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The Console Wars: Reloaded

Archive: 615 posts


In a world dominated by technology and corporations, the factions known by many as Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo rose to power on both a national and global scale. Embedding themselves with government activities, including various military projects and covert operations, the three factions set to change how the world operated ~ and they succeeded. But soon after that came conflict, with the three factions rebelling against each other in what would be known as the Console Wars. Five major wars occurred before the fighting ended, and the tale of the three factions' ongoing battles came to an abrupt conclusion.

Welcome, one and all, to the Console Wars, LBPC's signature roleplaying series. Exaggerating the often used term when describing the competition between the major console developers Sony, MS, and Nintendo, The Console Wars takes place in a world where the three "factions" have become just as important as our very own governments, taking on all kinds of roles and responsibilities. But with each round in this game, a conflict arises, to where the factions end up going to war with each other. This is not your typical RPG, because in it, there are no stats, points, ultra-specific turn taking,etc. The focus with this game is mainly telling each of our own stories, while also interacting with the other characters in the story.

How the Game Works.

Each and every member who participates in TCW will be writing a story for their characters and how they're affected by the war between the Big 3. You'll pick which of the three factions your main character(s) is affiliated with, (unless there's no affiliation, but the idea is for the vast majority of main characters to be somehow tied in with one of the factions) and from there, it's up to you. You could be the CEO there, or a soldier, a medic, intern, whatever you want. You guys help shape this story, and help bring this world to life by participating with your character's stories. The way you play this game will be by making posts for your characters, essentially progressing their story, whether if be something minor like waking up and getting a call from someone, or something more important like sneaking into an enemy base, or discovering some sort of shocking betrayal. Despite each writer having his or her own story to tell, a major element of the game is to intertwine your character's stories with others. You can message them in this thread or PM them about plans to cross over, and adjust things as you go, but it's very important that each writer tries to interact with other's to tie everything together, and make things much more fun.

Starting Fresh.

One of the main complaints I've seen with this series is how some writers have tried incorporating characters/groups/and story arcs from previous wars, which some won't be able to fully pick up on unless they fully go back through the previous wars, which, apart from the first few, each stretched out to be very long. Even though it was only an added bonus to have read the past wars before entering a new one and was by no means a requirement whatsoever, we're hoping that isn't an issue this time around. Wanna know why? Because this time, everything starts fresh. Since many veterans have left or dipped in activity recently, more newer players are getting involved with the roleplaying side to this forum. It was officially stated by one of our own TCW veterans, Merc, that the fifth war which he had hosted was the end to the series. Given both the loss of veterans and that TCW5 was already planned to be the series' finale, it seems the most logical decision to reset everything. This may come as sad news for some, but overall I think it's the best course of action. It's also why having joined this war was so important, as it could lay the foundation for everything that's to come later on in this new, rebooted franchise. If you're still unsure about how to properly participate in this game, or you want to get a better understanding of how the game worked in the past series, feel free to visit any of the past console wars, which are all available in the links below. (But in all honesty, I'd focus on the latter wars. Things go off the rails in some of the first couple ones.)

The Console Wars (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=18485-The-Console-Wars)

The Console Wars: Revival (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=22354-The-Console-Wars-Revisited*NEW-THREAD*)

The Console Wars 2: Renewal (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=27190-The-Console-Wars-Renewal)

The Console Wars 3 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=39791-The-Console-Wars-3)

The Console Wars IV (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=53638-The-Console-Wars-IV)

The Console Wars: Blackout (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=64383-The-Console-Wars-Blackout)

The Console Wars V: Road's End (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=71703-The-Console-Wars-V-Road-s-End)

(NOTE: Remember, like I said above, there is no requirement whatsoever for you to read any of the past wars. This is a brand new start, & aside from the same concepts, practically nothing from the original seven wars will carry over to this reboot.)

Overview of Rules.

1.) All off-topic posts/commentary will be put between double brackets/parenthesis. ((Like so.)) This allows for less confusion if someone wants to communicate with one of the writers in the thread, or wants to say something not directly dealing with the story.

2.) While we'll be dealing with things like war and science fiction, we still want our posts to make sense, and not too random/all over the place. That means no random squids popping out of people's armpits because the writer thought it would work well with the story. On that note, make sure your post is also readable in the first place. Typos are okay, just make sure we can still clearly understand what you're saying, unless it's meant to be difficult to understand.

3.) Just because you're a writer, doesn't mean you're some overpowered demi-god. No killing other people's characters, (unless they want you to) no destroying important landmarks without overall consensus, etc. We won't just ban any use of mind control or teleportation, but if you do decide to include some sort of super abilities, don't spam them like some crazy person or whatever.

4.) Like I said above, try to stick around. The game is very complex, and each game usually loses a bunch of people. It's inevitable, but if you're going to sign up, try and stick with it. If you can no longer play, you can no longer play, but we don't want too many plot holes from people leaving the game with their characters' stories unresolved, and you shouldn't rely on other people to continue your story to the end if you have to quit mid-game.

5.) If you want to join this game while it's in motion, and you weren't able to sign up here, you should send me a message and I'll consider adding you in. (It depends where we are in the story) I reserve the right to kick someone from the game if they're being a total and complete nuisance (although that rarely happens) or if for some odd reason, they're not fit to join the game. (Again, we shouldn't be running into this kind of problem, I'm just saying it "in case.")

6.) Finally, please abide by LBPC's Rules and Guidelines if you decide to join this. That means be nice to those around you, don't share any weird images found on the internet, and no bot advertisements for your favorite ugg boots.

- Special Thanks -

Here are a list of people I'd personally like to thank for helping make this reboot what it is:

1.) theswweet, the person responsible for the original Console War.
2.) butter-kicker, for helping push me to make this new round a reality, and also for creating an awesome logo for the game.
3.) gdn001, for all his efforts in sticking with past wars, as well as throwing a lot of ideas back & forth with me for this.
4.) Ryan86me, for some hearty, much appreciated efforts in advertising this thread.
5.) Merc, for creating the epic 2-part finale that is TCW: Blackout and TCW V. Also, I sorta copied the sign-ups format he used in the last war.
6.) abyssalassassin for returning from the dead, while also managing to bring back past vets like nerzdadestroyer, Testudini & Whalio.
7.) Everyone else I forgot to mention. Thanks for everything, Mr. and Mrs. Unacknowledged!
2013-07-16 20:28:00

Posts: 5208

Fictional Cities

Capital City: Metropolis
Location: China

Secondary City: Vita City
Location: Canada


Capital City: New Natal
Location: Texas

http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/350/f/9/across_the_park___digital_matte_painting_by_jadrie nc-d5nxd2h.png

Secondary City: Old Natal
Location: New York


Capital City: Eterna City
Location: Japan


Secondary City: New Leaf
Location: Italy

2013-07-16 20:29:00

Posts: 5208

TCW Newsroom

This will be a series of issues which will help recap every week of this glorious war.

- Virgil picks up a briefcase package (for his friend General Alkitov) from a shopkeeper in Metropolis named Zhou, along with a spiffy motorbike.
- Nate the detective, living in Eterna City, looks over recent reports without bodies/evidence and gets called in for a new case.
- Jack the pro-indie trader walks through the streets of Empire City a.k.a. NYC and into a building to meet with someone, but gets ambushed instead.
- amoney the robot travels through time and space, fixing all sorts of time paradoxes and such.
- Mathias arrives in the outskirts of New Leaf with his pet Amaterasu, to meet with a friend.
- Gideon removes his Zhou disguise after Virgil leaves the shop and meets up with his robot companion, Atlas, as they're trying to fit in.
- Flem escapes tourist ship and travels through Canada, running into a family and hurting the mom with his ice powers but manages to heal her.
- Kuzanao is locked in his Nintendo office after refusing to comply with CEO Iwata's demand for him to plant a virus in MS' Windows OS.
- Brian the baker sings his special cake song in his little bakery stand in New Natal, reminded of his youthful days as a young lad.
- Trevor the cyber-agent, living in Vita City, gets a report of a breach in Sony's Database, and has to refuse B.F.F. Camille's Homebound invite.
- Ava the medic at Shuhei Hospital, Vita City, thinks about the invitation for her to transfer to the military.
- Hope Tanner is the CEO of Microsoft, and starts reminiscing about recent faction tensions in her mighty swivel chair.
- Ava/Jon saves a guy in a crash, named Howard, but her partner Jon finds out about her transfer to the military, but he understands.
- Mags & his friends Deame/AJ talk about war between the factions before a guy in a X-marked helicopter tells Mags to come with him.
- Jack escapes building through a window, while the ambusher Greenly steps out, spots Mags, and gets some serious flashbacks of his time in the wastelands, north of Empire City.
- The hospital flem went to was broken into, with a suited man capturing him and making him go unconscious, put on a train to New Natal.
- Noel breaks into Sony facility to shut down communications, blowing up a sever room before escaping.
- Shank runs into Eterna civilians speaking japanese, gets called a terrorist, and is locked up for 2 weeks before joining Nintendo.
- Hope gets some fresh air, making some chit chat with Brian Cookienut.
- Jackson finds out about Miyamoto's death, scowling at his home of Eterna City while embracing the rebellious "Smashers."
- Kuzanao complies with Iwata and sends Hope a message with to trick her with the virus attached, but implants a secret message Iwata doesn't see.
- Shank finds out Miyamoto's dead, tries sending Kuzanao a message, but gets taped, captured and knocked out before he's done, and later gets interrogated about his mother, Rose.
- Nate2 gets the blame for breaking stuff in his office, flips off some guy outside and starts peeing against the walls.
- Iwata keeps Kuzanao locked up despite sending the virus to Hope, with no food or water available, giving him the slow death.
- Cassidy Rayne is the only cleaner left in Microsoft's 2nd-tallest building, struck by paranoia after everyone else left, meeting a beach-blonde aviator-wearer named Saran.
- Ava calls Sgt. Groves who turns out to be her uncle, who tells her to report to him the next day.
- Bill the suit-man tells Mags he's been recruited during their flight over Vita City, and a whole back arsenal in the heli is revealed.
- Jack goes to a safe haven of his after escaping Greenly's pursuit
- Both Edin/Virgil finds out Miyamoto's dead, Virgil starts coming up with a speech/obituary during his flight to Eterna.
- Trevor wakes up, finds out SDCW lost connection to Sony's main servers, is forced to take the day off, and also finds out Miyamoto's ded.
- Greenly gathers intel on Jack and follows his trail through the sewers. He also thinks back to his lost friends Rex/Edward/Elliot.
- Virgil's private jet lands in Eterna, where he meets up with Alkitov and drives to Town Square to make a speech.
- Broadcasts come in of a space project called the Andromeda Mission, which asks for funding to start sending probes up to the planet Terra. Radio analysts laugh at it, given the religious tensions with the planet.
- Iwata taunts captured Kuzanao with chiptunes, arcade machines, and his own song a day before his death.
- Flem escapes the train with his ice powers, killing practically everyone on it, heading for New Natal.
- Noel's team is introduced, including Roger, Abby and Albert the twins, and Alexander who she don't like.
- Gideon & Atlas talk to Mrs. Lin in the Chaofan District, before heading to the Fat Panda where they find out about Miyamoto's death.
- Hope finds out Miyamoto's ded and gets Kuzanao's message via Pic, sends a laser engraved message to him that he'll be busted out in 12 hours.
2013-07-16 20:32:00

Posts: 5208

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

How do I start a story that stands the test of time, not just now, but for years, decades, hell, for centuries to come. The Console War.. it was just a phrase some smartass had coined one day, but the term never held any substance with society. That is, until this simple phrase became a reality. Three factions, known to people across our great big planet as Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, rose to power through years of smart decisions, taking themselves to a point where the word "corporation" wasn't enough to explain their position. No, through wars and conflicts, debates and alliances, the nations kept fighting, while the factions kept growing. Economies crashed and lives were lost, but the factions still stood, eventually joining forces with our very own governments. However, this might have never been the case had the ancient factions never have come to fruition. Atari and SEGA, we've come to known them as. Although their fame is no longer earned from work in the industry, but instead by their own downfalls and the wars fought against each other.

After their alignments with the nations of the world were set in place, the factions quickly promised to not go the route of their precursors by establishing their own organization aimed at liberation between the Big Three, which would come to be known as the United Factions. (U.F. for short) For the most part, the factions have achieved peace, despite crossing paths and borders, and getting into arguments of their own. One thing that has kept Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft from fighting has been their shared hatred for those who still follow the ancient factions. I've heard that few still follow the ways and cultures of SEGA & Atari, and their religions have practically died out now. Out with the old, in with the new you can say. However, with those of the past oppressed and the people of today in good conditions, one thing remained inevitable.

Time: 4:25 A.M.
Location: Metropolis, China.

Cars and other vehicles hummed by in the busy streets of Metropolis, where lanterns and other bright lights filled the district with golden hues, complimenting the vast array of architecture and nick-nacks to see, setting any tourists' eyes ablaze and mouths quickly watering. Virgil had gained much appreciation of Sony's capital, not only for the factions' influence on the country, but also their risky yet masterful move during the Tian Empire, striking a deal with Emperor Agni Tian to lift the ban against consoles in China, opening up an entire untapped marketplace for the company, while also keeping Sony's dominance in the east clearly in check. Virgil walked along the narrow sidewalks of the Cooper District, before arriving at his destination, a small gift shop that kept itself squeezed between various other commercial buildings. Virgil gently pushed the doors to the shop open and was accompanied by the sounds of trains whistling, kids playing and cash registers overflowing. He walked across the wooden floors and oriental rugs before arriving at the desk, quickly being met with an enthusiastic gesture by the store's owner.

Owner: "Hello, and welcome to Zhou's Gift Shop! How may I help you?"
Virgil: "You must be Zhou, I'd assume. I'm here for a.. very unique item."
Zhou: "We have lots of unique items at my store, like uhm..-"
Virgil: "-The Sangria Dragon, to be precise."

The owner froze for a second, before beginning to speak again.

Zhou: "Right this way, sir."

Zhou went around the desk and opened the gate for Virgil to enter through, leading him through a set of crimson robes that hung behind the register, and led them towards a quiet lounge, accompanied by leather furniture and framed photos of the local attractions. He then went towards a code-panel on the wall, turning the device on.

Zhou: "Who sent you to here?"
Virgil: "General Alkitov, he says you guys know each other."
Zhou: "Ah yes, just have to make sure.. heh, that's all.."

Zhou began entering in a password, followed by pressing his thumb up against the panel for DNA recognition, and then saying a specific phrase for voice analysis. Instantly, the wall the panel had been attached to started opening up. Zhou rushed over to the curtains to shut the doors right by them, yelling over to one of the interns to cover his shift. The two entered inside a medium-sized storage facility, with weapons, crates, and other parts littered across the garage. Virgil looked around for any signs that he was being watched, but as far as he could tell, he was all alone aside from the store manager. He turned and looked back over to Zhou, who after bending over to pick the object up, placed a large suitcase down on a nearby table, with an authentic, Sangria Dragon emblem sewn into it. Virgil kept his eyes on the case, with a brief smile stretching across his face. He began to take a couple steps back, before responding.

Virgil: "Now open it."
Zhou: "That's not part of the deal."

Virgil pulled out his gun quickly, and pointed it at the owner.

Virgil: "Open the briefcase, please."
Zhou: "I wish I could, but there's a lock. Only your friend Alkitov knows it."

Virgil retracted his firearm, and grabbed for the suitcase.

Virgil: "My apologies, Zhou. Thanks, I'll be heading off now."
Zhou: "Wait wait wait, are you sure there's nothing else you've come for?"
Virgil: "I'm sure."
Zhou: "But that briefcase is quite heavy. Taking it all the way back to your friend without a mode of transportation? I- I saw you walking across the streets like a helpless man, so how's about you look at what we've got."
Virgil: "I'm really not interested."
Zhou: "Not even interested in a motorbike? Sure it might not help with the suitcase dilemma, but they're fast as hell and don't look bad either."

Virgil glanced over to the motorbikes available in the storage room. Despite the cheap Metropolis-flair most of the bikes had with them, one stood out to him. Virgil walked over and gazed at the motorbike for a second, sliding his fingers against the fabric of the vehicle, getting a good "feel" for the ride, despite wearing gloves.

Zhou: Motorhead GK7, best in it's class. It's got enough spunk to keep you looking modern and enough class to keep you looking professional.

Virgil usually wouldn't trust a man like Zhou, but given the shop owner's relations to the general and the fact that a new ride would've been just what he needed, despite already having parked his car not far from the shop, Virgil went ahead and purchased the thing, while keeping the suit case in firm grasp.

Zhou: "You won't regret the purchase, I promise."
Virgil: "I appreciate it, you don't happen to have a cover for the case though?"
Zhou: "Of course, how silly of me, here you go."

Zhou handed Virgil a cover, which he quickly wrapped over the case, hiding the emblem so that it could be seen as just another suitcase. He left the store building with the prize in hand, and hopped onto his newly bought motorbike. Virgil felt more alive than he had in a long time, speeding through the varied street patterns of Metropolis, passing by heavy traffic and busy events, until he arrived in the parks of the city. Taking a bluetooth out of his pocket and placing it into his ear, Virgil connected to his friend Alkitov, as he rode the cobbled roads of Metropolis' famous asian gardens.

Virgil: "Hey Alkee, it's me."
Alkitov: "Virgil, do you have good news?"
Virgil: "Yes I do, I should be arriving in Eterna later today."
Alkitov: "That is good, now- wait, what's that loud sound? Your engine acting up?"
Virgil: "Oh, no, it's just.. ehh, I'll tell you when I get back to Headquarters. Virgil out."

Virgil continued speeding through Metropolis' famous garden parks, gazing upward at the moonlit skies. The view was breathtaking, a moon so clear and crisp for everyone to see, and stars shining everywhere. Virgil looked past the moon and between the stars though. He looked towards Terra, a planet most politicians had disregarded in recent years, one that's been kept mysterious, with the only inkling about it being that this was supposedly the "origin point" of human civilization, and where the ancient factions were born at. No records or evidence of there ever being human activity there though has only led to speculations, and the fact that it's the worshipers of SEGA & Atari who believe the factions had originated there hasn't bode well for figuring out about the planet. A simple wanderer in space, waiting to be found out. Virgil held a deep breath before releasing it, and brought his eyes back forward, as he continued driving towards the car he entered the city in.

((Let the games begin. :kz)
2013-07-16 20:33:00

Posts: 5208

The Console Wars: Reloaded..........

Nathan got up from his desk and took a peek out of his office window, the weather wasn't great to be honest. It was cloudy and the sky had turned a blackish-grey. In fact you could say it looked like it would start a storm any minute now. Nathan returned to his desk, on it was a folder saying...

Assignment: Case: 0006

Nathan sighed and glanced through it for the hundredth or so time since he was given it last week, being told it was 'Very Important' whilst he browsed through it he picked up on certain things he deemed important. Among that list he had; Outskirts of Eterna City, Shooting case, Gunshots heard but no dead body found or signs of injuries found, Report to scene by 11:00 with an Army escort. Nathan sighed, these were one of those typical cases he got every few weeks or so. Go out to scene find nothing, get no evidence, leave. Looking up at his office clock he noticed the time was 10:15.

“Better get ready” He muttered to himself.

Looking down noticing he only had some black slacks and a white shirt on he went over to the coat hanger in the corner of his office and picked his black leather jacket off one of the hooks.

“Got to look the part of a seventies detective ain't I?” he chuckled to himself.

Nathan eyes caught the folder again, he just hoped that for once that this would be something worth the drive, now Nathan wasn't exactly the one who you would expect to go out looking for adventures and you'd expect right he wasn't but just for once he wished that something worth remembering would happen. The last thing he could think of that was worth remembering was a pizza that he had a party once.

“Best. Pizza. Ever.” He once again muttered to himself.

Finishing off his dress-up for the investigation, he made sure that everything was locked away and that all the windows were closed, just as he was about to leave his office he remembered he forgot to take his Glock 17 with him and left it on his desk. Performing an almost comical three-sixty turn he snatched the gun from his desk and tucked it safely into the gun holder attached to his belt. Just then his pager went wild telling him to report to the garage so they could leave for the scene. Chuckling once again he left the office, locking the door as he went.

“Let's hope for something good this time....”

(( Good luck everyone new with their first post ))

2013-07-16 20:33:00

Posts: 1061

Jack walked down the raining streets of Empire city...Wait thats not what everyone else called it...New York City! Thats what "normal" people called it anyway, Jack often called it by what his mind referred to it as,Empire city.

Dressed in jeans, a light weight coat, and a ball cap, Jack moved swiftly through alleyways,back streets and the sidewalks. Having exited through a back alley, Jack emerged onto the sidewalk next to the street, even with the rain there were still people proceeding down the streets with umbrellas,ignoring the night time shower.

'All of this trouble better be worth it ' Jack thought to himself, as he became apart of the clusters of people. The client had promised rather valuable info on particular group which might be rather useful if he got into a jam if he was caught doing his "Job". His job was actually quite fun, or at least it was to Jack, selling info to differing competitors, that could cause quite severe "effects" on each other.With secrecy Jack was told to meet with his client if interested in a trade of secrets.

looking around,then sighed inward. 'Honestly everyone here just seems so....Normal. ' Normal wasn't Jack's taste, he preferred someone with class (or what Jack considered class) humor,and a personality. Even if Jack wasn't on par with everyone else, he still had to interact with the rest of the population. Really the only things interesting him nowadays were what he liked to call "the indies", otherwise more commonly known as the independent developers. Even though they had their own console they wouldn't be considered on the same level as Microsoft,Nintendo, or Sony.

Jack would have dwelled on this stream of thought longer,except he had arrived at his destination. Looking up, only to be met by an apartment complex,' They said fifth floor,apartment A, if I recall the message correctly. ' Moving through the building, the theory was confirmed, it seemed to be an apartment complex. With an overactive mind at work, Jack made notes of the layout,possible entrances, and even a few back up exits if worse came to worse. Hoping things would go smoothly, Jack arrived at his destination.

'I guess I should knock .' Jack thought while quickly throwing out the idea of busting through the door,after all, he had to make a Socially acceptable impression of himself. Flourishing his wrist, Jack tapped on the door, it opened. Pausing Jack proceeded inwards.'Didn't have this in mind, though I must admit a change could be quite refreshing then the usual business.'
After having entered into through the apartment did Jack realize something was wrong, but by then it was to late. The ambusher it seemed had been waiting behind the door,and then had jumped onto his back. Flipping the opponent off his back Jack prepared for a fight. His opponent landed,rolled, and positioned to attack again. ' Well forget the socially acceptable impression,I'll just make an impression!' Jack was about to assume a fighting stance, then he noticed the AK47 his enemy was pulling out.

Realizing the gravity situation, Jack put his true skills to work,with incredible speed Jack backsteped into the main hallway of the building and ran towards where he had his back up plan, the window. A couple yards away hoping this was the window with the Dumpster directly beneath it Jack dashed at the window. His opponent started shooting bullets down the hallway, which missed the intended target and instead shattered the window.'Well thats convenient' And with the thought, hurled himself out the window.
2013-07-16 20:40:00

Posts: 293

amoney was currently busy, traveling to a point in to to stop a time paradox. Successfully finishing it, he gets a call from his ultimate phone that has wi-fi anywhere. He picks up the phone. It was Sony. They said that a war was about to happen, and they needed his help. So obviously, amoney travels to the present, where he is given his first objective: to gather up a team and take down Microsoft.2013-07-16 20:45:00

Posts: 1202

A truck traveled south along the Italian road, having left the snowy peaked Alps earlier that morning. Its destination might have been Rome, or perhaps the Vatican City within, but the driver would not travel that far. Besides, while Rome was still the capital of Italy the country, it had ceased to exist as a major cultural hub of the land. Instead, the driver set course toward the Adriatic, specifically to the waters formerly dubbed The Gulf of Venice. However, the once titular city had been replaced. A large swath of the coast was now occupied by the city of New Leaf.

This was Mathias' destination. He was a young man in his mid twenties, of average build, swaying towards a leaner physique from his constant travels. His short, dark hair waved about in the breeze of an open window as he drove steadily along. His eyes were focused ahead, but his body relaxed. It was not often that he drove, so he enjoyed the respite from walking.

In the passenger seat beside him was a dog, a wolf by appearance, with gray-white fur and beautiful, intelligent eyes, icy blue. She had been sitting patiently for the past several hours, but now gave occasional snorts and whines, having long since grown tired of the passing landscape.

?I know you like it better when we walk Ama,? Mathias glanced at her, ?But I'm in a hurry this time. It won't be long now till you're free to run around again.? He reached out and patted her head, pushing it down as he knew she hated. With a twist of her neck and a friendly nip of his hand, Amaterasu lifted her head back. She left it erect, chin angled slightly upward, ears pointed, looking every bit as noble and proud as one would expect of a husky in her prime.

At least as much as the space in the passenger seat would allow.


They had traveled together for years to different parts of the world. If there was a long distance to traverse, or a large body of water to cross, they would go by car, plane, or boat. But by and large they walked the distance between large cities. In this way, Mathias encountered many smaller towns, befriending people when he could, working odd jobs to pay his way.

However, now he had business to attend to. In the time he wandered with Ama, not once did Mathias return to his home. Too much had changed - he had changed. Mathias was scarcely a man when he left so long before, still a boy by the standards of many in the world. His last weeks there had not been entirely pleasant and since then he spent years away, mastering abilities he scarcely understood at the time.

When it was done, he had considered returning, but the thought made him anxious. When he left, the people were already uncomfortable with him, with the powers he revealed. If he had gone back then, what would they possibly make of him? At what point did his life touch with theirs any longer?

So instead, he traveled elsewhere, leaning more about the world from which he had been secluded. All the while he searched, asked questions, tried to find clues as to the identity of a certain organization.

At first he thought it might be linked to one of the Big 3, Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. Certainly their status as major world powers, equaling or eclipsing that of national governments, made them conspicuous in everyone's affairs. But the more he probed, the more Mathias came to realize that he would never learn anything as an outsider. He had contacts in many parts of the world, but each had a careful allegiance to their respective group. Without evidence to any lead, he could not press them to find what he wanted.

As the gap between possible clues grew longer, the thought of returning home held a greater appeal. Mathias had grown tired and felt he needed some old familiarity, to bask in nostalgia. The allure of the snowy woods, the frozen lake, the unpaved roads, grew within him. He finally decided it was time to go back. It did not matter what his old neighbors thought, his family would be there.

All but one of them.

So Mathias ventured to the Nintendo city. A friend there would help arrange for his transportation across the Atlantic. It was not long past midday when the tallest buildings were visible and when the traffic grew more dense as many entered and exited the area. Mathias pulled over to the side of the road when he could, allowing himself and Amaterasu to stretch their legs before finishing the final trek of their journey.

They had reached the outskirts of New Leaf.

-Mathias has been traveling through different parts of the world for four years since the events of the temple attack [see backstory] searching for the identity of the group.
-He has a pet husky named Amaterasu who accompanies him.
-Mathias has decided to return to his home and has reached te edge of New Leaf where he will meet with a friend who will help him get there.
2013-07-16 20:45:00

Posts: 1787

((Wow, that's a lot of posts. Good work, guys! If anyone wants to collide with me by the way, let me know. Some interesting characters so far. ^^))

amoney was currently busy, traveling to a point in to to stop a time paradox. Successfully finishing it, he gets a call from his ultimate phone that has wi-fi anywhere. He picks up the phone. It was Sony. They said that a war was about to happen, and they needed his help. So obviously, amoney travels to the present, where he is given his first objective: to gather up a team and take down Microsoft.

((nope nope nope. My first post said that the factions aren't at war yet. We're at a point of semi-peace.))
2013-07-16 20:48:00

Posts: 5208

((Wow, that's a lot of posts. Good work, guys! If anyone wants to collide with me by the way, let me know. Some interesting characters so far. ^^))

((nope nope nope. My first post said that the factions aren't at war yet. We're at a point of semi-peace.))

Oh. Then let's just say that I was just fixing a time paradox then.
2013-07-16 21:01:00

Posts: 1202

((oooh nice start everyone! I have my section ready to go, just waiting for an ok from abyssal before I post ))2013-07-16 21:03:00

Posts: 1015

Oh. Then let's just say that I was just fixing a time paradox then.

((That works I.. I guess. xD. Also, don't forget to use double parenthesis amoney & butter!))
2013-07-16 21:06:00

Posts: 5208

???: "Alright, then, how's this: Wo baba yu liang zhi zao... mao?"

Atlas: "Your pronunciation is still off, sir. Forgive me for saying so, but you seem to be focusing too much on the phonetic spelling of the Pinyin as opposed to the correct vocal patterns of Mandarin. For example, when you pronounce the 'ts'--"

???: "OK, Atty, that's enough."

The shopkeeper slumped back from his copy of 'Chinese for Dummies' and gave a small chuckle.

???: "Why I made you so smart, I'll never know."

His name was Albatross. Gideon Albatross. A name that, unfortunately, was known and hated all over the planet. Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, they all had their fair share of folks who'd appreciate having his head. It would take a complete moron to not go into hiding. So these days, he goes by another name: Jeremiah Frink, a 'humble, hard-working and respectable business owner' in the 'great city' of Metropolis. Hey, it had its perks, and it didn't look too bad, either. But the neighborhood he was saddled with wasn't the most ideal.

It was a generally quiet place, at least, and free from all the clutter and noise of the inner city. The only thing he really had to complain about was his robot companion critiquing his Chinese.

Atlas: "But sir, it would be much to our advantage if you could speak Mandarin more fluently. A weaponsmith in China that can only speak English seems a little... conspicuous."

Gideon: "Maybe it did back in the day, but times have changed."

Albatross picked up the book and placed it back on the shelf.

Gideon: "And would you stop with the 'sir'? I told you to call me Gideon."

Atlas: "Right, sorry about that... Gideon."


((Oh, and btw, my new goal is to give every post of mine a title and an obscure reference to a videogame. See if you can find it! xD))

-Gideon and Atlas are introduced.
-Atlas tries to help Gideon with his Chinese.
2013-07-16 21:12:00

Posts: 941

((That works I.. I guess. xD. Also, don't forget to use double parenthesis amoney & butter!))

((But I did....))
2013-07-16 21:15:00

Posts: 1061

((Okay since we are in semi peace my first post starts before the final two sentences of my backstory [I've asked Dragonvarsity and he is editing it for me] and also I didn't realise that the Arctic and Antarctic were different places [Geography is not my strong point] so please switch them around. Thanks everyone x))

Flem sat and waited by the side of the road. Three human vehicles had passed so far, one too large to take down with ice spikes and the other merely on two wheels, any attack would render it useless. It had been a few days since he had taken hold of the tourist ship and forced it to shore, and having killed the final crewmembers whilst using a few for food Flem had been travelling down from the north of Canada for days. His ribs were starting to show through his short-haired chest and the cyan glow of his ear stripes was waning. Without a vehicle or at least food in the next twenty four hours, Flem would surely be forced to kill and eat another human, something he hoped he would never have to endure again. He would never forget the screams of the crew members as he killed those tourists, nor would he forget the retreat of life from their eyes as he pointed his palms towards them.

After a few hours more pointless waiting, already tired, Flem doubted whether he would have the energy to take down a vehicle, he lay down by the side of the road and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds, just to rest for a little while?

?Whoa, what is he Mum??

?Can I get a picture with him?

?No way first me first?

?Hey give me that back. Muuum Susie won?t give me the Camera back?

Flem fluttered his eyelashes as he rid himself of sleep, and sitting up ended up staring into the face of a young human boy, whose wide brown eyes were still full of hope and wonder. Flem really didn?t want to have to kill him, but? Flem raised one of his paws and pressed it to the side of the boy?s head, hopefully he could muster the energy to take him out painlessly. He closed his eyes and steadied his hectic breathing, waiting for the noise to know that the deed was done. Luckily his paw was grabbed by the father of the two boys, and he raised it just as Flem fired his ice spike, whom flopped back down - energy leeched by the icey missile he nearly embedded in the young boy?s skull.

The boy?s mother however was not so lucky, and the father watched in horror as the shard of glassy water melted slowly, revealing a large hole in his wife?s thigh. He rushed over to her and pulled out his handkerchief, pressing it onto the wound to stop the red liquid flowing as freely. Flem watched in horror, he knew the woman would not survive this wound. Her kids were wimpering and cowering, sheltered from any further attacks by the door of the vehicle. The older girl held her brother tightly telling him it was going to be okay, just like? Flem, don't kill him? Flem don't please he didn?t mean to? NO?

?You have to help me!? The father yelled, rousing Flem from his daydream. The man was reddened by his own wife?s blood, face contorted in hopelessness and rage, someone who knew what Flem knew but didn?t dare to admit he might lose his wife. He couldn?t let that woman die, and neither could Flem. He used the remaining energy he had to whisper a few words, just enough so that the nanoparticles leaving through his breath could help clot the wound, and as his breath slipped away like a dream he heard the father say:

?Help me put them in the car Susie, we need to get to a hospital?
2013-07-16 21:19:00

Posts: 1872

((But I did....))

((Don't lie, I saw it before your sneaky edit!))
2013-07-16 21:20:00

Posts: 5208

(( am excite! btw my post might be annoyingly (hopefully not too) late because exams. bare with me ))2013-07-16 21:31:00

Posts: 1527

Time: 12:28 PM, Wednesday
Location: Eterna City

It was a dark, foggy day. The wind hollered and the rain poured, but Kuzanao knew not of the weather. He was in his office at Nintendo HQ - a luxurious room, indeed. The golden lights on the ceiling illuminated the acre large area, and miscellaneous arcade machines and video game consoles were strewn throughout. Computer Space was prominently displayed on a pedestal, Space Invaders near it. As for the consoles, they were all wired into one of walls of the space (Kuzanao had managed to turn said wall into a giant screen, which his Nintendo consoles were hooked up too). It was a luxurious room, indeed... Kuzanao was thinking this as the phone started to ring. Having just woken up, he was quite tired, so when he answered the call, he did so reluctantly.Kuzanao: "Kuzanao Sakamata speaking,"
Satoru Iwata: "It's me, Iwata. I have a request of you, Kuzanao."
Kuzanao: "The big boss, eh? What do you need me for?"
Satoru Iwata: "I need you to create a virus for me."
Kuzanao: "Excuse me, sir?"
Satoru Iwata: "You heard what I said. I need you to write a program - one that can spy on a target."
Kuzanao: "Wait, what? What's gotten into you, man? Tell me this is a joke or something."
Satoru Iwata: "I'm afraid this isn't. As you know, the Tokyo Game Conference is in a month."
Kuzanao: "So? What about it?"
Satoru Iwata: "Microsoft has had the upper hand in the TGC for a long time... ever since they started to appeal to Japanese gamers, in all honesty. We don't want to be bested again, Mr. Sakamata."
Kuzanao: "I am aware of this, sir. But what the hell does a virus have anything to do with it?"
Satoru Iwata: "We can't be beaten by Microsoft's technological advancements this time around. Therefore, it would be beneficial if we could steal their technology and reveal it before the TGC as ours... so we want you to design a virus for the Windows OS that can use a victim's webcam to monitor said victim's actions. We then want you to deploy it onto the CEO of Microsoft's computer."
Kuzanao: "Hell no! You know I can't do that, Iwata! Imagine what would happen if somebody found out! There's just... no way."
Satoru Iwata: *sigh* "...I didn't want to do this, Kuzanao, but you've forced my hand."

The lights in Kuzanao's room turned off, and he heard, in the background, the sound of his electronic locks clicking.

Kuzanao: "What are you doing, Iwata? Turn my **** lights on and unlock the doors!"
Satoru Iwata: "But of course... but I can only do that under one condition. You know what that is."
Kuzanao: "...God ******, Iwata! I thought you were my friend!"
Satoru Iwata: "I'm not your friend, Kuzanao. I'm your boss. Now, do we have a deal?"
Kuzanao: "Yes. But one day, Iwata, you're going to pay for this."
Satoru Iwata: "Fair enough."

The lights in Kuzanao's room did not turn on, nor did the locks undo themselves. The only light in the room was produced by Kuzanao's computer, which had miraculously turned itself on. There was a window open... an instance of Notepad, in fact. With no other way out, Kuzanao opened the window, which had only three words:

GET TO WORK-Iwata, Kuzanao's longtime friend and Nintendo CEO, calls Kuzanao
-Nintendo has been dominated at the Tokyo Game Conference by Microsoft for years
-Iwata tells Kuzanao to design a virus that could spy on the Microsoft CEO via her webcam so that they can get info on MS technology and beat them at the TGC in a month
-Kuzanao refuses
-Iwata locks Kuzanao's doors and turns off his lights remotely
-Kuzanao will therefore die if he doesn't make the virus
-Kuzanao tells Iwata he will get revenge one day and begins to code the virus
2013-07-16 21:41:00

Posts: 1909

((Okay, here's my start))

Staring from the window was a lonely soul, a chirping and happy lonely soul. Brian was baking away in his quaint little baker store in the bustling city center of Microsofts. He baked his favorite delicatessen, the cookie. It was what he was most widely known for baking, it's deliciousness and artful presentation made it irresistible to those who saw it. As he kept baking the batch, he sang to himself:

"Who makes the cakes?
So fresh and tasty warm
Mr Cookienut makes the cakes
He bakes the cakes, and they will go down a storm"

For a while he chirped away this song, until the cookies were eventually ready to be put out onto his stall. This was just as the shop opened at around 10:00 AM. A small boy entered, with a skip and a large grin:

Boy: "Mr Brian, can I have one of your delicious cookies"
Brian: "Why of course, and since you're my most frequent customer, here have one on the house"

The boy bounced in anticipation and eagerness, when handed his cookie, he quickly finished it and smiled

Boy: "Thank you mister"
Brian: "No problemo" he said grinning happily at the boys delight "Now go, or you'll be late for school"
Boy: "I already am late" he hung his head in a vague kind of shame
Brian: "Oh dear! Why is that?"
Boy: "Because I waited until your shop opened for a cookie"

Brian sighed and chuckled

Brian: "Well I'm going to have to open earlier now, aren't I? Now off you go, quick!"

The boy scuttled off and as he ran, Brian was reminded of his youthful days and how his young ambitions pushed him to be the fine baker he was.
2013-07-16 22:07:00

Posts: 2426

((Okay, here's my start))

Staring from the window was a lonely soul, a chirping and happy lonely soul. Brian was baking away in his quaint little baker store in the bustling city center of Microsofts. He baked his favorite delicatessen, the cookie. It was what he was most widely known for baking, it's deliciousness and artful presentation made it irresistible to those who saw it. As he kept baking the batch, he sang to himself:

"Who makes the cakes?
So fresh and tasty warm
Mr Cookienut makes the cakes
He bakes the cakes, and they will go down a storm"

For a while he chirped away this song, until the cookies were eventually ready to be put out onto his stall. This was just as the shop opened at around 10:00 AM. A small boy entered, with a skip and a large grin:

Boy: "Mr Brian, can I have one of your delicious cookies"
Brian: "Why of course, and since you're my most frequent customer, here have one on the house"

The boy bounced in anticipation and eagerness, when handed his cookie, he quickly finished it and smiled

Boy: "Thank you mister"
Brian: "No problemo" he said grinning happily at the boys delight "Now go, or you'll be late for school"
Boy: "I already am late" he hung his head in a vague kind of shame
Brian: "Oh dear! Why is that?"
Boy: "Because I waited until your shop opened for a cookie"

Brian sighed and chuckled

Brian: "Well I'm going to have to open earlier now, aren't I? Now off you go, quick!"

The boy scuttled off and as he ran, Brian was reminded of his youthful days and how his young ambitions pushed him to be the fine baker he was.

((I bet the plot twist will be that he is secretly the Devil, right?))
2013-07-16 22:09:00

Posts: 1061

((I bet the plot twist will be that he is secretly the Devil, right?))
((He gave that kid a devil cookie. From the devil. And that cookie will kill the boy. amirite?))
2013-07-16 22:13:00

Posts: 1909

((He gave that kid a devil cookie. From the devil. And that cookie will kill the boy. amirite?))


((My post might be a bit late, sorry!))
2013-07-16 22:32:00

Posts: 3262


((My post might be a bit late, sorry!))
((Late? Naaaaaaaaaaah... that was just clever comedic timing on your part.))
2013-07-16 22:37:00

Posts: 1909

((Late? Naaaaaaaaaaah... that was just clever comedic timing on your part.))

((I mean my story post ))
2013-07-16 22:38:00

Posts: 3262

Trevor was finally coming back to conscience. The first thing he could make out was a silhouette of a man in front of him. Had this been just another day at the office, he would have recognized the figure almost instantly; but after having met all kinds of people around the world, a question proved necessary:
- Who... Who are you?
- Is it important? I know who you are, you are the filthy double agent! Or may I say, triple agent...
- What? You are committing a mistake, mister, I am not the triple agent, in fact I was meant to help in delivering the package!
- Trevor, Trevor... You think I have reached the Chieftain position by being a dork? I can see it in your eyes, lie after lie! Now tell me: What do they know about Sony? What else were you going to tell them? Why is the girl important?
- I thought you would know!
- I would know!
- *sigh* I will carefully tell you everything that has happened, at least what I can remember. Then you can check my innocence...

Jump to chapter:
Prologue [current]
Against His Own Odds (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80845-The-Console-Wars-Reloaded&p=1118395&viewfull=1#post1118395)
Stranger In a Strange Land (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80845-The-Console-Wars-Reloaded&p=1119932&viewfull=1#post1119932)
Path of Enlightenment (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80845-The-Console-Wars-Reloaded&p=1124135&viewfull=1#post1124135)
Jet Lag (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80845-The-Console-Wars-Reloaded&p=1147934&viewfull=1#post1147934)

Location: Vita City, Canada

It was meant to be just another start of a week, another week of working Monday through Friday. Well, at least Trevor could consider himself lucky. Most government employees had entire week shifts. But these employees could possibly afford to work 24/7 without getting as stressed as him. And the traffic wasn't helping.
- Control the car, maggot!
It wasn't Trevor's fault that the light was red. Or that apparently every driver downtown was color blind. In fact, he grew used to it, as long as they left his Land Rover unscathed.
Maybe some music would muffle the constant swearing coming from outside. Trevor tuned in to Rise FM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6JbboL0GPA) and left the electronic tunes cleanse his mind. In an instant he was at the SDCW parking lot.

He walked quickly towards the elevator, holding the door just as it was about to close. It descended into the underground facility, gradually getting emptier, until he was the last one at the last floor. His boss was already expecting him.
- Sorry I got late again, it's...
- Nah, don't bother. With all the traffic this city accumulates, arriving late is an expectation, not a demerit. I swear, for such a rich empire, Sony has an amazingly crappy city infrastructure! Anyway, I suggest you take your post, Freddie has something for you.

Freedie was the middleman, the guy who balanced the inputs and outputs of that Division. And it would all fall on top of the likes of Trevor, the action men.
- The server logs of yesterday have reported an unknown access to the Sony Technology Database. The big wigs want to know who and why. You do your job, I wait for a response.
- Thank you Freddie. Hopefully it's just another careless intern like last time...
- I would bet on it! Anyway, I gotta deliver some more tasks, so if you excuse me...
And that was the start of another working day. Just him and a ton of data.

6 hours later...

It wasn't anything like before. Had it been just an occasional incident, Trevor would have solved it in one hour, two max. But it was almost the end of his shift and he would have an un-closed case in his hands. He tried to stop and relax for a second, but was interrupted by his smartphone.
- Hi! Millie here! I was wondering, we haven't seen each other for what, a week? So, I was wondering if we could hang out at the event center today? There's going to be a Homebound meetup there at 9pm, I recon you still owe me a "go" at one...
- Aww, I would love to, but right now I'm stuck with a complicated case at work. Next month, maybe?
- Okay... A complicated case? Is everything alright?
- Probably just a careless intern, although...
- Hey! Don't talk bad things about us interns! We just want to learn!
- Sure you do. Anyway, I gotta get back to it. Bye Camille.
- Goodbye!

Trevor had plenty of friends at his job and around town, but Camille was the only one that could fully understand him. It was heart-wrenching to turn her down, specially when there was Homebound involved. It was one of Trevor's guilty pleasures, a comic about two sack-people, a soldier and an adventuress, who would get into all kinds of trouble to save the world. Judging by the cover, it seemed like just another teen hero comic book, but it was actually a deep, mature read.

