example, so insure your case you select will allow the size of MB you select. Accounted for that in my link. Checked specs and all. | 2013-08-26 22:46:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Accounted for that in my link. Checked specs and all. Oh I figured you did, but he was thinking about picking another case and asked. ![]() | 2013-08-26 22:58:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1wrP7 your better off paying the extra $50 for a 660 or a 760. Also if you get a better motherboard and another 760 it beats the titan in performance. also its cheaper. | 2013-09-01 03:28:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
your better off paying the extra $50 for a 660 or a 760. Also if you get a better motherboard and another 760 it beats the titan in performance. also its cheaper. My line of thought is that this will run PS4/Xbone mutltiplats much better then an Nvidia card; mostly due to the similar architecture. And this is the best for UNDER $700. Not AROUND $700. This would look much different if they had a higher budget. | 2013-09-01 07:27:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
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