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WyomingMyst presents "Code Entry Systems" for LBP2.
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WyomingMyst presents Code Entry Systems for LittleBigPlanet 2 http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/82ad2fcc5c82de53ffc9ad6b008b025c3fe92a40.jpg Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, oh you get the idea... Code entry has been something common to video games for ages. Code entry simply put is a encrypted input sequence that will activate a desired (or even an undesired) action. Code entry can be dated back to the early games of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Apple II computer, and more where retaining data on hard disk drives were not common for video games and the battery chip that would retain some random access memory on a game cartridge was not yet invented. Konami's Castlevania for the NES would use a alphanumeric code input system to allow players to resume a game. Contra from the same developer used a secret controller button inputted code to give a bonus 30 lives to the player in order to defeat the very tough game (this of course is the infamous Konami Code). Code entry is still used today for many secrets in games. Rare's Banjo-Kazooie for Nintendo 64 built in a secret code entry system deep in the game to access several "easter eggs" in the game. Lucasart Studios create a code entry for Star Wars Rogue Squadron for N64 which unlocked the Naboo starfighter featured in the movie Star Wars episode I which was released about a year after that game's release. In the latest DanceDanceRevolution game for arcades, there is a series of codes that a single player would enter that would permanently unlock additional songs to play for everyone, an effective technique to further market the game without having to depend on the arcade operator but instead the fans of that game. In short there is plenty of fun ways to have a code entry in a game and the same can be true in LittleBigPlanet. However it takes a bit of clever imagination to build a code entry system for your levels, so let's figure out how to make it work! Please note, these tricks can be applied in both LBP2 and LBP Vita. There are two ways to do it, input-encryption or combination dial. Let's take a look at the easier one first, Combination dial. In combination dial you need to create an object that allows you to rotate or scroll symbols, letters, or numbers on the screen to match the correct code sequence. In real life the most basic example of this is a bicycle lock which has multiple dials and when each dial is in the correct position the lock opens. In LittleBigPlanet, you just need to have each symbol in each dial to have a tag, the incorrect symbols needs to be set to a different color or label than the correct ones (or ones if you have multiple codes in a single combination dial system). Then place the tag sensors in a microchip so that they all scan the same area when any symbol comes into view of the player. Now for each set of correct code tag sensors hook their outputs to a short timer (this gives players a chance to make corrections if they enter a incorrect code, set to forward/backward input) Then the timer output is attached to the effect you want to provide your player. Open the spolier tag below for instructions of a practice exercise. 1. First start a new level and build a glass block. For this exercise build one 9 "big grid" blocks high by 7 wide. Then attach an Anti-Gravity tweaker with 100% Anti-Gravity and 100% Dampening to the Glass Block (or if you rather mount it to the floor or some dark matter). Next cut out three columns in the glass, 7 blocks high by 1 block wide with 1 block of space in between each. It should look something like this: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-B_NfoHn7rHw/Ugf303gUSjI/AAAAAAAABso/FzrswhPtbyg/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+1.jpg 2. Now build a block of cardboard 5 blocks high by 1 block wide. Then go into your stickers and find some numbers of your choice. Select 1, 2, and 3 of your avaiable numbers and stick the "1" sticker about 2/5th's the way down the block, the "2" sticker 3/5th the way down the block, and the number "3" sticker 4/5th's down. Duplicate the block of cardboard twice so you have three pieces. Place each piece in each cutout in the glass. Make sure each piece can move about freely in there. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-W7rIOfv4fwI/Ugf31aRaiwI/AAAAAAAABtE/MmmRnJM3z54/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+2.jpg 3. Now go into your tools bag and bring out a tag, choose the color green for the tag color and place it on the 3 in the first block, the 1 on the second block, and the 2 on the third. Then change the color to red and place red tags on all other spots. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-NpBgIYBqtKk/Ugf32fFEcII/AAAAAAAABtc/zcTRSV5HO1Y/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+3.jpg 4. Return to your tools bag and pull out a Microchip. Attach it to the top of one of the cardboard blocks. Place the following on that chip: - 1 Mover (set to 0 Left/Right speed, 1 Up/Down Speed, 100% Acceleration, 100% Deceleration) - 1 Mover (set to 0 Left/Right speed, -1 Up/Down Speed, 100% Acceleration, 100% Deceleration) - 1 Antigravity Tweaker (100% anti-gravity, 0% dampening) - 1 Antigravity Tweaker (100% anti-gravity, 100% dampening) - 1 Direction Splitter (and attach the outputs from the splitter to the movers). - 1 NOT Gate (and attach the output from the NOT gate to the Anti-Gravity Tweaker with the 100% dampening attribute). Now duplicate the finished microchip twice and place them on the top of the other two blocks. