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Monster Showroom / Bossfights

Archive: 16 posts

Castlevania, Demon's Quest, Gradius, Final Fantasy, Megaman, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid, Dark Souls, Odin Sphere, Muramasa, Dragon's Dogma... As different they may be, they all offer some really cool monster-designs and bossfights. Something I always liked about games.
So, why not post your own "LBP-monsters" here and write something about it?

Just a skull and two hands really - but classic in a way and with a few special attacks that might surprise you: ^^

A simple enemy (but two of them can be tricky still):

It's all about surviving here:

A big dog gets feed: ^^

Spiders - you'll find quite a few of them in my levels...

No - they won't go away, if you look the other way. ^^

Just a grotesque, living statue:

This lady here deals with fire, blasma, electricity and zombies, and doesn't like you at all. ^^

Draculas pet-dragon and guardian: ^^

My version of Dracula may look like a joke - but do not underestimate him: ^^

Work in progress:

My levels aren't that great - but you can fight the monsters there, if you're interested:

A hellish adventure (save the girls part 3) dt. / engl.
http://i3.lbp.me/img/bl/653b4b7bbbcfb7930b1d65f4bba44911210b47d6.png (http://lbp.me/v/5gf28k)

Quest for love / Dracula rises again (dt. / engl.)
http://ib.lbp.me/img/bl/bdb318484f433115130204cc2b6b6d1b55174dd6.png (http://lbp.me/v/f8d1x8)

Quest for love / Dracula rises again - Part 2
http://i7.lbp.me/img/bl/9379ed56d12c69f3ab6613bb4fa8ce39ea53e045.png (http://lbp.me/v/f8d0em)

Quest for love / Dracula rises again - Part 3
http://id.lbp.me/img/bl/9adba1aa70f631b7483494cab872065794314a2e.png (http://lbp.me/v/f8cxy4)

2013-07-31 18:53:00

Posts: 641


This is the only boss i created in lbp 2

And this one is MY LBP1 dragon
2013-08-02 10:27:00

Posts: 1121

Great Thread
Excellent idea
2013-08-02 10:48:00

Posts: 2526

I used to make bosses all the time in LBP1, here's Anubis and an Alien of mine
2013-08-03 22:58:00

Posts: 3322

Nice thread indeed!
I especially like that awesome dragon!

I have a few bosses in my level series (Fantasy Adventure) aswell.

The first one is in Chapter III;
A magic tree demon...


Then there are these two in Chapter VII;
The main enemy of your adventure...
A sackbot fight...


And of course the final boss of the series in the middle of an attack!
His full appearance can be seen in the level logo of Chapter VII...

2013-08-07 15:22:00

Posts: 73

these pictures are all thrilling and the monsters really scary!^^ Fantastic thread, Lumina, thanks a lot!^^ I'm curious what will come next here, no need to pay for horror-movies anymore!^^

Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2013-08-14 13:10:00

Posts: 3981

I love the idea that you've provided people, but the lack of posting on here saddens me a bit. Anyways, I would love to post on here but I lost interest in including bosses for my levels because they were always dull! Seriously though, I want to thank all those who actually posted the amazing eye candy and I hope that others may post more! 2013-08-15 15:08:00

Posts: 874

I will look into your levels - thanks for the post. ^^

The alien-robot looks really cool.
And it also looks a bit tricky to jump on those weak spots - which is a good thing. ^^

The lack of posting saddens me a bit too.
I think LBP2 offers enough possibilities for intriguing bossfights/monsters -
if you're willing to spend a good amount of level resources / thermo that is. But thanks!

Here are two new bossmonsters of mine, which I will include in my new level trilogy: ^^


2013-09-03 12:41:00

Posts: 641

Oh Lumina,

these pics are looking sooo fantastic, nearly can't wait any longer to play your new level!^^ Though I'm more a scaredy-cat than a hero!^^

many greetings, Jürgen^^
2013-09-03 16:14:00

Posts: 3981

These bosses are awesome! I enjoy seeing pictures of them!

