GUIDE: How to get more plays on your level.
Archive: 62 posts
OK. This is just a few tips I have learned from my experience with LBP. My main reason for posting this here is because I've seen too many good levels get lost in the sea of mediocrity and the average person who is likely to be reading this is a better creator than the average person publishing levels at the moment. So by doing this hopefully the standard of levels on the main pages will improve. First off just to explain about my current situation with plays. I have 4 levels in total, all of which are in the Cool levels section. Now there all they're for very different reasons and I'll explain why. My first level This was achieved by simply republishing the level, A lOT! Now I know people have moral dilemmas about this but the fact is if people don't know your level exists they won't play it. You can post your level in forums like Showcase that we have here but the most you can expect from that is 100/200 plays? Now don't get me wrong I think it's a great idea as the people on this forum give much better feedback than you will ever receive in the comment section of your level but it won't get thousands of people playing. Now when it comes to republishing you can make the most of it in certain ways. The first time you publish it, play it straight after - Strange as it seems people like playing levels that other people are playing. Call it herd mentallity if you will. When you play your level other people will see it because it will have the little bubble above it saying how many are playing. Once you have a few people playing it publish it again. - The reason for doing this is because every time you publish your level gets posted at the top of 2 sections, the cool levels and the newest. Every time somebody else publishes a level, yours in turn gets pushed down the line and inevitably gets lost. Now publishing it again while people are playing does two things. a - it puts it back up the top of the pile and b increases the amount of people playing your level at any one time. Now the reason this is a good thing (apart from the obvious) is that getting a lot of people playing your level at the same time gets you onto another list, the "busiest rankings" Getting onto this can be self fulfilling in that all the people searching through the busiest levels will see it and play it keeping it in the busiest rankings longer. My second level This was simple because it was a level that you only had one life and when you died you were put straight onto the scoreboard. Also this level was hard so you died a lot! So basically all the plays came from people retrying the level (not to be confused with restarting as restarting doesn't count towards plays) Actually this level is a good example that if your level isn't very good it will never reach high rankings as this level is only three stars its much further down the rankings than a level with the same amount of plays with 4 stars. My third level This level seemed to take off like wildfire. Now I think this happened for several reasons. 1 - Custom badge: I really can't put enough emphasis on how important this is. It is the first thing anyone sees about your level. I first realised what a big difference this makes when I changed my first level from having you know that weird pink guy as the icon to just a photo of a devil. The level went from having 300 plays a day to having 500 plays a day (it was already in the cool levels section by then) and I'm talking immediately! Nothing else was changed but the icon sticker. 2 - Title: Back to my third level, another reason is the simple fact it was called Littlebig Matrix. The title appealed to a lot of people. Who knew so many people liked the Matrix ![]() 3- I already had some traffic from my other levels. My fourth level Now on this I tried something a little different and it seems to be working in a great way. Note: This will only work if you already have a busy level. I published new versions my first 3 levels as copyable but locked them. I then put a key to these levels at the end of my newest one. I then simply put a magic mouth at the end of all 3 of my older levels explaining that if they want a copyable version of the level they have just played, go play my new one. Now as my older levels are already in the top few pages they get a lot of traffic so this was enough to get these people to my page to play my newer level. The last time I checked there were 56 people playing it at the same time and the only time I have only ever published this is to fix bugs etc. Bear in mind this is only how you get your level played, how it gets ranked (how many stars) is completely out of your control ![]() If your level is complete tripe it will never get to the top pages. The way MM rank the levels is not just down to the amount of plays it has. A major part of it is its star ranking. You will notice that levels with 3 stars needs a hell of a lot more plays to make it up the ranks than a level with 4 or 5. Some other general tips: - If you publish a level that has a lot of bugs in it to begin with but you fix after your better off just deleting the level and starting fresh. This gets rid of all the bad ratings because of the bugs that no longer exist. - Take photos of your level and upload them as soon as you publish. A lot of people really like flicking through the pics of a level before deciding whether or not to play it. Feel free to add to this as this is only my opinion and I'm sure other people have other tips. I hope this helps people... | 2009-01-27 14:53:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Nice guide, Moral problems with republishing are quite reasonable though but not being discovered while having a great level sucks too... It's just a bit of a dilemma. You might want to add something on good naming. A level with a name like: LittleBigChallenges I won't be playing because it's not likely to be much fun (or most likely: it will have bad art). Your names are great except I'm a bit bored by the "little big xxx" stuff. | 2009-01-27 15:09:00 Author: Wyth ![]() Posts: 263 |