Where were we? Oh yeah, the un-closed case.

- Trevor lives in Vita City and works at the Sony Division of Cyber Warfare, working out any kinds of trouble related to Sony's servers.
- He receives a report of unauthorized access to the Tech Database, and was unable to detect the invader so far;
- Camille is Trevor's best friend, she invites Trevor to hang out, but he has to reject the offer.
2013-07-16 22:39:00

Posts: 5891

((loving it all so far folks!))

Ava Jones hauled her kit bag over her shoulder, gritting her teeth against its weight. She was halfway through a double shift, counting down the hours. Today had been one of her more eventful days, and it showed. Her uniform was grubby, stained by oil, dust, vomit and blood. She sighed, and turned on her heel towards the station.

“Hey Ava, wait up!” Her partner scrambled down from the cab of Medic 6, holding something out to her. He jogged towards her, closing the distance between them in seconds. “You forgot this.”

Ava curled her lip, staring at the crumpled sheet of paper in Jon’s hands. “No, it’s not important. Just chuck it in the cab.”
Jon’s brow furrowed as he slowly unfurled the paper. “What is it anyway?”

She snatched it from his grasp before he could read it. “Nothing! Sheesh. Haven’t you ever heard of privacy?”

“Partners, Ava.” He winked. “Gonna have to start sharing something someday.”

She stuffed the paper in her trouser pocket, waved him off and walked back to the station, trying her best to ignore the heavy kit bag bouncing on her back. Every muscle in her body groaned in anticipation of hot water, but she refused to show her fatigue until she was alone.**It was hard enough climbing the ladder, the last thing she needed was for her superiors to see any weakness showing through.

The Medical Station was brimming over with activity as usual, Medics and Technicians smiled warmly at her as she passed. Some held doors, others nodded in what she assumed to be comradely approval. Ava ignored them all, and stalked over to her locker. It shuddered as she threw the kit bag inside. She grabbed a washbag, towel, and a fresh uniform and made her way to the shower room.

What did she care if people wanted to get all buddy-buddy with her? She didn't have the time or patience. The only people she absolutely*had*to be friendly to were her patients. That she could manage just fine. Most of the time, anyway.

Cold white tiles surrounded her in a hard embrace, and she sighed, allowing her shoulders to sag. The piece of paper was still crumpled in her hands. She unfolded it and stared at the writing for the hundredth time that day.

Dear Miss Jones

We find ourselves in need of additional support for our medical teams, working with our military personnel. It is our hope that you will consider a transfer from your current position with the civilian Medical Crews. Please contact us, using the details and references below, to register your interest.

Yours Sincerely,

Sgt. S. Groves, CMT, Sony.

She scrunched the paper up, also for the hundredth time that day, and walked into the middle of the room.

“Shower. Shower. Shower. Shower. Shower.” She muttered.

Hot steam billowed as all five showers above her turned on to full power. Ava smiled and stripped her grubby clothes before sitting on the floor under one of the streams. Scorching water ran down her shoulders and back, making her skin tingle, halfway between pain and pleasure. The five showers filled the room with steam, transforming it into a sauna. She focused on letting each of her muscles relax, one group at a time.

Ava tilted her head back and let the water run down her face, closing her eyes against the gushing stream. Jon had very nearly spotted her note, thank Di he hadn’t read it. Part of her knew she would take Sergeant Groves up on his offer. Jon wouldn’t take it well, but she could hardly refuse. There were too many opportunities in Sony’s Web to deny, even if she did hate the idea.

Plus, there was Nate...

What the hell was he doing, calling her up out of the blue like that? If he'd still been on her contact list, his name would have come on screen, and she wouldn't have answered.

But that was months ago... So why are you still thinking about it?

All five showers turned themselves off simultaneously, interrupting her short reverie. Ava groaned and grabbed a towel, hastily rubbing herself down and getting dressed into a fresh uniform. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, poking the bags under her eyes with her finger.

The notice bell rang out through the halls to signal another callout. Ava grabbed her things and bustled back out into the corridor, staring up at the info screen.

Medic 6. RTC. Vita City: Area Code X [ ] X O / : Ava Jones, Jon Harlin

Her heart picked up a beat as the adrenaline shot through her body. She ran to her locker, flung it open and grabbed her kit bag before storming out of the station. Jon stood by the cab ready, waving to her with a cocky grin plastered over his face.

“Awww, Ava. You’re all wet! Are you sure you don’t wanna plug your hairdryer in? I’ve got an adaptor” He winked.

“Just shut up and drive, Jon.” She hauled her kit bag into the back and jumped in, slamming the door behind her.

Jon chuckled as he started the engine. “Fine. You don’t wanna talk, I don’t wanna listen. Let’s do this.”

Ava focused on setting up her gear, clutching on to the overhead grab rails while she worked. Vita City passed by in a blur of metal, glass, and… Blue. She was beginning to tire of just how Blue everything was here. Moving to Vita City had been a far cry from Old Natal, where she'd spent her college years.

Jon slammed on the brakes, cursing out loud. Ava lost her footing and stumbled to the front of the cab. “Jon! What the hell?”

“Sorry, honey. Some numbnuts thinks he owns the fricking highway!” He jabbed at the horn and flicked the warning lights, following with a good blast of the siren for good measure. He tutted as the car blocking them finally edged out of their way.

They were close now, Ava could see the traffic around them becoming more and more congested.**She peered through the cabin hatch to see out of the windscreen.

Oh man, this looks bad.

A City Cruiser Car had a disagreement with a Freight Lorry, and had shot straight under the bulky chassis. The top half of the car didn’t make it through, and lay crumpled on the highway a few feet in front of the lorry. Ava took a deep breath to settle her stomach. What was waiting for her here?

She let the breath out slowly. “Let’s go.”


- Ava is a medical technician in Vita City - she stops for a break mid-shift.
- during her break she reads a letter inviting her to transfer to the military medical team.
- ava gets called out to a road traffic accident near shuhei.
2013-07-16 23:04:00

Posts: 1015

~ post ~

((Good stuff there, but I thought you said you wouldn't bring Iwata back in given his role for Nintendo? Or did you change your mind since noone took the opportunity to be CEO of Nintendo? Not that I have a problem with Iwata in there, just genuinely curious. Also wow that escalated quickly ))
2013-07-16 23:31:00

Posts: 5208

((Good stuff there, but I thought you said you wouldn't bring Iwata back in given his role for Nintendo? Or did you change your mind since noone took the opportunity to be CEO of Nintendo? Not that I have a problem with Iwata in there, just genuinely curious. Also wow that escalated quickly ))
((You said it yourself - nobody took the role of Nintendo CEO, so I just had Iwata be it. Also, thanks for the compliment ))
2013-07-17 00:02:00

Posts: 1909


((My post might be a bit late, sorry!))

((How dare you! Oatmeal Raisins are the bomb diggity.))

Trevor had plenty of friends at his job and around town, but Camille was the only one that could fully understand him. It was heart-wrenching to turn her down, specially when there was Homebound involved. It was one of Trevor's guilty pleasures, a comic about two sack-people, a soldier and an adventuress, who would get into all kinds of trouble to save the world. Judging by the cover, it seemed like just another teen hero comic book, but it was actually a deep, mature read.


((You said it yourself - nobody took the role of Nintendo CEO, so I just had Iwata be it. Also, thanks for the compliment ))

((I'm guessing there's more to evil Iwata then we know so far. ))
2013-07-17 00:09:00

Posts: 5208

Meet the President

"Don't serve me, i'm not lazy enough to have a go******** butler." The president proclaimed, while still recieving the glass offered from the small man, who was just high enough to look down on her as she sat.
The man was quickly waved off as the chair swivelled around to reveal the city of New Natal's sprawling skyscrapers and traffic jigsaws below. One year ago today she had first sat in this seat and looked out accross the cityscape, and in that time it still hadn't ceased to be an amazing view. In fact it had become even more so, with new developments being contstructed contantly, many of them bearing her insignia. Bright green, strong white and silver traveled towards the eye from everywhere in the city towards the 130th floor of the magnificent Xbox home turf, all of it watching the herself bright green diety of the city. With the view almost overcoming her, she took sip of her drink, laid her head back and closed her eyes, slowly shifting back to looking at the door to the office, just as the doors swung open and revealed a slightly disheveled man with a loosened tie and unkept blazer, carrying a file folder and exclaiming:
"Miss President! I have exciting news!"
Her head piqued upward, but she didn't say anything else. As the man approached he scanned for a chair to sit, but didn't find one there; the president didn't keep one so that anyone who needed to speak with her had to stand up, as to make more of their body language visible.
"Uh... as you can see here, we can reduce costs on our fuel..."
"...and our watercoolers would use less energy." It had seemed like hours the man had been talking and was almost bored to tears, but she could recognize when someone was still an asset to the company. So she gave him some positive reinforcement and shoo'd him away, wondering how she didn't have other appointments that would've taken a much higher priority than energy consumption. The simple fact is that things had slowed down, and being President of a multi-million dollar company with its own army wasn't quite as exciting as it used to be. Xbox 360 sales might still be very high, but there were no wars, and potential Xbox One customers were constantly reversed in their descisions. She needed something more than all that, but what could she do?
A lot of things. War was on the Horizon.
This year's E3 had ignited more conflict between the big 3, and it was spilling over. The President's chair spun back around one more time as she stood up and stared back down at the city beneath her feet, glass cradled in hand.

"I am Hope Tanner, and this is what people will remember me for."

((I'll be back soon folks, and probably going to grab a cookie from Craig.))
2013-07-17 12:40:00

Posts: 2135

((Hope this isn't looked at as hogging. Just couldn't stop writing!))


Jon lifted the stretcher at one end, the other end clipped onto the lip of Medic 6. Ava reached down and swiftly pulled at the legs, clipping them into position. She rested a hand on her patient’s arm as Jon pushed them inside.

“Don’t worry, Howard. You’re going to be fine.”

“Yeah!” Jon chirped in. “Best crew in the biz, right here.” He winked at Ava and disappeared from view, heading to the cab.
Ava rolled her eyes. “Would be better if half of the crew just kept quiet, though.”

She jumped into the back of the ambulance and dragged the doors shut behind her, before taking a seat at Howard’s side. The pro-pac monitor buzzed as the timer signalled another obs check. She flicked a few buttons and held Howard’s hand.

“I’m just checking your blood pressure again, Howard. It might squeeze a bit.” The machine whirred into life, beeping as it checked Howard’s vitals. The screen flickered a little as Jon turned the engine on, before settling down to its usual cold blue display…

BP: 75/42 . . . HR: 142 . . . O2 . . . 73 . . .

“Looking good, Howard.” She lied, glancing up at the saline drip to check it was still secure. Jeez, this guy was going to take up half her supply of Saline. He’d already taken a pint, and she’d only hooked it up ten minutes ago. She reached into her kit bag and prepped another bag, glancing at the vitals every now and again.

“Hard Right, Right.” Jon bellowed over the sirens. Ava planted her feet, leaned over and pressed her shoulder against the stretcher to stop it from shaking. Jon swung the vehicle around a sharp corner. It would take at least ten minutes to reach the hospital, even under blue lights. Ava sucked in a sharp breath.

“Time for your next dose, Howard! This stuff, best hangover cure in the world. One night on the town with the ladies, then first thing in the morning hook yourself up and you’re like a fairy for the rest of the day.” She chuckled as she attached the bag. “Maybe I’ll sneak a few out for you.”

Howard lay motionless on the stretcher, his eyes closed, face grey. His chest was covered in bruises, which were even more extreme around the dressing on his right side. The blood was starting to seep through the packing she’d placed on the wound. She grimaced and grabbed a fresh dressing from her pack.

“ETA Jon?” She called out while she worked.

“4 minutes. Hang in there Howard!”

Howard couldn’t answer, but his monitor continued to beep reassuringly.


“You’re leaving me!?” Jon shrieked.

Ava shushed him, dragging him away from the Nurse’s desk and pushing him into the Day Room. The Ward Sister raised her eyebrows at them as they left. “Will you keep your voice down?”

Jon shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck. He always did this when he was upset. With the amount of times she’d been the cause of his woes, she should know by now.

“Look, it’s not you, I love working with you Jon. Even if you are a pain in the backside.” She play-punched his elbow, but he didn’t smile in return. “It’s just. . . It’s military. You know what that means.”

He sighed, grabbing some fresh linen to make up the bedroll. Ava helped him to strip down the stretcher, peeling off the sheets now soaked in Howard’s blood. She cleaned it off, all the while glancing up at Jon’s face. His jaw was set, and he was grinding his teeth while he worked.

“Are you going to say something?” She couldn’t keep the sadness out of her voice. Yes, Jon was irritating. He was cocky and loud, and wouldn’t stop prying into her business. But she was fond of him anyway. He was her partner.

He groaned and slammed his fist into the stretcher, making Ava jump. “Why? Whaddya want me to say, Ava? You’re going off to work for those pigs, leaving me here. I don’t know who the heck they’ll assign to partner with me next, I don’t know if they’ll work as hard as you, if they’ll annoy the crap out of me. . .”

“I thought I annoyed the crap out of you.”

A strangled chuckle escaped his throat. “Yeah, honey, you do. Especially now.” Finally he turned to look at her, running his hand through his hair. “You sure this is what you want?”

She stared at the floor. “No. I like civilian work. I like helping people . . . like Howard.”

At this, she looked down the hallway towards the bed where the hospital staff were working on her patient. There was a flurry of activity all around him, the nurses checking his vitals and prepping him for surgery, the on call hooking up yet another drip . . . I hope he’ll be okay.

Jon put an arm around her. “He’ll be fine. And so will you.”

She smiled and hugged him back, unusually at ease with the close contact. “I will.”

He pulled back and pointed a finger at her. “You’d better be! ‘Cos if you get hurt out there, well, I’m coming after you!”

Laughing, Ava pulled the stretcher behind her and headed back down the hospital corridor. Yes, this is the right decision. Her heart stopped for a second, before pounding against her ribcage. I’ll be fine.


- We see Ava attending to her patient in the back of the ambulance
- Jon, Ava's partner, discovers that she is considering a transfer
2013-07-17 16:04:00

Posts: 1015

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

As dust blew in the wind of the looming skyscrapers of the somewhat busy city of Old Natal, three middle aged adults sat in an alleyway.

Deame: Did you hear about it?
AJ: The E3? Yea. Looks like Microsoft is under a lot of pressure this year... We might just fall to the hands of Nintendo and Sony this year.

Mags, who had been sitting silently next to them, coughs.

Mags: Why the heck would you say that, AJ? Microsoft will, and always will be, on top. We know for a fact that no matter how much the new console sucks there will always be millions who buy it. We're fine.
Deame: Mags... that's not the kind of "war" we're talking about.
AJ: He hasn't heard?... Mags.... these aren't just consoles we're talking about. This could turn into a war. The president of Microsoft, whats his face, is under a lot of pressure at the moment because of the new console. This could end up really bad, and I don't want to be a part of it.
Mags: So you're giving up Microsoft forever? That has to be some sort of treason... we've been part of it for almost 20 years now.
AJ: I don't even know anymore.... look at Old Natal.. its almost dead. We need SOMETHING to help us, and a war won't do it.
Mags: Well if there WILL be a war... I'm going to be part of it. Because unlike you, AJ... I'm going to fight for what I love.

A helicopter with a large X on the side flies above Old Natal, heading towards the ground.
Deame: Look out! That helicopter is coming straight at us!
AJ: That's not just a helicopter, Deame, we've got a helicopter from New Natal on our hands.
Mags: But why would a helicopter from New Natal come HERE? New Natal is infinitely better than this dump.

The helicopter lands about a block away from where the men were talking, a man with a black suit with an X on the front steps out the helicopter, silently.

Mags runs over.

Mags: Who are you?
???: The name is.. Bill. Come with me, young man.
Mags: But where are we going? I can't just leave my friends here.
Bill: You made a choice, and you shall follow it. I think you know where you're going by now.
Mags: New Natal?
Bill: Perhaps.

The helicopter takes off, and Deame and AJ watch as Mags soars away.

Deame: ****, he must really love Microsoft.

2013-07-17 16:35:00

Posts: 1840

((My story happens directly after vezonfan's story. Why must i sleep!))

Greenly looked through the window which his target had escaped from. Greenly could have shot his target. Instead he wanted a little sport to it and deployed a tactic called "the gift of false confidence". Greenly however started regretting his decision to employ this tactic against his new contract. Greenly concealed his AK-47 and walked out of the building onto the snow filled streets of Empire City.

Putting his hood up to not attract any attention Greenly walked amongst the citizens of the city heading towards the next place his target would call a "safe haven". There was something that caught his attention on the road. It was what had appeared to be troops loyal to Microsoft building up a force as if their ready to roll out, but where? In an effort to watch what the troops were doing Greenly Walked to the outside of a bar. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

He watched the troops for about ten minutes but suddenly started sweating. His breaths became faster and his body temperature rose significantly. Greenly ran into the bar.

Greenly: "Can i get some water"
Bartender: "Yes" as he poured water into a glass. "Here you go"

Greenly threw his spare change at the barman and gulped his water down in a matter of seconds. Greenly then proceeded to the nearby bathroom. He sat down in the nearest cubical but at that point his vision had become blurred and eventually passed out.
Several years earlier - Cercy Region, now known as the wastelands, North of Empire City

Rex: "How long till we move"
Elliot: "William will be back soon with the info"
Edward: "Do you see those Nintendo planes?"
Rex: "Its carrying the CEO returning from Vita City."

Footsteps are heard as William walks into the soldiers camp.
Greenly: "Get your gear ready were moving on to Outpost Zulu at the Sena mine Team B will take our place here."
2013-07-17 16:37:00

Posts: 996

((This one's quite short sorry, next one will be longer hopefully, and sorry for any hogging!))
Flem was sitting at home, the outside was raining red again, and a single step outside would result in painful acid burns. Many of the local residents were there in his house too, with his little brother and parents, everyone waited anxiously to get on with their day. A couple of small kids were there, playing with Flem?s sisters, he smiled and gave a smile from the counter as he poured himself another glass of water and watched the outside world acidify. One of the little kids bumped Flem, backing into him whilst running around and chasing Flem?s sisters; he was pretending to try and kiss them and they were all giggling and chasing eachother, Flem?s sisters ran upstairs, he heard them running around in Flem?s sisters room ? a beautiful room with great windows overlooking the land below. Then the loud sound of glass smashing and a thud outside.

?FLEM? His sister was yelling ?HE PUSHED HER!?

His sister still retained the burn marks for the rest of her life. Flem remembered picking up a knife off the counter and marching upstairs, fuelled by rage and hatred of this young boy? Flem no? Flem? HE DIDN?T MEAN TO?

?Hey, kid, wake up? A stern voice, and after opening his jade eyes Flem saw a large man in a black suit addressing him from the inside of a hospital room, Flem sat up in the bed and looked around, the man in black contrasted the cool ochre of the equipment around him and white walls, everything seemed calm but for this man. He smiled, this was a safe place, and he hoped the wife had recovered of her injuries, his help at the end may have just saved her.

?Hey you like this colour?? The man asked sweetly, almost too kindly, Flem cocked his head and with horror looked out of the windows of his hospital room, the nurse had been knocked out and was propped up against the door of the opposite room, being guarded by another man in a grey suit. ?I hope you do, because you?re going to see a lot of it in Natal. I think our boss would be very interested in seeing the last of the lombaxes.? How did he? know? Flem didn?t have long to ask questions however, as the man forcefully placed a black bag over Flem?s head and handcuffed his hands behind his bag, and then there was the sound of his door opening as another pair of hands helped carry him out.
?I hope you like train rides kid, you?re in for a long one? Laughing, the pair dragged Flem through the surprisingly quiet hospital, which smelled of gunpowder and death, and into the back of another human vehicle. The engine roared into life as Flem felt a plastic mask being placed over the front of the bag, excreting a gas which made Flem feel? feel? Flem fell unconscious again.
2013-07-17 17:27:00

Posts: 1872

((Wow, some great reads here. Looks like i got to pump these things out faster.))

Concrete walls and barbed wire fencing couldn't keep her out, and this guard was scarcely better. He leaned against the railing, gun holstered at his side. He lit a cigarette; the orange flare was a beacon in the pale moonlight. Noel rose from a crouch, pulling one of two dozen thin knives from her vest. She gauged a throw at the guards unarmored neck.

?You don't have to do that,? stated a voice from the comlink in her ear, ?there's an air duct about 50 feet north of your position that leads to the sublevel. From there you have a straight shot to the control center. Much quieter.?

She sighed inwardly, lowering the knife. Resuming a crouch, she made her was stealthily along the walkway. There were several sentries scattered along various posts on the surrounding buildings, but she was invisible to their eyes and silent to their ears.

The vent cover gleamed silver against the black of the outer wall. Slowly, carefully, she used her gloved hands to prise the cover off of its position. It was a simple matter, seeing as it was not even bolted in. It turned out it wasn't needed. The opening revealed a vertical shaft with a sizable drop. In between the gap and the floor below, red sensor beams crisscrossed into as a web. They would detect her the moment she touched them.

?Give us a minute, we'll have them down.? a different voice spoke through the link. The seconds ticked by as Noel waited. She turned back the way she came, drawing a knife once again.

There was always Plan A.


She arrived at the target, a room filled with rows of large, stacked consoles. Weaves of wire trailed from each machine, coiled in thick ropes that fed into a towering center terminal. Slowly, alert of any possible traps, she approached the main console. There was a single screen attached to it, displaying figures and calculations that changed from moment to moment. Lowering the hood she wore, he face was revealed. Gray eyes followed the progress of the screen for moments before she removed a small device from her belt. She uncoiled a wire and plugged it into the terminal. A light on the device flashed yellow before the information on the screen began scrolling rapidly.

?Alright then,? the voice in her ear said, ?in a few minutes we'll have all the intel this place has to offer. Then we'll wipe the servers clean and, voila, Sony loses communications over three different sectors.?

?And in the meantime?? Noel asked.

?I guess you can find something to keep yourself busy.?

Fair enough. She went over the room, placing remote explosives at key locations. Lastly, she planted four charges around the center console itself. She had just finished setting the last one when...

?Your comlink is detecting some incoming.?

?How many?? Noel asked as she turned to the door.

More than a dozen armed guards streamed into the room.
?A few...?

Last to enter was a man in a pinstriped suit, obviously not a soldier if his gut and demeanor were anything to go by.

?I think it's goes without saying that you're under arrest,? he chuckled. The soldiers stood in a line, guns raised.

Noel's expression remained unchanged, ?How did you know I was in here.?

He gave a full bellied laugh, ?As if you don't know. Or did you think we'd be too stupid to realize you would come here after you brought down three of our other installations??

Noel eyed them from side to side, taking a slow step back.

?You need to buy us some more time,? the voice quickly stated, ?if they reach the drive...?

With a quick movement, Noel unsheathed one of the guns she kept at her back, firing as she dived behind the nearest row of machines. The guards shot back with automatic weapons, causing sparks to fly from broken wiring, until the fat man shouted,

?Stop it you idiots, don't you realize what kind of equipment is in here!??

Fools, she thought, why didn't you just lay in wait outside then. Things always muck up when suits are in charge.

Not that it bothered her. They split into two groups and approached her from each side of her cover. When they were close enough, she threw a spherical explosive to one side and a smoke bomb to the other, following the latter after their respective impacts. There were several men before her, eyes and lungs burning from the smoke. Wielding a knife, she wove between them, cutting them down where they stood. Some tried to raise their rifles but she was deadly in close range.

She emerged from the other side of the smoke barrier to see that three soldiers and the fat man remained behind, blocking her escape. With expert speed, she drew knife after knife and launched them at the soldiers with deadly accuracy. She again dived behind equipment to evade them, crashing into a wall of metal. Still, the soldiers fell or were otherwise unable to fire.

The fat man stood his ground, both hands clutching a pistol. Grabbing two more knives, she emerged, covered herself with one throw, causing him to flinch, to trip over himself as he back away, and rushed the man to finish him.

However, the remaining guards who had approached her recovered and began firing again. With a pivot, she flung herself back, launching her remaining knives toward them. Most missed though a few wounded those kneeling in front. She rolled behind cover once again.

?I think it's about time you dropped your weapons? the fat man called out, voice barely kept from shaking though it was clear they had her safely cornered. It was a few moments of tense waiting for the soldiers before they saw two pistols and her vest flung away from hiding. Noel herself rose, arms raised above her head. Slowly, she walked out into the open before them.

?Looks like there'll be no more knives from you? he spoke with a nervous grin before turning to the soldiers, ?You three, restrain and bring her in for interrogation. The rest of you, see what mischief she caused.?
Could they make it any easier for her? Most of the soldiers rushed to the towering console while three others cautiously approached her. Noel waited. The voice in her ear came none too soon.

?Alright, we got it.?

Quick as a flash Noel brought down her arms. If the soldiers who approached her had time to think, they would have noticed that she not only appeared to pull a blade seemingly from nowhere, but that it in fact materialized directly into her right hand where once there was nothing. She plunged it into one and punched another with her left arm. He went flying from the blow and collapsed, sprawled on the floor, neck broken. She summoned another knife to dispatch the third before rolling toward her vest and holsters.

She drew a gun and fired a backward shot at the fat man just as he aimed his own weapon, hitting him in the shoulder. He dropped to the ground in pain. Noel had time to grab a small controller with a single button from her vest before the soldiers at the terminal began returning to the front. She shifted her aim and fired rapidly to hold them back as she made her way to the open door. But the fat man recovered more quickly than she expected. He would have her before she made it out.

Noel pressed the button.

Instantly all of her charges ignited, creating a devastating explosion, destroying machines and the soldiers still among them. Noel had just enough time to raise her left arm to cover her face before a shock-wave of debris flew towards her and the fat man, flinging them away from the epicenter and into the far wall.

Noel coughed blood as she rose unsteadily to her feet. There were scratches on her face; her hair was disheveled; her clothes were scorched and torn. In particular, the left sleeve of her jacket was in tatters, and in the firelight gleamed silver metal instead of skin.

?Y-you,? the fat man sputtered. He was lying face-down, looking up at her. His back was a mess of burns and blood. He coughed black,?Y-You're, that arm. You're the ? the shadow...? His voice fell, his eyes full of terror.

Noel examined herself with a sigh before grabbing her fallen weapons. ?Too bad I don't know who you are. Not that it matters.?

She expended one last bullet before walking away.

-Noel has broken into a Sony operated facility to steal information and shut down their communications.
-While downloaded the intel, she is attacked by a group of guards. She uses explosives to defeat them and blow up the server room and escape.
2013-07-17 17:56:00

Posts: 1787


Shanks walks in to Eterna City.
I haven't been here in years, he thought to himself. He knew something was going on here, but he didn't. His whole life was so confusing.
Just a bunch of blurs. A blank sheet of paper. But he was past that. He needed to know what and who he needed to find in this city.

As he walked down the street, many men and women gave him unusual looks. One woman even shouted to him, "テロリスト!テロリスト", which he just thought was a bunch of crud, partially because he had no idea what that meant. he approached one woman, in hope of her speaking english. He thought it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I need to know where-"


Many men and women started to surround Shanks, rolling up their sleeves, pulling out guns. He was confused, and vaguely remembered some Japanese, but it was basic words."uhh.....こんにちは?" They didn't back off. "Oh come on.....猫!犬!私はトイレを使用する必要があります!" It was no use. He saw a rusty pipe connected to some building, pulled it off, and smacked someone on the head. He ran, so far, but he was outrun. His last memory was the hard concrete of which he hit.

"W.....where am I?"
He started to walk into the darkness, but he realized he was trapped in a cell. A very small and poorly constructed cell.

And then it hit him.

That first woman.

She was saying "Terrorist".

How am I a terrorist? I didn't do anything wrong, or did I? I don't understand...
Who would?

He was very puzzled by this.
For the next 2 weeks, he was served poor food, and his only friend was himself. In the darkness. Alone. He messed up and he didn't know why. But then he remembered something. The Wars. If he wanted to get out of here, he'd have to do what he'd dreaded.

He handed the clerk a slip of paper.

"I'd like to join Nintendo."
2013-07-17 18:17:00

Posts: 431

Meet the City

Her elevator was quick, quicker than most, yet not quick enough for someone in a massive rush to go... no where in particular. She simply had an urge to go into the city and speak with the people that she had grown fond of, even though some of the people had thought of her rule as harsh. "Harsh but fair" is how many described her. Cold and calculating but still relatively friendly, so she couldn't think of a reason that anyone would want to murder her in streets, other than a feud with the company, which was unlikely inside the city-center New Natal, Microsoft's flagship city, so the day she could spend freely inside the city with the people. (Her small secretary could handle any problems that might arise.)

The elevator reached the ground floor, and the doors flew open with a 'swoosh' to reveal the atrium of the building, which many regarded as the heart of the city. There was a ring of grass and garden surrounding a central pillar which held the elevators leading the the other 129 floors of the building. The outer ring of this plaza held an abundance of shops and cafes, with patrons milling about and munching their meals on the various rocks, benches and fountains scattered about, most of them sipping a coffee, and some in bright MS uniforms slightly akin to what Hope was wearing herself. There was a big line leading into a Microsoft exclusive game store, many of them she assumed were trying to lock down their purchase of a new Xbox as this was the only place in the world where the supply was nearly unlimited. A few heads turned at Hope's appearance in the atrium, but only briefly; seeing her wasn't completely uncommon, and many were too entrenched in their business to bear any mind. She tilted her head back and looked up at the slanted ceiling above her, angling up towards the point of the building, bringing it down a few seconds later after having taken in the sight of the architecture that never failed to amaze her, even after 3 years of seeing it everyday. Sufficently calmed down after her earlier need for action after seeing the things that she was very lucky to govern, she slipped her hands into her jeans' pockets and started walking around the outer ring of the lobby, spotting a child extremely content with having just recieved a cookie from a little shop, a very content baker behind the counter. Hope had often passed by his shop, but never truly met the man inside.

((This conversation was cut short because of a time contraint and a need to post, so yeah.))

"You look like a happy baker." She said to the man.
"I do enjoy my business Miss Tanner!"
"That's what I like to see, a man who likes his work. Carry on then."
"Would you like a cookie ma'am?"
"No thanks, but I like you, let me know if you need anything" She said, starting to walk back out to the atrium, catching the man redoubling his smile and continuing her stroll.

((Out of time, gotta post. I don't have anything planned after this point, and won't be back until tomorrow, so feel free to include Hope in your stories within reason.))
2013-07-17 18:30:00

Posts: 2135

Jackson walked down the street, fresh off his shift at work. The streets of Eterna City were alive today, as they were yesterday and would be tomorrow. Jackson scowled; he hated this city. If you weren?t working a high level job in the government, you lived in the slums. And if you lived in the slums, you were a poor, low-skilled worker whose existence was threatened everyday by world record crime rates. That, however, was not why he hated the city. He hated it because it was lazy, uncaring, and oblivious to the situation it had found itself. The citizens did not care that they could live in a shining utopia if only they rose up and fought against the wrong doings, did not care that only a minimal amount of effort could drastically improve their quality of life. You could say he was in a rebellious state, but Jackson knew he wasn?t the only one having such thoughts. There were a special few who fought the abuse, a special few who protected what mattered. They were branded as terrorists, so most people hated them, but Jackson adored them. They were the Smashers, and they were Eterna City?s final hope.

As Jackson walked down the crowded sidewalk, the giant screen that was plastered on the side of Redhat News Inc. switched from the usual advertisements to a solemn man, sitting alone at a desk.

?It is with great sadness that I announce that Nintendo?s lead software developer, Shigeru Miyamoto, has passed away,? the man said, his eyes staring soullessly at a cold camera, as Mario?s iconic red hat spun behind him on an obvious green screen ((If this conflicts with anyone?s story, let me know and I?ll change the person who died.)). Everyone stopped moving, and for a few seconds Eterna City was silent. Then, the first tear could be heard shedding. Some people began to uncontrollably cry, others hugged each other and prayed, and then there were those who fell to the ground and let all their emotions run loose. Jackson felt like the only man alive who didn?t care. Miyamoto might have been a genius, but he was a single man. No-one mourned the rags under the bridge. His scowl growing deeper, Jackson returned to his trip home, not even apologizing to any griever he bumped into.
2013-07-17 18:35:00

Posts: 3262

No-one mourned the rags under the bridge.

Ooooooooooh! <3 ))
2013-07-17 18:41:00

Posts: 1015


Shanks was free to go.
Everyone still hated him, although he didn't care now. He loved sweet freedom.
As he happily ran down the streets, unaware of the news, he bumped into someone. Looked depressed. Shanks could tell he wasn't from here.

"Sorry, I-"

The man just kept walking.

It seemed everyone was very sad, and he was confused, until he saw a giant screen above him. It hat a picture of Miyamoto, and many people saw it and immedietly started crying. When he saw that, he got the idea, and felt somehow he had something to do with it. He then knew he had to find out what happened, but later. Now was a terrible time to ask.

As he walked into the apartment he rented, many people steered clear of him. He then realized everyone had been avoiding him the entire time.
And he got the terrible idea that he killed him.

And all of Japan thought so too.
2013-07-17 18:45:00

Posts: 431

((Crossover time!))

T/D: 2:00, Thursday
Location: Eterna City
Dear Hope Tanner:
Hello, ma'am. My name is Kuzanao Sakamata. You've probably heard of me - I'm the lead programmer at Nintendo. Recently, Sony has been acting quite suspicious towards your company and mine. We at Nintendo have found microphones and cameras hidden inside of our very own offices, and rumor has it that employees from your company are finding them, too. With the upcoming TGC, we at Nintendo fear that Sony wants to hack into your systems and ours to find out what technology we're working on. As such, I've developed an antivirus program, in order to keep the deranged Sony employees from discovering sensitive information. It is in your best interest that you download the program and install it (as I have), keeping your company safe from Sony. I'll investigate the matter further.
-Sincerely, Kuzanao Sakamata

-Attached files:

*tick* *tock* *tick* *tock*...
Kuzanao stared at the screen as the clock ticked on, tired from the constant work he had put forth into coding the virus attached to the email he typed. The Anti-Sony.exe was a legitimate virus rather than a dummy - Iwata tested it's capability to spy on victims himself (this being the reason Kuzanao didn’t use a fake virus). If Hope Tanner, the Microsoft CEO, was to download this file... it would mean that Iwata had won. As much as he loved his company, he would not give into his boss's dastardly plan. He wanted his company to succeed through hard work and triumph rather than cheating. So, in the email he was instructed by Iwata to type (Iwata had made up the lies about Sony and made Kuzanao include them in his email), he hid a message using bold letters.

Of course, the message was meant to be interpreted somewhere along the lines of

Help me, I'm trapped! Also, don't download the file I've attached to this email.
Kuzanao hoped that Ms. Tanner, whom he was acquaintances with (the Big 3 had maintained relationships with one another), would get the message. Thankfully, the bold letters had slipped under the nose of Iwata, but the same thing happening to the recipient could start something horrible. Hell, if Iwata had more tricks up his sleeve, things could even turn into an all-out war. But there was no alternative, and this was Kuzanao's only way out. As such, in the hopes that Ms. Tanner would see through his email's false story, find the message hidden inside, trust him, and come bail his sorry *** out of his office... Kuzanao hit the send button.-Kuzanao sends an email to Hope Tanner, MS CEO, with the virus Iwata requested attached
-There was a hidden message Kuzanao hid in the email that told Tanner to rescue him and not download the file
2013-07-17 19:05:00

Posts: 1909

((OH DANG SO MANY POSTS TO CATCH UP ON NOW. Craig, we need a new batch of cookies for our hungry contestants, double time!))2013-07-17 19:13:00

Posts: 5208


The next morning, Shanks turned on the television to see the latest headline. In Japanese, of course. But he got the idea.

"Kuzanao, eh?"
He got on the laptop he brung.
He searched the web.


Nintendo HQ leader

The main source for all your contact info

Kuzanaou Sakamata

He started typing immedietly.

[Dear Kuzanao_]

[Dear Kuzanao
I was recently informed of Shigeru Miyamoto's passing away_]

[Dear Kuzanao
I was recently informed of Shigeru Miyamoto's passing away and I was wondering if we could schedule a meeting at Nintento HQ. I, Redd "Shanks" Dalevon am a new requit and_]

Two men broke down his door. They tranquilized him, taped his mouth shut, and dragged him into the darkness. Instead of entering Nintendo for the first time, he was carried into Sony for what he hoped was the last time.

A light went on.


"Who are you!?"

"Dosen't matter. All I need to know is where Rose is."


"Your mother. Red hair, yellow jacket-"

Memories flooded Shanks.

His first day of school.

Her taking him to boy scouts.

Him listening.

Was he?


"Sorry, I....uh...."

".....put him back to sleep.

"Yes, boss."

2013-07-17 19:21:00

Posts: 431

((I apologize for the wait.))

After nine hours straight at his desk, (Disregarding black coffee induced bathroom breaks.) Nate gave into temptation. His chair swivelled around one hundred and eighty degrees and, momentum gained from the steady bounce of his feet, was reeled towards the window. If you could even call it that. It was more like a wall, spanning the width and length of the gap between floor and ceilling. Bar a vertical I-Beam located every twenty square metres or so, the glass was the only thing keeping them from death by Ikea flatpack.

The view swallowed him hook, line and sinker.

An arcing spectrum of lights imprinted the darkness with pinpricks of sickeningly sweet neon. For no apparent reason, he was drawn to one sphere of light in particular, emitted by a strip light embedded within the sheer glass wall of a tower block. The outlandish structure resembled a distorted hourglass, wrung out like a drenched towel. It was flickering, transcending between the states of life and death, trapped within an inescapable limbo. The occupants of the flat dog headedly refusing to preserve it's life force... Because they couldn't be bothered to flick the switch, probably.

“Where do you think you're going?” That was his boss. He was standing in the middle of the corridor. He whipped his head around, to see that, in his haste, he had cleared a path through the cubicles. A desk had got in his way. It was no longer in his way. Euphemism. It was three metres away, cheap MDF broken in two. The computer it had previously held, and the animator who had previously been using said computer, were both on the floor. Everybody was staring.

“To the bathroom.” That was a lie. But he couldn't tell the truth.

“Make it quick.” He didn't know what the truth was.

“Yessir.” He retreated back into his office, slamming the door. It took Nate a moment to realize that he hadn't even mentioned the desk, or more importantly, the computer. He hadn't expected him to care about the man he had thrown across the room. Nate pussyfooted his way through the remnants and cautiously offered an open palm to his colleague. To his surprise, the man not only allowed himself to be hauled to his feet, but leapt to encase his hand with two of his own.

“Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

“I just- Broke everything. Why-”

“I haven't been able to spend a full day with my wife for two months!” It clicked. It finally clicked. Without a computer to animate with, he was free to go. He'd have to come back, eventually, sure, but for now, he was free to go. And he expected Nate to take the blame. Which he would do. But not out of friendship or compassion, but due to the fact that he didn't feel like finding out what his team would do to him if he didn't.

He was running again. He didn't know why. Down twenty sets of stairs. Across the foyer. Into the street.

He looked up, just in time to see the light in the hourglass die. He looked down. He clutched the rail he had clutched. He fell where he had fallen.

He knew why he was running. But he wasn't running now.


With Kenji's... Passing, the briefcase ****ers (Or, executives, as he was meant to refer to them.) had decided to take the hardline. Eighty hours a week soon became a hundred and eight hours a week. Eighteen hours a day, stretched over the course of six days out of seven.

He got Sundays off. He slept them away.

And in the ensuing mental chaos, he had let his train of thought go off the rails.

Numb tendrils had coiled themselves around his temporal lobe, and he remembered. After ten seconds, they had reached his occipital lobe, and he saw. He didn't even try to fight it. He let the flashbacks take hold. They would release him soon. Soon just never came soon enough. But for the first time, soon came too soon. His back started to tingle, the sensation snaking around his spine and burrowing into his neck. It didn't take him too long for him to identify it's catalyst. He pretended to take in the skyline. And whilst doing so, appeared to skim over the one particular building that had captured his full attention.

The fifth skyscraper from the right. A residential tower block in a sea of residential tower blocks. A few smallish parabolic antennae bolted to the top, probably rented out to small time TV channels and the like.

Nothing out of the ordinary there.

Disregarding the human shadow bolting across the roof, like hell itself was opening it's incandescent jaws beneath the soles of his feet.

It was probably just an engineer, or a security guard, or, hell, a creation of his own mind.

Just to be sure, he casually sauntered forwards, spreading his arms out wide.


Just to be safe, he flipped him off and walked away.


He laughed at that, a brusque bark of a thing. Just to be safe?

Just to be dangerous.

He was a terrible liar. His boss would know if he hadn't gone for a leak.

Nate unzipped his fly, and ****** against the wall; his head cocked over his left shoulder.


He finished up and raised his middle finger; directing it's vehemence towards the figure on the tower block. Suitably content, he strolled back inside.
2013-07-17 19:43:00

Posts: 717

T/D: 2:00, Friday
Location: Eterna CityUnknown: "Good job, Kuzanao."

The voice come from the front of the room, and reverberated around the walls.

Kuzanao: "Thank God, someone's here! Can you please let me out of here? I helped a man, and... he didn't hold up his end of our bargain. So now... I'm.... oh, ****, why am I telling you this? Can you just get me the hell outta here?"
Unknown: "..."
Kuzanao: "Hello? Seriously, can you just help me out?"
Unknown: "..."
Kuzanao: "****, do you even speak? ...Who are you anyways? I can't see you, it's too dark in here."
Unknown: "You know who I am."

That voice...

Kuzanao: "Jesus Christ, Iwata!"
Iwata: "So... I haven't held up my end of the bargain, correct?"
Kuzanao: "To hell you haven't! It's already been a day since I sent that email! So... are you here to finally let me out?"
Iwata: "I'm afraid I can't do that. You know too much."

Kuzanao stood in silence. Was he going to die here?

Iwata: "I'm not here to kill you, if that's what you think."
Kuzanao: "Then why are you here?"

Iwata was now the one to stand in silence.

Kuzanao: "ANSWER ME, ******!"
Iwata: "Calm down, Mr. Sakamata. I've already told you that I'm not here to kill you. I just figured you'd want some entertainment in your final days."

Simultaneously, the sound of chiptune start-up noises flooded the room. Kuzanao's hundreds of arcade machines had just turned themselves on. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for his computer and phone, which were both permanently shut off. Iwata wasn't that dumb.

Kuzanao: "Wait a **** second... what do you mean my final days?"
Iwata: "On average, a human being can only survive 3 days without water. Shame I've disconnected your water line. As for your food, I've already raided your refrigerator, so don't get your hopes up on that front."

It was true. Kuzanao had tried to eat and drink the night before to no avail.

Kuzanao: "You *******!"

Kuzanao sprinted towards Iwata. It had already been a day, and Hope had yet to come for him. This could be his only way to live. But... Iwata was way too far away. For once, Kuzanao hated how large his room was.

Iwata: "Good bye, Mr. Sakamata. And thanks for the help... I'm sure your company will appreciate it."

Iwata opened the door, walked out and closed it. By the time the locks clicked and Kuzanao's only way out was gone, he had only made it half way to the now un-openable door.

He had 3 days.
-Iwata approaches Kuzanao
-Iwata turns on Kuzanao's arcade machines but doesn't unlock his doors or turn on his lights
-Kuzanao's computer and phone wouldn't turn on
-Iwata cut off Kuzanao's water and raided his refrigerator, voiding him of food and water.
-Iwata left and locked the door he came through.
-Because people can only survive 3 days without water, Kuzanao has 3 days to live
2013-07-17 19:48:00

Posts: 1909

An hour earlier.

Zhou: "You won't regret the purchase, I promise."

Atlas stood underneath a small pile of storage bins, watching the two men.

???: "I appreciate it, you don't happen to have a cover for the case though?"

Being designed as an elite spying robot gave the little guy an edge when it came to hiding; neither of the men had noticed him.

Zhou: "Of course, how silly of me, here you go."

As Zhou handed the second man a cover for his briefcase, Atlas quietly made his way through various motor parts and boxes full of trinkets to the rear exit. The second man took the motorbike and left out the back door as Zhou stood waving and smiling. Seeing this window of opportunity, he ran at the shopkeeper.

Zhou?s cheerful smile quickly dissipated into a somber look of indifference. He looked down at Atlas as he was running and, without skipping a beat, dug his fingers into his face and ripped his own skin off.

