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Spider Walker quadroped tank

Archive: 21 posts

I promised in another thread that if I bought a videocam this week that I would take vids of this tank of mine in action.

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet: Spider Walker Tech Demo by Thegide

The tank legs are built from rubber and wood. The body is dissolve with some pink floaty hidden inside. There are three joints per leg, but as of this demo, only the two top joints are taking care of movement. The bottom joint will be for extra mobility later on.

Sorry for the dark quality... I'm just testing the cam out, and have only had it home for about half an hour.
2009-01-28 04:28:00

Posts: 1465

I think I remember seeing this before and I posted Wild Wild West lyrics that nobody got. Instead of doing that again, I'll just say that it looks freaking awesome. Now if it could only climb up walls...2009-01-28 05:04:00

Posts: 646

Way better than my Rhino could ever hope to be?
And I am good with wall climbing so it may very well be wall climable.
My ATV is my crowning achievment lol at least untill Land of Cloth comes out.
2009-01-28 05:49:00

Posts: 106

Oh my freaking lord... you gotta be kidding me!! I'm a HUGE fan of spider tanks and any mechanical bugs really! I made two attempts early on in my LBP building sessions to see if something like this could be done and came to the self-defeatist conclusion that if it could, it was beyond my comprehension of how to achieve it.

You have succeeded where I have failed.... I bow down to you!

Seriously... I just don't understand how you got this to work so beautifully. Is this in a playable level yet? Is it available as a prize? This makes me want to go back and re-think my original chassis design and figure out just how the heck you did this! Excellent job... just.. *sniff*... beautiful.

Hey! I just noticed that you're in Ottawa too. Small world. (no pun intended)

Thought you might get a kick out of this guys work. Cheers!

2009-01-28 06:15:00

Posts: 1737

That's an amazing quad you've made there. The leg motion is spot-on.

Does it only move forward? If you want, I know a secret to making walkers like this move forward or backward.
2009-01-28 11:30:00

Posts: 2536

Yeah, I told you before how sick that thing is. You and Gilgamesh really need to make the ultimate walker together.

Another cool one to look for is celteen's MG Rex... it's pretty awesome. Lemme see if I can find the vid here...


I know that's not his most recent build, but he's apparently on like a Mark 5 stage right now.
2009-01-28 13:38:00

Unknown User

I've been checking the progress on the REX since the very beginning, the guy's been working on it for a long time and it's really starting to show. REX doesn't really have a natural walking motion, but it's still pretty amazing how fast it can go without tripping.

I don't know if it could handle slopes though

EDIT: There was also another member who was working on a quad :
2009-01-28 13:52:00

Posts: 2536

I think I remember seeing this before and I posted Wild Wild West lyrics that nobody got. Instead of doing that again, I'll just say that it looks freaking awesome. Now if it could only climb up walls...

Oh snap, I never saw WWW. Seriously, wall climbing would be a DREAM, but I have no idea where to even start with that. It does climb down walls quite nicely though, and I've thought many times about making a scene where it climbs over a wall and descends via spiderweb to a lower area. For whatever reason, the mech's grip is poor on upslopes, but excellent on downslopes. That would be the one area which I'd like to improve.

Seriously... I just don't understand how you got this to work so beautifully. Is this in a playable level yet? Is it available as a prize? This makes me want to go back and re-think my original chassis design and figure out just how the heck you did this! Excellent job... just.. *sniff*... beautiful.

Hey fellow Ottawa guy! Always good to meet people from home.

The demo is playable, but that's all for now. The grand conjuration is still in the works, although I think it will be a while before it's complete. Also, I think it's safe to say you can expect this guy to make an appearance again down the road. I'd be a fool to offer it as a prize before it makes it's debut, but yes, I do promise to share it soon^^.

I have a workshop devoted just to this guy, and in it are all the previous marks. Really, it was a process of trial and error, and retrial to nail the leg motion. In the end, it came down to careful tweaking of bolt sync and rotation angles.