very nice guide I just started to do these things with my level to see if it helps and it does a lot. | 2009-01-27 15:44:00 Author: OverWork ![]() Posts: 873 |
That's nice tips but it's also work imo. You clearly see how the game's system is broken when you have to take REAL EFFORT AND ALOT OF TIME to promote your levels if you want any plays. By the way, a small forum like here will give you like 30-50 plays, not 200. 200 plays and more is if you go on a major forum like NeoGaf, IGN, etc Also, I would suggest a creator to not focus too much on the number of plays. It is really cool but not THAT important. You should harvest the love of creating first. I personally think that some 500-1000 plays really is awesome. And this can be achieved with minimum pimping. . | 2009-01-27 15:49:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Wow, those are some good tips I'll have to keep in mind. I haven't published a new level since the "Cool Levels" changes, but I suppose the thing about the "Busiest" pages makes sense. Myself, I don't mind not getting 1'000 plays, but I do mind only getting 5 to 10 plays. Making levels takes a long time, and I feel every level *should* get more than just a handful of plays. The game won't make this happen for us, so we're left with having to push our levels onto the masses instead. | 2009-01-27 16:37:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
very nice tips...i probably shouldve just deleted and republished my first one due to the bug issue but i didn't now last time i checked it was at around 300 plays and 22 hearts so it would hurt to republish now but i bet the rating would go up to 4 stars easy....which in turn would prob get it more plays / hearts so thats a delima im in right now... also maybe you have a reason why this may be....i published my survival challange zombie onslaught the first time and it was 4 stars going strong (and I did notice if you have 4 stars it makes a huge difference in plays) i had to delete it due to a bug that ruined the scoreboard and made it very easy... so i fixed that and republished and actually made some slight improvements and for some reasont he second time around it was riding 3 stars...idk why it was the same level as before but better...maybe because some of the first people playing gave it 3 and everyone stuck w/ that idk...but the heart ratio to plays is good its just no ones playing it hardly | 2009-01-27 17:39:00 Author: Hamsalad ![]() Posts: 2551 |
A lot of great tips here man. I republish my levels about twice a day and it usually results in about 10 extra plays, maybe a heart or two if I am lucky. I sometimes play my levels right after publishing and you are right about the "herd mentality" thing lol. If one person is playing the level then there is a good chance that someone else will give it a go. Now two people are playing and the level becomes even more appealing. The most I had playing at any one time was 16, it was a great moment of pride lol. I also agree with the custom icons thing. I don't want to sound arrogant but when I first published Out of Africa there was no other level I had played - except Azure Palace - that had a custom icon. I think everyone should make a custom icon as it really makes your level stand out and shows you care so much about your creation that you went the extra mile to make one. My personal trademark is a symbol taken from the level on a black background but level titles with custom lettering (like Wex's last two levels) look really great as well. Thanks for sharing this with everyone Wex. Hopefully it will result in a couple of more plays/hearts etc. One other thing I would suggest is leaving in-game comments on those levels you really enjoyed/hearted. Chances are the creator will repay the courtesy and at the very least check out your work (I always do for those that comment). | 2009-01-28 00:36:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Those are some good theories there. I don't know if I could live with myself doing the repost shuffle... I think I was doing it for the first 100 plays of the digestion level I have, but it just got too much for me morally. I slowed down by the time I got to 200, and now it kind of just self propels itself and I only repost it when I have genuinely updated it. It's up to I think 400 plays and 35 odd hearts off memory now. This site doesn't give 0 traffic to levels advertised, and it's far more than 50 or so. Admittedly I worked hard to reward replays and to try and make it a fun overall experience. A few people have said they have gone back to the level 5 times or even more. That to me is enough reward as a creator, knowing that people have enjoyed it so much they will come back again, and not because of frustration or bugs but rather just for fun. ![]() To each his own though. I guess I could republish the level as an identical version and republish it agressively as a social experiment. I'd have to think about it though, as at the moment I am happy where I am as a creator. ![]() | 2009-01-28 00:59:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