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--A9QU-oMywE/Ugf33fNIgcI/AAAAAAAABts/E8lF7Hlj7vM/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+8.jpg 5. Now build a thin layer of cardboard covering the entire glass surface. Then cut out three 1 block wide by 1 block high holes where the "1" sticker would show (when the cardboard blocks in the glass are at the bottom). Use the advanced glue tool to glue the thin layer of cardboard to the glass (be careful to not glue the cardboard blocks in the glass though). https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-mJl3xbuYLfM/Ugf32k0CVBI/AAAAAAAABtY/AVbb7dOmuKs/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+5.jpg 6. Now build a long 1 block high platform in the front two layers. Give room to have a start point to the left of the glass block and a scoreboard to the right. Glue that platform to the thin layer of cardboard to keep it suspended as well. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-8SLgg5JJNUc/Ugf33CzSVbI/AAAAAAAABtg/rKjdDWCFdZU/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+6.jpg 7. Now place three 3-way switches in front of the cutouts in the thin layer. Glue them to the platform. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ymjsdy9WOCk/Ugf33PIrRoI/AAAAAAAABt0/BYDxh9tKMyI/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+7.jpg 8. Using your popit cursor hide the thin layer (press L2 while point at the thin layer) then take the output line from each of the 3-way switches and connect them to the Direction Splitter and the NOT gate in each cardboard box's microchip. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--A9QU-oMywE/Ugf33fNIgcI/AAAAAAAABts/E8lF7Hlj7vM/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+8.jpg 9. Restore the view of the thin layer (open your pop-it cursor and press L1), then place a new microchip just to the left of the first cutout. In that microchip, place a Tag Sensor rotated 90 degrees clockwise, maximum range 15, trigger angle 60, tag color green on that Microchip. Then duplicate that tag sensor and place the second tag sensor on the same microchip but change it's tag color to red. Duplicate the microchip two times and place them next to each cutout on the thin layer. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-G9Bp2MBg928/Ugf339xu7SI/AAAAAAAABt8/TOpgfLxKXjg/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+9.jpg 10. Now we have one more object to make, create another cardboard block that is place between the glass block and where the scoreboard will go. Make sure no sackperson can walk around it. Attach a destroyer tag to it (include rigid connections is set to no). https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-F60PkvDEffQ/Ugf309smrgI/AAAAAAAABss/rjPz_9OEpAM/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+10.jpg 11. Now place a new Microchip anywhere out of the way and in view (don't place it on the block with the destroyer tag though). Place the following components on that microchips board: - 2 3-input OR gates - 1 3-input AND gate - 2 Timers (each set to 4.0 seconds maximum count, input action set to forwards/backwards. - 1 UI Sound Object (set to play once, sound effect is task fail) - 1 UI Sound Object (set to play once, sound effect is task complete) Hook up the output of one of the OR gates to the start input of one of the timers and the other OR gate output to that timer's reset. Hook up the output of the AND gate to the other timer's start input. Hook the output of the timer that is hooked up to the OR gates to the "task fail" UI Sound Object and the output of the timer that is connected to the AND gate to the "task complete" UI Sound Object and to the destroyer tag on the block that stands in the player's way. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Ek1ckkbR4vg/Ugf30yYq0DI/AAAAAAAABsw/8NsZxzZzwM4/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+11.jpg 12. Now attach each of the red tag sensor outputs from all three microchips to the OR gate inputs that connects to the timer start input. Then attach another output from each of the three-way switch to the OR gate inputs that connects to the timer reset input. FInally attach each of the green tag sensor outputs from all three microchips to the AND gate inputs. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-5MQsD7hZcec/Ugf31EO3YhI/AAAAAAAABtI/uq5kCWeJNjw/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+12.jpg 13. Finally place your Entrance and Scoreboard in their respective places, save the level and give to a go. If you followed these steps correctly, you should be able to use each of the three way swtiches to change the numbers in the dials. Matching the code 3-1-2 will destroy the block after four seconds, opening the path to the goal. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-AHB7QYNeVyY/Ugf31WBlnQI/AAAAAAAABtA/VyGje0Ph-rE/w640-h360-no/Combo+Dial+Step+13.jpg Now let's consider a more harder version of code entry, input encryption. The Konami Code in Contra is such an example of input encryption. For this you first need to build a controllinator (if the input method is the buttons on your controller itself) or set up the input sources directly in the game. Once you have established your accepted inputs (which was the easy part by the ways), then it is time to build the code entry program code on a microchip. The mechanic is this, when the first correct input is activated, it activates a tag and that tag should activated a tag sensor to start a timer (with a maximum count set to 0.2), which its output is lead to a 2-point AND switch. The other input is the next correct tag sensor. Now you have to be able to wipe out the code if an incorrect input is activated before the next correct one. Do this by setting up a 2-point OR switch, one of the inputs needs to be the next steps timer, so this way it knows it is no longer on the current step and the other input needs to come from a microchip that has the other tag sensors plugged to detect the incorrect signals. In the end once the final timer is triggered that timer's output should be sent to whatever effect you want to activate. Does this make a lot of sense? Probably not. I had a hay day just trying to write this paragraph. That is why I have an exercise for you to perform in the spoiler tag below. 