The KEY is looking at foot motion. To get efficient movement with minimal slip, your feet need to draw perfect imaginary horizontal ellipses. This is where most of my hours went... if the ellipses aren't horizontal, grip takes a nosedive because your feet lift off the ground or cause destabilization at the other feet. Here's where artificial rotation would be advantageous (as in Sehven's mech) but that's just not natural, and I was really shooting for an organic look to this (though the industrial crossover with the spotlight I thought was a nice touch hehe)

That's an amazing quad you've made there. The leg motion is spot-on.

Does it only move forward? If you want, I know a secret to making walkers like this move forward or backward.

Thanks for the compliments. Yes, right now she only moves forward, because of the way the bolts are synched. I built this early on as a creator, so I didn't have the advanced programming skills I have now, but I have thought it would be nice to redesign it for bidirectional movement.

The beauty about this design is that it's self contained. All of the machinery and wires are contained on the tank itself. If I were to go bidirectional, I would probably try to control wobble bolt sync remotely via pistons, and in which case I could set up separate control boxes for forward and reverse motion.
2009-01-28 15:03:00

Posts: 1465

It's actually not necessary to redesign anything at all. The secret is :
Place a 3-way switch and attach it to all of the bolts and/or pistons on the legs, then set the switch to the "Speed" setting. You may need to readjust the sync but as long as the motion works one way, it will work in the other way.
2009-01-28 15:20:00

Posts: 2536

Oh simple indeed. I will have to try that! Thanks Gilgamesh.2009-01-28 15:22:00

Posts: 1465

Oh simple indeed. I will have to try that! Thanks Gilgamesh.

No problem, let me know how it turns out. I found this out by fluke when building my first mech prototype. I had assumed, wrongly, that setting the switch to "Direction" would work. Since it didn't, I then just tried "Speed" without expecting much, but it turns out that was just the setting I needed. It's really not that self-evident.
2009-01-28 15:27:00

Posts: 2536

wow man great job that looks very impressive2009-01-28 19:54:00

Posts: 2551

First post updated with a refilmed version (I used a tripod this time).2009-01-29 01:09:00

Posts: 1465

That thing is pure awesome, how does it handle inclines?2009-01-29 02:32:00

Posts: 542

It handles low grade inclines fine, although depending on the angle there can be some slippage. By undulating the surface, you can get away with a steeper grade. It's especially good on uneven surfaces, although uneven downhills can potentially lead to tripping... but even that isn't a game breaking problem. It self-recovers 90% of the time.

I haven't been working on the Dream Reaper (its feature level) recently since I'm pretty busy with trying to push out my MGS level and study for exams at school. Things should calm down after mid-Feb.
2009-02-06 19:48:00

Posts: 1465

I have a pretty cool design idea I could use something like this for. I built the body for this -


- but am having no luck with a leg design or walking mechanism, based on it's exact design in 3 planes. Simply scrapping it and opting for the multi jointed design would work alot better.
2009-02-06 22:21:00

Unknown User

i can send you the bolt timing/sync settings if you want to give it a go. essentially the timing settings are for a leg "pair", then its a matter of offsetting everything to get the walking motion of choice.

Let me know. I love the tachikomas and would gladly help you make one!

Actually I'm thinking now of a totally awesome spider level concept.... tachikomas versus this familiar guy:

2009-02-06 22:38:00

Posts: 1465

ha, I was looking for that one first, but couldn't find it.2009-02-06 23:04:00

Unknown User

Amazed you got the movement so fluid and it doesn't fly up in the air at the sight of a bump. Kudos for a great creation.2009-02-07 21:11:00

Posts: 1330

Wow, that moves very nicely.
I think 99% of players love this sort of thing.
Good work on replicating the organic movement.
2009-02-10 22:46:00

Posts: 2513

Wow thats awesome,it would be great if there was magnetic materials so it could clime, it would even better with a big gun on top aswell =P awesome spider though2009-04-07 18:59:00

Posts: 54

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