Wow just what i needed thanks The most plays ive gotten was 50 in beta but i had like 20 hearts to go with that Now i cant even get more than 5 | 2009-01-28 01:20:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
Very kind of you to share theese dirty triks with us. (lol) Maybe I will delete and republish Miglioshin's Fantasy Adventure ch.2 (now it's around 450 plays and 1/10 heart ratio, 3 stars but I think now it deserves also the fourth) because during the first 100 plays it was really bugged and harder than now, it has started with 2 stars ranking... I'll let you know about the results. | 2009-01-28 19:53:00 Author: Miglioshin ![]() Posts: 336 |
ok i have some questions, but just a few ![]() | 2009-01-29 00:42:00 Author: jjdragon ![]() Posts: 257 |
I would also need to know if this involves overwriting or not. I republished my levels tonight and nothing happened. They weren't in the first 15 pages of the cool levels or new levels. Same happened with my newly published level, SackCity. Are you sure guys that the tricks here are working since they retouched the search like last week? . | 2009-01-29 06:20:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
when you say republish do you mean just take the exact same level and publish it over the one online? or do u do something else? and if it is something else will you lose the stars and plays u already got? i just need a better explanation. I republished my levels tonight and nothing happened. They weren't in the first 15 pages of the cool levels or new levels. Yes, go to your level on the moon hit publish and overwrite the same level. All your stats will remain. The reason you don't see it appear in the cool levels or newest levels is because the game only uploads the current server stats every 10 minutes or so. So, when you publish and head straight to cool levels you may actually be looking at what the servers were like a few mintutes ago, its not real time. It will appear for other people who have just started up the game and went looking for cool or new levels. If you really wanted to see it for yourself you couold quit the game and restart it forcing the game to download new server stats. Even when you do this though, people upload levels every couple of seconds so your level is like to get pushed down the queue quite quickly. The stars, plays, hearts, comments etc will all reamain the same. | 2009-01-29 09:39:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
All your stats will remain. The reason you don't see it appear in the cool levels or newest levels is because the game only uploads the current server stats every 10 minutes. I know that buddy. I've been checking my level behaviors for at least an hour. They never seem to have appeared anywhere. Oddly enough there was people playing SackCity the whole time. | 2009-01-29 14:39:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I know that buddy. I've been checking my level behaviors for at least an hour. They never seem to have appeared anywhere. Oddly enough there was people playing SackCity the whole time. i tried it and it works great now ![]() | 2009-01-29 20:54:00 Author: jjdragon ![]() Posts: 257 |
i tried it and it works great now ![]() Glad to hear this helped you ![]() | 2009-01-30 10:44:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
I'm gonna try this after school. How do you get pictures on your levels? | 2009-01-30 12:26:00 Author: Sackdragon ![]() Posts: 427 |
- Take photos of your level and upload them as soon as you publish. A lot of people really like flicking through the pics of a level before deciding whether or not to play it. How do you do that? I've seen somebody do that on one of my levels but when I tried it on my own it didn't work.. Do I upload while playing it? Or is it automatically uploaded when you take a personal picture during the level? | 2009-01-30 13:02:00 Author: Pinchanzee ![]() Posts: 805 |
How do you do that? I've seen somebody do that on one of my levels but when I tried it on my own it didn't work.. Do I upload while playing it? Or is it automatically uploaded when you take a personal picture during the level? You have to upload it while playing the level (the published level, not the level on your moon.) | 2009-01-30 13:09:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Thanks! That will help me out a lot. I better start republishing![]() Also, how do you upload the picture during the level? | 2009-01-30 15:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Press Square button on the saved pic and then chose "upload". By the way I still couldn't make so I can see SackCity in the community page or when I search for new level. No matter how long I wait after publishing, reboot or play it. I'd be curious if someone could actually see it. Maybe it's only me not seeing it for some reason. | 2009-01-30 18:27:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
there is a shortcut to republishing your levels. You can either lock your level and then unlock it (you republish twice, but you need to unlock it so people can play it). Or you can make the level copyable and then non-copyable again (or the other way around)(well you do not want poeple copying your level if you spent LOADS of time on it, so you should republish twice in a row so your level goes back to normal) Hope this shortcut helps! Cheers! | 2009-02-01 06:13:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