1. Start off by creating a platform for a sackperson to walk across. No specific size needed, just be long enough though (40 blocks wide is a good idea). Make sure there is room for the entrance and the scoreboard with space inbetween. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ouPB1iII7Js/Ugf34BubcBI/AAAAAAAABuE/XHsQNJ9ERdg/w640-h360-no/Input+Encrypt+Step+1.jpg 2. Go ahead and create an obstacle that blocks the sackperson from their goal. A nice big cardboard block usually does the trick. Make sure a destroyer tag (with include rigid connections set to no) is attached. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-QxDGLxnmUhI/Ugf34YoyIrI/AAAAAAAABuM/lr7xwUoJYy8/w640-h360-no/Input+Encrypt+Step+2.jpg 3. Now build three buttons on the surface of the platform, use a color sticker to change them into a different color each and glue them to the platform. Now add a timer below each button (make sure the timer is set to a maximum count of 0.1 seconds and is set to start count up). This timer is used to prevent the raw signal from passing through to the next step in our code entry system. For giggles, add three Musical Instrument Sound Objects below each timer (set each to high piano but each should have a different setting the sound modifier (the first -1, the second 0, the third 1). Finally add a tag with each tag color matching the color you painted your button preferably. Attach the timer output to the tag and and the sound object and to its own reset input. Attach the button output to the tag. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ORRsHujtA68/Ugf35KnyTDI/AAAAAAAABuk/le10B2OmZEw/w640-h360-no/Input+Encrypt+Step+5.jpg 4. That is it for the easy parts, not its time to heat up that soldering iron because some complex microchip work is ahead. Start a new Microchip with plenty of board space. Place the following objects on it (use the picture for reference to where they should go). - Four tag sensors, each set to infinite maximum range. Each color of each tag sensor is your input code you want. In our example, we wanted purple, pink, blue, purple; this way the first, second, third, and back to the first button has to be pressed. - Three AND gates below the second, third and fourth tag sensors. Have the tag senor output connect to one of the inputs of the AND gate each. (Don't worry about the first tag sensor for now.) - Four timers below that, each set to a maximum time of 0.2 seconds, each with start count up as the input option. Connect the output of each of the timers to the other open input on the AND gate of the next column (not it's own AND gate). The final timer can be connected to the destroyer tag. - One UI sound object (set to task complete for the sound effect and be set for play once for it's input option.) The final timer's output can be connected to that as well. - Three OR gates below the timers of the first, second, and third columns (it is not needed for the final one). For each OR gate, take an output of the next timer (not it's own) and connect it to that input. Connect the output of the OR gate to the reset of it's own timer above it. At this point the final timer can now also have its own output connected to it's own reset directly since it does not have an OR gate associated with it. Ignore the Microchips in the pictures for the moment. (Instructions for the Microchips in the next step.) https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-upxuAN71pQw/Ugf35Sq7pXI/AAAAAAAABu4/MkVwqnxhU4c/w640-h360-no/Input+Encrypt+Step+6.jpg 5. Now place a Microchip on the existing microchip board itself in the second column of components. And place the following objects. - 2 tag sensors (each sensor needs to be one of the two colors that is not the color for each column. In our example the color is pink for the correct key, this means the two tag sensors should be set to blue and purple. Both tag sensors need to have infinite maximum range). - 1 OR gate with the outputs of each tag sensor connect to each open port on that OR gate. - 1 AND gate with the output of the OR gate going to one of the open ports on the AND gate. Duplicate the microchip and place it twice in the third and fourth columns respectfully. To help with organization, change the color of each Tag Sensor to match the color of the tag sensor on the main microchip board (not one of the colors of the tag sensors in it). Now open the two newly place microchips and adjust their tag sensors' colors to match the correct color combination. This microchip basically is what detects when an incorrect button is pressed and the code resets. So for example, if the color of the primary tag sensor is purple, then pink and blue need to be set in the microchip in that column. This part is very important to make sure you get right! Now once every chip is set correctly go back to the main board and take the previous column's timer output and connect to the remain open space on the AND gate and the output of the AND gate must be connected to the open space on the previous OR gate's open input. So this way when an incorrect button is pressed the steps are invalid and the code has to start over again. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-wBbY25SNkR4/Ugf35mHL2MI/AAAAAAAABus/lCrh1orEqPA/w640-h360-no/Input+Encrypt+Step+7.jpg 6. Setup your entrance and scoreboard, save your data, and start the level. Test the code to see if it works. Remember if you followed my example it should be purple. blue, pink, purple. If practice exercises are not enough, I also have a level published (http://lbp.me/v/m5s1yp) to demonstrate both techniques on a grander scope, learn more by visiting that topic here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=81270-Code-Entry-Demonstration). | 2013-08-11 23:23:00 Author: WyomingMyst Posts: 101 |
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