[LBFC3] Kryopak
Archive: 4 posts
[LBFC3] Kryopak http://i7.lbp.me/img/bl/1b7e8210dba778f40224af8af3b2b2ac45d28d8e.png (http://lbp.me/v/qn-ew-q) Hey folks! So I forgot to post the entry to the Little Big Forum contest! But here it is! Kryopak! The worlds coldest ice making factory where everything it makes, is cool! Literally. http://ib.lbp.me/img/ft/7abaf3e654ad5cdca993c85aa592c631525eb720.jpg http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/daaec2abb060091bd27fc28e6a4fa3ac2fb6cccf.jpg http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/79ed51f510fdf6a32c4a5c2649f6cbc4840b7634.jpg http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/82d72ebf40d612a7069bfba823a1033ca3187237.jpg | 2013-08-22 07:14:00 Author: Omgyouwould ![]() Posts: 25 |
Awesome design ![]() | 2013-08-22 07:17:00 Author: Sandro8708 ![]() Posts: 625 |
in the queue with you. | 2013-08-22 13:41:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
This level was a blast of “cool” refreshment on a hot summer day. I thought the background art and ambiance was top notch and really helped immerse you in the “cool” level. Despite the coolness of the level, I did manage to heat myself up in a fit of rage as I tried numerous times to cross the section where you have to traverse through the spiky up/down sections and rotating grab wheels. I really dug the overall color scheme, especially the blue you choose. The foreground layers added some great depth at times and seemed to work well here. The use of the metal object does help lend a lot of coolness to the level, but might have been a tad overused in some sections. Overall, this was a great entry for a contest on a tight timeline and I recommend everyone give it a play. Good luck! | 2013-08-22 16:19:00 Author: peoriaspitfire ![]() Posts: 359 |
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