You can republish by "moving" your level. | 2009-02-01 06:35:00 Author: Trap_T ![]() Posts: 431 |
This guide is superb, I learnt lots from almost every single sentence... and that's saying something. You obviously took time to make this guide and it came out perfectly, it was somewhat of a lesson as well as being a guide. I just found a few typos within the guide that you might want to sort out to make the post a bit tidier. All the words/phrases with the '<>' are the typos. - First off just to explain about my current situation with plays. I have 4 levels in total, all of which are in the Cool levels section. Now <there> all there for very different reasons and I'll explain why. there = they're - My first level This was achieved by simply republishing the level, A lOT! Now I know people have moral <delemas> about this but the fact is if people don't know your level exists they won't play it. You can post your level in forums like <the shocase thread> we have here but the most you can expect from that is 100/200 plays? Now don't get me wrong I think <its> a great idea as the people on this forum give much better feedback than you will ever <recieve> in the comment section of your level but it won't get thousands of people playing. Now when it comes to republishing you can make the most of it in certain ways. delemas = dilemmas the shocase thread = Showcase that its = it's recieve = receive - The first time you publish it <play> it straight after - Strange as it seems people like playing levels that other people are playing. Call it herd mentality if you will. When you play your level other people will see it because it will have the little bubble above it saying how many are playing. play = , play - Once you have a few people playing <it> publish it again. - The reason for doing this is because every time you publish your level gets posted at the top of 2 sections, the cool levels and the newest. <Everytime> somebody else publishes a <level> yours in turn gets pushed down the line and inevitably gets lost. Now publishing it again while people are playing does two things. a - it puts it back up the top of the pile and b - <Icreases> the amount of people playing your level at any one time. Now the reason this is a good thing (apart from the <obious>) is that getting a lot of people playing your level at the same time gets you onto another list, the "busiest rankings" Getting onto this can be self fulfilling in that all the people searching through the busiest levels will see it and play it keeping it in the busiest rankings longer. it = it, Everytime = Every time level = level, icreases = increases obious = obvious - My second level This was <simply> because it was a level that you only had one life and when you died you were put straight onto the scoreboard. Also this <levels> was hard so you died a lot! So basically all the plays came from people retrying the level (not to be confused with restarting as restarting doesn't count towards plays) Actually this level is a good example that if your level isn't very good it will never reach high rankings as this level is only three stars its much <futher> down the rankings than a level with the same amount of plays with 4 stars. simply = simple levels = level futher = further ![]() | 2009-02-01 16:35:00 Author: Bear ![]() Posts: 2079 |
Do you have any tips for making custom icons? | 2009-02-01 20:52:00 Author: Pinchanzee ![]() Posts: 805 |
Have you removed the copyable versions of the levels from the game, Wexfordian? I remember you commenting about the problems it was causing in this thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=8048), and it seems they are now taken down. Do you want to comment a bit more on the impact this has had to your play count? | 2009-02-02 04:59:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
Have you removed the copyable versions of the levels from the game, Wexfordian? I remember you commenting about the problems it was causing in this thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=8048), and it seems they are now taken down. Do you want to comment a bit more on the impact this has had to your play count? I have taken down the copyable versions due to the amount of people publishing it as their own and I didn't want to be the one responsible for causing the servers to be spammed with hundreds of versions of my level. Its not good for the game and its not good for me. I searched the word "matrix" and found about 100 versions of my level all the exact same with the only change they made was to make it non-copyable! Of all these levels I only found one person who acknowledged it was my level to begin with. I did however look at some of the comments left on these levels and found that a lot of people had tore into these guys for publishing other peoples levels as their own. It was nice to see other peolpe standing up against this sort of thing. As an interesting side note though, I replaced the text that read "Play my new level to get a copyable version of this" with something like "If you liked this level try my newest level". This resulted in a small drop off in numbers playing it but there was still a constant trickle of people playing it. It seems to be working nicely as its already made it only the cool levels pages (around page 5 I think) This experience hasn't stopped me believing that its a good thing to share levels, just that its not a good thing to share levels with EVERYONE. ![]() | 2009-02-02 15:26:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
