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RPG Forum War
Archive: 31 posts
So, in my quest for crazy, I have come up with the barebones of a forum RPG. Essentially, it'd be a tactical turn based game a'la Fire Emblem. Each person is a soldier, with various stats. They then belong to armies, who want to win the War. They will do so by fighting over various battlegrounds on the World Map. When armies clash on the battlefield, they will send a few of their soldiers onto a tactical map, represented by a graph. Soldiers will move on the graph by their own free will when it is their turn, but it is highly recommended they talk with the other members of their army. Of course, there are no rules saying they can't betray their own army. Speaking of which, soldiers can switch sides. Each army has "money", earned by winning battles or killing enemy troops. Money can be used to revive dead troops or allow new soldiers to join their side, be they from the peasants or an enemy army. Each soldiers has points they can give to various stats. Strength Defense HP Damage Dealt = 2 * Strength of attacker - .5 * Defense of defender So if you have a strength of 5 and the enemy you're attacking has a defense of 6, you would deal 7 damage. Sound complicated? It is, and I don't think I have a lot of the kinks worked out, and know I haven't explained it very well. Still, this is more or less to see who is interested in a crazy game like this, and would like to participate. Because this is essentially a game of Risk, I see no reason for a Dungeon Master as all of the stats will be in the thread, so I believe I will be able to play while simultaneously keeping track of the stats. Because of the hard work involved, we'd need other, TRUSTWORTHY people to help. In fact, since this is a forum game, only trustworthy people who play by the rules need apply. So apply if you think you will play by the rules and actually play. And feel free to ask questions and help solidify the game. As for armies, well, we could start thinking about who wants to join with who. In fact... I CREATE MY OWN ARMY: THE PEANUT ARMY RockSauron No more than three armies at the present time, we need logic here. | 2013-07-07 01:25:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Hmm sounds interesting, I might be able to join in on the shenanigans. A few questions though, if you don't mind. So how will stats be divvied up among army members? Will certain roles be established with their own pros and cons? I'm guessing each group, when you tally everyone's Strength/Defense/HP together, will equal the same amount. How exactly would army members be able to sway others to their side? Does everything related to the game have to be posted via the thread, or could exchanges be made by private messages and such? Also, does the group store money in one spot, or can members gain money in certain ways to keep for their own use, like to hang onto if they side with another army? | 2013-07-07 01:43:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Hmm sounds interesting, I might be able to join in on the shenanigans. A few questions though, if you don't mind. 1. So how will stats be divvied up among army members? 2. Will certain roles be established with their own pros and cons? I'm guessing each group, when you tally everyone's Strength/Defense/HP together, will equal the same amount. 3. How exactly would army members be able to sway others to their side? 4. Does everything related to the game have to be posted via the thread, or could exchanges be made by private messages and such? 5. Also, does the group store money in one spot, or can members gain money in certain ways to keep for their own use, like to hang onto if they side with another army? 1. When a soldier enlists, he has a base stat (say, 5 Attack, 3 Defense, 10 HP). Then, he or she has 20 or so points to attribute however he likes. After every battle all enemies he killed will give him 1 extra point to give himself, and if he survived to the end of the battle he will get another point. 2. Again, you'd need to divide your stats yourself. I think each person will choose a weapon, that will decide his base stats, and that will affect how he attacks. For instance, a person with a sword can only attack the person in front of him but will have higher strength, a person with a bow could attack a person one space away, a cleric could heal people but have no other powers... 3. Well, I don't really know. That was just an idea, no clue if it's reasonable or not 4. No, not everything. Well, everything pertaining to the battle. However, you can talk about strategy amongst yourself. In fact, it's better for you to do so. But all actual battles and movements would take place in the thread. 5. I think each army will have its own coffers to do how it so please. I am questioning swapping sides. | 2013-07-07 01:52:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Sounds interesting. If you can get all the details worked out, then this would be one hell of a forum game . So, when everything is sorted out and the rules are set in stone, Ill play for sure. | 2013-07-07 02:14:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
