Arabian Nights By MrGenji
Archive: 2 posts
Holy crap man, I hopped on tonight, and played around with some lefvels built by folks here, and i have to give props to the detail, platforming fun, nifty ideas and color on this level. I recommend that anyone who enjoys playing this game try this level out right now. 5 stars and a heart from me! Also, while i was on his page, i saw a monster level, showcasing some very ingenuitive enemies that would be worthy of creating entire levels around. Props to you Sir! | 2009-01-28 13:45:00 Author: TJapan ![]() Posts: 225 |
wait what? Those were my first levels lol, I thought I deleted them | 2009-01-28 14:12:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
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