Useful stickers 3d & 2d store
Archive: 2 posts
-Search- Level Name: USEFUL STICKERS 3D & 2D STORE By: @dreatern Location: Africa USEFUL STICKERS 3D & 2D STORE I've created a level with several useful "3D" and 2D stickers that you can use in your level. Use the virtual money to buy things ((CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT TO "BUY", YOU CAN AVOID EVERYTHING YOU DO NOT WANT)) - Signs - Trees - Texture - Miscellaneous - Computer - Camera - Bomb - Electronic Components (textures like micro chip, circuit board and others) - Short words - Other good things - Rocks - Bushes | 2009-01-27 05:30:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
Excellent level! I posted a bit more in-depth look at this level in the Review section - https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=141826#post141826. If your a sticker nut like me or even find the value in having a few good ones to use you should definitely check this level out. | 2009-02-06 11:35:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
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