Now, we just need to think of the overall battle... I think there will be a world map, with various bases on it. Like a board game. The armies move their pieces around to capture these bases. When they are captured, it turns to their defender. An army can buy defenses for their base. Battles either happen when they meet on the field, or when an opposing army invades the main army's base. Battles would have multiple objectives: In a base battle, there will be a series of blank points. By capturing enough points, say, 75% of them, you either take control of the base or drive the enemies out. You can purchase precaptured points with gold for your own bases. On the field, the attacking army can only win if all opposing armies are defeated. However, the defending army can win if everyone gets to a series of points marked "Retreat Points". When someone gets there, they're gone from the battle forever, so the remaining troops will have to get there themselves. Any other thoughts or suggestions. | 2013-07-07 02:28:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I'm in. | 2013-07-07 03:24:00 Author: jarreguin001 Posts: 351 |
Im in, too. Too much goodness to resist. Quick question though: how exactly will armies move their pieces around while broadcasting said moves? Will it be an ASCII thing, or will the battlefield be an image that gets successively edited each move? EDIT: @Rawk Forgot to mention: I have some pretty awesome ideas for the game, but I dont feel like typing them out with this stupid touch keyboard (on my vita), so ill bring them up tomorrow. | 2013-07-07 05:32:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
Moving each person after each move would be a really difficult and tedious job... which managing this whole thing would be, but eh. If you have any ideas how to make it easier, do tell And also do tell your awesome ideas :kz: | 2013-07-07 15:32:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I see that "Peanut Army" is sadly no longer in the OP. Will you be dividing players into separate groups after everyone's joined, Rock? | 2013-07-07 15:34:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
I see that "Peanut Army" is sadly no longer in the OP. Will you be dividing players into separate groups after everyone's joined, Rock? Well, I didn't want to confuse everyone with an existing army and a bunch of unrecruited pagans. I was going to wait/hope for more recruits, and then we could sort them out. No idea the best way. but first, I'd need more people to volunteer for this CRAZY endeavor. | 2013-07-07 15:50:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Well, I didn't want to confuse everyone with an existing army and a bunch of unrecruited pagans. I was going to wait/hope for more recruits, and then we could sort them out. No idea the best way. but first, I'd need more people to volunteer for this CRAZY endeavor. Welp, I can at least give it a go. ^^ You can sign me up. | 2013-07-07 16:21:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
A Wild Butter-Kicker appears...... It Used Join Forum Game. This sounds like a lot of fun. | 2013-07-07 16:39:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
First off, sorry 'bout that double post Lady Luck. Totally derped there :/. Anyways, here are my ideas for the game: -The game will be turn based (more details are in next bullet). When one faction's (army's) turn ends, the other faction's turn begins. This, however, assumes that there will only be 2 factions. -The game will start out with a world map, on which there will be several territories. Soldiers will choose which territories they will go in, and are advised to spread out. However, they can only be assigned in their faction's territories. If a territory has nobody in it, it becomes neutral, and, as such, it is advised that at the beginning of the game the team communicates in order to have soldiers in all of their territories. -Each faction will have a commander. This commander decides what the faction's turn will be used for - attacking an enemy territory, permanently raising one of a soldier's stats (defense or attack) by 2, healing all soldiers by 5, reviving a dead soldier, setting a territory in defense mode, or taking an enemy's territory out of defense mode. Effects of each procedure are as followed: Attacking an enemy base: Attacking a base initiates attack mode, which will be detailed later. A team's turn does not end until battle ends. Raising one of a soldier's stats by 2retty self-explanatory. Healing all soldiers by 5: Also self-explanatory. Reviving a dead soldier: This is self-explanatory, too. To avoid balancing issues, though, soldiers can only be revived once, and their stats revert to what they first were. Putting a territory in defense mode: All soldiers in a territory set to defense mode have their defense raised by 5, but only while