Zhou: "Oy! This latex stuff is killing me!"
Atlas: "My apologies, sir, but it was the best I could do on such short notice."
Zhou: "Well, at least he bought it."

He began to pick at the stray pieces of dried latex and fake hair glued to his face. He also removed a bald cap, revealing luscious dark brown hair.

Atlas: "Sir, if you don't mind my asking, who was that man?"
Gideon: "I can?t really say. A friend of General Alkitov, apparently. "
Atlas: "And the Sangria Dragon?"

Gideon paused. He reached into his mouth and pulled out a pair of nasty fake teeth. The fresh rubbery taste made his face contort as it passed over his tongue.

Gideon: It's something the General wanted Zhou to hold on to a while back. Heaven knows why he couldn't just keep it himself.

Gideon continued walking back towards the shop. Atlas, following close behind him, caught the falling pieces of the disguise as his owner dropped them. A rubber ear, a fake nose, a moustache, the whole kit and kaboodle.

Atlas: "And what ever happened to... the real Mr. Zhou?"
Gideon: "Hm?"

By that point they had returned to the gift shop, passing shelves filled with trinkets, knick-knacks, and souvenirs. Most of the crowd had died down as it usually did around dinnertime. Atlas set the appliances in a shoebox that was placed underneath the counter. Gideon stepped into a back room and removed the gimmicky Chinese robe he had been wearing as he continued his conversation with Atlas.

Gideon: "There is no real Mr. Zhou."
Atlas: "Sir?"

The shopkeeper, now dressed in his normal clothing, gave a reminiscing laugh.

Gideon: "It has been a while, hasn't it?"

Atlas stood looking at his creator with a growing curiosity.

Gideon: "You see, back when I was on the run, before these Sony guys hired me, that is, I used to have all sorts of different 'personas' I'd 'inhibit'. I would do this in order to avoid any run-ins I might have had on account of my... 'less than honorable' business practices--"
Atlas: "You were a conman."
Gideon: (Laughing) "Yeah, well, I guess I can't really sugarcoat that turd. Anyway, Mr. Zhou was one of 'em. I used to run a toy shop just outside Metropolis, close to the airport. Apparently my sneakiness caught the attention of our honored General Alkitov (because at that time, Sony had commissioned me-- er, Zhou for a temporary project involving a line of high-tech Sony-branded toys)."

Atlas continued to listen with great intent.

Gideon: "Well, one thing led to another, and a couple weeks later I get a package with a briefcase inside. There's this letter inside that told me I was to hold on to it with my life until General Alkitov could pick it up. I guess I kinda forgot about it until this morning, when we got that call from the General himself telling us that he was sending someone to pick it up."

Just as he was wrapping up his story, Gideon's stomach grumbled with great intensity. In all the chaos of that morning, he'd skipped right over breakfast and lunch.

Gideon: "I... think it's time we head out for dinner."

The two walked out of the shop, locking the door behind them.


-Gideon, disguised as Mr. Zhou, gives Virgil Lee the Sangria Dragon.
-Gideon tells Atlas about his criminal past, and how he'd hop from place to place in disguise.
-He also tells him how he was given the Sangria Dragon by General Alkitov for safe-keeping.
2013-07-17 19:57:00

Posts: 941

He was a terrible liar. His boss would know if he hadn't gone for a leak.

Nate unzipped his fly, and ****** against the wall; his head cocked over his left shoulder.

((oh so classy. Gotta love it ))

He had 3 days.

((BA-BOOM! Nice!))
2013-07-17 20:02:00

Posts: 1015

Gideon: Ya see, back when I was on the run, before these Sony guys hired me, that is, I used to have all sorts of different 'personas' I'd 'inhibit'.
((So THAT'S where Atlas got the idea.))
2013-07-17 20:06:00

Posts: 1909

((OK, first post hope you enjoy!))

Somewhere, deep beneath Microsoft?s second tallest building, beneath the origins of an empire in a small un-plastered room, sat Cassidy Rayne.
Cleaner for one of the most powerful companies on the planet.
And surprisingly, the only cleaner for one of the most powerful companies on the planet, in this city that is. Due to a fluke admin error, every single cleaner for Microsoft?s second tallest building had been transferred to New Natal, to Microsoft?s tallest building. It had been a week and Cassidy still sat on his own, amongst the dust, in the flickering light of a faulty bulb. No one from upstairs had spoken to him. No one had said anything, apart from ?goodbye?, when they all left him on his own. He couldn?t clean it all. He knew he couldn?t clean it all. In fact, Cassidy was one hundred percent sure he couldn?t even clean half of it.
His eye twitched, staring at a poster loosely pinned to the bare wall. Old Microsoft propaganda. It depicted an attractive woman in an all white suit pretending to hold the words ?Digitalise the future? above her head. He didn?t know what it meant. The light above his head started to favour the dark in its flickering over the light. His fist clenched.
Everyone left? Everyone?
Paranoia struck him. What if there?s no one upstairs either? What if I?m all on my own? He thought back to his trip to work. His journey was empty of other human life, when he entered the building the receptionist was gone. He can?t recall the last time he had seen a receptionist. He can?t remember the last time he shared a lift. He can?t remember anyone else. Not a single person came to mind. His knuckles started to go white and the light finally gave in and plunged the room into permanent darkness.
He was going upstairs.
As high as he can, he was going to see the boss.
Cleaning apron discarded, he pulled on his coat and left for the corridor, headed straight for the lift. It was just coming down, he wasn?t thinking about it. When the door opens he would go straight in and straight up.
The lift doors slid open just as he reached them. Spinning into the threshold, he moved towards the-
?Wow! Hay there kitten, um, who are you??
Cassidy took a step back. ??huh? Are you talking to me?? All of a sudden, an unfamiliar man stood in front of him, in the lift.
?Might be, might not be. Could be talking to the dust or the digital displays, or the upholstery. Or you, but not you. Another me could be talking to another you, you get me? Real question boils down to; who are you talking to? A man of your stature could talk to the fibre in the carpet all you want but it wont listen.?
The man stood tall in the lift doorway, eyes shielded from view by a pair of aviators. His hair was a bleached blonde, slicked back as if in an effort to make himself look more professional. He wore a tiny denim jacket that came down to his waist and a pink shirt with a low V-neck, revealing a jumble of wooden beaded necklaces. His accent was that quirky American you can?t quite place your finger on and he gave off an atmosphere that demands to be acknowledged. Cassidy had been staring for too long.
?Haha, you look like you?re playing a Jaguar at chess, man I like you,? The man laughed, then let out a well rehearsed sigh and placed his hands on his hips while leaning forward.
?Look, I?m gunna be real with you.? He clenched his teeth as if he didn?t want to say the next bit too loudly, as if it would offend someone despite that fact that they were on their own. ?Thiiiis place isn?t really the kinda place for guys like you and me, ya know?? He made a clicking sound with his tongue and rolled his eyes.
?Look, lets just ship out, OK?? The man span around and stood in the centre of the lift. Before Cassidy could protest, he had pressed a button and the lift began to move.
?What, wait, who are you?? Cassidy said, quite unimpressed with this man?s sudden intrusion on his mission to the manager?s office.
?I?m Saran Diyyecs, founder of Saran?s Icy Dye. S?pleasure.? He put forward his hand to shake. Cassidy gave him a dangerous look and he awkwardly left his hand hovering in the air. Everything about Saran seemed plastic. Fake. Untrustworthy. This man seemed like the kind of guy to do something really stupid and really dangerous.
This man seemed like the kind of guy who could cause trouble.
He decided to see where this goes.
?S?pleasure to meet you too, Saran.? Cassidy?s hand slapped into Saran?s and a firm shake was made.
He had no Idea where this man came from, or who he was, but it sounded like an opportunity.
?haha! Excellent.? Saran applauded. He removed his aviators and tucked them into his jacket breast pocket. ?Now, listen??
The man smiled. ?OK. Now listen Rayne, I've got a proposition for you??
2013-07-17 20:10:00

Posts: 1527

((Wonderful post abyssal, and great job tying our characters together Frinkle! ^^))

He had 3 days.

((Since he's been locked in there for a day after sending Hope the message, wouldn't he technically only have two days? ))

((Anyway though, post incoming later. I better speed things up to get the conflict going so we don't have twenty individual evil corporations getting the factions to go to war with eachother. ))
2013-07-17 20:10:00

Posts: 5208

((So THAT'S where Atlas got the idea.))

2013-07-17 20:12:00

Posts: 941

((Since he's been locked in there for a day after sending Hope the message, wouldn't he technically only have two days? ))
((Meh, just go with it. He doesn't know better anyways. Think he can think straight right now?))
2013-07-17 20:14:00

Posts: 1909

((Anyway though, post incoming later. I better speed things up to get the conflict going so we don't have twenty individual evil corporations getting the factions to go to war with eachother. ))

((You better, or you'll face my not so intimidating wrath :kz)
2013-07-17 20:23:00

Posts: 1061

After fixing up the time paradox, amoney checked for more. It seemed alright, until they started to pop up rapidly all over. People and objects started to vanish, and monsters were attacking all over. He fixed one, but another showed up. He then fixed that one, and another showed up, as if they won't go away. Eventually, amoney learned that the source was one big time paradox causing a bunch of other small ones. It seemed nearly impossible to stop, but amoney knew just how to stop it.2013-07-17 20:39:00

Posts: 1202

After fixing up the time paradox, amoney checked for more. It seemed alright, until they started to pop up rapidly all over. People and objects started to vanish, and monsters were attacking all over. He fixed one, but another showed up. He then fixed that one, and another showed up, as if they won't go away. Eventually, amoney learned that the source was one big time paradox causing a bunch of other small ones. It seemed nearly impossible to stop, but amoney knew just how to stop it.
2013-07-17 20:42:00

Posts: 431

After fixing up the time paradox, amoney checked for more. It seemed alright, until they started to pop up rapidly all over. People and objects started to vanish, and monsters were attacking all over. He fixed one, but another showed up. He then fixed that one, and another showed up, as if they won't go away. Eventually, amoney learned that the source was one big time paradox causing a bunch of other small ones. It seemed nearly impossible to stop, but amoney knew just how to stop it.
2013-07-17 20:54:00

Posts: 1909

Ava stretched out her arms, letting her left hand dangle out of the window. Jon sat next to her, driving them back to Station in the city centre. Shuhei Hospital lay behind them, slowly receding into the horizon as Medic 6 turned on to the highway.

“I always hate to leave Shuhei behind,” Ava remarked. “I like this part of the city. It's quiet.”

“So when are you singing up?” Jon asked, an overly cheerful expression on his face.

She gazed out of the window and watched as their surroundings flew by. “Eh, I suppose I should speak with Control first, let them know I'm putting in for transfer. But I have to make a call, the number was on the letter they sent.”

Jon raised his eyebrows. “You got your mobile, ain't you? Go ahead and phone them! I wanna know everything in minute detail.”

Ava sighed, and opened her mouth to protest.

“Nope! Phone. Number. Now.” Jon grinned, turning his attention back to the road.

The letter sat in her pocket, crumpled but never discarded. Ava took it out and unfolded it carefully, deliberately. “Okay.” She dialled the number on her phone and waited while the dial tone buzzed on the other end.

“Good afternoon, Sony Medical Control, how can I direct your call?”

“Sergeant Groves, please.”

The line went quiet while the receptionist transferred her call. Ava felt her heartbeat speeding up as she waited for the Sergeant to answer.

“Sergeant Groves speaking.” A gruff voice spoke, sounding utterly miserable.

“Hello, Sergeant, my name is Ava Jones, I received a . . .”

“Ava!” She raised her eyebrows. So strange for this gruff voice to suddenly squeal her name with so much enthusiasm. “How's things in civilian territory?”

“Erm. Fine, thanks . . . sir?”

Sergeant Groves laughed. “Is that what you're calling your Uncle Jim, nowadays?”

“Uncle... Jim?!” He wasn't actually her uncle, but she remembered him vaguely. One of her father's best friends, he often used to go camping with them when she was small. He told the best ghost stories. “It's you?”

He laughed again. “Of course! So, you coming to take orders from an old coot like me?”

She smiled. “Yeah. Yeah, I am!”


The phonecall lasted all of five minutes. A time, a place. She was to report to Groves the next morning, back in Vita City. Ava leaned her head against the headrest and smiled over at Jon, who raised his eyebrows.

“Uncle Jim?”
2013-07-17 20:54:00

Posts: 1015

"It is with great sadness that I announce that Nintendo?s lead software developer, Shigeru Miyamoto, has passed aw-"

Edin turned the television off. He got off his sofa and walked to the window and peered out only to be greeted by tall trees and luscious hues of green. Edin's cabin was twenty minutes away from Eterna City, safely hidden from the main roads. It was where he went to think, or relax - away from the city.

"Poor guy," Edin thought, he could imagine what the people in Eterna City were feeling right now. Well, no he couldn't. Edin didn't really care much. I mean it was pretty sad, but Edin didn't feel any sadness.

Edin turned around, put on a hat and grabbed his rifle next to the door. He stepped outside and was hit by the bright beams coming from the sun. He took a deep breathe of fresh air and exhaled. The sound of birds chirping and a distant woodpecker brought a smile to his face. He started to head further into the forest, looking for dinner.
2013-07-17 20:58:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

__________________________________________________ _____________________
__________________________________________________ _____________________

The Microsoft helicopter, sent to retrieve the first man, the first man to ever be recruited for a console war that might just happen, flew over Vita City.

The man sat in the corner, and got up to see how close they were. Underneath him was a vast city, shining blue in the night, skyscrapers everywhere. Projected even higher above them in the night sky were 4 letters, forming a somewhat odd word. The word, known by everyone, everywhere, no matter what.


Mags knew, just barely, where he was. No wonder it was so cold, they had been making a detour up to Canada from New York. They were in Vita City, an city ruled by the Emprire of Sony. Sony's new console announced at the E3, I'm not even going to say the name, (thats how bad it is), had hit Microsoft hard. Not like a feather tickling you, but like a huge 260 pound sumo wrestler punching you into a brick wall hard. The city was really awesome, he had to admit, but when he saw the PlaySt-, wait, not gonna say it, on the billboard on the highest building, he turned his head.

Mags: Why the hell are we in Vita City, god **** it? Its almost negative temperature, and we're lollygagging above one of Sony's main cities. Hell, we could get shot down any second with one of their missiles for tresspassing.

Bill: Mags, I know you're confused. I'm going to need you to chill, my jobs on the line here. Ms. Tanner won't like it if you're a complaining *****. She'll know I've chosen the wrong guy.

Mags: You mean, like, the head hancho of the whole Microsoft? the Hope Tanner?

Bill: Yes, the Hope Tanner.

Mags: THE Hope Tanner?

Bill: Yes, the Hope Tanner.


Bill: WOULD YOU SHUT UP? The Sonyians will hear you.

Mags: So why exactly have we made a, I dunno, 3 hour detour to Vita City?

Bill: We need to check up on our fellow, erm, brothers. You never know what they could be up too.


Bill: ugh.... you could call it that.

Bill presses the red button, which, Mags had been tempted to press for the past three hours, and the whole back of the plane opened up like a closet. In there, were guns. Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, SMGs, Assault Rifles, Rocket Launcher, Pistols, Machine Pistols.

And Mags knew it when he saw it. Right smack in the middle was a tank of a gun. The biggest gun on the rack, was the M300, or the Microsoft300. A prototype machine gun that Microsoft Labs had been working on in case of an emergency. This was the gun Mags wanted. He chuckled, grabbed it off the shelf and looked at Bill. Bill showed no expression.

Mags: So, when do we start the mission?
2013-07-17 21:21:00

Posts: 1840

Jack jumped out of a five story window when a thought occurred to him ''Maybe I should have tried the stairs...'.Twisting mid air right as his body flew through the window he could see the shocked face of the man,it was very satisfying,until he started to fall. The sensation of falling invigorated everything around him, the environment around him quickly blurring,a dumpster shooting straight at him until-

The dumpster exploded from the shock and force of Jack's fall. Bags of rubbish and cardboard had broken Jack's fall, though he would have one heck of a bruise. 'Ow'. Pain surged through his body, blocking all thoughts but 'Ow'. Forcing his body to move,Jack rolled out of the pile of rubbish and got to his hands and knees.

He couldn't keep going, maybe he could just get back down and rest awhile....'No!' Jack thought to himself fiercely as he remembered the cold hard determination as the man rolled off his back and had to attack again. Jack got to his feet and started to hobble off. 'Now that surely must have left an impression... ' if it didn't, Jack would have to do better at ?first impressions? .
Jack was now out of site from the building and he hoped his attacker, while making his way into an alleyway. Well now what...Jack was hoping that meeting could really help him out. 'Maybe I should have tried that jump with a hay bale... ' Jack started to make a list of things in his head to do.,as he headed back to his abode.

1. Get away from the maniac trying to kill me. Check
2. Go into hiding and make some friends....Uncheck...
3.Find old friends that would love to help....Uncheck...
4.Make your way back to the hideout. Check

Jack had been traveling faster than he realized when he arrived on the roof of a building. The building underneath his feet was dilapidated,dismal and yet home. Jack had made this place his home ever since he had found it. It had a connection that led right into the sewers, roof access way hatch, and it was avoided by outsiders. ' Time to talk to some old friends 'And by that mean he would't get beaten to pudding.

((Sorry about such the short post,just trying to keep up))
2013-07-17 21:21:00

Posts: 293

2:13, Saturday - Day 1 of CaptivityThe arcade machines flashed vibrant colors into Kuzanao's retina, the light compensating for how the room's actual light bulbs wouldn't turn on. Without anything to drink, Kuzanao was starting to spit out his saliva into a cup and drinking it later on. He knew that this wasn't going to prolong his life at all, but he was desperate enough to do it anyways. He was desperate for food, but he had always kept that room so **** clean that there wasn't a bug to eat in sight. He would've given up all of his luxuries just to get a glass of water and a piece of bread. And the arcade machines? They weren't on for entertainment. They were on to taunt him, and Kuzanao knew this now. They were on to remind him of his past, and how his life was about to come to an end. Kuzanao was miserable.

But he wasn't dead yet.

This thought was the only thing that kept him going. There was still hope. There wasn't much of it, granted, but there was still hope in the form of one woman - Hope Tanner. If she just got Kuzanao's god ****ed message, there was a chance that he could still live. So, he waited. And with nothing to pass the time, he grabbed an empty notebook - one he had planned on using for work - and began to write.

I don't know what the hell's going to happen to me. I don't know if Hope Tanner got my message. I don't know what's gotten into Satoru Iwata. In all honesty, I don't know ****. So, I'm writing this so that, if I die, somebody might find this, and somebody might set the record straight. My name is Kuzanao Sakamata. I'm one of the lead programmers at Nintendo, and, 2 days ago, I was contacted by my boss - Satoru Iwata, Nintendo CEO. He wanted me to design a virus that would spy on Hope Tanner, the CEO of Microsoft. At first I refused, but he threatened me with my life. He kept me from leaving my office, and took away my food and water. So I did as I was told, but hid a secret message in the email I sent to Ms. Tanner. And then Iwata denied my life and my freedom, so I'm still stuck in this hell hole. So, if Tanner doesn't get the message I hid in my email, and everything goes to hell, I have one dying request. Satoru Iwata must be killed. I hate to say this, I really god **** do - he's a longtime friend of mine, and one of the last people I'd want to harm - but he's betrayed not just me, but his whole **** company. If you're reading this, I didn't make it, and Iwata's still alive. So avenge me.

Of course, Kuzanao' heart was still beating. He was miserable... but he wasn't dead yet.-Iwata turned on the arcade machines to taunt Kuzanao by reminding him of his past
-Kuzanao has begun drinking his saliva, desperate for something to drink.
-Kuzanao wanted food.
-Kuzanao hoped that Tanner got his message
-Kuzanao wrote a letter about his captivity that he hoped would be found if he were to die
2013-07-17 21:36:00

Posts: 1909

Twinkles of light flowed through the abundance of openings in the thin, eastern clouds spread out between China and Japan, radiating toward a lone jet as it gently flew towards its destination. Holding Virgil and several flight attendants with a nice lounge and set-up, the plane was flown away from Metropolis by a pair of Nintendo-licensed pilots, and towards the factions' capital, Eterna City. Like Sony with Metropolis, Nintendo held their stance close to their home territory, continuing to preserve their history in Kyoto while choosing Eterna for their place of political interest. It was the dawn of a new day, and the dawn of a new generation. All of the "next-gen" consoles had at the very least been revealed up to this point, with each of the factions getting their foot in the door in the next age of gaming. Virgil got out of his seat and moved towards the lounge, where a few female attendants in their mid-twenties were sitting at, gossiping with each other over recent news/rumors as they watched what was on the telly.

Virgil: "Mind if I come in?"
Attendant: "Yeah, do you need to change the channel?"
Virgil: "No, you girls can leave it on."

Virgil bent over and sat on one of the sofas in the room, watching the news with the others.

Virgil: "Has there been anything interesting said yet?"
Attendant: "Not much really, just going on about stocks and weather right now."

Virgil turned back over towards the television, watching as one of the reporters for the station were discussing the next five days of cloud patterns over Tokyo, until immediately stopping mid-sentence after someone off-screen must have signaled for him to do so.

Attendant: "Hey, what's going on?"
Reporter: "We interrupt this report with breaking news over in Eterna City. We have just got word that Nintendo’s lead software developer, Shigeru Miyamoto, has recently passed away."

Virgil's eyes widened, shocked by the death of Nintendo's most iconic worker. The other attendants didn't say a word, as he jolted out of the lounge and over to where the pilots were. He opened the pilot's room door, briefly cutting into a conversation of theirs.

Virgil: "How far is Eterna from here?"
Pilot: "About an hour away. Just hold tight, Virgil."

Virgil nodded towards them, and shut the door behind him. As he started walking back towards his seat, he pulled out his mobile phone, emblazoned in a sleek cobalt blue with a black outline that let it stand out from a design standpoint. Virgil dialed in Alkee's number, and sat back down, watching Terra and it's illuminated presence unto the morning sky through one of the aircraft's side windows. Virgil finally got a response amidst the ringing.

Alkimov: "Virgil, what is it?!"
Virgil: "Alkimov, did you get the news of Shigeru's death?"
Alkimov: "Yeah, the whole flipping faction is going AWOL back here in Eterna. Get back as soon as you can so that we can sort out this mess. I've had zero luck contacting Iwata about this, so you'll have to smooth things over with the masses yourself."
Virgil: "The flight's gonna be a while still, but I'll start drafting an obituary. Do what you can until I'm there, I can only imagine what's going through Sony and MS' heads right now."

Virgil eyed his storage compartment near the ceiling of the jet, where the suitcase he had acquired from Metropolis lied, holding intel Alkee had spoken of, which held classified information regarding Nintendo that required safekeeping. Apparently, the general had held onto it while he was over in Britain, having just left from Greenland, where the United Factions Headquarters are located, but had to transport it to Zhou for safekeeping until he could make it back to Japan. Virgil opened up the compartment, and lifted his arm above the briefcase and over towards a notebook, and started writing for the remainder of the flight.
2013-07-17 21:45:00

Posts: 5208

((Just to let you guys know, I edited my last post to add important stuff. So if you read my post and it didn't have Kuzanao's letter, go read that part. It's important stuff, and a pretty good TL;DR that sums up Kuzanao's story so far.))2013-07-17 21:52:00

Posts: 1909

((Just to let you guys know, I edited my last post to add important stuff. So if you read my post and it didn't have Kuzanao's letter, go read that part. It's important stuff, and a pretty good TL;DR that sums up Kuzanao's story so far.))

((Do you already have the Kuzanao trapped arc worked out, or are you hoping for one of us to rescue you? (or specifically MS/Hope?) ))
2013-07-17 21:56:00

Posts: 5208


((I decided to fancy up my dialogue))
Shank woke up.
He walked down the street, thinking about his crazy dream, about how it could have something to do with Shigeru, when he saw a cabin. It was big, but cozy, nothing special, a basic shelter. As he approached it, someone came out the door. He hid behind a tree and watched carefully as he set out into the woods. The man was carrying a rifle. As Shanks followed him carefully, he noticed the many choirs of birds and whatnot, and stopped to think, when he was spotted by the man.
???:"Who're you?"
Shank:"Does it matter?"
???:"Oh, you're the terrorist."
Shank:"No, not a terrorist! Just a guy who dosen't know what to do with his life anymore."
Shank:"Well, the name's Shank."

They walked down the forest slowly, kicking branches and stones out of the way. Shank was mildly intimidated by the rifle, figured it was for self defense or something and didn't think much of it.

Shank:"So, you heard the news?"
Edin:"Yeah, Shigeru?"

Shank:"Sad, isn't it,"
Edin:"I don't know, sure, it's sad."
Shank:"You must not care much for Nintendo."
Edin:"Oh, I do, I mean, I WORK for the company, it's just...
I never really stopped to acknowledge him. By the time I started to work for the guy, he was gone..."
Shank:"I know what you mean. I could say the same about my mom. I never really knew her, and-"
"Shhh, dinner's coming..."
Edin aimed carefully at a nearby deer and shot. It plunged to the ground with a thump.
Edin:"Here, help me drag this back to the cabin."
Shank:"Drag?....I think i'll pass....."
Edin:"Well, how else you gonna get it back home, carry it?"
Shank looked at his phone and saw a message.
Shank:"I gotta go."

And he ran off, before Edin could say another word.
2013-07-17 21:59:00

Posts: 431

- Trevor, get up. Trevor!
- Uhhh, what...

Trevor lifted his head from the keyboard, and looked at the monitor. It was displaying a "connection lost" message.

- What happened he...
- We have lost connection to the main servers at 4am. Some of the guys are already trying to work out the reason, but it's proving difficult without any direct contact with Metropolis.
- Great... Just as I was trying to figure out the invasion...
- You shouldn't worry about that right now... The priorities changed. And I think you should have a day off...
- But, sir, if you give me more time once it's all fixed, maybe I...
- This is an order! Let us deal with this case now!
- Well, if you could at least let me upload my progress to my personal computer, I...
- Day. Off. Understood?
- Understood...

Trevor entered his SUV and drove onto the road. It was unusual for him to drive against the traffic jams for a change. He turned on the radio, right in the middle of a news break.

"...Shigeru Miyamoto, lead software developer of Nintendo, has passed away. And now, for the weather report, a cold storm approaches..."

At that rate, he wouldn't be surprised if the world were to end in the next few weeks.

- Communications between the SDCW and main servers was severed;
- Trevor is forcefully dismissed, and hears via radio about the death of Shigeru.
2013-07-17 22:05:00

Posts: 5891

((Do you already have the Kuzanao trapped arc worked out, or are you hoping for one of us to rescue you? (or specifically MS/Hope?) ))
((I'm hopin for someone to rescue me, of course. MS/Hope would probably make the most sense, but anyone can (Tanner doesn't seem to have figured out that message, lol ). If not, Kuzanao dies. 2 days left.))
2013-07-17 22:07:00

Posts: 1909

((I wanna rescue you but Shank dosent really know about it so I wanna try to fit it in but don't know how. Can you guys help meh? ))2013-07-17 22:13:00

Posts: 431

((I decided to fancy up my dialogue))

((I don't want to sound like a jerk but I'd appreciate letting me know if you are going to put me into your story next time. This one is fine - other than the fact that I don't work for Nintendo, so if you can edit that part out. I'm unaffiliated.))
2013-07-17 22:17:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

((I wanna rescue you but Shank dosent really know about it so I wanna try to fit it in but don't know how. Can you guys help meh? ))
((Well... Kuzanao is a well known and respected programmer at Nintendo that none of the other programmers have seen for 3 days now. Perhaps Shank overhears on of them talking about Kuzanao's abscense?))
2013-07-17 22:17:00

Posts: 1909

((And so, the bakers story continues))

Brian sat with his feet up on the table on which he had his cash till, getting rather bored of waiting around (and also very puzzled at the quietness surrounding the city) he jumped up took a walk, making sure to put of a sign, alerting anyone that his shop is temporarily closed. As he walked his usual route, across the wooden bridge which overlooked a river clad with sunny gold, through the flourishing autumn forest and eventually ending in the normally busy city center. He entered a little shop, almost hidden, crumbling under the high-rise stone giants above it.

Shopkeeper: "Ah, some business! I was about to shut up shop, but..."

Brian cut him off

Brian: "Because of how empty it is?"
Shopkeeper: "Yeah, I should have closed as soon as I heard the news if I'm honest"
Brian: "What news?"
Shopkeeper: "Can't believe it then, huh?"

At this point, Brian had figured out that something was amiss, and he'd missed it. It was obviously huge, so he persisted with trying to get the news

Brian: "No, I really don't know what you're talking about"
Shopkeeper: "Really?! But it's all over the news! Turn on a television for goodness sake, don't you have one?!"
Brian: "Not in my bakery shop I don't, where I've been working all day. Well when I say working I mean, sitting around. Because it was so quiet"
Shopkeeper: "Well, apparently the SONY network went down, and Hope Tanner has got his *** on the line for it. Well, that's just speculation from our media anyway.
Brian: "Wow. I am shocked, but isn't it a little much for everyone to get all nervous? After all, it's just speculation"
Shopkeeper: "Well, it's better to be safe than sorry. Anyway, c'mon, I'm closing up shop now"

Brian left and the once flourishing forest became dead, the golden river was now clad in stone rather than sun and his shop, was the only place he felt he could feel safe.

2013-07-17 23:11:00

Posts: 2426

No, Nintendo tipped us off on false information gathered from their spy network in the SONY HQ. They really messed up. So after that, there was arguing from all sides and within days, war had broken out.
((So I suppose, in your timeline, Hope Tanner didn't get Kuzanao's message? I think we gotta get Merc's consent before considering that canon.))
2013-07-17 23:22:00

Posts: 1909

Greenly regaining consciousness stood up holding his head. Regaining his composure he walked out of the bathroom and sat down at a table. Reaching down into his pocket he took out several pieces of paper. This was intel. He looked at the list of likely places his target would be at. Greenly noted the location of his targets home.

Greenly: "Access to from the sewers. Hmmm"

Greenly gathered the intel And placed it into his jacket pocket. He felt something he grabbed it and out came a picture of him, Rex, Edward and Elliot in front of the Sena mine. This reminded Greenly of his lost friends and the days he spent fighting for SONY. He gave a sigh and walked out of the bar into the streets finding an entrance to the sewers. He climbed down the ladder intending to pay his target a visit or at least do some "investigating".

((There's so much to read))
2013-07-17 23:42:00

Posts: 996

((So I suppose, in your timeline, Hope Tanner didn't get Kuzanao's message? I think we gotta get Merc's
consent before considering that

((No, that's thr shopkeeper filling Brian in on a previoud war between the three))
2013-07-17 23:43:00

Posts: 2426

((No, that's thr shopkeeper filling Brian in on a previoud war between the three))

((Okay, now I'm confused. There's not supposed to have been any previous wars between the factions. These opening posts are helping lead up to the very first console war, and while there's some tension going on right now with Shigeru's death and some conflicts I'll be throwing into the mix, they've never actually been in a full-blown war. Also, don't forget that Hope is a girl.))
2013-07-18 00:16:00

Posts: 5208

((Well, he did say he wasn't sure if his post was canon. I guess he isn't.))2013-07-18 00:26:00

Posts: 1909

((Okay, now I'm confused. There's not supposed to have been any previous
wars between the factions. These
opening posts are helping lead up to the very first console war, and while
there's some tension going on right
now with Shigeru's death and some
conflicts I'll be throwing into the mix,
they've never actually been in a full-
blown war. Also, don't forget that
Hope is a girl.))

((Ahhh, sorry :/ Just disregard my post then, I'll delete it later when I get use my computer instead of my iPod))
2013-07-18 01:04:00

Posts: 2426

((Well, he did say he wasn't sure if his post was canon. I guess he isn't.))

((Oh yeah. Sorry, must've missed that. xP Here's some more post/toast btw.))

As the private jet Virgil was riding in pulled into one of the runways near Eterna City, he quickly got out of his lofty chair, grabbing for his briefcase while the other attendants brought out his motorbike over from the back. With Virgil's possessions in hand, he was followed by the two women as he stepped off the jet, firmly grasping the Dragon-labeled case while the two behind him tried rolling the bike down the steps. Virgil started walking forward from the plane just as he saw General Alkitov pull up right by him in a rich, dark sedan. The general stepped out of the car to help Virgil with his things.

Virgil: "Perfect timing, how are things?"
Alkitov: "Not pleasant, that's for sure. Cause of Death is still unknown, but Nintendo forces have tried controlling things while transporting Miyamoto's body elsewhere. ((Hopefully that doesn't interfere with your plans, Clay.))
Virgil: "Thanks for the lift, I'll send what I've got over to the press so they can make their edits."

Virgil handed the general the briefcase, and got his motorbike from the two attendants. He waved at them as he walked off, with Alkitov opening up the back of his vehicle to put it inside.

Alkitov: "Okay, I guess asking about the bike will have to wait. I've got some of the execs to help schedule a meeting in Town Square. Since this is all still news to us, we'll have to rely on some of our military forces stationed in Eterna to act as security for the event, just in case someone from the crowd feels a little.. dramatic."

Alkee sped through the outskirts of the dense, mourning city. Despite some rumors dealing with black market trading and some involvement with the chinese mafia, it seemed that Metropolis had earned itself a lot more respect in recent years than Eterna had, with Sony offering many benefits to the poor in each of the uniquely conjoined districts, whereas there was a stark and clear-cut difference between the different members of society in Nintendo's semi-infamous capital. Virgil's career had given him many 'homes', and while Eterna has been a great place to go to for the political scene while offering some great attractions and helping keep Nintendo strong with the large influence on technology there, Virgil knew how he had sometimes simply preferred New Leaf. Not just because it had a poverty rate ten-fold less compared to their capital and access to the city's canals while keeping Nintendo's cultures in true forum, but also because it felt safe, a good getaway from some of the recent events and tense situations that the big three managed to get themselves tangled in.

The two detoured from their location to arrive in a portion of the Headquarters, where Virgil and the general walked straight into. From here they took the steps downward, and placed the briefcase into one of Nintendo's highly secured vaults. The general, remembering the time yet trying to keep the package safe, attached several fiber optics onto the bulky exterior, while also enabling as many security functions as he could. The general closed the device clearly shut, and followed Virgil back to the normal floor, making their way around some of the people panicking about recent news.

The two Nintendo workers resumed the drive over to Town Square, driving past the crowded streets as Virgil tried coming up with a speech, reviewing some of his notes and research taken on the plane ride. Alkee turned the radio on to hear about the recent news, hearing out if anything new had been revealed. for the most part though, news stations were all limited with the same information, Nintendo must have really tried keeping things under wraps.

Radio Person: "In other news, a group of scientists across parts of Europe have demanded for a resurgence in the efforts in Space Technology from our nations' governments. They call the operation, "The Andromeda Mission," an attempt to start sending probes over to... Terra?"

*shuffling could be heard in the background of the radio newsroom, and soon chuckling. Other people in the room began to chime in, starting to break down as to why a mission to Terra would be a wasted effort on the part of governments, especially given the current economic conditions of most nations.*

Alkitov turned the radio off, and the both of them sat in silence for a moment as they got closer to their destination.

Alkitov: "Oh, did you hear the news by the way? Apparently a task force from Sony down in India had found some documents that pointed to a slew of followers of the ancient factions hidden across the country, possibly others as well."
Virgil: "Them? I thought there were hardly any believers left. Although I guess it makes sense for them to hide, given the relation between them and, well.. us."
Alkitov: "Yeah, it's all pretty suspicious, though. Especially after some vague comments that were made by some of the government officials when approached on the subject of the leaked documents."

Virgil sat in deep thought for a moment, before being interrupted by the loud sounds of people shuffling through the sidewalks and alleyways of Eterna's central hub.

Virgil: "There it is, Town Square at last."


((Ahhh, sorry :/ Just disregard my post then, I'll delete it later when I get use my computer instead of my iPod))

((You don't have to delete it, just make tiny edits. Sorry about the situation with your limited access to posting so far. :/))
2013-07-18 01:12:00

Posts: 5208

Day 2 of CaptivityDespair was closing in on Kuzanao. Where were his co-workers? His friends at Nintendo? They obviously didn't give a **** about him. He thought that somebody would miss him, or at least wonder why he was gone. But there were no signs of that. Nobody knocked on his door or tried to rescue him. Hell, nobody probably even thought of him. He was alone. He stared at the letter he wrote, the end of which said that if anybody was reading this, Kuzanao would be dead.

"...at this point, I probably will be dead soon..."

He stared at the paper with watery eyes.

"To HELL with this!"

In desperation and anger, he crumpled up the paper and threw it across the room. He was as good as dead at this point. His stomach growled louder than the blaring sounds of the arcades, and his mouth was as dry as a desert. He probably only had a day left after this one. For the first time in his life, Kuzanao was scared. And, for the first time in his life, he had lost all hope. Sick of all of the **** Iwata was doing to him, he lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. That's when he heard all of the arcades suddenly mute, and his radio turn on. It began to play a song... this song:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu11BLyQxXk&feature=c4-overview&list=UUX2CYZNSS_4a5njnabSmHAg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu11BLyQxXk&feature=c4-overview&list=UUX2CYZNSS_4a5njnabSmHAg)

And he knew what the song was in an instant. Why?

He had made it himself.

His job, the one he had been working at for about 15 years, gave him a lot of time on his computer. So much time, in fact, that he developed an obsession for the **** thing. That, and music. All of the hours he spent coding were washed away into the music he listened to. How else was he to pass the time? And so, 14 years into his job, Kuzanao decided to meld the two obsessions into one. He was aware that one of his favorite genres - electronic music - could be created with nothing but a laptop. So during his breaks, he downloaded some programs, did some stuff, and then, before he knew it, his breaks and most of his free time were dedicated to making music under the alias of Anoxia.

rELOADING was his last song, made just a week before Iwata put him in seclusion. Now... Iwata was slapping Kuzanao in the face with it. The arcades, the song... all of it was being used by Iwata to remind Kuzanao of the life that was soon to end. They were to make him think of his past, and to bring up his memories, so that his death would be that much more painful. If nobody was to rescue him tomorrow, he was going to die.

But he remembered his co-workers again. He thought about how perhaps Iwata was keeping them from coming to his room, and how they might find it suspicious. Maybe one of them would be suspicious, and come to rescue him. Or maybe not. Hell, for all he knew, a random stranger off of the street might be the one to rescue him. The bottom line, though, was that Kuzanao couldn't give up yet. He couldn't lose the will to live, or he would lose with it his life itself. All he could do was hope. So, with his very small amount of hope, he went to bed that night with only one thought in his head:

One day left.[SPOILER=TL;DR]-Kuzanao is feeling despair
-Kuzanao was hungry and thirsty
-During his breaks, Kuzanao used to make music under the alias of Anoxia
-Iwata taunts Kuzanao anonymously by playing rELOADING, a song Kuzanao made
-Kuzanao begins to lose hope, but knows that he has to hold on to live
-Kuzanao will die from thirst in a day
2013-07-18 01:22:00

Posts: 1909

((So yeah I wrote some more))
Darkness under the mask was accompanied by the electronic hum of the Mag-Lev railway as it continued on its journey to Natal, Flem was sat across from his abductors and accompanied by approximately 4 other guards, everyone else had vacated the carriage and so the other guards had pulled out their weapons and aimed them at Flem, or so he had been told. Eventually they removed Flem’s hood, and after being temporarily blinded by light Flem soon saw the gritted teeth of his capturers, and looked left to see the fields rushing past in a green blur. He tried to raise his palms, but only managed to rattle the chains holding them to the table, one of the two men smirked.

“We learned your little trick from the woman you nearly murdered, idiot”

Flem acted shocked and upset at this accusation, and leant on the table with his neck resting on the handcuffs. He had identified the main threats around him, and having spent little energy on the journey here he had focused enough physical energy to use his abilities, all which derived from the necklace. Three guards had their weapons trained on him, with a fourth keeping a less intensive watch. There was one nearby, while all the others were blocked off by the man in the black suit. However the man in the grey suit had an easy escape route, Flem hoped he had few fighting skills as he could cause a problem to his attack. But first he needed to attack, and for this he needed to break free. He considered the temperature of the necklace he was wearing, the burns it left in his skin, necklace which he now had pressed against the cuffs, causing them to lower in temperature to the point that the metal made an audible crack. Flem was free.

“Have you seen this one?” Flem asked with a smirk, and lunged. From his hands he had produced two spears of ice, which he used to pierce the throat of the man in the black suit, whilst firing the other one into the belly of the guard not blocked by the black-suit man, who collapsed in pain

“OPEN FIRE!” The man in the grey suit yelled, before ducking under a nearby table, scuttling for cover like a frightened mouse.

Gunshots rattled around the carriage as guards fired rounds at Flem, but he was already too fast, and having propped up the man whose neck was still gushing, Flem successfully provided enough of a shield to begin his own attack. He began to concentrate, using his remaining energy supplies to cover his arms in icey spikes, and as he watched the ice slowly creep up his left arm having already fortified his right, he threw the man forward and began firing ice spikes into the guardsmen, each went down quickly as the cold shards penetrated their armour easily, and cut through skin like the sharpest blades before melting to let wounds become even more deadly. With the guards out for the count, Flem turned his attention to the man in the grey suit, who had picked up a knife from the guards and was standing in a fighting stance, the cool black carbon of the knife becoming Flem’s focus.

Flem crouched into a low pose, pointed his arms and fired off a few ice spikes, which the man managed to deflect with the knife, maintaining stance and holding his ground with seeming ease. He was worryingly skilled. Flem countered by using his remaining strength to craft a glassy blade, which due to using so much energy staggered him, making him vulnerable. Grey sensed this change of strength and lunged, narrowly missing Flem’s cheek as he ducked under the attack; Flem was about to counter by stabbing the man, melting his blade, but he saw that the guard whom he gutshot was reaching for his weapon and Flem would be easily taken down by his gunshots. Reluctantly Flem used his blade instead as he ducked under the attack to throw into a nearby window. The glass cracked as the blade’s point made spidery lines across it’s surface, the web shattering as Flem barrelled through, buildings rushing past as he plummeted from the elevated rails, only to hit the roof of a lower building, and he felt his ankles shatter from the impact. As the train above rolled past, Flem dragged his dishevelled body to the door on the roof, and slid through it as a volley of bullets hit the rooftop, making little clouds of dust as they ricocheted.

Flem had escaped.

“Boss, we lost him”


“He landed in the city”

“*chuckling* A lombax loose in New Natal, I’m sure it won’t be too hard to track him down”

“He’s a lombax? Sir I didn’t even know…”

“You weren’t supposed to, you think I’d tell a hired gun like you top secret information? Certainly not without letting you live”

And with that the train carriage was set ablaze, the packets of napalm and wildfire set by the Microsoft forces before the train departed catching fire, forcing the Grey man to jump through the same window Flem jumped through. He however did not fall on the roof of a building, and plummeted until he was a mere stain upon the asphalt.

((Craig is it okay if I walk into your shop next post? Will probably be tomorrow))
2013-07-18 01:27:00

Posts: 1872

((Fortune Days? Nice touch, I love that song.))2013-07-18 01:40:00

Posts: 1909

((Never mentioned how cool your song was Ryan. Also I dig the title a bunch, of course. ))

((There is a chance I could save your character, but I'd still probably need about two or three more posts to get through first. Although at the rate you're going with the "days," maybe I'm not the right person to be the one who saves Kuzanao.))
2013-07-18 01:42:00

Posts: 5208

((There is a chance I could save your character, but I'd still probably need about two or three more posts to get through first. Although at the rate you're going with the "days," maybe I'm not the right person to be the one who saves Kuzanao.))
((I could wait a while to post the next day. Or, if nobody comes to save Kuzanao within a few (real) days, I could just have a coworker bust me out. That'd be pretty lame though, crossovers are more fun ))
2013-07-18 01:53:00

Posts: 1909

((@Flem Of course Just PM me when you're ready to post it, so I know ))2013-07-18 01:53:00

Posts: 2426

((I could wait a while to post the next day. Or, if nobody comes to save Kuzanao within a few (real) days, I could just have a coworker bust me out. That'd be pretty lame though, crossovers are more fun ))

Dang it, I actually have a great way to save you that deals with my guy's story, but I'd have to go double time on the posting, like, a bunch of posting tomorrow once I get home. Then again, you'd have to wait a little while and have Kuzanao pass the time. :F
2013-07-18 02:24:00

Posts: 5208

Dang it, I actually have a great way to save you that deals with my guy's story, but I'd have to go double time on the posting, like, a bunch of posting tomorrow once I get home. Then again, you'd have to wait a little while and have Kuzanao pass the time. :F
((I'm cool with waiting.))
2013-07-18 02:37:00

Posts: 1909

Trevor finally arrived home, he headed straight towards the couch and sank into it. He woke up by the ring of his smartphone. It took no more than a guess to find out who was calling.

