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A dynamically programmable 4 digit combination lock. All in one chip.

Archive: 7 posts

I have to be honest though, it could have been a lot simpler (90% less work) if I would have used selectors for everything, but I wanted it to be pure logic. Not to mention I could have used toggle chips for memory and a single binary decoder with a 4-way switch. It ended up being a lot of fun to make, aesthetically pleasing, but overall useless and overly-complicated .

2013-08-07 21:52:00

Posts: 147

Lol that looks like waaaaaaay more work that I would ever do for that. I have no qualms about using logic shortcuts.2013-08-07 23:14:00

Posts: 544

Looks awesome. Could you possibly make a video showing it in action?2013-08-08 01:55:00

Posts: 159

Looks awesome. Could you possibly make a video showing it in action?

Sorry, but the best I've got is an EasyCap, and even that is at my parents house (in another city). I have some more interesting stuff laying around, so I promise I'll post similar creations with either more snapshots or even video, but this one is not worth that much hassle.
2013-08-08 02:15:00

Posts: 147

A'ight. That's cool. You seem to be pretty dedicated to logic. I'd love to see what else you've got. 2013-08-09 03:03:00

Posts: 159

This is a proof that logic has real aesthetics! I've always been fascinated from pictures like yours, though my logic skills are lousy!^^ Its somehow like a painting!^^
Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2013-08-09 08:14:00

Posts: 3981

This is a proof that logic has real aesthetics! I've always been fascinated from pictures like yours, though my logic skills are lousy!^^ Its somehow like a painting!^^


I'm happy to know others appreciate aesthetically pleasing circuitry There is indeed a magic to it, it wow's you with it's complexity, yet manages to present itself beautifully in a comprehensive manner. I'm such a dork -.-
2013-08-09 15:34:00

Posts: 147

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