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Destroying Lag, not thermo

Archive: 9 posts

I am going to publish a new level within a week. Everything is going along smoothly, no problems at all. The thermo is suprisingly not over doing itself. But, a problem Im having is there is alot of lag. My thermo isnt even half way first of all. I dont have many things glued. I am not emitting really anything besides a little water but thats on a player sensor. I mean, the lag is not all that bad but it is kind of annoying. I know I can handle it but I am not sure my players will

Thanks for the help
2013-08-02 03:05:00

Posts: 67

Attach player sensors to anything that moves and activate them only when a player comes near, and destroy them when players won't see them anymore. Put all your decorations on sticker panels and destroy them too.2013-08-02 04:10:00

Posts: 172

Hmmm it is weird that the thermo is OK but there is a lot of lag. Try not to get lots of stuff turned up at the same time, nor many thing to happen at screen at the same time. Try deactivating the emmitters or reducing their frequency ratio, look out for too complex scenarios (specially when using the 3D glitch). I don't know what else to say. Hope everything turns out fine. Good luck pal 2013-08-02 06:10:00

Posts: 1478

The thermometer is an indication of the amount of memory used for the level whereas lag is a performance issue.

You can have a huge level that maxes out the thermo, but if the level doesn't use performance sapping objects then you won't get any lag. Also you can have a level that doesn't use much thermo, but if it uses a lot performance hungry objects and effects at the same time then you will get lag.

To help reduce the lag try these:-

Put antigrav set to 100% dampening on all objects that are stationary.
Put antigrav set to 100% dampening on all movable objects and only switch it off when the player is nearby (the cpu does physics processing on all the objects in a level, but 100% dampening means the physics calculations are simpler).
Reduce the concentration of objects that create particle effects (e.g. don't have a lot of score bubbles on screen at the same time).
Reduce the amount of sackbots (or only emit them when they're required).
Reduce the amount of lighting effects.

These are the things that require the most CPU processing, if you keep these to a minimum then you should be able to reduce lag.
2013-08-02 18:57:00

Posts: 182

Thanks everyone for the tips. The funny thing is I have most the things you guys said down. The only possible solution in my eyes would be to delete some decorations. Though it seemed like every decoration I place down was 100% neccassary and made the level more lively. My friends level was extremely laggy but when he published it was perfectly fine, I think im just going to go ahead and hope once I publish, there will be no lag, well, at least for one player. 2013-08-02 19:06:00

Posts: 67

Might be obvious... but I have a lot of lag in certain areas of levels when creating and not in preview mode. When in preview or playing the published level...no problems!2013-08-03 11:47:00

Posts: 286

Article on reducing lage here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=73706-Artistic-Levels-without-Lag) - some of the tips have already been mentioned here, but you might find something helpful.2013-08-03 19:23:00

Posts: 838

Article on reducing lage here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=73706-Artistic-Levels-without-Lag) - some of the tips have already been mentioned here, but you might find something helpful.

Wow, that was alot lol. The only thing is, is maybe my camera angles are too wide. Also it's a cave type level. So the ground is very unnatural and pointy.

Thanks though!
2013-08-04 02:58:00

Posts: 67

Anyone reviewing this thread, I found out what my main lag was. I had water as a decoration, and mixed with all my details and stuff it caused alot of lag. So i took out the water and theres really no more lag 2013-08-05 06:40:00

Posts: 67

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