- Hi Trev!
- Hello Camille. I'm sorry I couldn't go to the convention...
- Aww, it's ok. You already apologized anyway...
- I did? Been under so much stress lately, I can't get my facts together... Well, I got some days off. I'm guessing you still want to hang out sometime?
- Oh, of course. Just...
- What?
- I can't go today, sorry! But for a good reason! The people at the lab are taking me to see their newest breakthrough! I'm so excited! I couldn't possibly believe that I, an intern, would get to participate in such an important presentation!
- Wow, congratulations for you!
- Thanks! Oh, and how did your work went?
- Nowhere. We have lost communications with the central servers and the chieftain is not allowing me to continue my task on my own...
- Aw, don't get upset, it wasn't your fault! But, a communication blackout? Sounds scary!
- Hopefully it was just another in... Careless worker at Metropolis. I hope.
- I hope as well. See ya!
- Farewell.

At least not everything was bad news. Seeing Camille get happy over her work lifted the mood a little. And now that he had some free time, he could spend more time on other important tasks, such as finishing Hit And Run V. Trevor hadn't touched his PS3 for a long time, and had little interest in getting the newer model, the PS4. Why bother when the current hardware does its job?
He started up the game, picked one of the three main characters, and went ahead planning his next virtual heist and chuckling at the thought that some people believed that software such as these caused psychological disorders.

Time went fast as he "acquired" one virtual car after another. When he stopped to look at the clock, it was already dinner time.

- Camille calls Trevor and tells him that she had been escalated to watch Sony's newest research breakthrough;
- Trevor has a session of Hit And Run V, the newest rendition of the crime simulator series.
2013-07-18 02:51:00

Posts: 5891

'Will you get that stuff out of my face!? Noel snarled as she knocked Roger's hand away, ?It stings enough without you rubbing acid on me!?

Roger held back his impatience. The fact that someone who practically blew herself up would complain about antiseptic showed that she was already in a foul mood. No reason to push her even more. Still, after a moment he resumed his treatment and, fortunately, she allowed it.

The medical corner where they sat was some ways away from the computer setup where the twins, Abby and Albert, were at work. They sat facing each other, laptops sitting back to back, as they each typed with lightning speed and chattered back and forth to one another in what Roger presumed to be techno babble.

They were skilled at what they did, having started work at a small Microsoft subsidiary when they were only 14. In those days, their youth and fraternal twinship was something of a gimmick, but it didn't take long for their talents to catch the attention of Microsoft main offices in New Natal. They were hired on and together developed or broke some of the most complex coding many had seen. Their skill was such that when executives formed this team four years before, the two were assigned, even though they were only 18 at the time.

Roger himself was less the prodigy, having served in military as a mechanic for five years. However, he was a quick study, and when Microsoft hired him, he developed the skills that got him transferred to the Mechanical Augmentation Division. He was part of the team that developed Noel's mechanical arm, so it was no surprise for him to meet her when he was assigned to her team. It had still confused him to be there at all, feeling a bit out of his depth. The twins could do most anything with a computer, becoming the eyes and ears through comlinks and hacked surveillances, but Roger had no specialties outside of his studied field, no training in programming. Noel, meanwhile, was a skilled fighter with powers greater than what most possessed, but he was just a middle aged ex-soldier. Still, he was too young to retire, but he might have anyway had he known at the time what he was getting into.


?We finished decrypting this information,? Albert called out, leaning back in his seat, triumphant.

?But there are external fragments that we haven't quite pinpointed yet,? Abby chimed without taking her eyes from her screen, ?the code seems completely different here, it's going to take some time.?

?Still,? Albert interjected, ?based on what we have, it'll probably just be more manifests and payment records like all the other times.?

Roger glanced at Noel and saw that she clearly had no interest in dealing with this.
?Keep on it anyway,? he ordered as he began stitching a particularly wide cut on her forehead.

?Roger Roger,? Albert replied easily, returning attention to his computer.

It was clear Noel sometimes had little patience for her team. Still, she normally worked well enough with them, even if she never developed the loose friendship the others had. Together, they acted on many missions assigned to them, starting with basic corporate hacking and reconnaissance, eventually escalating to sabotage and assassination. With Noel taking action and the others acting as her backup, they accomplished all tasks set before them.
?All finished,? Roger declared as he wiped his hands on a cloth, ?Alright, now take off your jacket; I need to check on your arm.? But Noel wasn't listening, instead looking past him to the entryway. Roger made to turn but knew from her expression who it would be.


His name was Alexander Bastion. Officially, he worked as a handler for the team, assigning their missions and providing them with equipment.
Roger and the twins called him sir.

Noel called him a pain in the ***.

Always he came, a smug expression on his face, as if he were Alexander the Great himself. His height, well over six feet tall, added to the effect. He always wore a crisp black suit with a light silver X insignia on the lapel. Wire rim glasses perched on his face over calculating eyes. He never participated in any missions, except to give orders and reprimands. Today was no different. Roger and the twins stood to salute his arrival. Noel merely tensed; her eyes narrowed.

?What do you want Bastion?? her voice was ice.

Alexander ignored this; it was nothing new to him. ?You got sloppy out there tonight,? he told her as he motioned for the others to resume their seats.

?What I 'did' was get the job done!? Noel retorted.

?Well, that my dear, is where we disagree.? he smirked lightly.

?To hell with that! Those two are working on the last of the information right now! We did everything you ordered!?

?Not so,? he replied, as mild as she was angry ?you were ordered to shut down Sony communications...?

?And I did, blew the **** place up in case you didn't notice!? she rose to her feet, fists clenched.

?That you did, but you were also ordered to do it quietly. The explosives were completely unnecessary, the virus would have done the job with more, subtlety,? he picked up a scalpel from the table and twirled it absentmindedly between his fingers, ?Instead, you wasted precious time and, in the end, were identified.?

?I'm the only one who walked out of that room. I take down anyone who so much as sees me when I work!' she stepped from the medical table.

?You take down anyone you notice. Obviously that's not good enough. Your identity was known down there, before you even arrived.?

He took a breath.

?Right now Microsoft is trying to maintain stable surface relations with the other factions. If someone were to track you to our company-?

?It wouldn't be my problem.? Noel cut him off.

?Actually it would, at least if you want continued access to our resources.? he stepped toward her.

?I think we both know I can handle myself,? though Noel was at least a head shorter than him, she maintained her gaze into Alexander's face as he approached.

?True, you are powerful,? he was right in front of her now. She suppressed a flinch as he raised a hand to her left arm. The cold metal was still visible beneath her charred sleeve, ?but we both also know that you are anything but invincible.?

She glanced at his hand and gave a small smile before flinging it off. Alexander took several steps back. ?You're right,? she said, ?and it has been a while since I tried moving anything living. Maybe I should try again,? she placed her right hand on his chest. ?I'll try something small, like a yipping dog, one who just annoyed me one too many times. I'll send it back to its masters.? Her eyes were deadly.

Alexander's eyes, however, were still completely calm, perhaps even showing amusement. Noel was aware of the scalpel he still held as he lowered it back to the table, but she did not notice the gun until he already had the barrel pressed against her abdomen.

?Go ahead,? he taunted, ?try it. Try to move anything faster than this bullet.? They stood there, unmoving. Noel was acutely aware of the others silently observing, barely daring to breathe. Alexander seemed to notice this too, his expression spoke to her, reminding her that she was the one who brought this on in front of them.
How she so dearly wanted to act, to remove that smug look from his face.
Instead, she removed her hand from him. He smiled and lowered his gun.

?Remember Noel,? he told her as her turned, ?around here, you're the one who's the dog.?

There was no response as he walked out the door.

-Noel's team is introduced. Roger is a mechanic/medic while Abby and albert are fraternal twins who work the computers.
-Alexander bastion is their handler. To put it lightly, Noel doesn't like him.
-The end

((I'm glad i got around to this confrontation with Alexander. had this one planned since I was developing backstories.
Also hoping to better develop the twins, there's not much to them right now.))
2013-07-18 03:31:00

Posts: 1787


A man: "Beets! Fresh beets!"
A woman: "Get your rice here! Very cheap, very nice!"

Gideon always liked walking through the Chaofan Market District. Despite everyone's loud and seemingly desperate attempts to get people to buy their products, it kind of felt like they were all one big family.

A child: "Beef! Pork! Chicken!"

That was probably due to the fact that everyone knew each other. Despite the ridiculous amount of people living in such a small space, it would be difficult to find someone you hadn't met before. The smell of fresh meals being cooked, the look of familiar faces, and the overall aura of the district always put Gideon in a sort of trance.

The Chaofan Market District was beautiful, especially at night. The walls were built with sturdy but aesthetically pleasing red mortar, and lined with a vibrant gold paint. Traditional jade sculptures adorned the walls and tops of the wooden columns that supported the entryways scattered along the cobblestone rode. For a growing empire and world power, Sony did a pretty decent job of making its cities look nice. Above the street hung red and gold lanterns. Lights were strung across the tops of the food stands, which were being worked by all sorts of people: Mothers, grandfathers, widows, and even children. Tucked behind the stands were the dual-purpose gift shop/apartments where the majority of the merchants lived. It wasn't uncommon for multiple families to live in the same apartment, what with the rising overpopulation problems.

???: "Mr. Frink!"

A familiar voice broke Gideon's trance. He had learned his lesson about not responding to the name Jeremiah Frink.

Gideon: "Hi, Mrs. Lin!"
Mrs. Lin: "How are you?"
Gideon: "I'm doing great, thanks for asking."
Mrs. Lin: "Very good to hear! And Atlas?"

Atlas peeked his head outside of the backpack that Gideon was carrying him in.

Atlas: "我做得很好。"
Mrs. Lin: "你说中国好如初!"
Atlas: "谢谢你!我编程--"
Gideon: "Alright, alright, that's enough out of you."

Mrs. Lin laughed. A long-time friend of Gideon, Mrs. Lin was a short, old, stereotypical Chinese woman. She looked to be in her mid to late 70's, and always had her hair in a tight bun. Usually she kept a pair of old granny glasses balanced precariously on the tip of her nose, but today she was letting them hang from her neck.

Gideon: (Back to Mrs. Lin) "How's your husband doing?"
Mrs. Lin: "Very good! Chen Lin doing very good. Doctor say arm heal any day now."
Gideon: "That's good to hear."

Atlas asked Mrs. Lin something in Chinese and they began a whole other conversation, none of which Gideon could understand. So he stood, looking around at Mrs. Lin's toy and souvenir shop. The shelves were stocked with beautifully colored wooden animals and dragons. Something in particular caught his attention, though, and broke his thought process. It was a small statuette of a smiling bald man sitting cross-legged.

Gideon: "What?s that?"
Mrs. Lin: "Hm? Oh. That Gatari Buddha. Statue from very old religion. Not high in demand."
Gideon: "How much? "
Mrs. Lin: "Free. For you. Gift for favorite customer."
Gideon: "A-are you sure? I feel bad--"

Before Gideon could finish, Mrs. Lin had already put it in a bag and shooed them off with a smile. Feeling more confused than anything, Gideon realized he had forgotten something.

Gideon: (Turned around, shouting) "Thanks for letting me borrow your stock of toys this morning, Mrs. Lin!"
Mrs. Lin: "Any time, Mr. Frink!"


Gideon and Atlas eventually arrived at an inner-city restaurant known as The Fat Panda. It was Sony-run, and far from traditional Chinese food. But when it came to getting something to eat, whether or not something was traditional was of the least concern to Gideon. Despite the obviously Americanized food, the atmosphere of the restaurant was very Chinese. The walls were covered with convincing paintings of pandas, bamboo thickets, and jade palaces. The architecture was nothing short of gorgeous. Still, though, it lacked the heart that the Chaofan District had. After paying for their meal and receiving a receipt, they opted for a table outside, located underneath a roofed overhang where there hung blue, green, red, and pink lanterns, a motif that was often present in Sony's capital.

Gideon reached into his bag and set a can of motor oil on the table for Atlas to sip on. He started to eat his orange chicken and chow mein as his attention was directed toward the TV in the upper corner of the patio. It was tuned to the Sony Television Network where the nightly news was airing. The reporters spoke in Chinese, but it was subtitled in English (A language Gideon could understand).

News Reporter: "Chaos this week, as one of Sony's hubs goes up in flames. The nature of this incident is unknown, but the probability of a terrorist attack has been speculated. It is rumored that an attack of this magnitude could have been spear-headed by one of Sony's two rival corporations: Nintendo and Microsoft."

He continued to scarf down an inhuman number of egg rolls, apparently unmoved by the news.

News Reporter: "Eterna City mourns the loss of Nintendo's top software developer, Shigeru Miyamoto. He was found dead near--"

Gideon nearly choked on a dumpling. He had dealt business for a while near Eterna City, and was fully aware of how important this man was to them.

Gideon: "The world just isn't getting any better, is it, Atty?"

Atlas was silent.

News Reporter: "On a lighter note, it's now time for the nightly raffle drawing!"

The restaurant became a sudden buzz of excitement. Everyone had been waiting with great anticipation for this moment. The raffle was implemented by Sony a few years back, when product sales had reached a plateau. It was a high plateau, for sure, but it wasn't rising, and that was a problem. Anything purchased at a Sony location came with a receipt whereon a 25-digit number was printed on the back. They didn't use numbers, but rather a combination of the iconic X, triangle, square, and O.

Looking around, Gideon could see that everyone was tightly gripping their receipts; some even had more than one. This raffle was the only way out for a lot of people. He never really got into any of the lottery stuff, since he only saw it as a ploy to get people to buy more of what they already had. As an 'ex'-conman (as he called himself), though, Gideon respected that.

He turned his receipt over just for bits and giggles. He was already out by the time they had drawn the second symbol.

Gideon: (Sarcastically) "Ah, well. Better luck next time, eh, Atty?"
Atlas: "The probability of actually winning the raffle at any given drawing is one in three bi--"
Gideon: (Rubbing Atlas' head) "It was a joke, buddy."


((Wanted to get something in before heading to bed. ^^))

((Plus there's totally a clever Console Wars-related pun in there that I totally just thought of and totally put it in at the last minute.))

-Gideon and Atlas talk to Mrs. Lin in the Chaofan District.
-After receiving a statuette of Gatari Buddha, the duo goes to The Fat Panda for dinner.
-Gideon is shocked by the news of Shigeru Myamoto's death, and makes a joke about Sony's raffle.
2013-07-18 06:24:00

Posts: 941

((getting confused with all the different pacings lol. Only about.... three hours has passed on Ava's timeline! Hope that's not going to be a problem? :/ ))2013-07-18 06:37:00

Posts: 1015

((getting confused with all the different pacings lol. Only about.... three hours has passed on Ava's timeline! Hope that's not going to be a problem? :/ ))

((Not a problem for me. [...But I certainly hope I'm not the one causing too much confusion xD]))
2013-07-18 06:40:00

Posts: 941

((No no, it's not anyone in particular, it's just obvious that we all have different speeds we need to go at so long as it's ok!))


((Btw Frink, loved that last bit! And.....

News Reporter: "Chaos this week, as one of Sony's hubs goes up in flames. The nature of this incident is unknown, but the probability of a terrorist attack has been speculated. It is rumored that an attack of this magnitude could have been spear-headed by one of Sony's two rival corporations: Nintendo and Microsoft."

uh oh! I hope I didn't miss anything in anyone else's posts, but this sounds new..... Hmmmm. hope I can get some writing time today!

EDIT: Just realised I doubled - eeek! Sorry! ))
2013-07-18 06:41:00

Posts: 1015

((@ria: Yeah, pacing has definitely been one of the things we haven't been able to fix in TCW.. don't worry about other people's pacings though, you can just meet up with people whenever and let amoney's robot dude sort out those paradoxes.))

((Also, can I link the Sony hub attack with one of my conflicts Frink? It kind of ties together, so hopefully that's alright.))
2013-07-18 10:13:00

Posts: 5208

((Never did I expect in my 18 hours not here that a man's fate would be in my hands, but I guess I should've figure that something like this would've happened. Now, how should I deal with this...))

Meet Pic

Beep~ Beep~!

Said the device, indicating a message. Implanted just about her ear was a device for recieving messages and basic internet browsing, desgined to maintain her image and not need any external devices to conduct business. Personal Implanted Computer, Pic for short

"Play message" She said aloud.

Kuzanao's message plays.

She paused for a while after hearing the message, and then said:
"Trace" Pic beeped again to confirm her request

She wasn't a fool, the main message was obviously a fluke; any message sent to her first went through the MS IT department to make sure it was secure, and this was sent directly. The hidden message wasn't hard to decifer either, but the only way that she could figure out if it was actually the truth about being trapped was to either bust him out or blow him up; either way Nintendo wouldn't be happy, but this war was coming no matter what happened. Eyes were coming out of the shadows and they were trained on her, this message proved it. The trace was completed and a satellite image of a small office in Eterna city appeared in her retinal display. ((Time to be really OP))

"Laser etch, 1 metre, Message: 'New Natal HQ Plaza, 12 Hours'; fuse computer."

The Satellite's green beam came to life, and very carefully burned the message into Kuzanao's floor, with a blaring alarm and countdown appearing on the computer. ((Take this however you want to play it.))

Satisfied that this business had been concluded until war breaks out, she continued her stroll, requesting the news be read to her.

"Headline: Shigeru Miyamoto has passed away."

That could go either way she thought.

((And another thing, I don't know if you wanted to continue with your seclusion posts, but I figured that you wanted to be rescued.))
2013-07-18 13:55:00

Posts: 2135

((Btw, if anyone is up for a crossover with Trevor at Vita City, let me know.))2013-07-18 14:17:00

Posts: 5891

((Btw, if anyone is up for a crossover with Trevor at Vita City, let me know.))

((Well ATM Mags is flying over Vita City in my part but I think I'll stick with what I had planned, it could tie into more of a war threat against all of the factions.))
2013-07-18 15:01:00

Posts: 1840

__________________________________________________ _____________
__________________________________________________ _____________

The wasteland that was once growing delicious corn crops was on burnt, fire and smoke were everywhere. Chunks of metal had been spreaded across the field. What was once a helicopter, which Mags had thought to be just build out of New Natal, was laying in ruin. All he had was his Machine Gun, which, 1 hour before, he had just recieved from one of his only friends, Bill. He went over what had just happened.

They had been flying over Vita City, going to get ready for a stealth mission on one of Sony's hubs, when a fire emerged into the building they were about to infiltrate. People, or from his view, ants, had been scrambling out of the building, and he had not realized that a missile was coming straight at their helicopter. Distracted, Mags had no clue. All he heard was a loud explosion and he went deaf for a few seconds, a buzzing in his ear. 3 men laid dead in the helicopter, including the captain and Bill. Mags, adrenaline starting to flow, went into the cockpit, which, was partially on fire, and remembered Louisiana.

When they had that small plane, and he flew for the first time. When he almost died when he crash landed and blew the thing up.

He twisted the steering wheel as hard as he could, and they were headed towards New Natal, Mags started to black out from the smoke. Now, here he was, bloody and scraped in the middle of a field in Nebraska. He didn't know what had happened to the Hub. It just started to explode.

He went to the remaining bits of the helicopter. There wasn't much; just some burnt guns and some metal. However, one thing stood out. A blue button, still in perfect condition was attached to a chunk of metal that was on the helicopter. With nothing to lose, he pressed it. 2 doors, which he had not seen before on the bottom of the helicopter, opened up, revealing a black lamborghini, with an X on the side.

Sweet, ride, Mags thought to himself as he drove towards New Natal, his machine gun on the passenger seat, And knew, at the moment, that SONY was a threat to Microsoft, and a war was coming.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____

Little did Mags actually know that the hub that had caused there plane to crash down was actually an order from Microsoft, by some coders in the Mechanical department....
2013-07-18 15:11:00

Posts: 1840

With nothing to lose, he pressed it. 2 doors, which he had not seen before on the bottom of the helicopter, opened up, revealing a black lamborghini, with an X on the side.

((Microsoft: Being OP since 2009.))

Little did Mags actually know that the hub that had caused their plane to crash down was actually an order from Microsoft, by some coders in the Mechanical department....

((Cmon Mags, step up your game.))
2013-07-18 16:26:00

Posts: 2135

((I’m going to go ahead and get into other people’s timelines as much as I can, pacing wise at least. Please let me know if I mess anything up for any plans – although I won’t be dragging your characters in without your knowledge anyhow ))

Ava sat in the waiting room, surrounded by polished metal. The walls were silver, the floor was a metallic grey, the only other colour in the room was . . . Yup. Blue.

She tapped her foot impatiently as she watched the minute hand crawl around the oversized clock on the wall. What if Sergeant Groves . . . Uncle Jim, whatever she was meant to call him, didn’t like her? It had been over fifteen years since she last saw him, and she could barely recall what he even looked like. She remembered his smile, and the way he laughed too loudly around her father.

They were the best of friends in the military together, until her father took an early retirement to start up his engineering company. Ava was surprised to learn he was still only a Staff Sergeant, by now he should have made his way much higher up the chain of command. She shrugged, settling for staring at the clock once again.

“Miss Ava Jones?” A prim woman with glasses called for her from behind an impossibly large glass door. “The Sergeant will see you now.”

Ava stood and followed the woman down a clinical, bright corridor towards Groves’ office. Just as she reached the door, it burst open, and Groves appeared, red in the face.

“Helen! Get the Colonel on the phone, now!” He baulked at the look on Ava’s face, before grabbing her by the shoulder and hauling her into his office. The door slammed behind them as Ava struggled to find her feet.

“Sit.” Groves grunted. Ava did as she was told, sitting quietly opposite him.

What the heck is going on?

They sat in silence for a few moments. It felt like an eternity. Ava didn’t know where to look; the walls? The desk? The photos of Groves’ family? She looked down at her feet and played with a frayed string on her jacket, reminding herself to repair it once again. Groves didn’t make a sound, just stared intently at the phone.

Ava opened her mouth to speak. “I-“

The telephone rang, abruptly breaking her chain of thought. She fell silent again as Groves held up a finger and lifted the receiver.

“Groves. Yes. Thank You Helen.”

His face was strained. He had a lot of wrinkles these days. But then the only wrinkles she remembered were the ones that used to crease his eyes when he laughed. Groves stared straight at her, his expression unreadable. Not wanting to look coy, Ava stared right back.

“Colonel. Have you heard? Yes. The Tech Centre. I haven’t had any reports of terrorist activity, sir, no. What are your plans going forward?”

Groves was still looking her in the eye. She shifted her weight uncomfortably, wondering what the urgent news could be. The Tech Centre?

“Yes, there were many casualties sir. Immediate attention, yes sir. Right away.”

Groves replaced the receiver, rested his elbows on the desk, and interlaced his fingers. His bearded chin rested on his thumbs. Again, with the staring.

“Are you ready for your first assignment, Jones?”

Ava swallowed. “I thought I was just here for an interview.” Surely she had to undergo training . . . security checks . . . uniform fittings! She couldn’t just run right out on the field.

Groves smiled for the first time. “Ava, I know you too well. I’ve kept track of your progress since you joined the Civilian Medical Staff. You’ve done well.”

She fought to stop the blush rising in her cheeks. “I try. . . Sir.”

“You don’t need to call me sir behind that door,” he pointed at the door to his office, “You hear? I’m Jim in here.”

She nodded. “Yes sir.”

He guffawed, stood up and walked around his desk to her chair. Before Ava could say a word, he’d grabbed her in a bear hug and whispered in her ear. “You’re a strong girl. That’s good. Today, everything changes. I trust you.”

She blinked as he dropped her back in her seat, utterly flummoxed by the situation. “I have no. . . What?”

“Get your *** downstairs and report directly to Sergeant Conohay." He barked, all his prior fondness vanished into thin air. "He’ll give you your kit and Digies. There’s been an attack on our Tech Centre in Vita City, / [ ] O /. Casualties streaming out of the place. I doubt you’ll be there fast enough to help, but we do what we can.”

Ava nodded. She’d only been nervous about the prospect of military vibes and training. Being sent straight out on a call was no brainer for her. Emergencies, she could do.


The Tech Centre was a bustling hive of activity, even two hours after the blaze had died down. By the time Ava’s van reached the scene, the firefighters had already dealt with most of the fire damage. But the casualties were still all over the roads, some limping around to help others, some sat with Civilian Medics tending to them. Ava stepped out of the van into the blazing heat still radiating from the Centre.

“Private Jones!” A voice barked from over her shoulder. Ava looked around for a moment, wondering who they were calling for.

“Jones! Get your act together and join up with the civilian teams to deal with this.” Conohay scowled at her.

Ava jumped and ran over to the nearest medic, lugging her camouflage backpack with her. He looked up at her with a double take. “Ava?”

She smiled at Harold, one of the medics from her station. “Yeah. What have we got Harry?”

The woman lying in front of them groaned slightly. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

Harold chuckled. “With all due respect, lady, you have third degree burns. You’re going to hospital.”

Ava helped him to clean and dress her burns, occasionally fumbling around in her unfamiliar kit for dressings and saline. “What the hell happened here Harry?”

“Rumour is, it was one of the Big 3.” His voice lowered to a murmur. “Obviously not Sony themselves, unless they were going to try and start some big conspiracy or somethin’. But Nintendo, Microsoft . . . Things have been brewing.”

“What things? I figured everything was perfectly normal!” Ava didn’t keep up with the headlines much.

“Didn't you hear? The Developer Miyamoto passed away. Or so they say. . .”

Ava gulped. “You think he might have been. . ?”

Harold nodded. “I reckon so. And Nintendo know it. I bet they’re the ones behind all this.” He looked up at the wreckage of Tech Centre, now billowing smoke into the atmosphere. “And what’s more, I’ll bet they’re going to pay for it.”


((EDIT: Gah gah gah just saw mags' post with a farm lol. I can edit my post to be the same building if you want mags!))
2013-07-18 16:27:00

Posts: 1015

((EDIT: Gah gah gah just saw mags' post with a farm lol. I can edit my post to be the same building if you want mags!))

((Well the farm is in Nebraska, where he flew out. I didnt really identify the building on fire anyways, but the Tech Centre seemed like a good idea :O, your story still perfectly ties in, good job!! :3))
2013-07-18 16:40:00

Posts: 1840


((Sorry for the shortness here))

Shank ran as fast as he could.
Kuzanao had been missing for 2 days now, and he realized if he was in captivity any longer he could more than likely die soon.
He ran down the street, following his GPS, when his phone dropped into a sewer grate.
But at this point Shank didn't care. He kept running to the location he took the time to memorize. Left turn here. Right turn. Block up ahead.
Shank was actually glad he found that illegal program and downloaded it. Normally he wouldn't do something like that, but he was desparate now. He needed to talk to Kuzanao.

He came up to an abandoned subway station to find a man in white, tattered clothes. As he went to talk to him, he was struck with a blade, and left to rest.

And this time, this was no dream.

He flew to the ground quicker than he ran to the station itself, and hit the hard concrete with a thump. His right shoulder was bleeding badly, and he just lay there for as long as, well, he didn't know, with one hand on his shoulder. It was painful, not the most pain he's experienced in his life, but it hurt a LOT. The man in white just walked away in silence.

When Shank woke up, all he saw was blurs, but he made out a conversation between two men. He wanted to do something, but he was paralyzed there, on the ground.
???:...and he dosen't know where she is.
???:Well, Dr., then how will we find her anyway? He's the only one that knows.
Dr.:Well, he isn't the only one. There's always...Kuzanao.
???:But he's in captivity! We can't just take him out like he's nothing.
Dr.: Oh, but maybe we don't have to. He'll die in about a day or so. We can make him talk.
???:But Dr.-
Dr.:But nothing, Darwin! We will get answers on her! The red haired woman-

And then he blacked out again.
When he woke up again, 3 hours later,
The "Dr" and someone else, someone with a deeper voice were talking. His vision still was terrible, but he barely made out conversation again.
Dr.:...we then threaten to take out him ourselves if he dosen't tell us.
???:Okay, but what do we do if he dosen't (Shank could not make out this word) to us.
Dr.:You idiot, I just answered that question? Do you EVER listen?
???:Sorry, boss.
Dr.:Just shut up.
???:Okay. So, where is he?
Dr.:In the secret passage in the subway.
Dr.:Okay, in 5 hours, we threaten to kill him if he dosen't tell us.
Dr.:This meeting has been dismissed.
???:But sir, what do I do about the boy?
Dr.:Oh, just throw em' in the sewers. That'll teach him.

Shank was then carried over the man's shoulder for a long while, and then tossed in the murky waters of the sewer. As the man walked away, he drifted, drifted for a very long time, hours, hell, weeks, it seemed. He went in circles around Eterna's sewer system, drifting. He almost wished he didn't wake up when he did, covered in sludge and who knows what else. When he did wake up, he got out of the water as soon as possible, and then it happened. His head hurt like crazy, and he saw some kind of vision. Kuzonao, writing, in a dark room on some kind of paper. It was like a journal. Shank could see it in his eyes, he was afraid. He needed Shank. Shank then began to roam the sewers in search of a way out, when he saw more things. A Japanese woman on the phone with her insurance company. Then, a man, still weeping over Miyamoto's death. And then, he saw it. Miyamoto. Someone, someone wanted to take down Nintendo, knowing his fall would devastate everyone. Miyamoto. They say he died of sickness or old age. But he did not.

He was stabbed.
2013-07-18 16:49:00

Posts: 431

((Well the farm is in Nebraska, where he flew out. I didnt really identify the building on fire anyways, but the Tech Centre seemed like a good idea :O, your story still perfectly ties in, good job!! :3))

((Ah, of course. I blame the heat. My mind can't absorb anything today lol. And thanks ))
2013-07-18 16:56:00

Posts: 1015

?Mathias! It is good to see. It's been too long.? a man in a luxury suit said as Mathias entered his office. Shaking the man's hand, Mathias accepted a leather seat.

?It has been long Dante. What, a year?? Mathias asked cheerfully.

?Perhaps longer, but this doesn't matter; you are here. Now, tell me, what brings you to New Leaf?? Dante asked.

?Well,? Mathias phrased his request carefully, ?I was hoping that while I was out here, you could do me a favor.?

?Anything for you old friend. After all, it is thanks to you that I now have this job, this office, and my fancy chairs,? Dante chuckled. ?What is it you need??

?Well, I could use a plane ticket...to America.? Dante's smile faded with those words.

?Which America?? he asked.

?Well, given the choice, North America might be a bit more convenient for me,? Mathias responded.

A moments silence. ?What you ask is difficult. The nations there are occupied by Sony and Microsoft and unless you have been living under a rock, you'll know they have been less than welcoming of uncalled for strangers as of late.?

?I heard of some issues, its why I came to you. I need to make it there and you're the only one who can make it happen. I can't exactly afford the fees to fly commercial.? Mathias glanced back at the door before saying, ?I notice you said it would be difficult, but not impossible.?

Dante considered for a moment before lifting his phone to his ear. ?Lucia,? he spoke into the receiver, ?cancel my meetings for this afternoon; I will be offering a visitor a tour of the city.? With that he hung up and looked to Mathias, ?Please, walk with me.?


They exited the office complex to the crowded walkways below. They found Amaterasu waiting at the doorway, unleashed, but passive as she awaited Mathias' return. Together they merged with the crowd.

?I see you still travel with the wolf,? Dante eyed Ama warily, ?that must complicate things when you travel.? he smiled, ?I am surprised you haven't found some unwitting stranger to leave her with,? Ama gave a low growl in response, ?It is good to see you too mutt.?

?She taking to you a lot better than she used to,? Mathias noted, ?but I think that's only because the last time you met, she got a nice taste of your arm and didn't much like the flavor.?

?Bah!? Dante spat, ?Her pallet has been tainted by your time spent in the devilish lands of Microsoft and Sony. In those places, the fare is nothing but garbage sprayed with an overly sweet aroma that convinces people to call it a delicacy.?

Mathias laughed, ?And Nintendo is so different, is that it?

"Of course it is,? Dante answered ironically, ?we are an old organization who always offer fare of the highest quality because we put the people before our own gain.?

Mathias dropped his smile, ?Honest truth Dante, how difficult would it be to get me there.?

Dante was silent for a time, not meeting Mathias' gaze. When he spoke again, it was not with an answer. ?The city is beautiful is it not? So vibrant, so full of life, and with a certain tranquility. She is an artists masterpiece, the opus brought to life.?

Mathias had to agree, the city was stunning. Paths of foot traffic were bordered by elegant structures intermingled with luscious plant life. The waterways of the old city still existed, now running cleaner than ever, so that someone standing on the path above could look down and have an obscured view of the bottom. At night, the moonlight melded perfectly with those of the city the city in such a way that a brilliant aura emanated from the waters surface. No cars ran on this side of the bridge. At the mainland, where the more industrialized and poorer owning of New Leaf existed, they were undoubtedly used. But here, their absence left a calm in the air, even with the noise of the people themselves rising in a chorus. Everything bended, worked itself to be in harmony with its surroundings. It was a good place, Mathias had to admit.

?Yes, it is beautiful.?

Dante nodded, ?Indeed, this is something no one can deny is true. After all, it is hard to believe that the surface hides turmoil.? Mathias let him reach his point. Dante slowly continued, ?It is not only Sony and Microsoft who are experiencing problems, you may have noticed I was busy when you arrived - ?

It was true. It had been two days since Mathias arrived in the city. He sold his truck for enough money to rent a room and, in the time since, had had tried to arrange such a meeting with his friend, whose assistant assured Mathias that he was very busy. ?There was once a time when your schedule was always open,? Mathias intoned.

?Yes, part of this comes from the duties of the chair I now occupy, but as of late, I have been even more greatly indisposed. The news is out to the public by now, our lead software designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, is dead.

?I heard something about that.?

?Well, it has caused something of a stir here. The people involved came to me in a panic; they view me as the voice of Nintendo here in New Leaf. It is even worse in Eterna I'm told.?

They stopped walking and sat at a table outside a cafe and ordered some drinks.

?These are troubled times,? Dante sighed, ?and the transportation of someone not affiliated with Nintendo from New Leaf to the territory of another faction, it will ring loudly in the ears of others.?

?I'm not a spy escaping the scene,? Mathias responded, ?I'm just a traveler trying to get home.?

?I know this my friend, but the age when others will believe you will soon pass. It is time you picked a side Mathias. If you try to befriend everyone, you may soon find yourself friends with no one.?

The ominous warning still hung over them when the server brought out their coffees. Dante paid but neither of them took a drink. Mathias just stared into his cup, watching the steam rise gently, twisting itself before dissipating into the air.

?Well I know one thing,? he said quietly, ?if all the world comes to hell, and I start to lose my friends one by one, I hope I can still count on you.?

Dante nodded again and pondered for a moment.

?There is one thing I could try,? he said slowly, a plan forming in his mind. ?It would require calling in a favor, but I think I can get you unnoticed to America.?

Mathias glanced up.

?Yes,? Dante continued, practically jumping at the possibilities, ?I believe I can make arrangements immediately,? he rose from his seat, ?Please, return to your hotel, or explore the city if you like. I will call on you when I am ready. With any luck, you shall be home again in no time.?

Mathias felt the warmth of gratitude grow within him. He knew his friend wouldn't let him down.

?Thank you Dante.?

-Mathias meets with his frined Dante, an executive for Nintendo in New Leaf.
-mathias asked dante to arrange for him to reach America so he could go home. Dante is hesitant at first but in the end agrees to find a way.

((Hoping the time gap helps me catch up to people. Wow this is moving so fast.))
2013-07-18 17:17:00

Posts: 1787

((Also, can I link the Sony hub attack with one of my conflicts Frink? It kind of ties together, so hopefully that's alright.))

((Sure, go ahead! ^^))
2013-07-18 17:25:00

Posts: 941

((Just a heads up: won't be back until late on Saturday night, feel free to use my character within reason until then.))2013-07-18 18:41:00

Posts: 2135

((Btw you guys, you MUST read the edit I added to Shank's blackout))2013-07-18 19:16:00

Posts: 431

I recommend listening to this song while reading
A computer screen flashed as the user, opened up a chat connection. The user was Jack Toppleten. Jack would only have someone try and kill him about every couple months or so,everyone who had tried to kill Jack normally gave up, occasionally Jack would see them still looking for him, and this new guy... Well Jack had a feeling he would be back.

News of...Wait...Whose death was it? Someone important,but not important enough for Jack to care about, he probably should have though,when determined Jack had a tendency to bypass important info.

“Listen all I need is a way out of the city,I-”Jack was interrupted by the other line.”No Jack, last time I tired to help you out, one of my cars ended up at the bottom of the river.” Jack looked at the screen annoyed, giving his long ago friend a 'Well thanks for screwing me over' look.

“Its not that I don't wanna help Jack its just th-” Jack took his turn to interrupt “No its fine I get it I really do.” “Jack I'll come get you,just-

A crash resounded somewhere off in the building. Jack froze. 'That quick.' He knew who was here,swiftly Jack went to work preparing for what was to come.

Greenly was stilled annoyed at his target for having made him waste bullets. 'God,I hate the city nothing but filth and lies reside here.' Greenly thought back to the note he had received. The pay was nice, better than an average target, Greenly had at first underestimated this “Jack”. Roving through the sewers Greenly made it to a rather odd segment of the tunnel, part of it kept going straight, the other part had platform with stairs leading upwards. Greenly smiled to himself 'Bingo.'

A bashing sound somewhere off in the distance,it sounded like someone kicked down a door. Jack couldn't overannalyze the sound, this mercenary changed everything. Jack had already finished wiping the computers memory onto usb thumb drive, while erasing the data on the computer. 'This guy is good, if he wasn't trying to kill me he might be a good friend' Jack thought to himself as he tried to imagine the man that had tried to kill him be Jack's friend.'

Greenly drew out a knife, he had just kicked down his way into an abandoned building, where his target was specifically. Opening another door, Greenly walked into a large room with a computer in a corner. The computer was still running.

Jack held on for dear life as he grasped to the rafters of the ceiling, they weren't much to hold on to, but with the amount of time he had, he couldn't leave his apartment, not yet.
'Something is wrong' Greenly thought to himself examining the computer, the computer was idle, knowing his prey hadn't gone far, Greenly would use the weakness he was told about Jack. “Come on out Jack, I know all about Celeste Millstone, and I can tell you everything about her, she is still alive ,Jack.”

Jack almost gasped, 'How the hell does he know?! This is just a trick to get me out... ' And it was working Jack's heart had started to pump furiously, it was killing him he couldn't find out.

“Listen Jack , she is alive and I know who has her, in fact I was gonna tell your corpse right after I killed you in the apartment, but you left ever so quickly” Greenly said tauntingly into the air letting the words hang there for a cruel effect.

Jack's palm's started to sweat, he couldn't hold on much longer. He would die and EVERYTHING would be lost, no it wouldn't end this way.It couldn't.

Greenly was growing impatient. Maybe he wasn't here after all.

Jack was sweating now, a droplet rolled down from his hair, and onto his nose. It then fell from his nose right onto the mercenary right underneath him.

Greenly was confused at first then looked up to see his opponent with horror on his face.

Jack let himself fall .

Greenly raised his knife in preparation.

Jack fell on greenly the knife lodging its way into Jack.

Greenly had stabbed Jack once only to have Jack land on him like a bag of bricks. It hurt and Greenly was dazed, but Jack was screaming as he rolled off of him. Going in for the kill
Greenly got ready to stab Jack again.

Furious with pain about the taunting of info that Jack needed and the wet burning wound this man had given to him, Jack kicked his enemy in the nose, and then proceeded to run for his life.

Greenly was kicked square in the face and fell backwards. 'That ******. At least I stabbed him, and hopefully I can break his bones before I kill him.'
Jack had escaped yet once more. “I will kill you Jack Toppleten”
2013-07-18 19:34:00

Posts: 293

They say he died of sickness or old age. But he did not.

He was stabbed.

((Did you talk to Clayton about this before posting? Considering he thought up Miyamoto dying, he might've had some plans about how the guy died, hence why everyone else has rolled with it without actually giving specifics. Make sure you get the go-ahead from him on something like that first. Anyway, here's another post since I'll have to rush things to get my conflicts started to ignite the war.))

Alkitov sped the black sedan to Town Square with Virgil riding passenger, as they swerved around the streets, filled with news anchors and others who simply lived there on the sidewalks. Most of the homeless were soon forced out as trucks began storming into the area with police forces and Nintendo soldiers and squad leaders commanding security for the meeting. Virgil and the general stepped out of the car, quickly sandwiched between lines of news outlets with journalists practically throwing their arms out with microphones in hand to get the scoop on the crisis involving Miyamoto's death. "

"Do we know about how Miyamoto died, general?"

"Mr. Lee, what does this mean about your faction's future?"

"Could this have been orchestrated by Sony or Microsoft?"

Virgil briefly paused at that last question before picking up his pace toward the center. Soldiers and recruits settled down the masses and pooled them into a crowd as Virgil reached a single, wooden podium, clearly set up for the speech. He looked at all the troubled faces as they began to quiet down. He coughed for a second, cleared his throat, and began to speak.

Virgil: "As.. many of you know, today we lost a very important person, not only for Nintendo, but for the video game industry all together. Shigeru Miyamoto, producer and game designer for Nintendo, was found dead, this morning. Today, today we mourn the death for one of our great leaders, someone who had been in the industry through both it's ups, as well as it's downs. Seeing the turn-up of people here means a lot, and I'm sure he would appreciate seeing it himself. But I know Miyamoto would not want his death to cause our great nation to lose hope or to take any steps backward, and I know that he would want us to be able to try to look forward, and to see what happens from here. We will honor the passing of our fellow developer, but we must stay strong in these dark hours, ladies & gentlemen. We ask that you stay calm and remember to pray for who Shigeru Miyamoto also remained committed to - not just his audience, but his family. To end my speech, I'd personally like to thank Miyamoto, for all that he's dedicated to the fans, to keep our faction strong, and to keep our faction united, thank you.

Virgil walked off the stage as the media buzzed. A group of soldiers lined up behind Virgil soon followed him, eyeing some of the people they had pushed farther down the streets. They glared at Virgil with passion, glamorizing one person's death without a mention of everyone else who had suffered in Eterna. Virgil knew he couldn't win over every side right now, but for the time being, it was the media he had to try and help calm down for the moment. Nobody in particular was stepping forward for the poor, lower class that felt isolated from the rest of the capital, and because of that, it's not like Virgil would have stuck out anyway with his current disregard of them.

Virgil joined back up with his friend Alkitov while some of "Eterna's Finest" kept journalists at bay. But Virgil quickly shoo'd off some of the soldiers and police trying to control the situation, as the two made their way back to the car, but not before being interrupted by one of the journalists. Virgil was approached by a blonde-haired woman, with hazel eyes and a soft, light-skinned face that didn't belong in a place like Eterna City. Virgil didn't really respect the press much, except for the rare occasion where they could work in conjunction with one another. Thankfully this woman had the brains not to have a camera set up right behind her and a mic carelessly tossed around when she approached the politician.

Megan: "Mr. Lee, please excuse my bothering you, but I'd just like to say that I appreciated your speech."
Virgil: "Oh, thanks... and your name is?
Megan: "Megan Sharp, I'm not from around here though."
Virgil: "I thought as much."

Alkitov opened the door for him to get into as their attentions were slipping, but Megan began to speak again.

Megan: "I'm on campaign team for governor David Cromney, have you heard of him?"
Virgil: "Yes, trying to make it with the big shots as the role of president, is that correct? You must have flown a good distance between America and here."
Megan: "That's because I've seen what you've done for your faction, and I don't want to see it go to waste."

Virgil turned his head over to Megan, with nothing but a look of befuzzlement spread across his face.