So that's how you republish! I was simply renaming the description via the world map. For the custom circle icon, you can just use a photo right? | 2009-02-10 12:18:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
This guide is incredibly helpful. In just half an hour, I got over 200 plays on my LittleBig Excavator level. | 2009-02-13 00:27:00 Author: Sackdragon ![]() Posts: 427 |
most of the time I move my level from the US to Europe(not literally, IN THE GAME) and I get a few number of people on my level each time I do it. | 2009-02-13 01:20:00 Author: EchoEchoOneNine ![]() Posts: 61 |
Hey thanks man there are some great tips there i hope this helps my levels get played more | 2009-02-13 01:29:00 Author: Sonic5411 ![]() Posts: 712 |
It all comes down to luck sometimes. My first Aperture Science level got a crap-ton of plays, and I didn't even know about the republishing trick. Then, the subsequent levels, which in my opinion were better, didn't perform as well even though I used republishing tricks. The tricks to help get some exposure, though, I won't deny that. It's unfortunate that people use the trick on levels that don't deserve the exposure, but 'tis the nature of the system... | 2009-08-27 04:22:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
I have done everything but republishing my level a bunch of times. Perhaps I will start that now because I really do feel that my level deserves more than 100 plays. Perhaps it is not the best level ever, but dang it! It took me a lot of time and to only have 100 people play it seems like a slap in the face! | 2009-09-02 20:58:00 Author: Frazer951 ![]() Posts: 117 |
Ill have to try these, it can be frustrating when you spend a long time making a level you thinks really cool and only have 10 plays over a week![]() | 2009-09-05 23:38:00 Author: Raiden ![]() Posts: 5 |
another way, I think might work is to change the description/name slightly or lock/unlock it it republishes the level. | 2010-06-05 07:43:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
sweet guide, but what annoys me is that there are so many crap levels out there and copied ones, (H8 STEPHANIE RAVENS, X3 POWER) that my levels are actually good, but they are being suffocated by h4h and spam! it's not fair. i think with lbp2 there should be a level filter where mm hires millions to play the newest levels, and should have the right to remove it if neccesary, (im not trying to be mean to inexperienced players, but if this filter idea is true, then noobs, STICK TO LBP1!!!). then maybe they can get practice before making levels on lbp2 so they don't make a hash of things and make it look like a complete joke. thanks psn: jamescretney - Youtube: jamescretney Visit my website: www.jamescretneyslbp.webs.com | 2010-09-02 14:46:00 Author: jamescretney ![]() Posts: 2 |
sweet guide, but what annoys me is that there are so many crap levels out there and copied ones, (H8 STEPHANIE RAVENS, X3 POWER) that my levels are actually good, but they are being suffocated by h4h and spam! it's not fair. i think with lbp2 there should be a level filter where mm hires millions to play the newest levels, and should have the right to remove it if neccesary, (im not trying to be mean to inexperienced players, but if this filter idea is true, then noobs, STICK TO LBP1!!!). then maybe they can get practice before making levels on lbp2 so they don't make a hash of things and make it look like a complete joke. thanks psn: jamescretney - Youtube: jamescretney Visit my website: www.jamescretneyslbp.webs.com Way to de-incentivate new players to create levels... EDIT: Btw, mini-bump! | 2010-09-02 14:49:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Thanks for the guide, wexfordian. It's VERY helpful except I can't go on the PS3 for another hour or so, but when I do, i'll try all your tips. Also I know another tip, if you want to know, ask m on PSN. See ya round. | 2010-09-03 07:15:00 Author: mutant_red_peas ![]() Posts: 516 |
This was a very good guide ! ![]() | 2010-09-03 15:54:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'm not so sure if the republishing trick works anymore. I've been trying for weeks to get my levels on the cool pages i must have republished them 1000 times and no luck, its quite sad because i spent AGES trying to make them. Apparently it has something to do with the amount of plays you get in a short space of time... I'm confused lol. | 2010-09-22 12:10:00 Author: onaga666 ![]() Posts: 293 |
So basicly you just keep republishing your levels? but how can republish? do you have to delete your level and publish it? or do you just move the level around and publish it? Or changing icon, description, ect. | 2010-09-27 05:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
So basicly you just keep republishing your levels? but how can republish? do you have to delete your level and publish it? or do you just move the level around and publish it? Or changing icon, description, ect. You just enter create mode, edit it somehow, return to pod, press quare on your level, publish and just overwrite it. You don't lose plays or anything it just overwrites the old version. ![]() | 2010-09-27 18:45:00 Author: onaga666 ![]() Posts: 293 |
