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Boat from The legend of zelda phantom hourglass

Archive: 5 posts

This is one of my projects I work at the moment. Its a minigame. I will publish it when I fix all bugs! I spendes really a lot of time!
2013-07-16 22:45:00

Posts: 625

Looks awesome!! I love Legend of Zelda: Phantom hourglass and I'm sure I will love this level when it's ready! 2013-07-17 09:52:00

Posts: 103

Omg! Really cool! I've been a Zelda-fan since the days of Nintendo's SNES! First I had my problems with the cell shading style but then I got used to it and I really enjoyed the stories and the gameplay!^^
I'm also sure that I will love this level when it's ready!^^ (to use Kapum's words! )

Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2013-07-18 14:53:00

Posts: 3981

I was expecting something else, but reality proved me wrong! Anyways, like the others here, I await for the moment that I may play this level! If you do decide to publish the level for it though! 2013-07-20 10:36:00

Posts: 874

Looks very cool. Great job! Can't wait to see the finished product.2013-07-29 22:39:00

Posts: 6

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