Virgil: "I don't understand.."
Megan: "I mean the other factions. Sure Nintendo's still got plenty of stations across North America, but Microsoft and Sony have continued to stretch beyond their borders, and based off the rumors I've heard, that's not too good."
Virgil: "And what are these.. rumors?"
Megan: "Well, first there's already dozens of sites being created that have tried linking Miyamoto's death to the other factions. Plus Microsoft's letdown with their new console and Wii U's struggling to get the market's attention has given some cause for concern. Plus, the ancient factions, there were groups of them.. found."
Virgil: "Yes, I heard, compounds discovered in India."
Megan: "Not just India, Mr. Lee. They've linked the discovered documents with other locations as well. Weapons, bombs, and plans have been found out, but the media has been keeping it under wraps."

"I still don't see the connection between the other factions," Virgil lied.

Megan: "Don't play dumb, because you those aren't the only things that have gotten people concerned. The candidate Cromney is running against, Andrew Bauer, has received wide support from Microsoft in his campaign. If tensions keep increasing between the factions like they have been, and Bauer becomes the next president of the United States, Miyamoto-san's death could be the last thing you'll be worrying about."
2013-07-18 20:39:00

Posts: 5208

The smooth red carpet of the hotel carpet rubbed Flem’s knees as he crawled onto it from the roof, he lay back against the wall panting as he assessed his injuries from the fight, and the fall. His ankles were in pieces, and his pelvis hadn’t fared much better as his joints were dislocated in ridiculous ways, his legs were a train wreck… so to speak. Flem was in agony, to the point where whimpers of pain were all he could manage as screams would not escape his throat. He concentrated, trying to summon up any remaining energy to fix his wounds, or at least mask the pain, he managed to keep a steady flow of nanotech to his ankles allowing him to stand, but every step no doubt increased the severity of his injury. He needed to find some food.

The elevator was a long journey, each person who got on Flem had to hide his ears and tail from by covering them with his hands or tucking his tail between his legs, all the time looking at the screen which displayed the floor level, the weather and the local news. A lot of stories displaying conflict between the human factions, and many sexual themed images and advertisements, potentially a preparation for conflict by increasing breeding. Flem finally reached his floor, almost shaking with pain as the screen displayed “Achievement unlocked, reached the lobby” He quickly skirted out of the elevator and rushed through the lobby, knocking over a few white tables with big green Xs on them. Microsoft apparently liked to show off their logo, ridiculous human customs.

Flem rushed out into the street, the hum of electronic motors and Microsoft-coloured buildings filled his field of vision, shops selling avatar-wear and other shops boasting Microsoft hardware, even an advert displaying avatars dressed as soldiers as a promotion for the Microsoft forces, such a ludicrous world these humans inhabited; every sign post and billboard asked for MORE, made people buy MORE, eat MORE, everything demanded an increase of spending and enjoyment, endless distractions. Flem hobbled to the only normal looking shop, narrowly avoiding being hit by a hover-cyclist and tripping over the sidewalk, his ankles giving way under the pain and falling through the door to the shop. Flem looked up to see a kind, cute looking shopkeeper look down at him wide-eyed, and there were a couple of other humans in there too, all giving similar glances.

“I don’t suppose, I could um, trouble you for a cookie?” Flem asked with a husky voice, eyes watering with pain. The energy would allow him to fix his wounds, weirdly these cookies would actually be his medicine, in a way. He grimaced and let his head fall to the ground, his injuries eventually becoming too much for him and stared into the flooring of Craig’s cookie shop.

((Uh Craig is this okay?))
2013-07-18 20:59:00

Posts: 1872

((Yeah, that's great. So should I carry on describing the whole cookie incident now?))2013-07-18 21:04:00

Posts: 2426

((Yes please ))2013-07-18 21:05:00

Posts: 1872

Nate sat down.

He hadn't known whether to return or not, or what time exactly he should have returned, or whether to even return at all, or just run. Find an open door or break a window and just run. In the end, he had decided to meet himself halfway. He had spent almost half an hour wandering the tenth floor of the building, which, to his immense delight, had turned out to be an unoccupied office space. That was until he entered it. Then it had become an occupied office space.

He had never been good at telling jokes. He ducked his head as he felt the non-existent stares of a non-existent populace tracking with his disjointed movements. He drummed on the desk, ring and middle fingers alternately rebounding against the unvarnished grain. Anything to break the silence. And then the non-existent stares he had experienced beforehand transitioned into existence. And then he had stopped.

Nate stood up.

Nate sat down.

The springs buried within the seat of The Chair squeaked shrilly with overuse, and every time he leant back, the backrest contorted to such a degree that someone would have had to break his spine for the two surfaces to meet.

He didn't know why he thought that way about a chair. It was just a chair, for christ's sake.

But on the other hand, it was The Chair.

No matter how hard he tried to hide it, the ever present fact was that, he knew, deep down, that he wasn't being entirely truthful with himself. He did know why he thought that way about The Chair. Because, if he personified The Chair, there was very little possibility of it being taken away from him and replaced. Not with the company's current finances, anyway. It could come apart in the most dramatic of ways and he'd lug it back to his house, nuts and bolts and all. He doubted that somebody would even think to hold him at gunpoint over a chair. Nor did he believe that they would ignore the prospect of embedding a sentient being with hot lead and go instead, for said chair.

At this point in his life, he couldn't possibly imagine that there was a human alive today that would pass up the opportunity to embed a sentient being with hot lead. The addiction had been documented throughout thousands of years worth of history and he doubted that such a tradition would ever be broken. The only reason it had been documented in the first place was because humanity's addiction to writing about sentient beings being embedded with hot lead was second only to the activity itself. And unless high grade lasers were reduced in price to a consumer grade level before the entire race died out due to said crux, hot lead would forever remain mankind's go to.

And anyway, back to the chair. To them, it would just be a chair, unless he was behind said chair. Then it would be The One Barrier Between Me And That ******* Outland. They'd personify it then, when it stopped them from getting to embed a sentient being with hot lead. So, no. He wouldn't hide behind The Chair. The Chair was worth more than that.

On a whim, he decided to chart the evolution of the personification of The Chair.

A chair. The chair. The Chair. His Chair. Kenji's Chair.

And that was where it got problematic.

The first two felt too insensitive, and were best kept in the past; whereas the last two felt too sensitive and were best kept in the future.

But when was the future? A better question would be, when was it not the future?

That was pretty cut and dry. It was not the future when it was the past, or the present. It was never currently the past, because the past could never be current. That was the present's job; to occupy the space in time where something or other did something which acted as a catalyst for something else.

His head hurt.

And that presented a much more immediately pressing question.

Too much coffee, or not enough?

Nate looked out the window.

The trail of orbs still resembled the photographic process of bokeh to an abnormal degree; but, whilst it had made him squint and shield his eyes for a few seconds, he hadn't been in any serious discomfort or pain whilst doing so.

It was kind of relaxing, really.

Whereas, when he had been at his most productive, he hadn't been able to so much as glance out of the window for the blinding wave of light which had decimated his retinae. Correction; he had been at his most productive, until the blinding wave of light had decimated his retinae. He didn't suspect that passing out in your own puke was considered productive. His manager didn't, anyway. He had been made to make up the hours. All twenty four of them.

So; too much coffee, or not enough?

He reached for the cup.

It wasn't there. Where it was, in fact, at this very moment in time, was clutched in the comically oversized fist of the level designer standing above him. All six foot five and two hundred and thirty pounds of pure muscle; of him.

He couldn't remember his name.

?Hey, that's-? His resolve had already faded. ?Mine.? He sighed. ?You can't just take that.?

?Who says I can't? I'm playing by your rules.? As confusion's disorienting haze descended over his mind, every single ounce of rationality had upped and left. Pure imagination took it's place.

?My rules? What rules?? I wonder how he does it?

?Oh, I don't know... Do what I say and not what I do?? Not exercise, he wouldn't have any time for that.

?I haven't done anything.? Steroids?

?Where is it?? Steroids. Definitely steroids.

?The new G.D.D? I sent it you...? Nate checked his watch, but his full attention was still galloping into the sunset, embracing it's new role with the incorrigible energy of a unicorn on LSD. ?Almost an hour ago. Check your inbox-? I wonder how he'd hold up against a bear? Or a lion.

?Don't play dumb with me. I'll ask you again. Nicely. Where. Is. It.? Maybe not a lion.

?I don't know. What the ****. You are talking about.? A bear, though.

?MY SLEEPING BAG, *****! WHERE IS IT? I KNOW YOU HAVE IT!? What about him? Could he hold up against a bear?

All six foot two and one hundred and eighty pounds of skin and bone; of him.

Time to find out.

Nate found himself levitating; throat encased in molten iron. His co-worker had coiled his fingers around his neck, whilst negating to let go of the blistering cardboard, thus compressing it against his flesh. The liquid flooded down his torso, the catalyst to him thrashing out like a wounded animal. In the following barrage of fatigued kicks and knees, one blow made contact. His assailant released his grip and Nate smashed to the floor. The impact had expelled the air out of his lungs, but no substitute filled it's place. He scrabbled blindly for the drawer within his desk which held his inhaler. But as soon as his left hand had entered the compartment, it slammed shut. Then it opened. Then it slammed shut again. It took three precious seconds for Nate to realize what Yoshi was trying to do.

Yoshi! His name was Yoshi.

...Because he had to remember that now, when the ******* was trying to kill him.

But his plan had worked faultlessly. Nate was trapped.

The sucker punch connected and his nose imploded.

The darkness started to wash over him like the gentle pulse of the ocean. If the ocean was lava.

Yoshi had turned away from him, and was now facing the crowd which had gathered over the space of the last twenty seconds. The crowd which had, of course, dared not to interfere. Judging by the bestial howl of glee which had reached Nate's eardrums, he seemed to think that this was a time for celebration.

Nate resisted the urge to concede, and instead took the opportunity to open the drawer. He wrapped his fingers around his inhaler with shaky hands. He raised the contraption to his cracked, arid lips and took two puffs.

With the renewal of his oxygen supplies, the haze gradually began to lift. After thirty seconds, his tunnel vision had completely subsided. After a minute, he had picked himself up off the floor.

Three more euphoric shrieks reached Nate's ears before he had had enough.

They say that you can never find a pen when you need one.

Not true.

They also say that the pen is mightier than the sword.

I'll let you figure that last one out.

Yoshi relinquished one last guttural roar before the ballpoint impaled his neck.
2013-07-18 21:11:00

Posts: 717

???: Don't kill me man, I didn't do anything wrong, I was just selling the guns because I had to, I....

???: Shhh Shhh Shhh..... listen you know what I normally say when people try to feed me S*** like you are right now? I say, stop. Just stop. Because el zilcho you could say could make me change my mind from what I decided before all this. You want to know what I decided Riley?

Riley: What....?

???: I've decided that you decided to betray me like that, take from my personal stash, is the moment you made yourself nothing more then a weasel to me. Weasels are a vermin and vermin need to be exterminated.

Riley: Please.....

???: HEY DID I ASK YOU TO TALK......NO! Sorry I am going to chill because you know what's going to happen now? by the way that was a rhetorical question so shut your pretty boy mouth. What's going to happen now is I am going to decorate the wall behind you a vibrant shade of pink and then I am going to find the guy you sold my personal guns to and I am going to clean my guns with his skull. You should of never messed with Enn kiddo.

And with that Enn pulled out a revolver tucked in his belt and place it to Riley's head and...

Enn: Pop goes the weasel....


(( Will have Nathan post soon, just decided to do a small introductory post to Enn))
2013-07-18 21:13:00

Posts: 1061

((HOLY CRAP. I have a lot of reading to catch up on. And Hope's got Kuzanao's messages? So much stuff, so little time. Actually, I got plenty of time, but, you know.))2013-07-18 21:15:00

Posts: 1909

Brian stared at the man lying bundled on the floor, and a great deal of compassion overwhelmed him.

Brian: "Closing time! Everyone out please, but not you."

He looked at the man lying on the floor, clearly pain stricken. The shop emptied until it was just Brian, and this strange and hurt man. Kneeling down he asked him:

Brian: "What's your name?
Strange Man: "Flem"

The man, now known as Flem, struggled to say his name. Brian was wasting precious time, Flem asked for a cookie and Brian's task was to deliver one tasty and fresh cookie. Like a warrior in the heat of the moment he raced to his counter, all out of cookies, except...raisins.

Brian: "These are no good! Flem, raisin cookie?"

Shock gripped Flem's face as he stared into Brians eyes in disbelief

Flem: "What? No! You actually make them?!"
Brian: "Of course not, it was a joke"

He quickly swept all the raisin cookies into the bin, he had to bake up one of his finest chocolate chips, and fast.

Brian: "Hold on there!"

Flem lay helpless on the shop floor, all that was going on around him was blur. This was partly due to his slowly deteriorating health, but also, Brians insanely quick bakery speed, Flem could barely see him as he swept around his kitchen. This man was a dough-making god! Sure enough, as Flem thought he was a goner, the sweet aroma of freshly baked treats filled the room. He felt Brian hoist him up as he was sat on a chair.

Brain: "Okay Flem, these should do the trick. Let me get something for your wounds."
Flem: "No, I can get them myself...just the cookies"

Brian grabbed the tray and brought them over. He held one out to Flem, who quickly gobbled it up, and then another and another. Flem seemingly loved them, but who didn't Brian thought to himself. Soon enough they were all gone, and then Brian saw something miraculous. Flem had begun to heal his wounds. It was amazing! Flem stood up and thanked Brian:

Flem: "I can't thank you enough! And those cookies, amazing! What is your name?"
Brian: "Why thank you! It's Brian"
Flem: "Thank you Brian"

Flem started to stretch as he started looking around the kitchen, then noticing the bin

Flem: "Are those, raisin cookies?"
Brian: "What? No!"
Flem: "Yes they are. Why do you make raisin cookies?"
Brain: "Why are you looking in my bin?"

Flem took his eyes off the bin and made for the door

Flem: "I'll be going no, I'll be sure to reme..."

Flem lurched forward

Flem: "Ouch"
Brain: "What is it Flem?"
Flem: "My stomach just started aching"
Brian: "C'mon, I know raisin cookies are bad but they're not THAT bad"
Flem: "It's not the raisin cookies I saw that are doing this, it's the ones you fed me I think. Quickly, what type of sugar did you use?"

Brian got very worried at this moment

Brian: "Brown sugar"
Flem: "Oh god, I'm allergic to that. Severely allergic. Why did you use brown sugar?!"
Brian: "I...I was all out of white sugar, the next batch comes in tomorrow"

Clearly worried, Brian paced about the kitchen looking for something that could help, then Flem clutched his throat and struggled before collapsing in a bundle on the floor, just as he had entered. Had Brian killed this man? He called an ambulance, and it was stated on scene that he had fallen into a coma, and was promptly taken to a hospital. It was only as the media surrounded his shop that Brian realised how truly awful this was, Flem was a SONY citizen.

((How was that? Oh and for the record, raisin cookies are good, but I was following up with the Mr turtles Devil cookie joke ))
2013-07-18 21:32:00

Posts: 2426

((Yaaaay ^^ thanks Craigmond Flem is now out of action for a month, sorry guys, going to build a school in Romania. I'll catch you guys later <3 much love x))2013-07-18 21:42:00

Posts: 1872

((Crossover anyone? I'm in Eterna Sewers xD))2013-07-18 21:51:00

Posts: 431

((Im about to arrive in New Natal aswell, if any crossovers are wanted, let me know ^^))2013-07-18 22:20:00

Posts: 1840

The message on the floor...

"Does this mean I'm going to live..."

Etched on the floor, there it was. The savior Kuzanao was waiting for, but not expecting.

New Natal HQ Plaza, 12 Hours

"But ****... 12 hours?"

Sure, Kuzanao had already spent more than 48 hours without food and water, and 12 was just a fraction of that.... but "12 hours" still sounded long as hell. Kuzanao wasn't exactly in a position to argue though, so he sat down and stared at the laser-etched message.

"I wonder who sent it? Wish they would've bothered to stick a name in there."

Of course, Kuzanao already knew who etched that message, and was just complaining for the sake of it. The sender was none other than Hope Tanner - who else would send a message from Microsoft HQ? Nobody else probably had the money to sketch a message into his room with god **** lasers, for that matter.

"So, I guess this means she got my mess- oh, for god's sake, why the hell am I talking to myself?"

He had been in this room for 2 days, constantly uttering rhetorical questions and statements about his situation, and only now did he realize that there was nobody there to hear him. He supposed that this was the kind of thing that insanity did to you, however, and dismissed it abruptly. He was more concerned about food and water. He was still alive at this point, but he wasn't sure if he could take another half of a day. He had already begun drinking his own urine, but there was scarcely anything to drink, of course, due to the lack of sufficient water in his system. He had only had a glass or two... perhaps 3... so his livers could probably take it. Probably.

"Man, I must look really **** pathetic right now."

There he was with the whole talking with himself bit again. Of course, his statement wasn't entirely false. His stomach had deeply resided, his lips had turned yellow with a lack of saliva to moisten them, and he hadn't had a shower in days. And now, here he was, drinking his own urine and talking to himself. He was going insane...

12 hours left.-Kuzanao gets a message on his floor from Tanner: New Natal HQ Plaza, 12 Hours
-Tanner will likely save Kuzanao in 12 hours
-Kuzanao realizes he's talking to himself, and that he's going insane
2013-07-18 23:05:00

Posts: 1909

Flem: "Ouch"
Brain: "What is it Flem?"
Flem: "My stomach just started aching"

((Typo of the week.))
2013-07-19 00:20:00

Posts: 5208

After the time paradoxes started appearing, amoney learned that to stop them, they have to be poked at. At as such, he poked every single one, stopping the whole time crisis. amoney then decided to go to present day Vita City, but then he gets a call. It sounded like gibberish, and the voice was faint. Then it stopped. amoney found the location of the call, but the room was empty, and dark, with a table and 3 buttons. The wall, in blood red letters, said "press a button". amoney looked for an exit, but they were all locked. The only choice amoney had now was to press one of the buttons, and see what happens.2013-07-19 00:21:00

Posts: 1202

After the time paradoxes started appearing, amoney learned that to stop them, they have to be poked at. At as such, he poked every single one, stopping the whole time crisis. amoney then decided to go to present day Vita City, but then he gets a call. It sounded like gibberish, and the voice was faint. Then it stopped. amoney found the location of the call, but the room was empty, and dark, with a table and 3 buttons. The wall, in blood red letters, said "press a button". amoney looked for an exit, but they were all locked. The only choice amoney had now was to press one of the buttons, and see what happens.

((Kinda wanna see where you're going with this, seems interesting.))
2013-07-19 01:10:00

Posts: 1840

After the time paradoxes started appearing, amoney learned that to stop them, they have to be poked at. At as such, he poked every single one, stopping the whole time crisis. amoney then decided to go to present day Vita City, but then he gets a call. It sounded like gibberish, and the voice was faint. Then it stopped. amoney found the location of the call, but the room was empty, and dark, with a table and 3 buttons. The wall, in blood red letters, said "press a button". amoney looked for an exit, but they were all locked. The only choice amoney had now was to press one of the buttons, and see what happens.
((That was intense.))
2013-07-19 01:10:00

Posts: 1909

__________________________________________________ _______________________________
__________________________________________________ _______________________________

The sun, a smoldering 103 degrees Fahrenheit, was beating down on the Microsoft black lamborghini, which, just so happened to absorb the sun even more. And with Mags' luck today, the AC didn't work. Neither did most of the hundreds of buttons in the car. Mags assumed that whoever had made the car put it in safety mode for the helicopter. He was only 30 minutes away from the dang city anyways. Turning in on the Microsoft radio station, MS720, he heard the news.

"Nintendo’s lead software developer, Shigeru Miyamoto, has passed in an unfortunate event. A Nintendo supporter, known by the name "Virgil" has spoken about this matter. Here is the broadcast live:

"As.. many of you know, today we lost a very important person, not only for Nintendo, but for the video game industry all together. Shigeru Miyamoto, producer and game designer for Nintendo, was found dead, this morning. Today, today we mourn the death for one of our great leaders, someone who had been in the industry through both it's ups, as well as it's downs. Seeing the turn-up of people here means a lot, and I'm sure he would appreciate seeing it himself. But I know Miyamoto would not want his death to cause our great nation to lose hope or to take any steps backward, and I know that he would want us to be able to try to look forward, and to see what happens from here. We will honor the passing of our fellow developer, but we must stay strong in these dark hours, ladies & gentlemen. We ask that you stay calm and remember to pray for who Shigeru Miyamoto also remained committed to - not just his audience, but his family. To end my speech, I'd personally like to thank Miyamoto, for all that he's dedicated to the fans, to keep our faction strong, and to keep our faction united, thank you.

Mags: Pff, this guy is covering up for the clueless audience. Everyone who has a brain bigger then a peanut would know that this was done by someone in either Sony or Microsoft. And quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was us who ordered the assault. Sony has struck on us, so why not we strike out Nintendo. Microsoft logic, yknow?

Mags didn't actually know if Microsoft knew about their helicopter that had been shot down. Heck, Mags didn't even know if SONY had known about the helicopter that had been shot down. They were too busy worrying about the matter at hand, and he didn't blame them. All this thinking and drama had shocked Mags out of reality, and he quickly realized that, A. The AC had turned back on (HALLELUJAH) and B. The radio had turned into New Natal's podcast, and how a weird man had been "poisoned" by a seemingly harmless cookie shop owner. No details have been released. Then Mags saw, well, it. New Natal, in all of its glory, no matter how much steam Microsoft was under, was pretty awesome. Immediately the first thing he saw was a, what looked to be, a 150 story tower in the middle of the place? Was that the military centre of Microsoft? His dad had told him of Microsoft having a really good military department, but Mags never really listened to his dad's stories.

Mags: Dang, this place looks like it was taken out of a freaking Halo game. Heck, it probably IS taken out of a Halo game. Jesus, that's a huge tower. Halo, one of Microsoft's best-selling console signature games, had helped Microsoft get to where it is today. Halo 5 had been released at E3, and, no matter how bad Deame said the Xbox One looked, Halo 5 looked pretty sweet. Back in Old Natal Mags had his full Halo Master Chief armor in his closet, so New Natal was like a dream come true.

Mags was greeted at the entrance of New Natal by a husky man with grey hair and beard, wearing a regular black costume. He was huge, and looked about 300 pounds.

Guy: Nice car. Wheredja get it?

Mags: *sigh*... long story. You really don't want to hear the whole thing.

Guy: So what brings you out to Texas, erm, New Natal, anyways? You're a spy down from Canada, aren't yall?

Mags: No, I hate SONY, I despise it. Yuck, I would throw up if I had to play one of those garbage consoles.

Guy who started to get annoying: That's what they all say. I said, why are ye at New Natal?'

Mags: Look, I don't even know. I was chilling in Old Natal, when a helicopter came by, some guy named Bill picked me up, said his job was in my hands because of Hope Tanner, flew me over Vita City, we saw a huge fire, a missle hit our helicopter, I got a huge machine gun, bill died, and I drove this lambo here. You happy? Now can I go?

The dude seems like he got the wind knocked out of him. "You... you're the guy?"

Mags: Oh yea, Bill had mentioned something about me being the first Microsoft military recruit in quite a bit. I'm looking for the military centre, do you know where I could find it?

The dude smiled. "Ah yes. I work in the military centre, I've been expecting you. Welcome to the Microsoft, err, army. Now, do you see that huge lake in front of the X lawn?

Mags: Uhh yea? Do you want me to drive like straight into it or something?

Alexander: Actually, that's exactly what I wanted you to do. That lambo you're riding, that was built by someone in my department. My name is Alexander, the CEO of the Mechanical Augmentation Division. There's a section of my division that builds mechs and cars like this. If I am correct, that Lamborghini should turn into a submarine underwater. Now, go along, I have things to worry about in my division. Specifically people in the coding/decrypting divisions. Move along.

Mags, awesome-ified, went to the maximum speed on the lambo, 200mph, and drove straight at the lake. Here I come, Microsoft. he thought.


((Mateo, I included Alexander in my story I hope it's ok. I also included a broadcast of you craig, seemingly poisoning flamingemu. I hope its ok! ^^))
2013-07-19 01:42:00

Posts: 1840

Twelve hours have passed.There was a hole in Kuzanao's wall.

"What the hell?"

It seemed to have come out of nowhere. Kuzanao had been staring at the laser message on the floor, quite bored, tired, hungry, and thirsty, and waiting for something to happen, when he heard part of his wall collapse. So there it was. He looked at his wall - the nice one that he had made into a screen, too - and there was a neat, clean hole right in the bottom of it.

Hope had arrived.

Kuzanao: "Is it really you, Tanner?"
Tanner: "Well, I prefer to think of myself as "the chick who's saving your ***", but yeah, Tanner's the name."

Kuzanao was silent. He had been on the verge of death, but now... he was going to live. What in hell could he possibly say?

Kuzanao: "Do you have any water?"
Tanner: "Right here, Mr. Sakamata."

Hope threw a water bottle in Kuzanao's direction, which he desperately chugged down in 5 seconds flat.

Kuzanao: "Thanks. Any food?"
Tanner: "Not on me, but I know a place. Come on, let's get out of this hellhole."
Kuzanao: "Rincho Cuisine, eh? Wouldn't expect a lady of your status to go to a local joint like this."
Tanner: "Local, chain... I don't give a ****, to be honest. I like the food here, so this is where we are."
Kuzanao: "So you know the food places around here... why's that? Eterna's the last place I'd expect the CEO of Microsoft to be accustomed to."
Tanner: "I had a life before I worked at Microsoft, you know."

An awkward silence was felt between the two.

Kuzanao: "Hey, I never did get to tha-"

Kuzanao was cut off by the waiter, who asked the two for their drinks.

Kuzanao: "..."
Tanner: "Just a cup of coffee for me. And I'm assuming this guy wants a wa-"
Kuzanao: "Coke. I'll take a coke, please."
Waiter: "I'll return with your drinks shortly."

With that, the waiter departed.

Kuzanao: "As I was saying... thanks. Really. I thought I was going to die in there... but... ****..."
Tanner: "Don't sweat it. I mean... that virus? It was pretty **** impressive. Microsoft could use a man of your ability."

It took a second for the meaning of the statement to sink in.

Kuzanao: "Wait... are you saying that I'm being forced to work at Microsoft?"
Tanner: "No, no, nothing of the sort! I'm an ***, but not that big of an ***. I just think that you should consider."

Kuzanao was silent in thought.

Tanner: "Of course, I'm not forcing your hand. It's entirely your choice."
Kuzanao: *sigh...* "I know, I know. It's just that... I'm torn apart. On one hand, I've been loyal to Nintendo for so, so many years. On the other hand... you saved my *** from Iwata. That's definitely worth something."
Tanner: "I know your'e loyal to your company... but is it really worth working under that *******?"
Kuzanao: "You're right... ****, how did that never occur to me?"
Tanner: "You've been living in hell for the best few days. It's not surprising at all that you're not thinking straight."
Kuzanao: "Thanks. And, about working at Microsoft..."
Tanner: "I can give you a week to decide, if you want."
Kuzanao: "I don't need a week... **** it. I'm in."

A small smile appeared on Tanner's face.

Kuzanao: "But... can I say goodbye to someone first? There's not a lot of people at the workplace that I'm friends with... but there's one man who's always been there for me."
Tanner: "No problem. What's his name?"
Kuzanao: "Shigeru Miyamato."

Tanner's smile disappeared, and she sighed.

Kuzanao: "Wait... what's wrong?"

Tanner didn't respond for a few seconds. Then, she looked Kuzanao's in the eyes.

Tanner: ​"Kuzanao... Mr. Miyamato is dead."((Sorry for all of the dialogue. I overused it a bit, didn't I? Oh well. I just hope I didn't butcher Merc's character :/. Oh, and I hope someone caught that "Hope had arrived" pun. I found that deviously clever ))
-Tanner saves Kuzanao
-Tanner takes Kuzanao out to eat at Rincho Cuisine
-Kuzanao decides to work at Microsoft (as per the request of Tanner)
-Shigeru Miyamoto was one of Kuzanao's close friends
-Tanner tells Kuzanao that Shigeru Miyamoto is dead
2013-07-19 01:45:00

Posts: 1909

((Must keep up so many posts. Anyway everything is shaping up nicely here and i'll post another part of my story tomorrow after some important business, and by that i mean sleep.))2013-07-19 02:29:00

Posts: 996

((Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to officially announce that we'll be welcoming a new member in TCW family, and by that I mean totalpwner32 will soon be joining us. Nice guy, made sure to read over things and sent a PM my way with a request to join in on the shenanigans. So I believe that bumps us up to twenty-one members now, holy smokes. Which reminds me, besides pwner and Cheddars, every member of this game has at least made one post, so great job you guys! You'd be surprised how many people leave early in these games.. Now go ransack Cheddars' house so he can start his story!))2013-07-19 02:32:00

Posts: 5208

Now go ransack Cheddars' house

((When i said i was sleeping..... I lied.))
2013-07-19 02:36:00

Posts: 996

((When i said i was sleeping..... I lied.))

((Sleep-ransacking? I'll allow it.))
2013-07-19 02:37:00

Posts: 5208

((Man these sewers are great, murky water, no food, no water, I'M TRAPPED, HELP WOULD BE REAL NICE RIGHT ABOUT NOW))2013-07-19 02:40:00

Posts: 431

((I would help, but I'd need some super-OP-teleportation-stealth powers. ;-)
((Also, I feel obligated to write another post today, but I have little to no idea where to go with it. xD))
((It'll come to me eventually I suppose. o3o))
2013-07-19 02:43:00

Posts: 941

As Trevor prepped a bowl of instant noodles, he started to recompile what he could remember from last night. There was an invasion, obviously. He had ruled out the possibility that the servers were accessed locally, which was concerning. He had started to check if the base access data matched those of other known Sony facilities, but to no avail... Then he started to check for matching Microsoft facilities credentials, and was during that process that he must have fallen asleep.

Had him managed to keep awake until the process was finished, he could have confirmed or denied participation of Microsoft officials in the invasion, assuming that the communication blackout hadn't happened before. Now, to think about it, the blackout was too conveniently timed in favor of the hacker.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of boiling water, which he quickly poured into the noodle cup. As Trevor started munching on the food, he also reached for the TV remote to turn on the news.

"So far, Sony officials have confirmed two damaged buildings and a full blackout of the PSN, Sony's communication network. No people or factions have yet confirmed or denied participation in any of these events. Sony's Supreme Commander has warned all citizens to stay calm as they attempt to fix the situation and bring the culprits to light."

- Typical politician talk...

Nothing else could catch his attention, other than his noodles. He turned the TV off, and continued his meal, looking towards the view from his balcony. The city was now getting dark, and the blue lights dotted every square meter of Vita City. At the distance, Sony's Research Center could be seen, with its trademark blue beams that rose to the sky. That sight brought him curiosity: What about Camille? He went ahead and dialed her.

"This Horizon cellphone is currently switched off."

She had probably turned it off for the conference.

- Trevor reminds of his progress on the unknown invasion. He confirmed no involvement from any Sony officials, and was about to check for Microsoft officials;
- He tries to contact Camille about her conference, but got no answer.

((I should be starting the action soon, but it would be nice if I could fit a crossover before. :3 ))
2013-07-19 02:46:00

Posts: 5891

((Btw, thanks for the recaps, gdn. Your posts are usually easy to read/understand anyway, but adding them at the end is much obliged.))2013-07-19 02:53:00

Posts: 5208

((I should be starting the action soon, but it would be nice if I could fit a crossover before. :3 ))

((I'd be up for doing one.))
2013-07-19 02:59:00

Posts: 1202

((I'd be up for doing one.))
((Send details via PM if you wish so. ))
2013-07-19 03:02:00

Posts: 5891

((Anyone up for a crossover in New Natal? :o PM me if interested ^^))2013-07-19 03:21:00

Posts: 1840

((Send details via PM if you wish so. ))

((Ok. I'll think of something.))
2013-07-19 03:40:00

Posts: 1202

((My first post! hope you guys like it))

Pwner woke up to a beautiful Friday morning. It was the first day of his job at sony. When he got the HQ after a 20 hour plane ride to Metropolis, China. The Sony HQ was the biggest in the city. It was a 20 story Sky Scraper made almost entirely out of windows. Everybody was nervous after what happened to the Tech Center. Pwner could hear people talking to each other about possibly quitting because of the danger of them being bombed, but it didn't phase him. Pwner's new office that included Sony's newest and best Desktop, a flat-screen TV with a brand new PS4 hooked up to it. A tall woman with dark brown curly hair approached Pwner.

???: "Nice office, huh?"

Pwner: "Best room I've ever seen in my life! At my parents old farm all we had was an old radio that occasionally picked up a semi-good station, if we were lucky."

???: "Wow, then what did you do for entertainment?"

Pwner: "Well, I plowed or weeded most of the time, but when I had free time I would shoot anything I could find with my dad's old rifle."

???: "You must me a shot then! You heard about the explosion right?"

Pwner: "Of course! I wonder who must've done it."

???: "Well, right now we're trying to figure that out. My name is Amber, I'm an intern here, but now I'm getting together a team of anybody who has experience with guns or has trained in martial arts. Would you like to be our Sharp Shooter?"

Pwner: "I'd love to. When is the strategy meeting?"

Amber "Great! A meeting will be held tomorrow, Saturday, July 20. See you there."

Pwner: "Will do"

Amber walks to her desk and gets back to work

"Best. Job. Ever" Pwner muttered to himself walking into his new office.
2013-07-19 04:55:00

Posts: 19

"What button to choose?" amoney thought to himself. Each button looked the same, and felt the same. It was driving amoney nuts. Eventually he kept hearing a voice in his head saying, "Choose a button, and see what happens". amoney couldn't help it anymore, so he chose the middle button. Nothing happened. No noises, no voices, nothing. After waiting, amoney turned around, and was greeted to a smack on the head. He heard voices saying that they would use him as bait to attract Sony into a deal. As amoney started to wake up, he realized who captured him: it was EA!2013-07-19 05:07:00

Posts: 1202

"What button to choose?" amoney thought to himself. Each button looked the same, and felt the same. It was driving amoney nuts. Eventually he kept hearing a voice in his head saying, "Choose a button, and see what happens". amoney couldn't help it anymore, so he chose the middle button. Nothing happened. No noises, no voices, nothing. After waiting, amoney turned around, and was greeted to a smack on the head. He heard voices saying that they would use him as bait to attract Sony into a deal. As amoney started to wake up, he realized who captured him: it was EA!

(( E-A Sports. It's in the brain.))
2013-07-19 05:46:00

Posts: 1840

((My first post! hope you guys like it))

Pwner woke up to a beautiful Friday morning. It was the first day of his job at sony. When he got the HQ after a 20 hour plane ride to Metropolis, China. The Sony HQ was the biggest in the city. It was a 20 story Sky Scraper made almost entirely out of windows. Everybody was nervous after what happened to the Tech Center. Pwner could hear people talking to each other about possibly quitting because of the danger of them being bombed, but it didn't phase him. Pwner's new office that included Sony's newest and best Desktop, a flat-screen TV with a brand new PS4 hooked up to it. A tall woman with dark brown curly hair approached Pwner.

???: "Nice office, huh?"

Pwner: "Best room I've ever seen in my life! At my parents old farm all we had was an old radio that occasionally picked up a semi-good station, if we were lucky."

???: "Wow, then what did you do for entertainment?"

Pwner: "Well, I plowed or weeded most of the time, but when I had free time I would shoot anything I could find with my dad's old rifle."

???: "You must me a shot then! You heard about the explosion right?"

Pwner: "Of course! I wonder who must've done it."

???: "Well, right now we're trying to figure that out. My name is Amber, I'm an intern here, but now I'm getting together a team of anybody who has experience with guns or has trained in martial arts. Would you like to be our Sharp Shooter?"

Pwner: "I'd love to. When is the strategy meeting?"

Amber "Great! A meeting will be held tomorrow, Saturday, July 20. See you there."

Pwner: "Will do"

Amber walks to her desk and gets back to work

"Best. Job. Ever" Pwner muttered to himself walking into his new office.
((Dang, only 14 posts on the site and you're already getting involved in one of the most demanding threads here. Kudos to you, mate!))

(( E-A Sports. It's in the brain.))
((Ha-ha, me and my brother were just laughing about that stupid EA Sports slogan earlier today ))
2013-07-19 06:31:00

Posts: 1909

((My first post! hope you guys like it))

((Welcome, and good luck! Look forward to seeing what your sharp shooter gets up to ))
2013-07-19 08:44:00

Posts: 1015

Ava collapsed on the sofa in Groves' office, undoing the top few buttons of her jacket for some air. Groves' looked at her over his reading glasses, and raised his eyebrows.

“How did it go, Jones?”

She shook her head. “Fine. Long, but fine.”

The incident at the Tech Centre had taken a lot to clean up. Crews were still working on the structural damage, and it had taken all day to get all the victims transferred to hospitals for care. Problem was there just weren't enough beds to take the patients. Most were being treated in the corridors, on bedrolls set up on the floors. The worst cases were still on the Ambulance Stretchers.

After Central Hospital had filled beyond capacity, they started to filter patients to other sites. Shuhei Hospital had been hit the worst, as it was the closest city boundary hospital. It was only built for a few hundred beds, now it had to deal with an extra hundred patients, and nowhere to put them.

She wiped some of the grime off her face with her sleeve. Groves stood and poured a glass of water. “Conohay tells me you did well. He wants to put you forward for combat training.”

Ava gulped. “Combat training? I thought I was here to be a medic?”

Groves slammed the glass down on the counter, gritting his teeth. “Ava, don't be a fool. Medics aren't protected like they used to be. The Geneva Convention means nothing these days.”

He walked to her side of the office and sat in the chair opposite. “You need training. Defense training if nothing else. You need to know how to handle a weapon, and more importantly, you need to know how to get the hell out of dodge when the proverbial stuff hits the fan.”

She nodded, her stomach churning. The Big 3 had been happy in their unsettled peace for so many years, it seemed ludicrous to even consider the thought of combat, at least on home territory. But the Tech Centre was more than just a freak accident. That had changed everything.

“Sir. . .”

“Jim.” Groves interrupted, a kind look on his face.

“Sir. What happened out there today?”

Groves leaned back the chair and put his hands behind his head. He wore a pained expression; tired, overworked, stressed. “You don't have clearance for this, Jones.”

Ava remained silent, waiting for Groves to continue, but he shook his head, and looked pointedly at the corner of the ceiling. Ava followed his gaze to see a small white box attached to the wall.

“They’re listening. Later.” Groves mouthed silently to her.

Ava nodded, suddenly hyper-aware of her surroundings. It worried her that Sony would feel the need to monitor their officer’s conversations, but then, it was probably just as bad in any of the other factions.

Briefly, she wondered how Nate was holding up . . .

“So! I want you to get down to the Training Centre now. Report to Sgt. Conohay. You’ll start of with the basics; Gear, Defense tactics and so on.” Groves muttered something under his breath, but Ava didn’t catch it.

She raised her eyebrows. “Now? I just got off duty. And I don’t even think I’m on the books yet. . . Sir.”

Groves scowled at her. “You think we give a **** if you’re on the books right now? Hell, Ava, there’s more important matters to deal with. Get going.”

She nodded, taken aback by his sudden change of tone. “Yes Sir.”

She stood and walked out of Groves’ office, and already found herself wishing that she was back at the station with Jon, heading to the showers.


- Ava returns from attending to the Tech Centre accident, and speaks with Sgt Groves, trying to get more details of what happened.
- Sgt Groves, and presumably most of Sony's military, is being recorded in his office, and so tells her to stand down, before sending her off for basic combat training.
2013-07-19 14:30:00

Posts: 1015


The sudden realisation that Ava has thought of Nate thrice, I think, by now, and Nate hasn't ever thought of Ava once. I need to change that.
2013-07-19 15:27:00

Posts: 717

The sudden realisation that Ava has thought of Nate thrice, I think, by now, and Nate hasn't ever thought of Ava once. I need to change that.

((lol, sorry. Only the twice - Not intending to beat a dead horse, it just seems a suitable thought Besides, i think Nate has more important stuff on his mind right now I am so loving his scenes atm! ))
2013-07-19 15:30:00

Posts: 1015

((lol, sorry. Only the twice - Not intending to beat a dead horse, it just seems a suitable thought Besides, i think Nate has more important stuff on his mind right now I am so loving his scenes atm! ))

Thanks, but I disagree about the more important stuff. I doubt that there would be a person alive who, after almost a decade (Maybe even longer.) of knowing someone, and around about three years being with them, (Not forgetting that they would have only split up a few months before the timestamp I've been writing in.) wouldn't think about them at least once a day, no matter what else had happened.
2013-07-19 15:42:00

Posts: 717

Thanks, but I disagree about the more important stuff. I doubt that there would be a person alive who, after almost a decade (Maybe even longer.) of knowing someone, and around about three years being with them, (Not forgetting that they would have only split up a few months before the timestamp I've been writing in.) wouldn't think about them at least once a day, no matter what else had happened.

((hmm, fair enough, I look forward to seeing the next bit then ))
2013-07-19 15:47:00

Posts: 1015

?You asked, and now it is done!? Dante proclaimed triumphantly. If he didn?t know any better, Mathias would have thought the man was practically bouncing in his seat.

?Really, you can get me there?? he asked. ?So what?s the damage am I going to Microsoft or Sony??

?Neither!? Dante beamed, ?You asked to go to America, this is exactly where you will go.?

It took Mathias a moment to make the connection, but when he did, he couldn?t help but lean back in his seat and laugh at the audacity, ?The United States? As if that?s any better.?

?But it is. The U.S. used to play a big game, but these days everyone knows they?re all talk, more interested in making money than participating in international grudges.?

?Please,? Mathias answered, ?You know they?re in so deep with Microsoft the two are practically one and the same.?

?True, Microsoft does effectively run the country, except insofar as the states have their Constitution and semi-elected government. But Microsoft knows full well that just because the U.S no longer plays, does not mean it has forgotten how. It would be foolish for any of us to invite a struggle directly on our doorstep.?

?So I?m off to the states??

?To the capital actually. I have a personal diplomat going to Washington D.C tomorrow. You will join him as an aide. But unfortunately, my diplomat will not be able to stay very long. His plane will depart within days, only you will not be on it,? Dante finished.

It's a bit further than I imagined, Mathias thought, but it still works, and it's closer than I am now.
?It's a good plan.? He said.

?Excellent,? Dante clapped his hands together, ?Then you will depart tomorrow.? He paused for a moment, ?You will of course travel under an assumed identity, just as a precaution. Too many people know or will guess at your other relations. How does Smith sound to you??

?It's fine Dante, as long as Amaterasu has a seat on this flight too.?

?That was almost a deal breaker, but for you my friend, I was able to make it work.?

-Dante has a plan to send Mathias to Washington D.C under the false name Mr. Smith
2013-07-19 16:33:00

Posts: 1787

Greenly wiping away the blood from his nose after being kicked in the face thinking on where to go next and what his target would do next. Greenly had an idea. Instead of trying to chase him down he would have to try and capture him. Greenly took out yet another piece of paper from his pocket. It was his friend that had helped him escape multiple times before. The intel he had only showed his picture and where he lived not his name. Greenly intention was to trap Jack with his friend as bait.

Greenly placed the intel in his pocket and proceeded to walk out of the abandoned building. However IT started again. Greenly started sweating and again his body temperature rose again. His vision blurred and he passed out at the exit.

Edward: "The camera is ready"
Rex: "Quickly get in the picture"


Edward picked up his camera showing the others the picture.

Elliot: "Nice"
Greenly: "The mine is strangely quite beautiful"
Rex: "How long until we arrive at the outpost"
Greenly: "About five minutes"

The group walked forward toward the outpost Looking out for signs of trouble. They noticed something in the distance.

Greenly: "Edward, Elliot see what that is"

Greenly and Rex stayed behind as their two friends ventured forward. The object was in the sky and could be one of SONY's test rockets since they usually test there nukes in the vicinity. Except this one was coming from the south not the north. The two soldiers who had ventured turned round with a face of horror and shock

Rex: "RUN!"

Greenly and Rex turned round and started sprinting away from the incoming Missile. Edward and Elliot Ran after facing the rocket for a minute. Greenly could see Rex in-front of him. Then he heard the Explosion he could help but turn round as a tsunami of dust came his way.

Greenly awoke on the floor of the building still breathing heavily. He stood up and opened the door and left.