Nice im going to try that. Im making a level now. If anyone wants to hang and help me they're more than welcome. I love having company when i create. | 2010-10-05 02:49:00 Author: donta133 ![]() Posts: 182 |
I know a better way, try making a bomb/shark survival or floaty jumps level, seriously, the lbp1 cool pages system doesn't work, its broken, and looking at what the real problem is, i would say that is the community as whole that don't really care to play good levels, if this goes in the same direction, i could bet that lbp2 will suffer from the same.... (btw, why reviving dead threads?) | 2010-10-05 03:17:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
I'll try this. I Have 4 levels that never get more than 10 plays. They are good levels, and its frustrating that no one plays them. | 2010-11-29 15:15:00 Author: H-O-S-M-A-R ![]() Posts: 74 |
I wonder if this is still effective with LBP2. Anyone know? | 2011-02-10 09:42:00 Author: rankojp ![]() Posts: 7 |
Thanks for the tips. I done everything u said. i hope i get ssome plays | 2011-02-12 18:48:00 Author: sufferingmother ![]() Posts: 2 |
OR you could post on forums, like everyone else does. I mean if everyone is republishing, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of getting your level seen? | 2011-02-19 12:19:00 Author: creator22 ![]() Posts: 162 |
Nice guide, here's another tip People like bomb survivals | 2011-02-20 13:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'll try this and see how many plays I can get. Thanks for the tips! | 2011-02-20 20:26:00 Author: Willah ![]() Posts: 54 |
I was upset at first by having the same trouble getting exposure as I did in LBP1. But I looked at my level stats today and it seems like the "right" people are playing my levels, and I am happy with the heart-play ratio. I think this is more gratifying than the gimmicks, (which for the record I am NOT above doing). | 2011-02-23 02:14:00 Author: dTOtheTEE ![]() Posts: 183 |
Here's a tip: Make your cutscenes/magic mouths skippable! They can be helpful on the first playthrough, but on a replay, the player doesn't need to see them at all. They will only get annoyed by them, as it takes control away from the player, and they have to wait around for the darn things to end before they can get back into the gameplay. | 2011-02-23 04:12:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Taking photos: As my current levels are all movies, I can't publish those photos from inside the movie and have been doing so from my moon instead, and thus far it has worked. Not sure if this is a change with LBP2 as I barely touched creating in LBP1 | 2011-02-28 19:47:00 Author: MuddledMuppet ![]() Posts: 115 |
I already knew republishing would work, but these other ones are great!!! Thanks! | 2011-03-11 01:26:00 Author: BonBonBoi ![]() Posts: 246 |
That's nice tips but it's also work imo. You clearly see how the game's system is broken when you have to take REAL EFFORT AND ALOT OF TIME to promote your levels if you want any plays. By the way, a small forum like here will give you like 30-50 plays, not 200. 200 plays and more is if you go on a major forum like NeoGaf, IGN, etc Also, I would suggest a creator to not focus too much on the number of plays. It is really cool but not THAT important. You should harvest the love of creating first. I personally think that some 500-1000 plays really is awesome. And this can be achieved with minimum pimping. I agree with you for the first and third paragraphs, but this is a small forum? This website is probably the most popular fan site in LBP! And that's really saying something. | 2011-04-14 19:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hey this guide is great and i hope it works if i use it for myself. if anyone gets a chance can anyone play my lvl Mission Reload (Demo). i worked hard on it and i need some plays thx. | 2011-07-06 23:17:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hmm, these are some interesting tips, I shall atempt these. Thanks!![]() | 2011-07-16 04:36:00 Author: SolidNInja2020 ![]() Posts: 39 |
This was great help! Thanks a lot. I knew about the re-publishing trick. But not all the other tricks! ![]() ![]() | 2012-03-09 12:40:00 Author: Skaterjoe14 ![]() Posts: 60 |
Just a question... does Tip 1 work in LBP2? From reading the guide I can tell that it's based on LBP1 stuff... | 2012-03-11 00:50:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
none of this seems to work for me ![]() | 2012-03-24 11:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'm kind of a rookie when we're talking about creating.(had 3 levels with ermmmm 5 plays in total?) Now I'm having a serious project(and in need of a few experienced guys so if you're avalabile check this link (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=69735-New-member-new-idea-need-crew) out) and I want to know a few things: - how do you REpublish a level? - if you republish a level don't you lost all plays? -How to add photos in your level description? I know these questions are kinda noobish but pls answer them and don't bash me for it. ![]() | 2012-04-16 20:54:00 Author: Frenzie ![]() Posts: 308 |
Umm...i've tried this and no luck what so ever people just don't play my levels for some i add good names and republish and play them after the publish but no luck.Hey wont some people here PLAY MY LEVEL's just to you know try them out please just be honest on how you feel about them what do you guy's say! | 2012-04-16 22:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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