Trials of Sackboy!
Archive: 11 posts
Hey there guys, this is my first post on this forum, I hope I'll enjoy it here ![]() anyways, onto my level! I started off with the idea of a dark-ish level, with electric hazards which are quite tricky to conquer ![]() So far about 24 people have played it yet only 4 have completed it.. haha I'd really love some feedback, be as brutal or as nice as you like.. Geart if you like it! The level is called Trails of Sackboy, and I am called LiamR There's some pictures of it attatched, i hope they work right.. Good luck ![]() | 2009-01-27 21:15:00 Author: LiamR ![]() Posts: 5 |
You call that level difficult? Oh, pahshaw! Just kidding, but, ahem, notice my name on the scoreboard in second place. I'm pretty sure I could have aced it. It took me two tries to beat it. The hardest parts for me were the uphill jumps on the glass. The rest of it was precision jumping which I've had a lot of practice at while working on my own level in create mode, lol. In other words, it was challenging without being too difficult or unreasonable. It was a bit short, but if it were longer there might be even fewer people finishing it and giving you bad ratings because of it so... I liked the visual look of it. Things were placed just so (I'd guess you might be a perfectionist, I know I am). The only complaints would be very minor things, like one spot where you grabbed a sponge to go up. The sponge got stuck up top and if I had fallen back down I would have been stuck there. The platforms that take you up...I might have done something different with those to be more "cool" looking, like gotten rid of the visible pistons or something. The part where you're swinging on sponges was easy. You could add some difficulty there by having falling electrified objects between them. I liked it though and gave you a heart. I'll try your other levels later. Hmm, at the end it would have been funny if you're about to get to the scoreboard but a new obstacle suddenly appears blocking your way, encasing the scoreboard, so you have to find one little hole/way in to the scoreboard, lol. But that might just be mean. ![]() | 2009-01-28 02:39:00 Author: Shalatii ![]() Posts: 103 |
Yeah it's definitely not a difficult level by any means. There really isn't any substance to the level either. Visually it is quite plain, and there is nothing innovative in the least. It's like playing the 3rd level in the 1st world of Mario 3....dunno why that came to mind but yeah. Not much to say other than keep creating. It looks like your getting accustomed to the create tools and with some time and more creating I'm sure you can put out a pretty cool level. | 2009-01-28 04:49:00 Author: Neverynnal ![]() Posts: 374 |
Thanks guys, it was my first real attempt at a level, so the help.. helps. haha I didn't say it was impossible, just a bit more challenging than most.. XD I figured the level did need a bit more substance and length to it. I might alter it soon, add a little more difficulty and.. theme to the level. Thanks again! | 2009-01-28 16:59:00 Author: LiamR ![]() Posts: 5 |
Eh no prob man. For a first level you did a real nice job and it seems your getting the basics of create mode down pat. I'd recommend that instead of revamping a level you already built, you create a new one with a fresh theme and concept. You'll notice you'll get better and better with every level you make. I also suggest you check out other levels, or even some of MM's levels and see how they get some of their contraptions to work. You can learn a lot that way ![]() | 2009-01-28 17:54:00 Author: Neverynnal ![]() Posts: 374 |
Hah it was a touch to late for that advice pal, i redid some of it. Instead of the winch-grab thing, theres a set of steps, and at the very begining there is some added obstacles. The swingy balls at the end have been removed and have been replaced with small steps with electrifying object emitters between them.. ouch. Also I have changed some of the material around, etc, to make it have more of a professional look. Please try it out! And give it a heart this time if my changes made much of a difference ![]() | 2009-01-28 18:03:00 Author: LiamR ![]() Posts: 5 |
Soo, I just played your level. For a first it is really quite good. I did enjoy the level and while it is plain it was solid, nothing bad happened no glitches. I found it more difficult then the others on this forum because jump precision isn't one of my strong points. There is a part where you have to hop from the right to the left and back to the right and so on to get to the top of a small upwards obstacle. On the right the wall prevents you from being electrified on the left it does not. It is to thin on the left. I cant tell you how frustrating that was for me. I liked the look of the electrified VR materials. The jumps were well tested, I thought the part with the glass and the lightning was kind of annoying. That is about it. The level was enjoyable and I look forward to your future levels. | 2009-01-28 18:43:00 Author: Hexagohn ![]() Posts: 335 |
Thank you Hex, I realised how the electricity was not working, I had to rush it before i went out.. I will go over it with a fine toothed comb next time ^^ And I am seriously considering changing the uphill glass climbing section, yes it is challenging but it is kind of stupid to be honest. It's just thinking of what to put in its' place.. | 2009-01-28 22:52:00 Author: LiamR ![]() Posts: 5 |
Okay, I've really made the level a bit tougher now, with more electricity and electricity objects being fired from emitters. hah Please play and tell me what you think! | 2009-01-29 20:41:00 Author: LiamR ![]() Posts: 5 |
LiamR, just for future reference remember not to double post, as it's against the forum rules. Just click the "EDIT THIS" button and edit your post. Thanks bud! ![]() | 2009-01-29 23:30:00 Author: Neverynnal ![]() Posts: 374 |
Sure I'm up for a challenge...as long as it isnt the trial of skill *shiver* Well I just tried it and mainly I'll echo the comments of the people above, while a challenge is nice the whole thing gets a bit bland, if you strip it down to the bare bones its just metal with electric shapes embedded into it. Try and mix it up a little, try creating your own obsticles other than jumps. I know its your first level so all I'm trying to do is steer you in the right direction really, sorry If I sound a little mean >< but overall it is a good level, like hex said - nothing fell apart on me, nothing glitches, it all worked. well actually there was one point, on the section where you had to climb by jumping back and forth, on the left of the checkpoint at the top the material is too thin. If you jump on it it will electrocute you even though it isn't electrified. But really keep up the work I'm sure you'll get much better (your better than most peoples first level anyway) Oh and if you want to F4F you can check out any of the ones in my sig (pref HEIST 2), but you dont have to if you dont want to | 2009-01-29 23:41:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
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