((End of part 3))
2013-07-19 17:36:00

Posts: 996

Noel stood in the center of a large, brightly lit space. She wore a sleeveless shirt that fully revealed her metallic left arm. The flesh all the way to her shoulder had been lost and replaced with a steel alloy, denser than the normal metal. It was kept from weighing her down by high tensile mechanics and sophisticated programming. Thin, flexible tendrils of metal extended from the plates over her shoulder to the back of her neck where they rested over her spine, receiving commands. Her dark hair hung over them in a practical tail.

Surrounding her were many dozens of human shaped targets. Some stood in place while others moved in and out of cover, making constant rotations of patrol. She saw none of this; her eyes were closed, her breathing relaxed. With her mind?s eye she focused on one thought, one image.

A symbol, four squares arranged in such a way that they created one larger square. When it was clear in her mind, she held onto it, and imagined it attached to an object, a knife, the kind she kept in her personal armory, six inches long from the blunt end to blade tip. This image was more out of focus, lacking the clarity of the symbol itself, but it did not matter.

Noel held it all in her head and focused on the barrier to the energies she used to access her power. To use them, she had to mix the energy with her own strength, melding the two in balance.

All of this she did instantly, having practiced the process for many years. One moment, she stood still, the next, she turned with great speed and flung the blade she had summoned toward a target. The symbol etched into the metal shone in the artificial light as it flew through the air. Before the blade struck, she had already turned and called another to her hand, launching it to a second point.

Over and over again, weapons appeared in her hand, only to be flung with deadly accuracy as she wove between the targets. After some time she rested, her breathing heavy from the exertion of repeated summons.

When she stabilized, Noel reached out her right hand to the air. This next move took longer, the object being more complicated than a simple knife. However, the symbol remained the same, acting as a focal point to concentrate her power. A minute passed and a pistol materialized in her grasp. With another breath she fired round after round into targets until her clip was empty.

Dropping the gun, she held out her left arm. Sweat dripped from her face as she focused on drawing a gun to her metallic hand. The time was longer as she expended more power to make the call.

The pistol was flickering in and out when Roger?s voice sounded over the intercom. With frustration, she dropped her focus and let the object fade.

?We have a new one, get over to the briefing room,? Noel panted and glanced towards the showers, ?and make it immediately, Bastion?s orders.?

Figures, Noel thought with a growl, he knows I?m in the middle of this, and still he wants me there double time so I can?t even clean up.
She called one last blade and flung it clean through the head of the nearest target as she grabbed a towel and made her way out.


?Nice of you to join us? Alexander smirked as she entered, still drying her face. Noel ignored him and took her spot leaning against a nearby wall. Albert plugged a flash drive into his computer and with a few commands, brought up a wall of text onto a larger screen they used.

Dear Hope Tanner:
Hello, ma?am. My name is Kuzanao Sakamata?

?We got a hold of this message some days ago,? Alexander stated, ?Our ground team set up shop to interpret it at the time.?

?I hope they had enough sense not to download this program,? Abby said as she typed rapidly.

?Indeed,? Alexander agreed, ?we did a background check on Mr. Sakamata and -?

?He?s us!? Albert cut in, pulling up personal and employment records as he spoke, ?Or at least our equivalent. He works over at Eterna City, basically acting as a clean cut version of us for Nintendo.?

?But he obviously has more skills than he lets on,? Abby continued, ?If this program is anything to go by at least. Some of the coding in here, it makes some of our standards look like a monkey typed them.?

?It seems to have gotten him into more trouble than he would have hoped,? Alexander mused as Albert once again brought up the relevant information at the exact moment.


?I don't know what you?re talking about Abbs,? he said, ?If he were actually a whiz he would have encrypted this thing a lot better, or at least replaced the letters into a cipher or something.?

?Maybe he has less faith in us to read it than you do of him!? Abby shot back.

On and on it went. Noel grew tired of this.

?So what are we doing, track and kill or interrogation?? she asked impatiently.

?Oh right now all you need to do is find him,? Alexander told her.

Roger stepped in, ?I?m no expert, but couldn?t we just trace message back where it came from??

?Actually, we already did. It took our normal techs a little longer but they broke through the firewalls and found his previous location.?

Previous? ?Someone else got to him first?? Abby asked.

?Yes, and quite loudly I might add. They blasted the place apart and disappeared. We need you to find where he has been taken now.?

?Well?? Abby thought aloud, ?if he uses some consistent markers in his work, we can find them in his other codes, like a fingerprint-?

?And the next time he runs a custom program,? Albert continued the thread, ?we?ll have a snoop program ready to give us its origin point.?

?So basically,? Roger ensured, ?the next time he uses a computer, you?ll find out where he is??

?Yes,? Abby responded simply.

?Just make sure it gets done.? Alexander made to leave.

?Wait!? Noel called, ?This email was sent to President Tanner.?

?So?? Alexander turned his head, asking in mock puzzlement.

?So, all this business of tracking this guy down, are they Tanner?s orders??

Bastion got that look in his face again, as if he considered her question cute. ?The only orders you need to worry about are mine. Now get to it.?

-Noel's team is ordered to track down Kuzanao Sakamata, a Nintendo computer expert who sent a message to Hope Tanner, the President of Microsoft. He was previously imprisoned but has been rescued and moved elsewhere. they hope to track him te next time he runs a program.

((My first go at a crossover. Gonna be fun ))
2013-07-19 17:59:00

Posts: 1787


Shank pulled the sewer grate aside. Eterna was......distorted. People were much slower, like everything was in slow-motion. He walked down the street in amazement, seeing the slowmotion world around him. As he watched everyone, he noticed the world also had a sort of golden-dark hue to it, like if you were wearing sunglasses, but he wasn't. And then he heard things.

"Oh, Redd, you always have appealed to me, and I've always been waiting for you..." someone said in a slow, persuasive female voice.

"Who are you? Get out of my head!" Shank yelled out loud.

And then, Miyamoto appeared in front of him. Out of nowhere. He looked right into Shanks eyes, and said, in the woman's voice, "Why, why did you kill me, what did I do....?"

"Shut up!" Shank shouted.

Miyamoto's eyes went blood-red. His mouth dripped with red, and he fell to the ground. Then, Shank saw himself, behind Miyamoto. He was holding a blood-red knife, and he said, in his voice, "No regrets," as he faded away.

Miyamoto faded into the ground, and Shank was then stuck in the head by something, or atleast it felt that way. His head felt like it would explode at any time, but he ignored it, limping the streets of Eterna. He then noticed that instead of a dark-golden hue, Eterna started to slowly turn redder, and redder, until it looked as if everything was painted in blood. Then, everyone in Eterna looked at him, some even bending their heads like an owl to look behind them. Everyone had a stern look on their face, and were whispering something. Some kind of indian chant.

"They all hate you, Redd, and you know it......"

"........!" Shank said, or tried to say, but at that point the only thing he could hear was the woman.

"You know what you did was wrong.....and you will pay....."

".......! .........!"

"I have a proposition for you, something you can't say no to..."

"You know the dreams.....the whiteman......everything was by them......Nintendo......"

"........ ......!"

"They dumped you into the sewers.....those ************.......they must pay....they will....."

"Come here, boy," the woman demanded as she appeared about 10 feet away from him, facing him. He then, uncontrollably walked like some kind of zombie towards her.

"Yes, that's right...." "Come here....."

When he got to her, he noticed she looked like some kind of witch, bright yellow eyes, like holes in the night sky, ragged clothes, she was much, MUCH older than she sounded, if it was her, anyway. "Redd...."

"Y-yes?" Shank said without thinking, in fact, he couldn't think at this point, as she was controlling him. Or was she? Something was.

"I would like you to join Sony."

Shank opened his eyes to see many people above him, saying "Are you okay?" and "He's woken up! He's okay!" One man approached him and said, "Are you okay? When you crawled out of that manhole you collapsed onto the ground!"

"Yeah...i'm fine......." Shank said as he slowly got up and walked away into the streets of Eterna, wondering if anything he knew at this point was real.
2013-07-19 18:01:00

Posts: 431

The sky was depressingly close to raining, visibility hindered by a confusing haze that stretched all over Old Natal and across New York. In the early evening light, Cassidy had bumped into the apartment manager for the block his room was in. He was informed that the building is undergoing some major changes, one of them being the removal of Cassidy Rayne from apartment 132.

?ahh? Cassidy, right? There?s been a few changes??

The apartment manager was a strange man. He hid beneath a fedora, tilted over his face. Only the beginnings of a moustache could be seen. After dealing the bad news he pulled his heavy waterproof coat tightly around himself and shuffled off as a light rain began to fall.
Cassidy had stood there, face emotionless, body weak, for what seemed like hours.
The light of the world started to dim.
His body swayed gently, hunched. Numb.
What had he done to deserve this?
A voice faded into earshot, a car, coming to a stop. Someone was speaking.
??.C?mon don't give me the silent treatment. Hay, I've got some hot pockets.?
Cassidy?s mouth dropped open to speak, but he just slowly clicked his jaw and sunk deeper into his stance.
?Listen. You can?t stand out here for ever honey, don't show me up.?
Saran?s voice began to drill its way into his head, driving into the hazy bits. He turned and rolled his head toward Saran?s car heavily.
?My stuff.?
?You didn?t have anything, everything you need is this way.? He pointed through the open door of his car to the back seat. Cassidy let out a teary and stubborn sigh and walked toward the car, climbing in only after giving Saran a look of sadness. Lip curled, eyes wide, he sat in the back of the car.
The car was a dirty green colour and looked like it had been picked up from the side of the highway. One of the seats was ripped up, leaving pieces of foam all on the floor. Hot pockets lay strewn across the front passenger seat. Saran got in on the drivers side and spent five minutes getting the engine to start, then another five minutes checking his almost invisible blonde moustache in the rear view mirror.
They drove for a few minutes, through the rain. A gentle silence harmonising the pitter-patter of tiny droplets as they collided with the small and ugly car.
After a while, the backdrop of small grey buildings turned into tall grey buildings, which turned into taller grey buildings. Saran spoke.
?Hay, I know we only just met but I figured you?d need someplace to stay.? He looked at Cassidy via the rear view mirror, giving him a wide smile, revealing the odd yellow tooth and a piece of chewing gum wedged between his molars, eyes still shielded by a pair of aviators, before focusing on the road again. A couple more minutes passed before they pulled up into a wide alleyway. The rain had stopped and it had gotten dark.
?Shake a leg.?
Saran threw the back door open and began walking towards another alleyway that tangents off from the bigger one they were on with a casual swagger, audibly chewing his gum. Cassidy got out and followed him with disinterest.
After making a couple of turns through what seemed like a network of back alleys, they came to a large abandoned caf?, with its own dusty concrete courtyard. It was completely blocked off from everything. The sounds of other people?s lives could no longer be heard.
Saran opened his arms wide as if he were embracing the air.
?This,? He announced. ?Is my humble abode!? with ostentation he kicked over a small wireframe table, one of the many tables that were positioned (yet dusty) outside the caf?s entrance. He gave another wide smile to Cassidy, whose tired eyes gave him a look of disdain. Saran began shuffling around the door, carelessly searching through his pockets for the key before finding the one that works and pushing his way through. Suddenly, a mellow orange light came on inside, followed by an arrangement of fairy lights that started following the caf?s outline but ended in a tangle. Many bulbs were missing.
Cassidy sat down at one of the upright tables nearest to the caf?, he was on the verge of sleep. Saran came outside holding two cans of beer and sat down opposite him.
?Listen up, cheesecake. I have something planned for tomorrow. Its been in the diary for a while haha, I knew even a scrub-fairy like you wouldn?t turn down a proposition from a business man like myself.? He took a swig of his beer and started talking about various things Cassidy had no interest in. he spoke about ?the illusion of peace? and ?social tendencies? and a whole host of philosophical nonsense that he just couldn?t register properly, he was falling asleep.
He didn?t know how long he had been staring into space for, but it seemed Saran had been talking for a long time. He lazily took in his surroundings again, before registering Saran.
?? So anyway, we?re gunna rob a gas station.?
Cassidy?s face took a moment to respond. When it did it jolted to its side and his eyes pulled a kind of ?that?s concerning? look. Saran stared at him for a moment, then punched him in the cheek causing him to fall backwards off his chair. His untouched beer began to fall but Saran caught it, took a sip, and then kicked Cassidy in the temple.
The world became the swirling milky blackness of unconsciousness.
2013-07-19 18:33:00

Posts: 1527

__________________________________________________ ______________
__________________________________________________ ______________

"Here I come, Micrsoft."

Those were Mags last words as a free microsoft follower. A free person. Before he had said those 4 words, he had been perfectly free. ...And then Mags had droven into the lake. About 3,000 people sitting on the lawn having a picnic for lunch had saw the black lamborghini drive into the Microlake, and people were still questioning what had happened. "Did the car spin out of control?" people had thought. "Did the person try to commit suicide?" other people would exclaim. Anyone who had any authority in the Microsoft empire in New Natal knew who was in that lamborghini, and where they were going.

Mags: "Here I come, Microsoft."

He boosted down on the pedal, and drove straight at the lake, he took a glance out the window, and saw shocked faces as the mysterious guy drove the $1,000,000 car into the lake. As soon as he hit the water, he had his regrets. "Oh ****... how am I supposed to know if this will work?!" Mags panicked. Nothing was happening, and he was sinking slowly into the water. "Oh fudge, oh fudge, oh fudge. What have I done." His adrenaline started to flow, and he started mashing his shaky hands into every button in the car. Nothing. "CMON CMON CMON! GOD DANG IT, WHAT THE HECK!" Then he heard Alexander's voice come from the speaker, just as the lambo was full submerged underwater. "Underwater mode, activated."

Mags: "Holy ****, that was freaking close, as he sighed. I almost died."

With just Mags' luck, right after he said that, he heard Alexander's voice again. "Self Destruct Sequence in 30 seconds." the voice said.

Mags: "Well ****, im screwed."

He grabbed his machine gun, opened the door which had started to overflow, and shot the first ever bullets of his life at the car. The knockback of the gun sent Mags flying back. The car exploded and Mags blacked out, just as he saw a small hatch open at the bottom of the lake.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________

"Beep. Beep. Good morning sir, the patient seems to be alive. His heart is beating about 1.345609x faster than normal, and sight is the same. He seems to have some bladder problems after the accident. Would you like some coffee, sir?" the medical machine buzzed.

???: "Yes, please, MS7890. Decaf, if possible."

"Right away, sir," the machine squeaked. the 5th arm of its 4 arm body popped out, and had coffee in its hand. "Here you go, sir."

???: "So what happened to, err," the man stuttered looking at his clipboard. "Mags? Was he shot? Assassinated? Blown up? What put him in this condition?"

"Well, he was seen driving a black car into the lake. We suspect he was trying to reach the Miltia Centre, but he didn't know how to function the car properly. The car wasn't found, but he and this large machine gun were found on top of the hatch to the Centre. People who choose to remain anonymous found the body, and brought him here, to the medical department," the medical machine buzzed. "He should be waking up soon."

Mags could hear the whole conversation, actually, because had had just woken up from his coma, for, actually, he didn't know how long he had been out. He remembered holding his breath, then hearing a voice, and then an explosion, with light coming from a small hatch at the bottom of the lake. Then he had blacked out. He reached for the gun.

Mags: "HOW DO I KNOW THIS IS THE MEDICAL CENTRE? WHO WAS I CAPTURED BY?!" Mags yelled, holding his machine gun at the man he didn't know the name of.

???: Calm down, calm down, my friend. I can assure you that you are still in New Natal, and under Microsoft's control." he took off his X logo-d jacket, and Mags saw the nametag.

"Commander Veers - Head of Microsoft Miltary"

Mags: "You... you're the miltary leader? I've been looking for you! Why did you put the centre UNDER A LAKE?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! I ALMOST DIED!!"

Veers chuckled. "I don't want our fans to know we are a war hungry powerhouse! We keep our miltary section a secret, but we will be revealed when the time comes. As you know, there have been several conflicts between all of us. You have been part of one, the one in Vita City. I've been expecting you. Lets head over to the Militia Centre." "Thanks, MS. I shall return later." The machine buzzed, and Veers and Mags walked out of the room. The sun was bright.
2013-07-19 19:39:00

Posts: 1840

Jack ran across the rainy rooftops.Nowhere was safe for him, his stab wound was covered by his coat that he had picked up while fleeing his own home. The rain lashed across the his face, as Jack ran. 'I need to find out what he knows about Celeste. If he knows,then redemption may yet be possible... ' Twilight arose, with lightning flashing across the cityscape in the background.

Jack slowed down and collapsed by a nearby air vent. Breathing heavily, Jack felt his stomach with shaky hands where the knife had entered. With eyesight blurring Jack looked down to see his hands bloody. Unable to move Jack lay against the air duct unable to care what came next only now he needed sleep,rest,something to ease the pain. He had been through worse , he could come back from this....Right?
2013-07-19 20:46:00

Posts: 293

"We're leaving tomorrow."

Kuzanao stood alone in the street, Tanner's words ringing in his head. He couldn't believe that he was leaving Nintendo. He had practically made the **** company, and now... well, he was going off to work for one of it's main competitors the next day. It's not like he was ever going to get a job at Nintendo again, as Iwata had practically fired him, but it still hurt to think that he was going not only against Iwata - but the whole company.

He tried to clear his mind of all of those thoughts, though. He was off to Microsoft tomorrow, and he didn't want to have mixed feelings of his workplace. There was a more important matter to take care of, anyways - where was he going to stay for the rest of the night? He hadn't had dinner, he wanted something to drink, and he needed somewhere to sleep. He couldn't very well head to the bank to grab any more cash than the $10 in his pocket, as Iwata would probably track him down this way. That's when he saw the place he was to stay in the corner of his eyes - a 24 hour Moe's.The building was empty, save for the employees. They were essentially getting paid for doing nothing - it's not like many people visited chains like this nowadays. Most of them - Moe's probably included - were run by one of the Big 3 - yet who ran what was kept under wraps. It was all for surveillance purposes, of course. What better way to spy on competitors than through the security cameras in public places? Obviously, not many people liked this spying, and as such preferred to eat at local resturants. Kuzanao didn't just despise the cameras, though. With Iwata likely taking control of all of them to find Kuzanao (as it was quite obvious he had broken out), Kuzanao now couldn't afford to be caught by the cameras.

Kuzanao liked chains restaurants, though. For some reason, he just loved the processed food, and the prices, being vastly cheaper than that of local restaurants, were liking icing on a fast-food cake.. But, since Kuzanao was not a fan of being taped on video, he had rigged up a device quite a while back that could turn off all of the cameras in a building with just a point and a press of a button. Therefore, it is needless to say that the cameras in Moe's were useless by the time Kuzanao walked in.

Employee A: "Holy crap... customer! Customer is at door!"

Employees started crowding around the desk, trying to get a glance at Kuzanao.

Kuzanao: "I'm guessing business is slow here?"
Employee B: "Yes, business slow! But here you are, standing here!"
Kuzanao: "Well, I hope you're glad to see me. I'm not leaving for a while."

Kuzanao, with his $10, then bought the Unlimited Chips & Salsa and the Unlimited-Refill Soft Drink.

Employee C: "Wait, what you mean you stay for long time?"
Kuzanao: "I need somewhere to stay for the night, and there's nothing against that in your policy, now is there?"

The employees' expressions turned from that of joy to that of anger.

Employee C: "But... you still buy lots of things while here, correct?"
Kuzanao: "I didn't buy the "unlimited" choices on the menu for nothing."
Employee A: "****************CK! This guy cheap! He rip us off!"
Employee B: "I say to you, customer, what the heeeeeeeeeeeeell?"
Employee C: "When this man leave, we change policy real fast!"
Kuzanao: "Good to spend the night with you too, good sirs."

And so, Kuzanao spent the rest of the night with angry Moe's employees.-Kuzanao leaves for MS tomorrow
-Kuzanao doesn't have a home, as he used to live in his office
-Chain resturants tend to be owned by the Big 3 and spy on customers, which is why people don't like to eat at them
-Kuzanao can disable security cameras with a device of his
-Kuzanao is spending the night at Moe's, much to the dismay of the employees
2013-07-19 20:57:00

Posts: 1909

((Holy smokes I don't think I'll ever catch up. Not to sound mean, I do love all the enthusiasm here. However, I am trying to think of how I can combat this issue, perhaps I should try implementing a new feature to the game called "Happy Hour," for where there's a specific hour each day where people can't post, unless it's mainly non-story related comments? Not to limit posting, but to give all the players (including myself) to have that window of opportunity to read up on what people have posted throughout the day.))

((Anyway, I'll be on vacation for the rest of the weekend, but I'll see if I can manage another story post from my phone tonight. Tell me what you guys think about the Happy Hour idea though.))
2013-07-19 21:29:00

Posts: 5208

((I like the Happy Hour idea. Also, I think recaps should be mandatory (I'll edit them into my old posts later)))2013-07-19 21:33:00

Posts: 1909

((Happy Hour sounds like it could work, and I'll go ahead and post some recaps on my old posts... while trying to catch up. xD))
2013-07-19 21:35:00

Posts: 941

((Okay, Happy Hour will be implemented starting tomorrow. (Tomorrow in EST, that is.) Any suggestions for when it should be though? I know it'll be different for certain people, so finding a time that can suit as many people as we can would be great. I know we've got people from America, Brazil and the UK, so there's that to consider. Anyway though, adding recaps would be muchos helpful, and the more I think about it, it shouldn't be much of a hassle anyway. I'll try adding some to my posts as well, later.))2013-07-19 21:51:00

Posts: 5208

((Like happy hour, and also like mandatory recaps, and will also edit into old posts. Finding it hard to play catch up myself today - may not be able to write tomorrow as i have friends over, but will be back in it by the end of the weekend ))2013-07-19 21:51:00

Posts: 1015

((I second break time happy hour. I don't think recaps should be mandatory but I'd be willing to put them in mine. Its just it could eventually encourage people to read the summary rather than the story.))2013-07-19 21:52:00

Posts: 1787

((I really dont mind when the happy hour is, as I tend to get loads of time to catch up on weekdays while at work. not many people seem to post until around now, at least not so far this week. So yeah, I'm fine with whatever personally ))2013-07-19 21:59:00

Posts: 1015

((12:00 in the afternoon PST would be OK for me. :3))2013-07-19 22:07:00

Posts: 1840

((Alright, yeah, everyone who sees this, if they can post certain times or "windows or opportunity" for Happy Hour to occur, while also mentioning time zones, similar to Mags and ria, then I could sort them together and then pick something. I just finished a five-week intensive course, so hopefully my schedule will be a little lighter for more chances to read up on the war. (And no more six-hour gaps early in the day.) ))2013-07-19 22:17:00

Posts: 5208

((I've added recaps to all of my posts. Should make it easier to catch up to Kuzanao's story if anybody feels the need to.))

EDIT: ((Sniped by Dragonvarsity :/. 5:00 ET would be a good Happy Hour for me))
2013-07-19 22:22:00

Posts: 1909

((Im wondering, are people posting more than once in one day? maybe there should be a rule that means you can only have one story post per day to keep it under control as well))2013-07-19 23:20:00

Posts: 1527

((Im wondering, are people posting more than once in one day? maybe there should be a rule that means you can only have one story post per day to keep it under control as well))

((So far I've made 5 posts; 1 post the first, 3 the second day, and 1 today. maybe 1-2 posts today at maximum... BUT I LOVE READING THESE!!!! ))
2013-07-19 23:36:00

Posts: 1840

((I can definitely understand multi-posting moving the story too quickly without others being able to affect it, but still, some writers gotta write I guess. My point is I'm mixed on the idea.))2013-07-19 23:43:00

Posts: 1787

((Glad to see my recaps influencing. As a newb programmer and possible future software engineer, I have a self-policy of adding as many features as possible to stuff. ))
((Happy hour? Well, I don't mind the time, because I post and read occasionally. Probably gonna end at a good time for me anyways.))
((As for post limit, maybe one per day or until everyone else has posted? Could be hard to keep track of though. :/ ))
2013-07-20 00:17:00

Posts: 5891

((@craigmond, amoney, and Mags - Your solid white avatar backgrounds are bothering the heck outta me, so I made versions of them with a background the same shade of blue as the surrondings to make them look transparent (like mine and Merc's). Do you guys want them? /ocd))2013-07-20 00:57:00

Posts: 1909

((@craigmond, amoney, and Mags - Your solid white avatar backgrounds are bothering the heck outta me, so I made versions of them with a background the same shade of blue as the surrondings to make them look transparent (like mine and Merc's). Do you guys want them? /ocd))

((I think that I'm fine with what I have. It's no big deal.
2013-07-20 01:07:00

Posts: 1202

((Glad to see my recaps influencing. As a newb programmer and possible future software engineer, I have a self-policy of adding as many features as possible to stuff. ))
((Happy hour? Well, I don't mind the time, because I post and read occasionally. Probably gonna end at a good time for me anyways.))
((As for post limit, maybe one per day or until everyone else has posted? Could be hard to keep track of though. :/ ))

((Newb programmer? What are you using to learn? :o))
2013-07-20 01:43:00

Posts: 5208

((Newb programmer? What are you using to learn? :o))
((Netbeans ._. ))
2013-07-20 01:47:00

Posts: 5891

((apparently, this is pretty effective, no stories recently. ))2013-07-20 01:49:00

Posts: 1787

((@craigmond, amoney, and Mags - Your solid white avatar backgrounds are bothering the heck outta me, so I made versions of them with a background the same shade of blue as the surrondings to make them look transparent (like mine and Merc's). Do you guys want them? /ocd))

((Yes pl0x))
2013-07-20 01:51:00

Posts: 1840

((I've attached them images.))

EDIT: ((Whoops, didn't read your post amoney.))
2013-07-20 02:00:00

Posts: 1909

((I changed my avatar. Try to find all 5 ninjas! Oh, and Mags, I went to the liberty of doing your avatar to look kewl with teh background, here 46272))2013-07-20 03:07:00

Posts: 431

((I changed my avatar. Try to find all 5 ninjas! Oh, and Mags, I went to the liberty of doing your avatar to look kewl with teh background, here 46272))
((But I JUST did that. Really. See my last post, mate.))
2013-07-20 04:25:00

Posts: 1909

((But I JUST did that. Really. See my last post, mate.))
((Oh, sorry xD))
2013-07-20 05:43:00

Posts: 431

((Oh, sorry xD))
((No worries. Anyways... post time ))
The rain splattered against the floor, and the wind blew through Kuzanao's hair.

He was a traitor.

He let that thought sink in. He had devoted his life to Nintendo. He had influenced the creation of Nintendo. Now... now he was leaving Nintendo. He was leaving them to work for one of their main competitors, in fact.

Tanner: "Are you coming, Mr. Sakamata?"

Kuzanao looked down from the jet's blades and into Hope Tanner's face. He was going to leave with her to New Natal on this jet. Microsoft HQ... Kuzanao couldn't believe it.

Kuzanao: "Under one condition, Tanner."
Tanner: "Pardon?
Kuzanao: "I'm willing to leave everything I've ever worked for at Nintendo. I'm willing to abandon all of the people I've ever met, and all the work I've ever done. I'm willing to, and I'm about to. But only under one condition."
Tanner: "Well, what is it?"
Kuzanao: "I want... I want to kill Satoru Iwata. Give me the opportunity to do this, and I'm yours for life."
Tanner: "What the hell are you trying to get yourself into, Sakamata? If you kill him, and somebody connects you to Micr-"
Kuzanao: "They won't. If I get caught somehow, I'll deny any affiliation with Microsoft."
Tanner: "Jesus Christ, Kuzanao..."
Kuzanao: "It's all I ask. I'll work with Microsoft for life, and I swear in the name of it, if I can be the one to end Iwata."

The pilot of the helicopter eyed Tanner and Sakamata with annoyance.

Pilot: "Clock's ticking, a**holes. Are you getting in or not?"
Tanner (to pilot): "Shut the hell up, I'm not paying you to mouth off!"

The pilot decided, in silence, to turn his attention towards his shoes.

Tanner (to Kuzanao): "Do you really want to kill that man?"
Kuzanao: "...yes."
Tanner: "Then you better step in that copter with me."

Kuzanao gave Tanner a silent look of gratification.

Tanner: "Let's go, recruit."

With that, Kuzanao and Hope stepped into the copter.-Kuzanao realizes that in Nintendo's eyes, he's a traitor.
-Kuzanao says that he will only go to work at MS if he can kill Iwata
-Tanner hesitantly agrees
- Kuzanao boards the helicopter with Hope to go to New Natal
2013-07-20 06:24:00

Posts: 1909

((OH MAN I AM SO BEHIND ON READING (6 pages to be exact). I'm gonna start working on my next post, if it has any conflicts with other stories (which it hopefully shouldn't), let me know.))2013-07-20 07:41:00

Posts: 3262

((OH MAN I AM SO BEHIND ON READING (6 pages to be exact). I'm gonna start working on my next post, if it has any conflicts with other stories (which it hopefully shouldn't), let me know.))
((On the bright side, most of us have added recaps to our old posts, which should make it easier to catch up))
2013-07-20 15:41:00

Posts: 1909

((I'm back earlier than I expected, and already caught up. SO, next order of business: ))

Tanner: "Then you better step in that copter with me."

Kuzanao gave Tanner a silent look of gratification.

Tanner: "Let's go, recruit."

With that, Kuzanao and Hope stepped into the jet.

((Jet-copter? coo.

And anyway, you did an alright job with the last few posts except for 2 things:

- Hope wouldn't come to your rescue herself, and she definitely wouldn't go Eterna City with the current situation.

- I wired the computer in your room to explode, allowing you to escape yourself. I was vague with that post though, so not a big deal.

No need to edit anything though, i'm just going to roll with it.

Also, there shouldn't be a post limit, because one person might have to make like 5 posts for an event 5 minutes long. Happy hour idea is fine though, doesn't matter to me what time.

Expect toast in epic bread later today.))
2013-07-20 16:15:00

Posts: 2135

((Crossover anybody?))2013-07-20 16:22:00

Posts: 2426

((I'm back earlier than I expected, and already caught up. SO, next order of business: ))

((Jet-copter? coo.

And anyway, you did an alright job with the last few posts except for 2 things:

- Hope wouldn't come to your rescue herself, and she definitely wouldn't go Eterna City with the current situation.

- I wired the computer in your room to explode, allowing you to escape yourself. I was vague with that post though, so not a big deal.

No need to edit anything though, i'm just going to roll with it.

Also, there shouldn't be a post limit, because one person might have to make like 5 posts for an event 5 minutes long. Happy hour idea is fine though, doesn't matter to me what time.

Expect toast in epic bread later today.))
((Whoops. I actually was going to include a bit about how Hope was in disguise, but it slipped my mind.))
2013-07-20 16:34:00

Posts: 1909

((Personal shout-out to mobile browsers, erased my hours of progress for TCW posting by continuously reloading the page. So after my little ragequit, I'll try catching up and post like we were meant to post, on a computer, either Sunday night or Monday.))2013-07-20 22:27:00

Posts: 5208


Pwner woke up to a cloudless Sunday morning. He took a long shower, thinking about what was ahead. "Will I have to shoot" Was the thought that kept crossing his mind. He figured if the person was so evil to blow up the Sony Tech Center he wouldn't be too phased. He finally got out and put on his usual blue jeans, T-Shirt, and a red hoodie with gray converse. He walked out of his small apartment down to the Sony HQ. He walked through the doors and up to floor 20, the meeting and also top floor. he couldn't find the Sony Militia meeting room, so he picked up a phone in the game ideas room and speed dialed Amber's desk.


Amber: Hello, Ambers desk.

Pwner: Hey it's me, Pwner, and I can't find the Militia meeting room.

Amber: Oh, I forgot to tell you, it's not on the meeting floor. This is what you have to do. When you get to the elevator, hit these numbers in this order. 7, 7, 4.

Pwner: Why 7, 7, and 4?

Amber: On a dial pad, on a phone, 7 converts to P and S. Then the 4 is just 4.

It took him a second but then Pwner realized...

Pwner: "OHHHHHHH Play Station 4"

Amber: Yes, that will take you to the basement where the meeting will be held. I'll see you there.

Amber Hangs up

'In the basement!?' thought Pwner as he walked to the elevator and typed in as amber said, 7, 7, 4, and sure enough, the elevator went all the way below one to the basement. Pwner wouldn't call it a basement, though, it was just the same, if not better than all the floors. He walked around and found a room titled, Sony Militia Meeting Room, and he walked right in. Somehow, Amber had beaten him and the meeting was just about to start. Everybody said their name and how they were going to help. All of them were assigned locations to spy, but some weren't there to spy, they were soldiers. Most of them in fact. Pwner was assigned New Natal. He was given a fake Microsoft T-Shirt and hoodie. Next, everybody was assigned their weapons. Pwner got a Sniper rifle and a utility belt with a knife, 3 grenades, and binoculars. After the meeting, Pwner headed home and packed up. He would be headed for New Natal sometime within the next 3 days
2013-07-21 00:07:00

Posts: 19

EA had just recently captured amoney, using him as bait for Sony so that they can get whole lot of money from them. But as they were planning, a really fast ninja took down just about every person. The ninja revealed himself as Yuji Naka, the creator of Sonic! He told amoney of his story:

"After Sega disbanded, all of us split. Most of us went to Nintendo, and others Microsoft. The only one that went to Sony was Mark Cerny. The rest of us banded together and called ourselves Sonic Team. We aren't on anyones side, but just travelers, hoping that we will bring back Sega once again."

He also told amoney that they bring no harm to Sony, and will aid them in any battle. He then vanished right in amoney's eyes. amoney, confused, heads off to Metropolis to make sure that nothing has happened there.
2013-07-21 03:24:00

Posts: 1202

Atlas: "I had the dream again."

That's the third time this week.

It was late. Or rather, early. It was around 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning when Gideon's reading had been interrupted by a small, pleading voice coming from his door frame.

The orange chicken Gideon had eaten earlier wasn't sitting with him very well. And ever since he was little, he could never fall asleep with an upset stomach. So instead of trying to fall sleep in vain, he decided to pull out a warn copy of To Spawn a Mockingbird and read a few pages until it passed. Apparently, the stomach ache had been taking its sweet time, as Gideon realized he had been up for quite a while.

With instant recognition and sympathy, he scooted over and patted the left side of his bed. Atlas came waddling in, tightly gripping a stuffed Sackboy doll his creator had given him for his first birthday. He climbed up the bed and buried himself in the sheets as he scooted close to Gideon.

I don't understand how a machine I designed to be absolutely ruthless turned out to be such a... human, Gideon thought to himself. Where did I go wrong? he joked. He empathized with the little guy, though, because he, too, had been plagued with recurring nightmares as a child.

Gideon: "It's okay, buddy. I'm here."

He tried to sound reassuring, but he wasn't completely sure that that was how he was coming across.

Gideon: "I'll always be here."


Three lone trees stand in a clearing of a dark wood. Reaching hundreds of feet in the air, they are each magnificent in their own right. However, despite their equal magnificence, each tree boasts to the others of something it claims makes itself superior. The first tree, (the eldest), points to its blooming flowers.

The Divine: "The sheer beauty of my flowers are unmatched by any. To gaze upon them is to gaze upon divinity itself!"

And as Atlas takes a closer look, he believes it; its flowers are the most beautiful he has ever seen.

The second, (the youngest), stretches out its limbs and exclaims:

The Revolutionary: "Look at how far my branches can reach! Surely there is no other tree on earth whose stretch is as wide as mine!"

And as Atlas examines its branches, he confirms it; he hasn't ever seen a tree with such a large expanse.

The third scoffs at the other two, and lowers its branches so as to direct their attention towards its fruit.

The Wise: "The fruit which I bear has a flavor that is most desirable. It is the sweetest in the land!"

And as Atlas partakes of the fruit, he agrees with it; he has never tasted anything so delicious.

But the others are not so convinced. They continue to argue with each other, each proclaiming their own superiority. As they continue to fight with growing intensity, Atlas notices something he hadn't before. Growing between the trees was a large and ever-expanding briar patch. It's dark, brooding thorns slither among the trees' roots, going completely unnoticed. Atlas tries to warn them as its vines climb up their trunks.

It strikes the eldest first. Its thorns entangle the tree's beautiful flowers, literally squeezing the life out of them. One by one, the petals wilt away. The eldest tree stops arguing just long enough to notice, and shrieks in grief and desperation:

The Divine: "Jealous murderers! You have killed my beautiful flowers!"

The two younger trees begin to accuse each other of committing the murder just as the briar reaches the youngest tree's peak. It strangles its magnificent branches, wringing the water out of its thousands of leaves. The dryness is too much for the tree to handle, and the midday heat causes it to catch fire. The youngest tree stops his accusations just long enough to realize what was happening, and yells with anger and rage:

The Revolutionary: "Envious arsonists! See how my bark blackens and shrivels!"

The two older trees begin to blame each other for starting the fire just as the briar reaches the last tree's peak. It lays to rest on top of its branches, allowing for swarms of aphids and maggots to crawl up from the earth and into the tree's delicious fruit. They eat at its flesh and leave it to rot and fester in the midday heat. The tree stops its bickering just in time to look upon its fruit with horror, and screams in terror and confusion:

The Wise: "Covetous saboteurs! Look how my fruit spoils! All is wasted!"

Atlas stands helpless as the trees shriek and yell and scream in sorrow and pain and horror. They begin to attack each other out of spite, which only prolongs their suffering. The eldest embeds its weeds in the two younger trees. The youngest spreads it infernal flame to the older trees. The last infects the first two trees with its parasites. The briar patch, seeing that the work it has done is good, slithers back down the bark and towards the little robot. Realizing that he himself is now in danger, Atlas tries to run. The thorns, however, have already caught his feet. He stands trapped and looks on with terror as the briar swallows him whole.


Gideon couldn't sleep. He looked over at Atlas and heard the signature humming of his sleep mode. He looked to the right to see the (now a bit creepy) statue of Gatari Buddha smiling at him. He slammed his head back into his pillow and let out a deep sigh. It couldn't have been the stomach ache that was keeping him up; that had passed hours ago. Something else was bothering him.

He stared at the ceiling as he thought about the dream Atlas kept having. He always felt... unsettled whenever he talked about it. It wasn't the dream itself that disturbed him, it was just...

Gideon didn't remember ever programming the ATLAS units to dream.


-Atlas has a recurring nightmare about three trees being killed by briars.
-Gideon can't fall asleep, most likely because hearing about Atlas' dreams disturbs him.
-Gideon wonders how Atlas can dream when he never programmed him to.
2013-07-21 05:29:00

Posts: 941

"Journal: Went on a little excursion to Eterna City today; managed to avoid the crowds rioting over Miyamoto's death. Met a new friend-"

"What are you doing?" Kuzanao asked "Talking to yourself?"

"Recording my journal," She pressed a finger just above her ear "I enjoy writing, so I like keeping a journal."

"Ah, okay."

"About 750 miles to Hawaii ma'am, ETA to New Natal 6 hours." Chimed the pilot.

"Thanks Pilot." Hope settled back into her seat and looked back at Kuzanao. He was staring out the window, clearly still weighing his options. She recognized that even after he was betrayed, that was just one man out of an entire organization that he'd been loyal to for years. Hope knew this, but she wasn't entirely sure if Kuzanao did though. She contemplated this for a while, and after a few minutes she said: "Drink, Kuzanao?"

"Yeah, sure." His head turned into the barrel of Hope's gun, handcuffs coming onto his hands a second after.

"Though I find your desire for revenge against an enemy of mine flattering, you understand that I can't take you in, right? Right then." The helicopter doors flew open and a gust of ocean winds struck them both. "You know, we try to hide all these things about who we're affiliated with, and what we've done, but hiding everything is hard. Not impossible, but it really is much easier to just destroy the evidence. If you ever become a polititian you will learn that."

"I will end both you and Iwata, Tanner."

"Revenge is a fool's game, Sakamata." She shot him in the knee. "And it's Miss President to you." She pushed him out of the sky.

"Met a new friend; he's a nice guy."

- Hope shot Kuzanao and kicked him into the middle of the pacific.
2013-07-21 11:43:00

Posts: 2135

((Sorry for late post, still done on my phone though so please excuse any spelling errors and so on. I'll edit past posts and talk more about Happy Hour when I get home.))

Megan: "So then, what do you say? Are you willing to help me and my candidate?"

Virgil looked over to Megan, seeing the uncertainty lingering in her eyes as she waited for his decision. Her anticipation would be rendered useless however, as he had already made up his mind just moments after the brown-eyed reporter started speaking about the election. He knew that pretending to give it any more thought in front of her would just be wasteful for the both of them, so he tried to tell it as it was.

Virgil: "I'm sorry, Megan, but that isn't my place of business."
Megan: "Not your place? With all due respect Mr. Lee, but given your role for Nintendo, I would think that keeping order in the West would be entirely in your place of business."

The auras of ignorance and persistence that assisted her tone was slightly off-putting at first, but Virgil greatly respected her claims.

Virgil: "I appreciate your cause for concern Mrs. Sharp, but I can't just say yes without considering everything else taking place, as you mentioned earlier."

The area seemed quiet for a second, with Alkitov keeping shut with eyes focused on the gravel roads they stood against. Megan nodded with a smile to look polite, but behind her smile held the telltale signs of dissapointment.

Megan: "I'm not forcing you to say 'Yes', Mr. Lee, I'm simply asking you to look at the facts, that's all.. And it's Miss Sharp, by the way."

Megan handed Virgil what appeared to be a business card with her name and phone number stamped across it, as she left Virgil and Alkitov in silence with some new information to now consider. What he noticed first though as she walked away was what looked like a wedding ring wrapped around her finger, taking Virgil a second to fully understand why their conversation actually lacked any contradictory statements on her part.


The two quickly arrived at the Nintendo HQ, seeing Eterna's police force begin to loose it's grip and taking it out on the civilian population during their drive. The current recklessness the faction was experiencing in its capital was quickly bringing Nintendo new levels of bad reputation, and any conformity Virgil brought to the masses in his speech about Miyamoto's death would be quickly dissipating. The two co-workers landed in the underground parking lots below the city building, with Alkitov flooring it in a nearby spot. They first made a trip to the storage room not far off, where they opened the vault containing the briefcase Virgil acquired from Zhou. Virgil then took the lead over to the main lobby, sliding past concerned citizens and worried stock brokers, taking the nearest elevator up to the 75th floor, where both of them had an office located on.

Alkitov: "Well, at least the offices are still in good shape."

Virgil was a bit surprised that his office was still in good shape, after being a way for a while to work in several countries and later carrying his work over to New Leaf, getting the job from Alkee afterwards to help settle issues in Japan while bringing over the Sangria Dragon on his way. Granted, Alkitov had made his own adjustments since he had been given the space while Virgil was away from the capital, but it still retained a similar look, with the same lounge interconnected, with sofas and a TV on the wall, it even had a min-kitchen to spare. It was probably just a tactic of Nintendo to get the higher-ups to practically live at their job, but Virgil didn't mind it. He set the briefcase down on a glass coffee table, sitting down and glancing over to the general.

Virgil: "The Sangria Dragon. So who's the poet that helped name this?"
Alkitov: " Can't be sure, but I'm sure it references the Tian Empire."
Virgil: "Interesting, and a risk worth taking, then?"
Alkitov "Well, as you know, we didn't have many options when I was over at Liberas to attend the United Factions conference. Given that E3 was around the same time and there was some bad reputation following us and Microsoft, we had to make sure the files were kept safe."

Virgil nodded, and clicked a remote for the flatscreen to turn on, sitting upright to pay attention to the recent reports, as Alkitov began entering the code for the case to open.

News Anchor: "-Today marked the death of not only one of Nintendo's great leaders, Shigeru Miyamoto, but also the deaths of two U.F. representatives, while three of which are still missing."

The screen quickly transitioned to headshots of the people missing and killed, with their names labeled below each image.

Alkitov: "Dear God, did this just come in?"

Virgil stood still as the news went on.

News Anchor: "Both deaths were caused by a Microsoft executive named Ezekiel Davidson, who is now in custody. Liberas police forces have reported that the man met with both officials, implanting bombs in cases which was said to contain important file-"

Virgil swooped over to Alkitov who had already opened it. A sharp, high-pitched electronic sound pierced the entire floor as Virgil tried covering his ears, sprinting over and grasping the suitcase. He ran with it through the lounge and through the office, throwing it forward as it broke through the glass windows of the 75th floor, exploding in mid-air as it sent Virgil backward, breaking the rest of the glass in front of him.