2013-09-05 13:32:00

Posts: 1793

these are great! i need to practice on some bosses. something i haven't really done yet.2013-09-09 20:05:00

kindo vall
Posts: 22

*Is fashionably late to this party*

I have a lot of these, so I'm only posting my favorites. D:

Big Kahuna
She takes a while to beat. You throw mojo-dust at her mask, and each hit knocks out a tooth until it falls off. Then a second layer of snake coils rise up so you can hit her head. Despite the battle length, I love how she's framed in the scene and how something is always moving.

For ME (not everyone else) it was a triumph of logic to get Praxion to work. Three phases of combat where he stomps after you, then shoots lasers, then gets all mutated and ugly and you have to fight something totally different. I like him because he's more fair than other bosses, and his design is actually pretty epic.

She is the 'Big Kahuna' of the CC2 bosses where she's framed super well. She also changes music at each phase of the battle.

Angleron was nightmarish to make back then, and there's a lot I could have done to make things easier on myself. But when fought the way you're supposed to, it's really awesome!

My #1 favorite is one I'm working on right now as part of a level called 'The Broken Dreams of a Melancholy Rainbow'. it's this big scary baby-thing. XD
2013-10-24 20:21:00

Posts: 732

Fantastic pictures / bosses. I'll sure check them out in your levels. ^^
Thanks for posting them.
2013-10-25 16:36:00

Posts: 641


I've played (so far) a few levels of yours. Your boss-designs are really impressive. Great work!
But I also had a few gameplay issues. Some bosses take too much damage (when playing alone),
others were a little confusing (no clues added) or too difficult (spender adjustment recommended).
It took me about 40min. just to beat those 5 retro bosses. ^^

The snake started a bid slow at the beginning and jumping on moving platforms is a little exhausting too. But I still think it was the most impressive boss of those 5. The transformation was really neat and I liked the attack-pattern change.


The penguin / controls felt strange at first (it's almost impossible to jump back) and I expected some firework from him. But I liked the gameplay idea none the less. An exit-arrow or exit-camera to the left would have been nice however.

The angleron battle was nice. It took me a few tries to adjust to the fist-attacks. And the bullets kept hitting me. A third attack and speed increase (with a slower start) would have been nice however.


The spider-level was visually great and maybe the easiest level of them. But I expected a change in his attack-patterns and a few surprises to match the impressive visuals.


The plant was the real issue here however. It took me like forever just to figure out, that there were actually blue balls to grap. And the green balls were so frequent and the platforms so small / quick, that the fight was just too frustrating / annoying to enjoy the view.

On the plus-side - all those bosses should work just fine with more players. Provided that there aren't any slow-downs. ^^ It's a shame not more people played the level. But you also would have to fix a few issues here, to make it more accessible.

PS. While the snake offered a better gameplay - I somehow like your LBP1 lava-monster-design best so far. The size is just perfect, it has a cool tale and felt more like a "real" monster.
Unfortunately I couldn't finish the level, since the fireballs were just too frequent to pass (mainly the one in the upper right corner).


3x YAY - and I'm excited to see the other ones. ^^
PS. Sorry for my english mistakes. (Not my native language)
2013-11-13 11:51:00

Posts: 641

Thank you!

Incidentally Boss Mix 1 is a redux of all of the Crystal Crisis 1 bosses. I definitely agree with your statements, and my more recent things have tried to improve on those flaws.

Nightshade - The plant is a tremendous nightmare. I like the look but it is a HUGE pain to fight.
Rachnai - The spider I actually hate the most. I like his look, but his projectiles are unfair, and the circles are hard to grab.
Angleron - Angleron is much better in her level 'Bio-Hazard Beach' where she has multiple phases.
Rockhopper - The Penguin is also a nightmare. Especially in his level Penguinopolis.
Kahuna - The snake was the last one I made in that set, and also the best. She just takes too many hits.

The Hatchling is an old LBP1 boss. I always cheat on it because it's otherwise impossible! I go to the top right thing first, and the tail last. It is a very old boss though.

Still, I'm not ashamed of Boss Mix 1. I keep it uploaded because despite it being hard and confusing, I can always look back and see I've gotten better. Maybe I'll do a Boss Mix 2 someday with some other better ones.
2013-11-14 15:58:00

Posts: 732

Hi Kato,

you may have been late to the party but I'm even later! Fantastic pictures, you've made me curious and I will check your levels!^^

Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2013-11-23 08:37:00

Posts: 3981

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