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Archive: 5 posts

Hello all you moon dwellers, my name is VeGas Gh0st ,
i would like to start this thread as an official listing of things we want in LBP to Send to MM,Tarsier, and Sumo Digital.

i will be updating this periodically, and also posting links to tutorials levels if i find a way to do it within the current boundaries of LBP.

. First and foremost a Paint Tool and our Attract - o - Gel in LBP Vita

. second a new EXTREMELY useful tweak in all current logic similar to that of a tag. let me explain.
its an idea ive dubbed the "Master/Slave" Tweak it will allow you to Set a Master... in this case lets say Motor Bolt, Set all of its tweaks like normal (speed, input type ,ect) and name it like a tag and set colors, then Make a Slave version, the slave will work similar to live emit as it will mirror all tweaks and inputs wirelessly using only that logic piece.
( I.E. hooking a counter, battery, Ect into the master will transmit that signal -digital or analogue- wirelessly to all slave logic pieces of the same name/color,)

i have to get back to work now, so let me know any ideas you guys have and keep an eye on this post as i update.
Keep using those brains and lets build the future with fun.

- VeGas Gh0st -
2013-07-16 22:19:00

VeGas Gh0st
Posts: 12

So @ the second thing.... basically it's just a way to make everything have the same tweak if you're too lazy to just set them all like that?2013-07-18 11:51:00

Posts: 159

So @ the second thing.... basically it's just a way to make everything have the same tweak if you're too lazy to just set them all like that?

Well it would serve that purpose yes but, it would be an immense time saver as well as having other uses.
not sure about you but i cant seem to Multi-Select ( R2+X) Bolts and the like. so that's one use.
Also it would be a wireless way to have modular logic ALA a Parent/Child relationship as opposed to going through your level and tweaking each thing individually if you should decide you want to change something.

Example you have a modular conveyor belt piece in multiple locations in your level and instead of tweaking one and "Stamp copying" the piece this would allow you to tweak ONE and only one piece of logic and it would transfer wirelesslly for every piece you have set up.
2013-07-22 00:16:00

VeGas Gh0st
Posts: 12

It's been a while since I played but can't you just tweak before you place the bolt and then just place it everywhere you need?2013-08-16 05:23:00

Posts: 14

I can understand the use of it but I feel it would clutter the create mode with visual representations since it can already get that way.2013-08-16 16:05:00

Posts: 1382

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