Virgil continues conversation with Megan, rejecting her offer to have him on board for election campaign in the U.S.
Virgil and Alkitov head back to HQ, where they pick up the briefcase and plan to open it in their offices. They head up to the 75th floor, but as Alkee opens it, reports come in of dead/missing United Faction members from Liberas, the U.F. capital in Greenland. Terrorist responsible for the deaths, MS exec Ezekiel Davidson, is now in custody, but he also intended to kill Alkitov with bombs implanted in the briefcase acquired from Zhou. Virgil quickly throws it through the window after its opened, and it quickly explodes, sending him backwards.
2013-07-21 18:21:00

Posts: 5208

((Okay, I'm back home now. I've added totalpwner's sign-up to the list, and for playing catch-up, I think I'm just going to read through everyone's posts I missed thus far while creating TCW Newsroom's Week 1 Issue, and hopefully everyone can see anything they might have missed during this crazy opening of insanity. Now that I'm settled back in though, let's talk about some of the topics discussed regarding recaps and such to make sure things are clear.

I'm not going to make any particular limit of posting, as Merc makes some good points regarding posting in bulk. However, ya know, don't try posting too much if ya don't have to, although I might break that rule to progress main story elements and such. I also won't make recaps absolutely necessary, but they do help me with the Newsroom, and yet I understand, as MATEOS mentioned, they might motivate people not to read it, so it's you guys' choice to do so or not. (But ya know, if the post's very long and whatnot, a little recapping might not hurt. For people like amoney who delivers the short-and-sweet kinda posts, I know for a fact that recaps aren't necessary with him.) Now, as for Happy Hour, here's what people seemed to prefer.

rialrees: Any time is good, catches up during work.
DominationMags: 12:00 PM PST
Ryan86me: 5:00 PM EST
gdn001: Any time is good here too.
Merc: Doesn't matter what time it is.
Dragonvarsity: Somewhere between 1:00-3:00 PM EST

Hmm, I guess I could pull my training back some, thanks to easier schedules for the next two weeks, pushing the hour forward and closer to Ryan's sweet spot. There's also PST to consider, which is three hours behind me and Ryan, allowing for some manipulation here and there. Therefore....

Happy Hour will take place between 3:00-4:00 PM EST

This way, it can be sandwiched between the opportune times for me and Ryan, and lucky Mags being three hours behind will get it on his preferred time of 12:00 because of that. (assuming he meant noon by what he said) Everyone else who chimed in were pretty much fine whenever, and even though I tried accommodating work hours for you and anyone else ria, the fact that you're in Wales (and I assume GMT) means you're four hours ahead, which makes things a little tricky. (to make things earlier, at least) But I wouldn't be surprised if we had a bunch of people from the U.K. writing for this, so if there's any adjustments needed, just say so. I'm just trying to follow what those who spoke up said.))
2013-07-21 21:26:00

Posts: 5208

Nathan: Well that's Peculiar.

Nathan was at the case scene, laying before him on the grass on the outskirts of Eterna was a standard issue assault rifle. However it wasn't a weapon given to those who enlist with Nintendo. In fact to Nathan it looked like a gun he had heard about in the past. A gun that belonged to members of a special terrorist group. The name of the organization? well Nathan had forgotten but if there was one thing he knew about this organization, it was that they should've of been long gone by now. So how does a gun belonging to them end up here and more importantly who was carrying it with them and why did they live it here. Did they have a choice? was it forced upon them? maybe but Nathan had his doubts because the gun was placed at a straight horizontal angle on the floor. It was almost like someone was daring Nathan to come investigate the scene.

Out from his jacket pocket Nathan withdrew a duster, he dusted the rifle for fingerprints but to no avail. The gun was spotless, this suggested that the person carrying the gun was wearing gloves so it is in most likelihood that the rifle was placed there. But why, what is there to gain from placing a simple rifle next to the city and why would you fire gunshots without any intention of hurting someone?

Nathan scratched his head, he was confused as he has ever been. Chuckling to himself he recalled what he said earlier...

Nathan: Well I said this better be good, didn't I?

Nathan put on some gloves and investigated the gun further, whilst investigating it he noticed something. Engraved on the backside of the handle was



2013-07-21 21:28:00

Posts: 1061

((GMT is 5 hours ahead, just heads up.))

((And anyway, after your last post with the MS execs killing guys, DOES THIS MEAN WAR? Either way I'm going to need all of the details so I can invade Nintendo/defuse the situation.))
2013-07-21 21:32:00

Posts: 2135

((GMT is 5 hours ahead, just heads up.))

((And anyway, after your last post with the MS execs killing guys, DOES THIS MEAN WAR? Either way I'm going to need all of the details so I can invade Nintendo/defuse the situation.))

((Oh, woops. All these sites say GMT is four hours ahead and GMT plus an hour was 5 hours ahead. Anyway though, thanks for the clarification. About the exec, yeah, umm, you'll find out about that laateeer. Anyway though, do what you want to give Nintendo some bad rep. while I give Microsoft some bad rep., while we all end up making Sony the goodytoo-shoos of the world.))


"After Sega disbanded, all of us split. Most of us went to Nintendo, and others Microsoft. The only one that went to Sony was Mark Cerny. The rest of us banded together and called ourselves Sonic Team. We aren't on anyones side, but just travelers, hoping that we will bring back Sega once again."

((Okay, I'm going to have to stop you there. Saying that basically everyone from SEGA split to the other factions kinda messes up some of my story plans. Unless you want the Sonic Team to specifically have banded with the factions, that might kind of work despite the civil unrest against any support for the ancient factions, but otherwise, those still alive who were known to help out SEGA & Atari wouldn't be getting much love from the Big Three, I'd imagine.))
2013-07-21 21:42:00

Posts: 5208

((Okay, I'm going to have to stop you there. Saying that basically everyone from SEGA split to the other factions kinda messes up some of my story plans. Unless you want the Sonic Team to specifically have banded with the factions, that might kind of work despite the civil unrest against any support for the ancient factions, but otherwise, those still alive who were known to help out SEGA & Atari wouldn't be getting much love from the Big Three, I'd imagine.))

((Oh. Well, not EVERYONE went to a different faction, but they just split, and some went to the other factions. Others are probably doing other stuff, and then there's Sonic Team.))
2013-07-21 23:11:00

Posts: 1202

((Oh. Well, not EVERYONE went to a different faction, but they just split, and some went to the other factions. Others are probably doing other stuff, and then there's Sonic Team.))

((Okay, and the Sonic Team leaving to work for Sony is fine. I just want to make sure that the vast majority of SEGA, like Atari, has been left behind/didn't join up with other factions, and instead just split. Not to hog that part of the setting/world, it just plays into the story for those who haven't found out what I'm trying to do with them.))
2013-07-21 23:13:00

Posts: 5208

((Okay, and the Sonic Team leaving to work for Sony is fine. I just want to make sure that the vast majority of SEGA, like Atari, has been left behind/didn't join up with other factions, and instead just split. Not to hog that part of the setting/world, it just plays into the story for those who haven't found out what I'm trying to do with them.))

((I might want to do something with Valve, dunno yet.... :kz)
2013-07-22 00:04:00

Posts: 1840

((I might want to do something with Valve, dunno yet.... :kz)

((Oh no, not the publishers! Just kidding, uh yeah I guess you can do whatever with that, although I think they're usually uncharted territory when it comes to Console wars. ))
2013-07-22 00:22:00

Posts: 5208

((Oh no, not the publishers! Just kidding, uh yeah I guess you can do whatever with that, although I think they're usually uncharted territory when it comes to Console wars. ))
((My advice for dealing with publishers would be:
1. Don't hog them. Others might involve their plots around the same publisher;
2. Make them have a reasonable character. Wouldn't make sense for Valve to be a plush toy manufacturer, for example. ))
2013-07-22 00:38:00

Posts: 5891

((Good then. It's time to do some CEO stuff.))

The helicopter's engines shuddered to a stop as it landed atop The Tower of Autumn's landing pad. ((MS capital building, same one I was in earlier.)) Hope's hair briefly flapped in the wind as she stepped off the aircraft and walked back into her office, managing to ignore the new beeping in her ear long enough to get a drink from the bottle of wine on her desk. Remembering what her job was, she responded to the call.

"Tanner here."

"Miss President, we have a problem."

"Is this something else to do with Nintendo?"

"Yes. Ezekiel Davidson has killed 2 U.F. men; 3 more are missing."

"I know him, right?" She took another sip of wine.

"He's on the board, he voted in favour of you in the leadership race."

"So that means the media is taking it that I supported him too, and they're seeing it as an act of terrorism towards the U.F. because the man is labeled as Microsoft."

"Indeed. Do you want me to call a press conference ma'am? You'd better sort this out or else we'll have Sony, Nintendo and everything in between out to get us."

"Do it."

Cameras flashed all around as Hope took her place behind the podium in the Tower's Press room on the second floor. Media conglomerates from MSB to CNN gathered around, ready to hear what the president had to say on the matter of the oncoming war. As she cleared her throat, all of them went silent.

"As many of you must have heard, a former board member, Ezekial Davidson has been confirmed to have killed 2 U.F. representatives, and 3 more are missing. I would like to confirm, that I nor Microsoft have ordered any of these attacks, and the actions of this man no not reflect those of myself, or the company. This was a completely unsanctioned attack and we have no involvement."

"Miss President! Miss President! What do you have to say about the death of Mr. Miyamoto?"

"Shigeru Miyamoto's death is a tragedy to all of the gaming industry, and his loveable personality and passion for making games are an inspiration to myself and everyone in the world. I can assure everyone that Microsoft has nothing to do with his death."

"What does the death of these men mean about the rising tensions between Microsoft and Nintendo?"

"There's nothing to say. We are competing companies in the console market, nothing more. We are not at war."

"But could you be? Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo all have sizeable armies despire the nature of the companies. Two companies could team up on the other to push them out of the market and get more money for themselves."

The war was inevitable, this reporter had reminded her of that, but she wasn't just going to outright say it.

"If that should, by a rare chance happen, and we are attacked, our forces are ready to defend the lives and well-being of the company under any circumstance." She was about to finish, but there was no point in a speech that didn't leave people talking. "I'd like to reiterate that we did not have anything to do with these attacks... but If Sony or Nintendo are ever foolish enough to lay a finger on my company, on my employees and friends, it will be the last thing that they ever touch. I didn't become the President of this company to see it run into the ground, and I'm sure as hell not going to."

2013-07-22 01:41:00

Posts: 2135

The wind blew through Kuzanao's hair.

The rain pelted Kuzanao's body.

It was just like it had been half an hour ago when Kuzanao boarded Tanner's copter, only now Kuzanao was 500 yards in the air with a bullet in his leg.

"I deserve this."

The dark thought was the only thing on his mind as he plummeted towards the ocean. Because of one man's actions, Kuzanao had abandoned an entire company... no, his company, to work for one of their main competitors. He was a traitor, and now he was paying the price. The saying goes that your life flashes before your eyes when you know you're about to die.

Kuzanao disagreed.

As he fell rapidly, there were no flashbacks, and there was no sadness or regret. There was nothing in his mind other than the feeling of acceptance. He accepted that he had this coming to him, and that this was the fate of a traitor.

Then, with blood oozing from his leg and his consciousness fading, Kuzanao made impact with the vast ocean.
A bright light filled Kuzanao's eyes...

Kuzanao: "...Am... I... dead?"
Unknown Man: "No, but you're lucky you're not."

That was odd. Kuzanao had definitely been shot and thrown out into the ocean... no man could live through that, right?

Kuzanao: "W-where am I?"
Unknown Man: "You're in Eterna Medical Facility. Some fishermen found you floating in the middle of the ocean with a bullet in you, so they brought you to the nearest hospital, which obviously, happened to be here. The higher ups assigned me to take of you, so here I am."

A slight smile appeared on Kuzanao's bruised face. He felt sore all over... turns out falling 1500 feet into a body of water did bad things to a person. But still... Kuzanao wasn't dead. He had made it out of the ocean alive, and now he was in a hospital bed talking to somebody who had saved his life instead of trying to end it. There was only one thing that bothered him...

Kuzanao: "I fell from a helicopter more than 1,000 feet in the air. How the hell did I make it out of there in one piece?"

No man should've been able to survive that fall, especially with a bullet lodged into their body. Yet here he was, alive and breathing.

Doctor: "As for your life, the fact that your heart is still beating is nothing short of a miracle. On the other hand, I wouldn't say you made it out of the ocean in one piece..."

What the hell was this guy talking about? Surely Kuzanao's body was whole. He didn't feel anything missing. That is, he didn't think he felt anything missing. That was when he looked down at his leg.


In place of Kuzanao's right leg, to his surprise, was... a robotic replacement, from the calve down. He had seen them on the news before, the stories of amputees living normal lives via prosthetic parts, but he never would've expected to have one himself.

Doctor: "There was a bullet in your leg, and the wound hadn't been dressed by the time you hit the water. As such, by the time you arrived at the fishermen's boat, the skin the bullet had entered in had become infected. When I got a hold of you, the entire body part had already become infected. An amputation was necessary."
Kuzanao: "****..."
Doctor: "There's no need to worry. Your leg has been replaced with a ROBOTICA R87, the company's newest model. It's been designed to integrate with a user's cells, so the connection is seamless. From the perspective of your brain, there's no difference between this leg and a real one."

It was true. The prosthetic felt extremely natural, and it was immediately obvious that Kuzanao wouldn't have to spend time getting used to this thing. Plus, it simulated every muscle from the calve down - even down to his feet and toes, which were included in the prosthetic - so the amount of control and precision in a real leg was completely present.

Kuzanao: "Well, as much as I'd like to get out of here without paying a penny, it's quite apparent that this leg is worth quite a few thousands. So how much am I going to have to pay?"
Doctor: "Nothing at all, Mr. Sakamata. Surprisingly enough, your insurance was able to cover both the operation and the parts."

For a second time, Kuzanao briefly flashed a smile. Working at Nintendo had paid him greatly, so he was able to afford the best insurance around. He still had millions in his bank, as well, so there would be no monetary setbacks for quite some time. Speaking of time...

Kuzanao: "You know, I really hate god **** hospitals, and I've got some business to attend to. So when can I get out of here?"
Doctor: "Well, you've already been here for two weeks, as the trauma you experienced before arriving here put you in a temporary coma. Your vitals are all positive, as well, so I suppose you can leave now if you really want to."
Kuzanao: "Good to hear."

With a painful grunt, Kuzanao managed to get to his feet. Ironically, his right leg and foot were the only parts of his body that didn't hurt. Kuzanao thought about this for a second, and managed to put two and two together.

Kuzanao: "Sir, a thought just occurred to me. Can my right leg and foot feel at all?"
Doctor: "Of course. Tactile feedback is one of the most important parts of a body, is it not?"

Kuzanao eyed the doctor suspiciously.

Doctor: "Yes?"
Kuzanao: "If this prosthetic allows me to feel, why is it that my leg doesn't hurt?"
Doctor: "I was wondering if you were ever going to ask, Mr. Sakamata. You see, I've noticed throughout my career that pain does nothing but hinder a person. Many patients of mine have lost their lives just from being overwhelmed with pain, you see. I figured a man like you - one who gets into such scenarios as falling into the ocean from a helicopter with a gunshot in you - could use a lack of pain in at least one area of your body, so I modified the programming of the leg's internal microchip to keep it from feeling pain."
Kuzanao: "Thanks, but... that incident was just an accident. A friend in the helicopter accidentally misfired his gun, and the impact of the bullet pushed me off of the vehicle."

The doctor eyed Kuzanao silently.

Doctor: "You and I both know better, Mr. Sakamata. These are dark times, and the tension between the Big 3 is rising. You used to be one of the lead programmers at Nintendo before you were laid off, and now I find out that you were floating in the ocean with a bullet in your leg. Do you really expect me to believe that that's just a coincidence?"

Kuzanao shook his head. This man was wise, and there was no use trying to lie to him. Kuzanao walked to the door and opened it.

Kuzanao: "Before I leave... I never did get your name."
Doctor: "The name's Raidou Shinkawa."
Kuzanao: "Thanks for everything, Raidou."

With that, Kuzanao walked out of the room and afterwards out of the hospital. He had a lot of things to think about, but he held his emotions back. He was never going to let what happened with Tanner and Iwata happen again. Coding and hacking could only get him so far, and while both of them were useful assets, there was something he needed to do before he even thought about these skills - he needed to learn how to fight.-Kuzanao acknowledged that he was a traitor and that he deserved to die before hitting the ocean
-Kuzanao woke up in Eterna Medical Facility 2 weeks later
-Fishermen had found Kuzanao and turned him into the facility, which is why he was there
-Kuzanao's right leg was replaced by a prosthetic called the ROBOTICA R87, modified to not feel pain
-The doctor explained that he did the amputation and the operation to replace the leg to save Kuzanao's life
-Kuzanao thought about how he had millions in his bank
-Kuzanao left the hospital after getting the doctor's name - Raidou Shinkawa.
-Kuzanao decided he needed to learn how to fight
2013-07-22 04:10:00

Posts: 1909


Mags walked into the dusty warehouse. Located underneath New Natal, the brick warehouse was hard to breathe in. It was so dusty you could barely see the other side of the place, but then again the warehouse was so big you would barely be able to see the other end anyways. Veers had told him to direct here, and he saw many men around his age, who, just like him, and been recruited to join Microsoft in a military that Tanner had started after some U.F. men had been killed by a person associated with Microsoft. War had not been officially been declared on the other 2 factions; but everyone knew it was coming. And here they were, in the Testing Department, if you could call it that. Mags walked to the back of the sign-up line, his MSLMG on strapped on his back. Then he was startled by a yell coming from the balcony on the top of the warehouse.


Everyone looked over, startled by the huge LMG strapped to Mags' back. He looked like pretty ba*******.

Mags: "Oh, um... sorry. I was given this gun by a man named Bill, who took me here on a helicopter from Old Natal. I didn't know it was unauthorized here."

"Look, kid, I don't know a Bill, and I sure as hell don't know any helicopter that was sent to receive a kid from Old Natal. Everyone in this line had to walk here by foot, it was part of their test. Now hand over the LMG before you shoot my foot off."

And, now that Mags was thinking about it, he might have actually shot the guys foot off right there.

Mags: "Look who's talking big. Who do you think you are anyways? I was taken here by helicopter, and the helicopter was shot down after a fire in Vita City."

"Look, kid," as the guy took out his Microsoft Eagle, ((desert eagle )) "I'm not afraid to shoot you here and now. I have no patience for immature brats like-"

3 bullets went right next to the mans head.

???: "Look, George, you can shut the **** up now. This "kid" is more of a man then you'll ever be, and he could beat your face in right now. You're fired, go the **** home. And, now that I think about it, you can go home by foot, its part of your training," a feminine voice exclaimed annoyed.

George, Mags assumed that was his name anyways, was in awe. He got up, put up his Microsoft Eagle, and shot 5 bullets right at the women.

She quickly moved her head side to side, dodging all 5 bullets, took out her USP, and put the bullet right in the man's face. "Look, I don't have time to talk. You got a 10/10 on the testing, I have an apartment waiting for you in the Miltary Building, and you shall report for duty when called."

All of the other recruits couldn't process what had just happened. They had just seen a man murdered, by a girl, and she wasn't even fazed by it.

Mags: "WAIT! Who are you? Why did you come here, and why'd you kill that man? It was fine, he wasn't causing me any harm."

???: "Eh, he was a ***** anyways. Look, I have stuff to do, Ezekial Davidson has put me in a hole here, and I have places to be. The names Hope Tanner by the way. See you in combat."


When Mags got back to his new apartment. He had heard that name before. Ezekial Davidson. But where?

Then he opened the window, looked in the sky, and saw a huge warplane fly over New Natal. 5 letters were printed on the bottom, but could only see one, the first letter of the word, "V."
2013-07-22 04:28:00

Posts: 1840

((I don't know what just happened there. I think that Hope shot a guy or something and then someone was bullying Mags? Anyway,

Can I assume that this is before the press conference? That would make a lot more sense.))
2013-07-22 10:11:00

Posts: 2135

((I don't know what just happened there. I think that Hope shot a guy or something and then someone was bullying Mags? Anyway,

Can I assume that this is before the press conference? That would make a lot more sense.))

((Yea, I made it so you came in, shot the dude, told Mags your name, and you left to your press conference. Sorry bout that. ._.))
2013-07-22 14:28:00

Posts: 1840

((Sorry about the wall of text that was my last post, I just realized how long the dang thing was. I got carried away . Also, does anyone object to me saying that Apple is dead a few posts ahead? I want to comment on how Android and Windows ending up killing the iPhone and Mac lines, respectively, as I feel that could end up turning into an important plot point somewhere down the line. Anyways, I'm going to go ahead and make a post now, I'm pretty bored.))
The library.

Kuzanao couldn't believe these **** places still existed, but here he was, sitting at one. Of course, he wasn't here to hit the books - in this day and age, Kuzanao just did all of that via eBooks, and it eluded him that there were still people who read real, physical books. No, Kuzanao wasn't here for something as feeble as a book - he was here to use one of the publicly available computers.

He sat at one of the Windows PCs, preparing to do a search. Of course, he wasn't just going to open up IE and jump onto the internet - that was far too risky, what with Microsoft tracking all activity on Windows machines. He shut the computer off and put in a USB stick. He turned the computer back on, and was greeted with his own custom OS.


There was to be no tracking of Kuzanao now. He had designed this OS from the ground up to be impenetrable, and without any of that Big 3 tracking ********. Now that Sony and Nintendo had built their own widely used Operating Systems, virtually every OS in the world was used by the Big 3 to spy on users.

With his OS booted up, Kuzanao opened the web browser. Now, he was free to do whatever he pleased without worrying about surveillance.

Kuzanao (to computer): "Computer, Google 'Raidou Shinkawa'."
Computer: "Searching 'Radiou Shinkawa'..."

Instantly, the computer displayed the results. Voice control was much better than the archaic nature of the keyboard and mouse, and why the Big 3 still used the KB and Mouse system for their OSes was a mystery to Kuzanao. Ignoring this, he glanced at the search results, but decided he didn't want to have to sift through a ton of websites just to find some straight information on the doctor that had managed to arise his suspicion.

Kuzanao: "Actually, **** Google. Computer, give me basic information on Radiou Shinkawa."
Computer: "Understood, Mr. Sakamata. Raidou Shinkawa, at 28 years old, is the founder and CEO of ROBOTICA Inc. Two weeks ago, he disappeared from his office, and his location is currently unknown."

This made no sense. Why in hell would somebody with that level of power flee to work at a random hospital in Eterna? Also, he had left his office two weeks ago...

Kuzanao: "Computer, tell me the exact date Mr. Shinkawa was found missing."
Computer: "Radiou Shinkawa was found to not be at his office on July 18."
Kuzanao: "Jesus Christ..."

The day Tanner had thrown Kuzanao off of her helicopter was July 18th, and Raidou had left his office on the same day. Did this mean that he had left for the sole purpose of saving Kuzanao?

Kuzanao: "Computer, shut down and reboot to Windows."
Computer: "Understood."

The computer, as it was asked, rebooted to Windows, and Kuzanao then removed his flash drive. He had not touched the computer's files due to the portable nature of his OS, so there was no traces on the computer that Kuzanao had ever used it. So, with his flash drive in his pocket, Kuzanao exited the library and began to walk towards Eterna Medical Facility.

He and Raidou had unfinished business.-Kuzanao went to the library to search information on Raidou Shinkawa
-Sony and Nintendo have made their own OSes to compete with Windows
-Kuzanao had made his own custom OS w/o the survellience found in Microsoft's, Sony's, and Nintendo's, and said OS is fully voice-control operated
-Kuzanao used said OS, stored on a USB drive, to conduct his search
-Kuzanao asked the computer about Raidou
-Raidou turned out to be the CEO of ROBOTICA, Inc., and had disappeared from office the same day Kuzanao was shot
-Kuzanao had left the library to head to Eterna Medical Facility and find Raidou
2013-07-22 17:58:00

Posts: 1909

Nathan was taken back by this, he knew exactly what faction had used this weapon. Microsoft!. The way that the weapon looked it almost seemed personalised, as if it was made as a gift for some executive or someone at least important. Turning to say something to his guard he noticed he wasn't there and in the guard's place was a note attached to a nearby tree. It read...

Note: Sodded off for lunch, see you in an hour or two.

Nathan: Bugger...

Something caught Nathan's eye, well not something because this was no object. It was a young women storming down the road in what seemed to be in some sort of cross between a saddened step and an angry one. Nathan in a panic grabbed the gun and placed it in his backpack. After he had he greeted the lady by stupidly obstructing her path.

Nathan: I am sorry but I can't let you come this way.

She looked puzzled at first but then just rolled her eyes and responded,

Woman: And why is it that I can't go past, you don't own this road.

Nathan: I apologize for the inconvenience but this is an investigation and I as one of Nintendo's specialist has to make sure that it is kept away from civilians.

Her face lit up at the word "Specialist", she wasn't frowning anymore, nor did she have a disappointed or annoyed look about her, to be honest it looked as if that single word had managed to change her feelings upside down completely. Nathan was puzzled and when he gets puzzled he gets anxious, well normally anyway but this woman just seemed to be a bit different then he thought of when he get his first impression of her, that was about three minutes ago and yet she had already managed to change his opinion of her.

Woman: Allow me to introduce myself, I am Megan, the reason I was slightly moody earlier was because I have a problem with Nintendo's Political chairman, I am sure you may of heard of Virgil Lee, am I right?

Nathan nodded in agreement because it was all he could muster up to manage to do. The name Virgil Lee was often exchanged around the office as a great person of extreme importance and that if you ever wanted anything serious done or to have permission for extreme changes, it always went through Virgil, he watched over everything. He was a sign of raw power and Nathan did not want to get mixed up in this but when he looked for an excuse at his investigation scene, he realized he pretty much cleared it by placing the rifle in his backpack. Sighing to himself he just had a sudden glimpse of hope that maybe she didn't need help with him, maybe she just wanted to know where he is right now? Yeah that's most likely it.....

Megan: I was wondering if you could help me with him?

Nathan (to himself): Bugger!


((lets kick this baby to maximum overdrive!))
2013-07-22 22:16:00

Posts: 1061

Glass cracked. Papers flying. Smoke filled the air.

Time slowed down as Virgil heard the deafening noise of what sounded like a grenade going off right by his ear. His perception dulled as time moved a few beats slower than before, and that wasn't just because of the jet lag he'd often experience in his nomadic job. He attempted to get up without cutting himself on the broken glass, but he accidentally dug a couple fingers of his into some of the sharp pieces, scattered across the floor, with his fingers now bleeding with more on his face that he wasn't sure of the origin point for. The little fragments of the suitcase left from the explosion flew downward and crashed against the sidewalk near the headquarters building. You could say Virgil was lucky no shrapnel had been ejected from the casing in the explosion, that is, because the impact against the rest of the windows had already caused a shard of glass to shoot right into Virgil's leg. Tangent to the fibula located down below his left knee to be exact, Virgil let out a sharp scream of pain as a pool of blood began to leak around the wound.

His hearing was still jacked from the echoing sounds of the blast, and the smoke surrounding the area wasn't helping either, but the altered footsteps of Alkitov running over to him could still be heard. Both began coughing heavily in the now grey-tinted room, as Alkee tried helping Virgil up, quickly recognizing the piece of glass caught in his leg. Virgil let out another yelp, immediately telling his friend to drop him back onto the ground. The leg was badly wounded, and any pressure would cause the pain to shoot back up through his left leg.

"Eurrrr, Alk... there's a kit, over..", Virgil pointed his finger over towards one of the cabinets in the kitchen area.

Alkitov rushed over and found a first aid kit packed in. He opened it up, and got some water to help wash the wound off. Before he could get much accomplished though, the door was busted open by a group of Nintendo operatives and medics, trying to assist Virgil while ignoring Alkitov as he stood by while they helped prop him up. The politician was placed on a stretcher and wheeled over to the elevator, taken down to the lobby and rushed past the same worried civilians and stock brokers who were standing there before. People were shocked to see one of Nintendo's top chairmen to be rushed out of the building, as nearby TV sets hooked up on the first floor's walls began reporting of the bomb hitting the 75th floor of Nintendo Headquarters.


Nate: "Help you with him? Well, it's not like I know the guy personally or anything."
Megan: "I understand, but if you do run into him, please let me know."

Megan nodded, following her statement by handing Nate a card with her phone number and e-mail labeled across it, the same one she gave Virgil, as if she had an entire collection of them stored in her pockets. Nate wasn't sure what to say as the blonde-haired woman walked off, so he simply tucked the card into his wallet, shifting his eyes around to keep a low profile as he started walking through the streets, trying not to stick out in the crowd given the equipment he had been now storing.


Virgil was sent off into an ambulance, as it drove out of the HQ's parking lots and through the busy streets of Eterna, travelling under the Warp Pipe tunnel system, and arriving at Kremlin Hospital, one of the closest medical institutions to the capital's central buildings. Virgil's eyes remained open for most of the short trip there, with his consciousness barely fading. The blast might have caused some scratches, cuts, and wounds, particularly the one is his leg, but the chairman had been thankful enough to not end up with anything too deep or severe. He questioned the use of an ambulance to take him out while the other victims of these explosions had all suffered from major injuries, if not death. But he was sure that treating his wounds wasn't the only reason Virgil and the general were taken out of the capital building. They both were put in one of the more private rooms, kept secluded from the rest of the hospital. Once there, the doctors got to work, working on the wounds and taking the shards of glass out of Virgil's hand and leg. Alkitov stood out until the pieces were all removed, and Virgil spoke with some of the doctors, with a few others from Nintendo standing with them.

Doctor: "None of the pieces were too deep for us not to retrieve, but the shards in your leg will take a little while to heal from."
Virgil: "How long are we talking?"
Doctor: "It varies, but at least for the next 12 hours I'd say."

Alkitov swore, but Virgil decided to keep his tongue clean despite the irritating news. The doctors were quickly escorted out of the room as Virgil, Alkee, and the others standing in began to speak with each other.

Virgil: "The explosion was from a suitcase, just like those reported from the deaths, used by Ezekiel Davidson. Do we have any more news on the terrorist or Liberas' current state?"

Virgil looked over to a squad leader by the name of Henry.

"Ezekiel's in custody right now, but each faction is trying to get Ezekiel to get in their custody, since members of each of them were killed or captured.", Henry stated.

Virgil contemplated things for a moment in his bed before shooing the Henry and the other person out as well, then turning over to Alkitov as he stood there, quiet.

Virgil: "Tell me Alk, how exactly did you acquired the Sangria Dragon?"
Alkitov: "Alright, well the man I spoke to wasn't said to be Microsoft, and his name wasn't Ezekiel, either. He was a reliable source known as Roger Goodwin, but that could've just been one of his aliases. Last I checked, the media hasn't been willing to release any photos of the person despite being captured, so I can't verify this being the same person."
Virgil: "So you got the case from Goodwin on Liberas during the U.F. conference, and then transported the package to Zhou?"
Alkitov: "That's right, although I was able to see what was inside the briefcase before transporting it over-"

Virgil's and Alkitov's conversation was quickly cut off by Henry as he swung the door open, with a look of despair spread across his face.

Alkitov: "Henry, get your *** out of here, can't you see we're trying to talk?!"

"Commander, it's urgent!", Henry exclaimed.

Alkitov paused, allowing Henry to continue.

"Did either of you get a good look when the suitcase exploded?"

Virgil raised his hand nonchalantly, as Henry continued.

"..And did you see any actual documents from explosion?"

Virgil considered it for a second. There were papers flying near the area of explosion, but those that he had remembered in the air were from the sides of the office, flying due to the impact caused around the window and shelves nearby. But no papers flew from the case itself. And yet, Alkitov saw the case open when he first made the deal with Goodwin and before shipping it to Metropolis. Meaning that a bomb wasn't simply implanted with the files, but someone must have taken them out, and replaced them with the bomb.

Alkitov: "The papers were taken out. Documents that meant the protection of our faction, Virgil. If that information gets out, it could mean-"

Henry grabbed the hospital remote, turning on a television set placed in the room, as news reports buzzed with even more news.

News Anchor: "We come to you with even more breaking news ~ an anonymous user has just leaked a series of documents detailing the locations of numerous Nintendo agents currently in hiding. The japanese government has made many efforts already to take down the pages, but it is spreading rapidly across the internet, through Twitter, Facebook, Youtube. The documents are popping up in different links and blogs all over the web, exposing many high-tier operatives."

Alkitov: "-It could mean war between the factions."
2013-07-23 00:32:00

Posts: 5208

“I found him.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want this to be another restaurant incident.”

“We only missed him that time because the software he used was too sophisticated. The only reason we even knew to look at it was because hacking public surveillance is –“

“Get on with it!”

“The point is, by the time we tracked it, he was gone. But doing it a second time was much easier, even by myself. The only reason it took me this long is because the device he used is so much more complicated, but I have him, and I don’t think he knows about it.”


“This guy is good. The only reason I found him is because I was specifically looking for his work. Most people would be completely lost. He didn’t even sign into the main nets, only through his program. If there’s anyone better at a computer than me, it’s him.”

“You’d better hope he’s not.”

“Should I take the information to the rest?”

“No, give the basics to your brother. He’ll be handling the situation from here.”

“But sir, I’m the one that found him. I think I should-“

“No, I need you for a more important matter. Believe it or not, there are bigger fish than Mr. Sakamata.”

“Yes sir.”
2013-07-23 01:46:00

Posts: 1787

Doctor the visions have became worse. Nothing seems to stop them. I need help and fast. The symptoms are the same as last time however i feel more and more tired everyday. It might be the poisoning from "the incident" sadly i fear it will kill me. All i want to know is how long i have left and if you can prescribe anything other than pills for the vision. My apologies for being vague but i'll talk more when i see you in person.

Yours sincerely, William "Greenly" Johnson

Recap: Greenly is sent to kill a target who escapes twice. Greenly then prepares to ambush his target at the address of a friend of his. However a set of visions of his past put a halt to this plan. In the past Greenly and his 3 squad-mates are stationed in the Cercy region. While on patrol a NUKE is launched and detonates.

((I'm still quite a few pages behind so tomorrow non-stop reading.))
2013-07-23 02:45:00

Posts: 996

((Thou shall provide a title for the spoiler: [SPOILER=Title]))

((Anyway, I'm quite behind in post count...))

Trevor woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of his phone ringing. He thought about setting it on silent for a change, but the caller name caught his attention. It was Freddiew, from the SDCW.

- Fred? Why are you calling me?
- Come to the division, download your files.
- What?
- Sorry, wrong number, goodbye!

That was odd. Freddiew was the out of Earth type of guy, but he seemed dead serious. Download his files? Trevor remembered about the unauthorized invasion. It had to be what he was talking about. But the chief had issued an order for him to stay away from his job... After thinking it through, it was indeed very suspicious...

It could be that the chief was hiding something, but Trevor couldn't rule out the possibility that Freddiew was the culprit there. His best bet was to stay hidden to both...

2013-07-23 03:15:00

Posts: 5891

((Thou shall provide a title for the spoiler: [SPOILER=Title]))

Thanks for the help here take this cookie as a token of appreciation.
2013-07-23 15:11:00

Posts: 996


Homebound Issue 1: A New Ally
Part 1

- I need to see the Commander! You'd better let me in right this minute or...or else!
- Or else what? - The guard sneers. - I'm afraid you're not permitted into this building, ma'am, only Sony officials are allowed access.
The girl furiously stomps away from the entrance to Sony's base. She slips around the corner and leans close against the wall, observing her surroundings. The back and side entrances are as heavily guarded as the front, and the nearest windows of the metal building are far too high to reach.
"Security is tight, but I think I can manage."
She peers around the corner of the front of the building. The two guards are much bigger and stronger than herself - Fat chance of winning a fight. She looks around and sees a rock, picks it up, then tosses it into the nearest bush. It makes a rather loud rustling noise, and both of the guards take notice.
- You stay here, I'munna check dat out, kay?
The guard on the right lumbers in the direction of the bush. Just as he reaches the corner where the girl is hiding, she hooks him by his neck with her cane, pulls him behind the wall and out of sight, then knocks him unconscious. She takes a ring of keys from his back pocket and peeks around the corner again. The remaining guard is facing the opposite direction, standing a few yards away from the doorway - She quietly makes her way towards it. She manages to soundlessly unlock it - A security camera is positioned right near the doorway in which she enters, and as soon as she steps inside, an alarm sounds throughout the entire building.

2013-07-23 17:55:00

Posts: 5891

"I'm here to see Raidou Shinkawa."

Kuzanao was at the lobby of Eterna Medical Facility, standing at the front desk. The artificial smell of cleaning supplies filled the room, presumably to mask the less pleasant smells likely coming from the operation rooms.

Reception Lady: "This is a hospital, not an office building. We don't do appointments."
Kuzanao: "Mam, I don't have the time to explain. I just need to see Mr. Shinkawa."
Reception Lady: "Sigh... whatever. I'm bored, anyways. Lemme look through our systems and see what I can find."

Kuzanao patiently waited, tapping his foot as time flew by. These workers were always really **** slow, and Kuzanao wasn't exactly in the mood to wait. But here he was, and 5 minutes had already passed. He was tempted t-

Reception Lady: "Ah, here we are. Raidou Shinkawa is... not in our systems. Sorry 'bout that, you must be mistaken."
Kuzanao: "With all due respect, I'm afraid it's you who's mistaken, mam. I distinctly remember this man being my doctor."
Reception Lady: "Look, you're holding up the line. Are you going to leave, or am I going to have to call security on you?'

Kuzanao looked back at the nonexistent line.

Kuzanao: "Look, my name's Kuzanao Sakamata, and I was checked out yesterday. Can you tell me the name of the doctor who watched over me?"
Reception Lady: "Fine, whatever. Just give me a sec."

Another 5 minutes passed.

Reception Lady: "Alright, here we are. Your doctor's name was... Noboku Hibina."
Kuzanao: "Good to hear. Where can I find him?"
Reception Lady: "Well... he's currently on lunch break, so he should be at his office - Room 397, Floor 2."
Kuzanao: "Thank you."

Kuzanao boarded the elevator and pressed the button to head to the second floor of the building. Apparently, Raidou, aka "Noboku", had secrets to hide as well.
2013-07-23 20:43:00

Posts: 1909

Albert saw nothing but the contents of his screen for the previous two hours. His fingers typed rapidly at the keys of his laptop except when he lifted his hand to brush a few strands of blonde hair out of his eyes. Normally more relaxed and carefree, it was unusual for Al to focus so intensely on his task. Yet ever since his sister, Abigail, gave him the information she found about their mission, only to leave the rest to him as she went on some other task, he felt a single-minded determination to make a discovery.

He had spent his time attempting to access restricted files without leaving a trace that anyone had made the attempt. However, the heavy defenses surrounding them made it so that he could not employ his normal methods to crack them. He instead worked in a roundabout way, like a fencer, making feints, searching for openings, chinks in the armor. Unfortunately, he was hard pressed to find any here.

Albert was hardly any further than where he began when Noel and Roger entered the briefing room. Quickly, he shut down his activities and instead opened the information on Kuzanao Sakamata.

?About time you showed up,? he painted a smile on his face, ?I've been waiting long enough.?

Noel?s eyes flashed at him, but Albert kept his smile firmly planted. ?You never called us to a meeting,? she said.

?Didn?t I? Must?ve slipped my mind. That?s the kind of thing Abby usually catches?? Al winced inwardly and immediately stopped talking.

?Where is Abby?? Roger asked gesturing toward her empty seat.

Al thought for a moment before deciding that the truth was innocent enough, ?I don't know. Working some other end on Bastion?s orders I think.?

Thankfully, Roger just shrugged and took his seat. Meanwhile, Noel seemed to offer no reaction, but let the inquiry pass. Al was used to her keeping her own counsel.

?Alright, here?s what I know??


Noel didn?t notice Abby?s absence until Albert spoke. I've, I, my. Though Albert and Abigail were only fraternal twins, they had still developed the habit of referring to themselves together as a single entity, all we and ours. Normally Noel wouldn?t care, except that Abby being gone bothered her. They were hunting down a computer expert, so it was important for both of them to be working together. The fact that Alexander would order her to be doing something else made Noel suspicious, though there was nothing she could do about it now.

The twins also had a way of continuing each other?s train of thought, carrying on statements when the other was silent. It was not always explicit, but it was real. Even now, Albert paused every once in a while, not just for breath, but as if he were expecting his thoughts to continue through a different voice.

?This is Kuzanao?s most recent location, Eterna City.? A map on the screen zoomed into a precise location.

?A library?? Roger asked incredulously, ?I didn?t think there were many still in existence.?

?There aren?t,? Albert responded, ?and that makes it a great location for a former gaming employee to hide out.?

?Eterna City,? Noel stated, ?What?s our plan to get in. They?re not exactly letting just anyone through.?

?Alexander said he can get us all there. A team went earlier to investigate a restaurant where Kuzanao stayed, but by the time they got there, he was gone. Still, we can get in too, and keep track of him this time.?

?By ?we? you mean me,? Noel eyed him.

?No,? was Albert?s surprising response, ?Alexander?s orders are for Roger and I to join you in Japan as your onsite support team.?

This annoyed Noel. ?So I?m supposed to kill this guy in enemy territory while you two do what, play tourist or sit in a hotel room??

Albert shrugged as if to say It's not my call before answering, ?We actually don't want to kill this guy. Bastion wants him brought back alive unless there is danger of his imminent recapture by Nintendo.? He gave a pause before continuing, ?And he said, ?With your skills, that should never be the case? so he expects Kuzanao alive for sure.?

?Even better!? she snorted.

?How do we know he?ll still be in the city when we arrive,? Roger asked.

?Well, he hasn?t gotten out of Nintendo territory yet, and he?ll need money if he?s going to pull it off. We have access to everything, his programs, his accounts, anywhere he regularly visited. If he makes a move, we?ll know about it and act accordingly.?

?Then let?s get to it,? Noel finalized, ?I don't want to waste a lot of time on this.?

?There?s just some more data we need to go over before we start gathering our equipment for the trip.?

So they talked further, making plans, covering any possibilities. All the while Noel wondered why it was so important that they needed to bother with guy at all.

-Albert is working alone to try to access restricted files.
-The team will travel together (without Abby) to Eterna City to hunt down Kuzanao
2013-07-23 21:13:00

Posts: 1787

((I will never catch up o.o))

((Oh, but yeah, TCW Newsroom will be delayed, I can't say how long considering I'm waaay behind on that.... yeah...))
2013-07-23 21:21:00

Posts: 5208

((I will never catch up o.o))

((Oh, but yeah, TCW Newsroom will be delayed, I can't say how long considering I'm waaay behind on that.... yeah...))
((So... Extended happy hour? ))
2013-07-23 21:28:00

Posts: 5891

((So... Extended happy hour? ))

((More like Happy day..))

((Ah well, it'll be done... eurhm, eventually. <_<))
2013-07-23 21:29:00

Posts: 5208

((Oh shoot, sorry bout that if i posted at a bad time. Completely forgot about it. I'll take another look at the times.


Oh wait, I think I'm ok. 1 pm end time.))
2013-07-23 21:30:00

Posts: 1787

((still about, just going to take a long time to catch up. Hubby's on night shifts for a few days so wont be posting until he's back and I have time to sleep. so i can think. my brain is frazzled.... :/ ))2013-07-23 21:42:00

Posts: 1015

Nathan watched Megan walk away and he was relieved that she didn't want him to go with her to talk to him or something. As she was walking away Nathan thought of something. Maybe she might of known something about this gun and maybe Virgil Lee should know about this. Yeah! he thought to himself but then his not so common sense flushed over him. Wait a minute, if I take the gun to Virgil, Nintendo might hold me captive for questioning. Hell! Nathan could even be possibly mistaken for a traitor to Nintendo, so Nathan did a 180 spin and started walking in the opposite direction. His short attention span made him completely forget about the investigation scene and besides what is there to investigate now that Nathan had taken the gun, nothing. Also Nathan realized with the guard gone for probably two or so hours, Nathan could just take a stroll around Eterna, see what he could find. Maybe adventure is just waiting around the corner? Nathan quickly snapped himself out of these childish thoughts and just kept on strolling along. Completely entrapped in his own mind, Nathan began to wonder about a few things.

