Retro Gaming
Archive: 6 posts
This is a thread to talk about retro games, whether it's Atari, or Nintendo, or Sega, or whatever! It just has to be something that's old and gaming related. We can talk about good games, or bad games, or games that no one has even heard about! So yeah. I have to say that I LOVE the SNES and N64. I have an NES too, but the only game that I like is SMB3. So yeah. | 2013-07-14 01:22:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
Retro gaming! Yeah! I'm old enough to say that retro gaming was just being a freaky nerd at the time... I've already talked of it somewhere, but my favorite Atari game of all times was Full Metal Planet: http://www.gametronik.com/site/rubriques/atari_st/Jeux/Full%20Metal%20Planete/full%20metal%20planete.png It was at first a classic tabletop wargame, the goal of which was to recolt a maximum of ressources on a distant planet, and not being captured or destroyed by your opponent(s). Multiplayer, turn by turn, a lot of strategy and no luck to rely on. When you had no friends, you could play against an AI that was pretty decent. What really impressed me at the time was the fact that the environment could change from one turn to another, because the whole planet was subject to massive tides, with the water rising to submerge tiles that were lands, or retire, to cause flat plains to become mountains or canyons. That added a lot to gaming experience, because as a player you had to think where to place your ships so they won't be taken by a giant wave at the next turn. You could also create some special ships that allowed you to predict the next tide. Just for the pleasure of the eyes, what the box set was looking for: http://p8.storage.canalblog.com/85/77/389074/78235204.jpg The tabletop game had modular tiles, that allowed a lot of differents maps, but the Atari game only had one map, which was a bit disappointing. ![]() That game took a lot of my youngest hours. | 2013-07-14 18:43:00 Author: Djibees ![]() Posts: 189 |
SM64 all the way. WHY WHY THOUGH WOULD YOU GIVE ME 99 LIVES AT THE END OF THE GAME WAT WAT WAT | 2013-07-15 06:45:00 Author: Xtrahuman ![]() Posts: 431 |
I remember having the DS port of SM64, though I didn't like it very much. I'll have to get the original version at some time. | 2013-07-15 20:51:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
N64: the game controller that requires 3 hands | 2013-07-16 02:53:00 Author: Xtrahuman ![]() Posts: 431 |
In the topic of retro games, anybody here played Retro City Rampage? | 2013-08-30 13:04:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
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