Am I the only one who legitimately liked ModNation Racers: Roadtrip?
Archive: 6 posts
Reviewers hated all over MNR: Roadtrip and buyers complained about it left and right, which left me really confused. I have the demo of the game and have played the actual thing for quite a while at a friend's house, and I actually think it was a pretty good game (and yes, I have played the original on PS3.) I didn't experience any of the framerate problems, for one, and all of the unresponsive menus seem to work just fine for me (perhaps they were just fixed in a patch)? Plus, while the lack of online MP was quite disappointing, I don't feel that this only is enough to warrant all of the bad rep the game received. Anyways, the bottom line is, does anybody else here actually like this game? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one. | 2013-07-22 20:06:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
ha, yeah you probably are. | 2013-07-22 20:39:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
Anyways, the bottom line is, does anybody else here actually like this game? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one. ha, yeah you probably are. http://i42.tinypic.com/25zotwj.png | 2013-07-22 20:46:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Wait, there is a sequel to ModNation? And it isn't LBPK? :O | 2013-07-22 21:00:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Wait, there is a sequel to ModNation? And it isn't LBPK? :O I wouldn't call it a "sequel", nor an improvement. But it exists, that much is true. | 2013-07-22 21:34:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
I'm pretty sure you were the only one who liked it. I found it to be very boring and stale in 10 minutes. Nothing about that game is fun. | 2013-07-22 23:12:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
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