The first and most obvious Nathan was wondering about is how the hell is Nathan going to dispose of the rifle he is carrying around casually in his backpack whilst walking around Eterna City. Nintendo's most important city as well. The rifle would clearly make him look like a traitor due to the giant Microsoft emblem on the grip. The factions aren't at war or anything but tensions have never been higher and Nathan thought sooner or later, all that bad blood is going to explode like a volcano and everyone will be dragged into it.


As Nathan was walking down Lavender street he noticed how quiet this area was, actually to Nathan's eye there was nobody around, not a single soul. Nathan scanned again with even more enthusiasm and his suspicions were confirmed, not a single person around and not a single sound could be heard. Until...

*clunk* *clunk* *clunk* *clunk*

((Cue Nathan's theme))

A single young girl came sprinting around the corner, Nathan could tell that she couldn't be older then eleven, her head down she didn't notice Nathan's presence until she bounced off him like a ping-pong ball, she looked up at Nathan, revealing tears running down her face and confirming Nathan's suspicion that she was around eleven years old and just over four foot tall. Nathan could hear more people running towards him....

*clunk* *clunk* *clunk* *clunk*

*clunk* *clunk* *clunk* *clunk*

This time it was two people, in an act of clear fear and panic the girl hid behind Nathan, Nathan didn't know how to react and when he saw two men run around the corner, both taller then Nathan and dressed in what seemed to be military general outfits and carrying assault rifles. They saw the girl before they did Nathan. Both stopped to a walking pace, as they got closer, the girl grabbed onto Nathan's leg tight. When they were about two or three metres away, one general said...

General: Hand over the girl now sir!

Seeing the fear in her eyes Nathan could only say...

Nathan: N.......n-o.......

The General seemed to roll his eyes but Nathan was too afraid to take notice of the Generals behaviour or facial expressions. Very calmly the General cocked his rifle and pointed it at Nathan...

General: Gives us the girl now, or you die.




((I know this is kind of a long one but please read as it is extremely important to Nathan's story))

((Also loving all the twists guys and this is going to be a fun one to read through like a Novel when its over. Yes I do that. Yes I bookmark the page so I know which one I am on. Anyways, besides embarrassment, you guys have impressed me))

2013-07-23 21:54:00

Posts: 1061

((I still have a post incoming, I've just been busy lately. It seems like a lot of people are behind. Maybe there should be a word limit?))2013-07-24 00:08:00

Posts: 3262

((I personally think a happy day so we can all catch-up on what we've missed. Turns out i wasn't able to read the un-read posts.))2013-07-24 01:33:00

Posts: 996

A street musician started to bring her guitar out of its case, a day's profit still sitting in the bottom of it. $98, decent haul for her, but it wasn't about the money. It was useful, sure but she knew people that could support her if things went south. Living for the moment had always been the only thing that mattered to her, and the people of this city needed something to lighten the mood, what with being always on edge. The girl started to play a few notes, quickly getting into a rhythm. A few people were scattered around the area, but nothing substantial, and none of them were giving her anything.

It was peaceful though, or would've been if her sister hadn't been non-chalantly moving closer. The girl slowed down her playing slightly, but didn't turn her head.

"Thought you would've had better things to do than come back here again."

"I do." They both sat there for a while, looking out across the street. After a few minutes, the sister playing the music spoke up.

"You've been busy, haven't you?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag here, Koty, but..."

"Don't tell me, I'll probably hear all I need on the news in a minute. It's more exciting that way."

"You're not jealous are you?"

"You ask me that everytime we see eachother. Besides, I thought you only came by this way to be among equals after a hard day running a company."

"I try to anyway; media's going crazy today. 'War is moments away' and such."

"The great Hope T. complaining about the media. What else is new?"

"Certainly not Dakota T.'s financial status."

"Yeah, yeah. Are we going inside now, or what?"

((Would make Part 2, but going to bed right now. Also it would then be ULTIMATE LENGTH))
2013-07-24 02:01:00

Posts: 2135

?Mind if I borrow a light?? a man asked at a street corner, a smoke in hand. Mathias obliged him, handing over the silver lighter he kept in his pocket. The man lit his cigarette and took a drag as the signal at the intersection changed and the two went with the crowd across the street. On the way someone bumped the man, who then dropped his cigarette into the gutter. At the opposite corner he eyed the fallen roll and looked again to Mathias. ?Um, that was my last one, mind sharing one of yours??

?Sorry, I don't smoke.? Mathias responded. The man looked at Mathias and then the lighter with mild distaste before walking away. Mathias took no notice as he crossed the street once again to reach a diner. He had an hour before the people he was carpooling with were to depart for Old Natal. Normally, he would want to avoid the major Microsoft outpost, but it would take him the better part of a few weeks to circumvent it on foot. Plus the people he was traveling with were friendly enough, and let him join along with Amaterasu for nothing more than gas money, so took them up on their offer.


It had been a few days since he left Italy. Dante had planned everything perfectly. On the flight to Washington, he had lots of time to think, to reminisce. Of course he thought of what he could expect in the upcoming days. He would return home of course, see friends and family he hadn?t so much as written a letter to in years. But on the way, there would also be issues from the people. Tensions were rising between the factions, most especially in this last year. There was a time when Mathias didn?t have to worry about false identities and affiliations, but now you couldn?t take a step into a local business without people sizing you up, trying to determine whose side you were on. At least sometimes, at others the people he met were so far down the chain that they didn?t care one way or another if he was there on behalf of Sony or Microsoft. Those were the people just carrying on with their lives, making the best of it. But media attention to all of the recent deaths and attacks left even the average person wondering about others. It was certainly a mixed bag that Mathias wasn?t quite comfortable with.

These thoughts occupied him for some time, and even he tried to make sense of it. How recent events fit in with what he knew. But as always his thoughts strayed to his time training in the temple, to memories of The Master and Noel. The experiences, the joys, the triumph, the failure, all of these flitted through him.

How did it all fit?


The restaurant was practically empty, so Mathias was served relatively quickly. They even let him eat outside and gave Ama some meat when he asked. The food was heavy, but still tasty in its own way that Mathias had come to expect here. When the meal was finished, he and Amaterasu returned to the lot where they would meet his traveling companions. It would be hours before they reached Old Natal.

-Mathias will join some others to carpool to Old Natal on his way home.

((A bit more clunky than I would have liked but a workable transition piece for tonight. Maybe Mathias'll meet someone in new York.))
2013-07-24 03:16:00

Posts: 1787

"Hello, 'Noboku'."

Kuzanao stepped into Raidou's office.

Raidou: "So you've been informed of my other name? Please, call me by my proper title. You and I know both know that Noboku is just a silly alias."

Kuzanao chuckled... it was the first time in a while he found something to be funny.

Kuzanao: "Fair enough, Mr. Shinkawa."
Raidou: "Great. Well, now that we're on even terms, what brings you here, Mr. Sakamata?"
Kuzanao: "I have some questions to ask of you."

Raidou sighed, but kept his expression straight.

Raidou: "Quick to the point, aren't you? I like that. But before you interrogate me, please, take a seat."

Kuzanao sat down on one of the red plush chairs in front of Raidou's desk.

Kuzanao: "..."
Raidou: "Go on, I'm waiting."

Raidou began to tap his fingers on his desk, looking up at Kuzanao with a bored, yet slightly amused, expression.

Kuzanao: "I know who you are, and who you work for. So, my question? Why would you come all the way out here to Eterna, and why would you do it under a fake name?"
Raidou: "Why the fake name? Heading to Eterna, I wouldn't want to look like I had a bias towards Nintendo, now would I? And, as for why I came here, I came because I heard what happened to you, of course."
Kuzanao: "But what makes me so important? It's not as if you coming here was the only way to have me cured. A company of your stature has the ability to ship parts, including the ROBOTICA R87, wherever they are needed, and the doctors here are more than capable of performing the replacement operation."
Raidou: "I wanted to personally see to it that your operation went well, Mr. Sakamata."

Raidou had a sincere look on his face... it was clear that he wasn't lying.

Kuzanao: "But what the hell makes me so important? What separates me from all of the other god **** cripples out there?"
Raidou: "You are a big fish in the ocean of life, Kuzanao, and a valuable asset in the upcoming war. A man of your knowledge could potentially shape the future, and I wanted to ensure that such an important man would not be killed before his battle had even begun."
Kuzanao: "...what do you mean, the 'upcoming war'?"
Raidou: "You know what I mean, Mr. Sakamata. The tension between the Big 3 is rising, and it won't be long until the illusion of peace between the companies is shattered. You are aware of the Conflictus Pact made between the Big 3 in 2002, correct?"
Kuzanao: "No, sir."
Raidou: "Then allow me to explain."

Raidou went on to explain the following to Kuzanao:
It was the year 2002, and Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo had all recently released their new video game consoles - the PlayStation 2, the GameCube, and the XBOX. The 3 companies were making content with the state of things, and it was promising to be an exciting generation. During these times, the companies saw no need to fight or compete, as all 3 of them were making good business. They knew that they could each maintain their own fan-bases, and all of them could have a profitable business simultaneously. They were at peace, and they wanted to keep it that way. As such, they made the Conflictus Pact. It stated that the 3 companies, no matter what happened between them, would always avoid conflict, and that they would never betray each other. The CEOs of the 3 companies - Satoru Iwata, Steve Balmer, and Howard Stringer - all signed this Pact, hoping to usher in an era of neutrality. When Steve Balmer and Howard Stringer were replaced as CEOs by Hope Tanner and Kazuo Hirai in 2012,the new company leaders signed the Pact in order to make sure that it would stay effective, hoping to maintain relations between the 3 titans of the gaming generation.

Raidou: ​"Well?"
Kuzanao: "Thanks for the history lesson, but... what does this have to do with a war? It sounds as if the opposite is true to me."
Raidou: "Two days ago, the Pact was found missing from its home. While that location is unknown to me and the rest of the public, I do know that it's departure means something serious. I have a feeling, Kuzanao, that the Pact was destroyed. The era of peace and neutrality is over, and will be replaced by an era of conflict."

Was this true? Kuzanao had seen the news reports - the death of Miyamoto, Sony's facility burned down, Hope Tanner trying to calm the general public... hell, Kuzanao had experienced this before, what with Iwata using him to spy on a competitor. Though he didn't want to believe it, Kuzanao knew that Raidou's words were true.

Kuzanao: "So what am I supposed to do?"
Raidou: "That, Kuzanao, is for you to find out. Now, if you'll be excused. My lunch break appears to be over."

Kuzanao got up from his chair.

Kuzanao: "'till we meet again, Raidou."
Raidou: "Until we meet again. And, if anybody asks, you know nothing of my true identity."
Kuzanao: "I'll take care to remember that, Noboku."

Kuzanao exited the room, shutting the door behind him.
2013-07-25 05:02:00

Posts: 1909


((Hope has only been president for 1 year, just heads up. That would make it difficult to sign a 10 year old pact.))
2013-07-25 11:52:00

Posts: 2135

((Aww. And here I was assuming Hope was so good that she became president of a world power by age 20.))2013-07-25 15:15:00

Posts: 1787

((Dang it. Time for an edit I suppose.))

((Aww. And here I was assuming Hope was so good that she became president of a world power by age 20.))
((Remember, Microsoft wasn't exactly a world power when the first XBOX came out ))

Le EDIT 2: ((Fixed that earlier post. It was 1:00 at night when I made it, don't be too hard on me :/))
2013-07-25 18:31:00

Posts: 1909

((It works either way as far as I'm concerned. If she was at the top by age 20, it just show prodigious skill. On the other hand, the actual case of only being CEO for a year could be seen as inexperience compared to the others. She could be underestimated or secondguessed because of it. There's lots to work with.))2013-07-25 19:33:00

Posts: 1787

The factions going to war. If you ask some, Sony, Nintendo & Microsoft had each formed their own paths to greatness slowly but surely, and that their global rise to power came from a multitude of right actions and smart decisions. Despite governing their own religious thoughts and beliefs, the factions didn't put too much stock into "fate" so much as human influence, as each of the Big 3 shared similar ways of thinking while they also tried respecting the said ideologies among each factions' individuals, tying them together into a unified belief system alongside the United Factions organization, which took into account the evolution of science and technologies, ditching the predestined beliefs of SEGA & Atari, as the ancient ones' messages brought forth a vastly different way of thinking. This was mainly based around both spirituality and that the world worked in tandem with the predestined choices of the Divine, as well as their supposed ancestor planet, Terra. The unified belief systems between the factions were the support that helped hold their bridge together. However, this peace would not last. You can say this is because of fate, the factions' wrong actions and dumb decisions, or whatever way of thinking you've come to prefer, but the very things that have held the factions together could very well be the things that tear them apart.


Roughly an hour after the news of the U.F. leak of Nintendo documents, Virgil was quickly rushed out of the hospital, and into Alkitov's car. Virgil had experienced much worse pain before, and given that the shard hadn't gone too far in his leg, he could still hold up fine. The general drove out of Eterna City and towards a much less-inhabited town, just south of Kyoto, while Virgil sat in the back, as they discussed the "War" Alkitov said was bound to occur.

Virgil: "Well I'm not going to try and debate that war isn't ever necessary, but seeing that our faction has taken the most hits in the past couple of days, I'm not sure how well that'll reflect our stance in a Faction War."
Alkitov: "Console war, you mean. At least, that's what people across the internet have been referring to it as. But I'm sure we aren't the only ones grieving, Virgil. Hope Tanner might seem like a cunning little fox, but the lady has a lot to live up to to just be whipping out threats like those in front of the media, especially after all the hits Microsoft has taken with its stocks the last few months. Plus, Sony's successes can only last so long when you take into account all the losses they've been struck with."
Virgil: "Nonetheless, her boldness is still something to appreciate, given how closed off and "safe" many of the world leaders have tried playing things recently."
Alkitov: "Agreed, I just don't understand why the other factions haven't had similar leaks, since Ezekiel targeted people from other factions as well."

Virgil sighed for a second, looking at the bandages across his leg, as the black sedan parked near a small building, with Nintendo guards stationed around it. Virgil walked slowly, carrying a slight limp in his stance, as they both showed their ID to one of the officers, and did multiple checks for clearance. After checking though, they were quickly escorted inside by one of the guards, with shiny walls, shiny floors, and shiny everythings lining the small space inside. Past all the shinies of the small lounge, however, the two were led through a hallway which took them down to a huge underground base, stretching out like the Titanic. It was the Hyrule Base, and it was Nintendo's premiere station of defense, expertly hidden between their two largest cities.

Alkitov: "So, how does it look compared to before?"
Virgil: "Busier than ever, I can see. The Control Center is just that way, then?"

Virgil limped by some of the scientists rushing back and forth by them, while Alkitov nodded towards some of the other generals passing by. One of the factions' top scientists, a black-haired woman named Rebecca Carter, led them to a Control Center Room. The metal walls and high-powered sound-deflecting technology kept the room very quiet compared to the rest of the base, with a set of gargantuan, steel doors keeping the place sealed off from the rest as well. A web of computers hanged together above a set of control panels, with archaic-looking mapsand imagery picking up on the screens.

Rebecca: "Mr. Lee, General Alkitov, it's good to see you back down here."
Virgil: "We're glad to be of service, many thanks to your men for clearing a path for us to come here. The last thing we need is someone to pick up on our trail over here."

Alkitov looked over across the screens, noting the equipment being used.

Alkitov: "The imagery used here looks a little outdated, I know you guys have technically been living under a rock, but you do know technology didn't reach it's limit in the 80's, right?"
Rebecca: "Ha ha, very funny, general. We've gone for a more old-fashioned means of analyzing in order to pick up on things that some of our newer technologies would skip past. Don't worry though, another sector is handling your little futuristic gadgetry, though."

They continued looking at the screens as they tried to process data and pick up on any sort of activity, with Alkitov deciding to shut up and simply listen.

Rebecca: "Being isolated from society has also allowed us to get away with using technology from the older factions in order to set up this rig. Even if it's old, our streamlined radio towers should be able to pick up on any major heat signals and broadcast it back to here."
Virgil: "Interesting, and I see it can even identify the type of signal it picks up on. That's pretty useful, given the equipment's age."
Alkitov: "Why don't you take a break Rebecca. We can do some of the scanning for now."

The female scientist couldn't tell whether Alkitov was trying to be a gentleman, or simply trying to shoo her off at this point. Whichever it was though, it seemed to work, and she walked off, unlocking and then closing the large, metallic doors behind her. Virgil took a seat, watching over the different signals being picked up from the radar. The machinery would be able to pick up on any large amounts of heat signals from weaponry, vehicles, heck, even a huge slew of people going by. It was clear Alkitov was beginning to tire, and leaned back while Virgil's eyes remained forward. The slew of pixelated words and green map markings shined vividly, sharing a style not far from the familiar arcade rooms of years gone by.

After a while, Virgil began to lean back, until being awoken by a set of beeps, as he stared around at each screen. His eyes quickly froze upon one sitting to the top-left corner of the wall. He stood up while keeping his injured leg into account, trying to get a better look at it. He kicked the chair Alkitov sat on with his good leg just enough to wake the general up without knocking him over. He quickly stood up to see where Virgil was looking towards, and saw a blinking red dot that took the form of a basic missile shape. More began popping up though, and soon, another set of beeps came from another screen, with more red missile-shaped icons popping up.

Alkitov: "What the hell is this?"
Virgil: "Alkitov, get the other sector. See if they have anything on their end."

Alkitov walked off, opening and closing the door, and quickly returning with Henry, Rebecca, and a few other Nintendo generals/scientists.

Henry: "Virgil, we didn't get anything else on our end. Are those... missiles?"
Rebecca: "They're not just missiles Henry, they're.."
Virgil: "Cruise missiles, two sets. Yes, I'm familiar with some of this "archaic" technology."
Alkitov: "And where are they heading, then?"
Virgil: "It looks like one's set to hit Uzbekistan, while another is aimed at a town in Syria. But we need to somehow translate this data over to your monitors to get a better understanding."

Rebecca was able to trace the signal over to the other sector after fully installing the data picked up from the ancient equipment, as Virgil, Alkitov, and the others headed over to the other side of the base, trying to keep quiet about it on their way over. They locked a similar set of doors behind them, as Rebecca inserted a USB into the second sector's control panel, bringing up new information on the set of screens displayed. Alkitov was looking through his phone, and at various news sites, while this was going on, among others.

Alkitov: "I can't find any signs that others have reported it."
Virgil: "What about the other factions?"
Alkitov: "I can't be sure, Virgil."
Rebecca: "Wait, I've got something here."

Virgil turned over to the screens, as Rebecca began to zoom in on some of the screens

Rebecca: "Both sets of cruise missiles are different."
Virgil: "How so?"
Rebecca: "Well, one of the sets are all from Sony, while the other set includes missiles that are all from Microsoft."
Virgil: "So they're both trying to attack us, in separate locations, each holding highly-classified bases of ours."

Rebecca gravely nodded, looking over at the others while Virgil began to contemplate things.

Rebecca: "Hold up though, there's something about each set that looks... fake. There are some components traced that aren't like their typical sets."
Henry: "So you're saying there might be another group involved with this?"
Rebecca: "It's possible, plus Sony and Microsoft launching their own cruise missiles simultaneously would suggest some sort of alliance, which I'd doubt would occur."
Alkitov: "War makes people do crazy things."
Rebecca: "Not that crazy though, not right after our faction is exposed.."

Virgil kept his eyes forward, before getting out of his little trance, beginning to speak again.

Virgil: "Rebecca, is there any way we can disarm the cruise missiles?"
Rebecca: "Based off the data acquired, it looks practically unhackable, I can't think of anything Nintendo has that could breach it."
Virgil: "What about the factions?"
Rebecca: "I can't make any guarentee there either."
Virgil: "Then what about someone else?!"
Rebecca: "Who else, Virgil?!"

Both their tones had been raised while Henry and Alkitov just stood there and watched, and Virgil stepped back, before thinking again for a moment.

Virgil: "If war really is inevitable, then we have to do what we can to make sure one of those sets doesn't land."
Henry: "You mean both, right?"
Virgil: "No, just one. Because if war is what we will go towards, there's one thing, one thing that this crisis will help us with, disarm the missiles of one faction while exposing those of another, an advantage we can take with us into this battle."
Alkitov: "And what's that, then?"


Virgil: "An alliance."
2013-07-25 21:10:00

Posts: 5208

((Aww. And here I was assuming Hope was so good that she became president of a world power by age 20.))

((If only that was the case.

Anyway, I got extremely frustrated with part 2 of my earlier post, SO I'M JUST GUNNA RECAP WHAT HAPPENS, THEN CONTINUE ON CUZ LAZINESS.))

- Hope and Dakota walk into the bar, which their brother David is a bartender for.
- Hope finds out about the Nintendo leaks and takes off back to the office.

((Also missiles now. I'm going to make a new post then.))
2013-07-25 21:38:00

Posts: 2135

((Also missiles now. I'm going to make a new post then.))

((Okay, just remember that the missiles are super-secret right now and only Virgil/Alkitov/the others know about it, and not Sony or MS. You can get a hint about it though, or something.))
2013-07-25 21:42:00

Posts: 5208

((heh, I was gonna ask you about who could know about it, but by the time I run through my writing process, the matter will probably be resolved anyway. Good to know though.))2013-07-25 21:53:00

Posts: 1787

The elevators were still much too slow, especially now that they weren't fighting gravity. She had no idea how exactly elevators worked anyway though. It landed on sublevel 11 of the Tower; the War Room. First time she'd been down here since she was given the tour of the building. She was greeted with a blast of air conditioning and a dim silver room, cicular desk in the middle and a green hologram of the globe sitting overtop of it. The officers sitting around the desk stood up and saluted Hope as she stepped towards it.

"At ease." She sat in her chair, which looked much more menacing than any other chair in the room. "So who wants to tell me what's going on?"

2013-07-25 22:21:00

Posts: 2135

- Trevor works as a Cyber Agent at the SDCW. His job is to solve all kinds of cyber shenanigans involving Sony's databases;
- His best friend, Camille, is an intern at the Sony Research facility;
- Trevor is assigned with a case of unauthorized access to Sony's servers, which proves to be kind of difficult to crack;
- He is dismissed by his boss, against his will;
- Camille is invited to participate on a scientific convention, where a new breakthrough would be revealed;
- Trevor gets a heads up from his coworker to go to SDCW and download his progress on the case.

- So, you went against your orders and invaded the Division!
- I... Yes, I did, but for a reason. If you just let me continue...

Jump to chapter:
Prologue (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80845-The-Console-Wars-Reloaded&p=1116082&viewfull=1#post1116082)
Against His Own Odds [current]
Stranger In a Strange Land (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80845-The-Console-Wars-Reloaded&p=1119932&viewfull=1#post1119932)
Path of Enlightenment (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80845-The-Console-Wars-Reloaded&p=1124135&viewfull=1#post1124135)
Jet Lag (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80845-The-Console-Wars-Reloaded&p=1147934&viewfull=1#post1147934)

Location: Vita City, Canada

It was getting dark, the appropriate time for an invasion. There was a small time gap between the employees leaving and the night guards arriving, so Trevor would have to act fast. He took a deep breath and walked into the building.

- Trevor! I hadn't seen you today! Anyhow, where are you heading, or are you addicted to work again?
- I... Forgot my phone inside my office. Going to get it back.

Fortunately, no one was informed of his forced holiday. He kept going forward, but stopped at the sound of the chief's voice.

- Yes, mister, I understand that! But you should have kept things going well on your side too!

He was talking on the phone and walking towards Trevor. He thought for an instance about just dashing out of the building, but another voice came just in time.

- Hey, boss, could you see something here?

It was Freddiew. The chief headed inside a room, giving Trevor a chance to slip past him and into the elevator, towards his room.

Once inside, he quickly turned on the computer and searched for his files, but, to his surprise, his account was terminated. He could try to access the files on a blank account, but it would take too much time, and nothing indicated that his progress could have been deleted as well.

At least he could be sure that Freddiew was on his side now.
2013-07-26 00:21:00

Posts: 5891

Doctor: Take these pills their effects will become apparent in a minutes time.
Greenly: What do they do.
Doctor: These pills affect your sleep. They make dreams easier to remember. The purpose of this is so you can tell me what is happening in them.
Greenly: Okay.
Doctor: Great Just lie down on the bed and start sleeping.
Greenly: Just one more question doctor. Any side-effects.
Doctor: Lets just say you won't have to worry about children or how to smell properly.

Greenly lay on the bed and began to sleep as the doctor turned out the lights and shut the door.

Greenly awoke face down covered in dust. He knelt up feeling excruciating pain on his face. He felt a piece of glass lodged into his face. He pulled it out noticing the blood. The dust storm reduced visibility to being non-existent the forests were reduced to barren desert. Greenly look around hoping to see something but his efforts were to no avail. Deciding to head south to see the impact area of the NUKE. He knew he wouldn't have to travel far but it still felt like an eternity to get there. Before finding it he saw the now lifeless bodies of Edward and Elliot. Greenly filled with emotion knelt down and shed several tears as he saw two of his best friends lie dead before him. After about an hour of mourning Greenly picked up 3 grenades that both Elliot and Edward had on them at the time. He then walked out into the wilderness in the hopes of finding civilization or any remnants of it.
2013-07-26 01:28:00

Posts: 996

((Missles, woah! @Dragonvarsity - Can you maybe, perhaps think of some way for Kuzanao to get involved with disarming one of those missiles? I don't have much going on in his story arc right now, so missile fanciness would be nice.))2013-07-26 04:51:00

Posts: 1909

((Yeah I can try to think of something, although I can't say he'd actually help disarm it. Is Kuzanao still in Eterna City by the way?))2013-07-26 12:24:00

Posts: 5208

Nathan's brow was sweating, his breathing was fast and heavy. Every ounce of his being was screaming at him to let the girl go with the two men but he couldn't. He didn't know why but he just couldn't let the girl go with them. Nathan could tell, this girl was important! More important then his own life. With a deep regretful sigh Nathan responded to his assaulter.

Nathan: Sir....

General: What is it?

Nathan: You'll have to kill me.

The General looked angered and to Nathan's surprise didn't shoot, he instead hit Nathan with the back of his hand around Nathan's face. Nathan fell face first into the concrete. He wasn't hurt but his cheek was now a bright red, Nathan went to get up but paused, he noticed that the way the soldiers were stood over him meant that they could not see Nathan's pistol that he tucked into his belt earlier. The Generals were laughing at Nathan, Nathan waited and when the closest general turned around to look at the other Nathan revealed his pistol, quickly put it at blank range at the generals chest, pulling at the trigger as hard as he could Nathan didn't hear a bang. The noise of the bullet was a disgusting squelching sound due to the fact that it instantly left the barrel into the flesh. The general fell into the road without any reaction, he was instantly dead. Nathan looked up at the other general, he was frozen to the spot and started to back off slowly. Nathan wanted to let him go he really did but he knew that he would take the fall if he let this man go. Turning to now aim at the second general, Nathan once again pulled the trigger as hard as he could. Releasing three bullets into the second generals chest. Nathan turned to check on the little girl and to his surprise she was still there. In fact she didn't seem scared at all, she looked more reassured then anything else.

Little girl: Hi, I'm Hanako.

Nathan: Hello, I am Nathan Dover.

Hanako: Are you like some specialist of some sorts because if so I could really use your help with something.

Nathan: Well, yes I am, I'm a forensic/physiological specialist.

Hanako: It doesn't matter really what type you are, just can you help me.

Nathan: Don't I look kina busy....

Hanako: Great you can help.

*Nathan rolls his eyes*


((Well this I going well. Also MiZzlez? eR MA geHrd! ))
2013-07-26 13:23:00

Posts: 1061


Henry: "So what you're saying is, we play victim in this little charade?"
Virgil: "We've got two sets of cruise missiles flying towards two classified bases of ours in the Middle East that were just leaked a couple hours ago after an assassination on Alkitov's life. I think we have plenty of reasons to gain a little pity from the public."
Alkitov: "So let's just assume for a second then, that the other factions haven't figured out about these two sets of missiles that they might or might not have actually set off."

Alkitov looked at the three others standing there in the room with him.

Alkitov: "If that's the case, could we assume that the four of us are the only ones who know then?"

Henry stood there with his face forward.

Henry: "I guess it's the only assumption we can follow at this point, I don't think we'll even have the time to disarm two though. Rebecca, is there any way to give us a time estimate on when the sets will land."
Rebecca: "They're both roughly the same distance from their location, travelling at similar speeds. It looks to be about an hour and a half before both hit.
Henry: "An hour and a half?! How the **** could we disarm an entire set of cruise missiles that quickly?!"
Virgil: "Henry, just stay calm now-"
Henry: "No, I will not "stay calm" Mr. Lee, because we've got a ****ing set of missiles coming our way! So if I we-"

The room quickly filled with silence after Alkitov yelled directly to Henry.

Alkitov: "For Miyamoto's sake, Henry, I am sick of your incessant yammering in a situation like this. We have a set of missiles to disarm, not a soap opera to take care of.

Henry kept his mouth shut as Rebecca began to speak again, with caution this time.

Rebecca: "..Well, it's important to look at the geographical features of both places. If we want to keep the disarmed set a secret from the faction we align with, then we'll have to disarm the missiles at the right time to where they can fall into a large body of water, away from too many people. Now, since Sony's missiles are heading to Uzbekistan, we'll want to disarm them right as they fly over the Caspian Sea most likely. If we take down Microsoft's missiles which are heading to Syria, then we've got a much wider range of landing them with the Mediterranean."

Henry chimed in once more, reminding everyone about the missiles themselves.

Henry: "You know, we still don't know how to actually disarm one of the sets."
Virgil: "There might be a way, but it wouldn't involve the factions. After I picked up that motorbike from Zhou in Metropolis"
Henry: "Wait, what?"
Virgil: "It doesn't matter. Anyway though, it had a label on it for the developer of the vehicle, a company called ROBOTICA INC. I did a little research on it during the flight over to Eterna, apparently the CEO, Raidou Shinkawa, left a while back, his location is unknown though."
Alkitov: "Okay, get to the point then Virgil."
Virgil: "Even though the company's been practically abandoned, there was a whole court case on who would take over."
Rebecca: "And that person was?"
Virgil: "Ezekiel Davidson."

Henry: "Ezekiel?! ..I still don't understand how this all adds up though."
Virgil: "Ezekiel was the new CEO of ROBOTICA Incorporated. Even though the media hasn't mentioned it yet, he was planning to leave his Microsoft job, and even showed off some of the company's tech at Liberas, during E3 and the United Factions conference, before giving Alkitov and other faction execs those briefcase bombs."
Alkitov: "So therefore, you think that Ezekiel Davidson and ROBOTICA Inc. are connected with the fourth party that launched these two sets of cruise missiles at the bases they leaked."
Rebecca: "But why would a group of terrorists leak info. on our bases and then target them? Once they've got the information, why go out of their way to trick others into carrying bombs to blow up in their face, and tell everyone else where our bases are located?"
Virgil: "Because they're probably setting this war up themselves, and Nintendo is the one who has to decide how it all starts. Ezekiel didn't try fighting or escaping imprisonment after he was revealed to have given Alkitov and others those briefcase bombs, it's like he wanted to be captured, and now that ROBOTICA Inc. is owner~less once more, the U.S. Government has acquired the company for it's own use."
Henry: "So then, what you're saying is.."
Virgil: "What I'm saying is that I think Ezekiel wanted to give us a way into ROBOTICA Inc., because that's the company that designed these pseudo-faction missiles, and I'll bet you that somewhere within its storage rooms is the very device that will disarm one of the sets."

Alkitov took out one of the laptops placed on the shelf, opened it up, and went to the Internet Browser. He started doing some research, typing with valiant speed and precision.

Virgil: "Alkitov, care to tell us what you're looking for?"
Rebecca: "One hour and twenty-four minutes."
Alkitov: "You said that the U.S. Government took over ROBOTICA Inc. after Ezekiel was imprisoned, I think I know we could get access to it."
Virgil: "How so, Alkitov?"
Alkitov: "Well, I don't think you'll like it."

Virgil stood there, looking puzzled for a second.

Virgil: "What do I have to do, Alkitov?"
Alkitov: "One of the guys running for president over in the U.S., David Cromney, could possibly find a way to get access to ROBOTICA Inc., but it's a risk he'd have to take since he's not been placed into office yet, and with risks like that, there are bound to be favors to be returned. Mainly from a particular blonde-haired reporter you ran into."
Virgil: "Megan Sharp."

Virgil stood there for a second. Ms. Sharp was persistent, he found that out rather quickly, but she would probably be his only immediate way into ROBOTICA Inc. But with a favor of those proportions that Virgil would have to ask for, her offer for him and Nintendo to assist in their presidential campaign would no longer be so much as an offer, but more of a negotiation.
2013-07-26 14:54:00

Posts: 5208

Trevor realized that his work was unwanted. He thought fast, and salvaged all of his equipment he could. His de-encrypter, Sony card, a silenced Glock he kept under his desk for emergencies, and a bulletproof vest. He tucked it all into his laptop case, and started to make his way towards the exit.

More footsteps. Coming towards his room. It was the chief, and Freddiew was right behind him. Both entered Trevor's room, the chief took a look around, seemingly angry.

- I'm telling you, boss, you are getting paranoid! You should head to your office, the night shift guards are almost starting their turn.
- I... Believe you are right, Freddiew. But a high official can never be too much careful, specially when he has trouble with some of his employees... Speaking of which, make sure you head to my office as well when you are finished here, right?
- Sure thing, sir!

The chief headed out and away. Freddiew knocked on the desk.

- You can get out now.

Trevor stood up from under the desk.

- Phew, that was a close call... Now, can you tell me what the hell is going on?
- I don't know much, I overheard the boss talking to some of his superiors, and they said that your research on the server invasion was to be cancelled and deleted... I figured you would want to keep it!
- Well, to late for that, now...
- Darn! First the communications breakdown and now this!
- Well, I owe you thanks for the heads-up. I think I should look further into it. Far from the Division at least.
- Good luck with that, man. Now, I need to see the boss. Should give you some time to run away, before the guards show up!

Trevor then headed outside, leaving the parking lot just as the guards were arriving.

Freddiew entered the chief's office, just as he expected.

- Listen, boss, could you make it quick? My wife is expecting me at home, I don't usually arrive this late...
- Relax, Fred, and sit down.

He did as he was told.

- Fred, you are one of a kind here. I believe no one else has as many contacts as you around here. You are always carrying papers around, talking to agents, then bringing data back to the nerds.
- Well, I do believe that's right, sir.
- And that means you get to hear everything and talk to everyone, right?

Freddiew didn't like where the conversation was heading.

- It was good talking to you, boss, but...
- ...which is precisely why we can't have you yapping about things you shouldn't even know in the first place!

With that said, a silent shot perforated Freddiew's back. The chief stood up, revealing the concealed firearm he used to do the job.

- One loose end cut, another one to go...

2013-07-27 00:48:00

Posts: 5891

((You killed off Freddiew? Well that sucks :/))2013-07-27 01:57:00

Posts: 1909

They would be operating from a safe house within Eterna City. Had Noel been alone, there would have been no need for one. She could have remained mobile and elusive. Instead, she had Albert and Roger in tow, tied to a single, traceable location. Not only that, but the entire preliminary team knew their location. There were too many people involved, too many variables in play. Still, she had to make the best of it.

To make matters worse, it was barely an hour after they arrived that Albert brought up the news. There was an explosion at Nintendo HQ. The office of Virgil Lee, some executive, had been destroyed. As the reporter discussed this, with various experts weighing in on the situation, one of the members of the preliminary team could not help but glance at Noel. She returned a dead stare, leading him to resume his work.

It's not as if I?m the only one who could pull that off, Noel thought to herself. It was a strange coincidence that the attack would happen just as her entire team was en route to the city. It would make her work more difficult. They needed to get out of there soon.

?So what do we know now?? she asked as the final preliminary member left the safe house.

?He hasn?t accessed a computer since we got here,? Albert answered, ?but he?s definitely still in Eterna.?

Noel waited.

?A transaction went through recently. His work insurance paid for some kind of surgery. The weird thing is that it's locked down, and not with his own firewalls. The only thing I was able to find out about it was the location and that it was led by a Doctor Noboku Hibina.?

?Is he still at the hospital??

Albert entered some keystrokes, ?I?m not sure. It says he was discharged, but there?s no record of any sign-out, no paperwork, no logs. He just left apparently.?

?He can?t have disappeared,? Roger contributed, ?if he had some kind of surgery, chances are he?ll need some kind of follow-up.?

Noel turned to Roger, ?Do you know anything about this surgeon??

?No, nothing. Maybe if I knew exactly what kind of procedure he specializes in, but even then, I don't exactly have immediate access to Nintendo employees.?

?That?s what you have me for,? Albert leaned back in his chair, raising his hands together as he cracked his knuckles. He let his hands hover over his keyboard for a moment before dropping in to type at breakneck speed. ?Noel, why don't you go to the hospital, see if you can turn anything up,? he brought the address of the facility onto his screen for Noel to see.

?And the information on Noboku?? she inquired.

?It's protected, but I should have everything from his specialty to his shoe size by the time you get there,? Al answered confidently.

?Just be careful,? Roger warned, ?with everything going on, I wouldn?t take anything for granted.?

?I?m the field agent Roger; I know what I?m doing.? Noel put on her coat and walked out the door to the city of Eterna, though she couldn?t hold back the feeling that he was right.

-Noel and Co. are operating out of a safehouse in Eterna City
-Noel will go to the hospital where Kuzanao had an operation while Albert looks up info on Noboku Hibina, the surgeon.
2013-07-27 02:54:00

Posts: 1787

((I haven't caught up, so sorry if the answer is a little obvious but: does anyone's story revolve around Eterna City being, in uh, one piece? Don't worry, it won't be seriously bad, just kinda like "Well that sucks a lot."))2013-07-27 09:05:00

Posts: 3262

((I haven't caught up, so sorry if the answer is a little obvious but: does anyone's story revolve around Eterna City being, in uh, one piece? Don't worry, it won't be seriously bad, just kinda like "Well that sucks a lot."))

((Are you asking to have some big disaster thing happen in Eterna? If so, would you mind PMing me some of the ideas for it, I've been kind of late getting war declared but I'm just about to, so maybe an attack on Eterna would be good right after I get Nintendo to declare war on one of the factions? (which goes with some of my recent posts) ))
2013-07-27 13:15:00

Posts: 5208

Mags walked out of the Cafe in New Natal, enjoying the dark, gloomy day. He loved the rain. He was born in it, molded by it. ((see that reference)) After all, in Old Natal, there was rain 3 days a week.

He walked back to his apartment, completed with an Xbox 360 and a Queen size bed. "I'm living the life here in New Natal, but when is the actual war going to start...." he mumbled to himself. All of the sudden, a huge voice boomed from seemingly everywhere in the whole city. "I know that voice... It's Veers!"

"All soldiers, please report to the War Centre. Sub Level 10. Immediately."

Mags smirked. "Now this is what I've been waiting for," he mumbled to himself. He ran to his apartment, grabbed his machine gun, and hopped in the elevator.... with no Sub Level 10 button. 129 buttons, and no sub level buttons. However, there was one big red button, that stood out to Mags.

"YOLO," as he pressed the button.

The elevator zoomed down to where he thought was the bottom of New Natal, when a robotic voice exclaimed "Sub Level 10, reached."

As the door opened, he saw many other of the soldiers he'd seen in testing. He also heard a familiar voice.

"Boys, you know what has happened in the past couple of days," said the gruff, scratchy voice of Veers. which Mags had no clue of what had happened.

"This means war, and you guys are going to win it. Report to me and gear up for combat, and be ready at any time."
2013-07-27 14:45:00

Posts: 1840

One of the nearby offices in the Hyrule underground base was cleared out, allowing Virgil to work with a large screen attached to the central wall of the conference room, where he could set up a video chat with the politician he'd only just been acquainted with this morning. Henry and Rebecca had already cleared the line so there would be no tracing their call, while Alkitov had managed to get in contact with Ms. Sharp, giving her short notice that Virgil requested to speak with her face-to-face, despite their being in separate locations. This was all done very quickly, but Megan was accepting of the quick demand without many details, and decided to participate in the conversation by propping up her laptop in a nearby news van from which she came from. The four of them tried diverting any attention that came their way, as Henry helped instruct some of the other agents around the base, while Rebecca and Alkitov went over to shut down the screens of both sectors they had visited, right before Virgil had adjusted the time of the countdown onto his watch, acting as a personal timer for him in his speech and presentation.

Inside the isolated vehicle, she started the call, with Virgil standing patiently on the other end in the subterranean office.

Virgil: *to himself* "One hour and twelve minutes..."
Megan: "Hello, Mr. Lee. What did you need that required my immediate attention?"
Virgil: "You use the word 'my' as in nobody else is watching, but because I've got a very strict schedule to follow, I'll need to trust that you can keep this to yourself. And please, call me Virgil."
Megan: "Alright Virgil, what can I do to help you then?"
Virgil: "It deals with a company called Robotica Inc. The Microsoft terrorist, Ezekiel Davidson, had apparently assumed control for the company after the last CEO, Raidou, randomly left. Now that Ezekiel is in custody, the U.S. Government has taken over. I need you and your election team to make some deals so I can get access to the company."
Megan: "I don't know why it's so important that you take over Robotica, but-"
Virgil: "I don't intend to take over, although given the bad luck they've acquired, I do expect you and your staff to take good care of it. All I need is a certain item from it."
Megan: "And what is this device you need?"
Virgil: "Something that can.."

Virgil looked downward for a second, trying to think how else he could word it, but had nothing but the simple truth.

Virgil: "Something that can disarm a series of missiles."

Megan's eye twitched for a second, a shock to her for a second. As she took this all in, Virgil quickly glanced back at his watch, keeping the restrained time in check as she tried to start speaking again.

Megan: "Look, I'm not sure what your faction is dealing with-"
Virgil: "To the point, Ms. Sharp."
Megan: "But we can't guarantee this company has what you're looking for."
Virgil: "I just need your staff to check, but mainly you."

Megan paused again.

Megan: "Why me?"
Virgil: "Because now you have enough information to understand what's about to happen. I've met you already Megan, and the less people who know about this, the better. I'm putting my trust into you Ms. Sharp, however you do it, I need you to get access to Robotica Inc. in the next few minutes or we will all suffer the consequences."
Megan: "..The government has complete control on the company, we would breaking several laws to take the company from federal control-"
Virgil: "I can save your election Ms. Sharp, I can make sure that David Cromney is the next president of the United States."

Again, more silence, but Virgil couldn't let it last.

Virgil: "Do, we have, a deal?"
Megan: "Yes Virgil, I will get right on it."

The call ended abruptly, with Virgil opening the doors for Rebecca and Alkitov to come in.

Virgil: "Where's Henry?"
Rebecca: "Still with the other workers, he's made his claims and now we have to make the decision."

Virgil looked forward to the other two for a second, keeping the pros and cons of each decision cycling through his mind.

Alkitov: "We can only hope that Ms. Sharp will get back to us as soon as possible Virgil, we have to make the decision now."

Virgil let the next few seconds passed as the missiles and factions sinked in. Both corporations were powerful, and either one of the near-identical sets of missiles could be stopped, if Robotica had the technology. Microsoft's dominance in the west would be beneficial to Nintendo, and they've built a very impressive empire. But the CEO, Hope Tanner, had made her claims clear, with a fiery undertone set behind them. The woman held secrets, that's for sure, but she seemed serious in her statements, and a good tactician, at that. But the faction's isolation from the east could prove a disadvantage, with Sony more spread out in the global scene, ingraining political interest with their focus on the different world cultures with their bases, and offering some of the best hackers with their cyber-agents, but the recent shutdowns provided worries.

Still though, in wartime, Nintendo could hold its ground in Europe and Asia, needing someone to help them over in the Americas. It was not only the dawn of a new generation, but of new governments, and new empires. A political election was winding down in the U.S., and cultural interest wasn't Virgil's primary focus right now. It took a second, but he made his decision.

Microsoft had just earned themselves a new ally.
2013-07-27 16:00:00

Posts: 5208

He was born in it, molded by it. ((see that reference))
((He-hee, I do a kick-butt Bane impression ))
2013-07-27 18:01:00

Posts: 1909

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