they are in said base. Taking an enemy territory out of defense mode: Pretty self-explanatory. All defense boosts granted by defense mode are nulled. -3 soldiers can move per turn (these soldiers must request movement from the commander, and the commander chooses which soldiers can move if more than 3 request). They can either move to a different friendly territory or pull out, allowing the commander to assign them to battle (more on that next bullet point) -Here are the details on attack mode. First off, during attack mode, commanders can assign any soldiers not in a territory (currently doing nothing) to be the attackers. As such, it is required that during initial placement, at least 5 soldiers remain not in a friendly territory, and it is recommended to always have this amount of soldiers ready. That being said, here are the actions that the assigned soldiers can do when attacking (note that they can only do 1 per phase): Standard attack: The soldier chooses which enemy within the territory they want to attack, and do so. Rawk detailed the damage done with his equation - Damage Dealt = 2 * Strength of attacker - .5 * Defense of defender Use a grenade: does the standard amount of damage labeled in Rawk's equation, but to ALL enemies. Soldiers only get one grenade per game, so it is necessary to use them wisely. -More on attack phase: If soldiers kill everybody in an enemy territory, the territory is given to the attacker's faction. If not, however, the battle ends, but the soldiers are still in the enemy territory. The enemy's turn starts, and the enemy gets to kill of one of the soldiers in addition to a normal action. However, the enemy can deal no further damage to the soldiers. Once the enemy turn ends, the initial attackers have 2 options: Pull out the soldiers (to avoid risking their lives should the attack fail), or Have them continue the attack (if the attack still doesn't kill all the soldiers, the same process will repeat, allowing the enemy to kill off one soldier). Both actions will end the initial attacker's turn. ...Anyways, that's my idea of how this whole thing could work. My, mechanics, of course, would be combined with Rawk's mechanics, such as the money system. Oh, and one more thing: Dragonvarsity asked how a soldier could be tempted into joining a team. That's easy: the team gives the soldier money . This would introduce a personal money system, however, making the team's money simply a way to convince other soldiers to join. Whoever has the most money of their team at the end of the game will be given a "best team player" reward (multiple of these will obviously be given), and the person with the most money overall will be given the "best player" overall reward. Soldiers can also earn their money through kills. tl;dr - I can't possibly sum up these thoughts quickly. Go read the whole post if you want to know the rules, you lazy bum :/. | 2013-07-07 21:44:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
I'll join! | 2013-07-08 00:41:00 Author: amoney1999 Posts: 1202 |
Interesting... However, too much given to commanders. I don't think it really gives everyone a good game if two or three people control almost everything | 2013-07-08 00:44:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Interesting... However, too much given to commanders. I don't think it really gives everyone a good game if two or three people control almost everything Good point. Any ideas on a way to give more power to everyone else? I was going to suggest voting, but I doubt this would be practical (everyone would have to be SUPER active). Oh, and one more thing: due to the unpredictability of the time turns will be taken, I think things should run on a time-based system. For example, let's say that turns switch at 5:00 PM GMT. That way, everyone doesn't have to be extremely active, and can simply check the thread and do their actions when it's their turn. | 2013-07-08 01:29:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
Bump. So, anyone interested in this or no? Anyone willing to help me polish the idea? Also, I'm taking down the list of people who applied so that we don't have a bunch of people here who no longer want in. So say if you want in or any ideas or anything. | 2013-10-03 21:25:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
So, anyone interested in this or no? Anyone willing to help me polish the idea? I'm still interested, and willing to polish the idea (or perhaps Polish it, if you want to take a swing at changing the nationality). /puns | 2013-10-03 22:46:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
I still think this sounds cool. Im up for joining. | 2013-10-04 02:37:00 Author: amoney1999 Posts: 1202 |
I'm still interested, and willing to polish the idea (or perhaps Polish it, if you want to take a swing at changing the nationality). /puns A pun typically has both meanings work. For instance, if I say "That is a read car", it isn't a pun because a "Read car" makes no sense. You monster. Anyway... yeah, I have no clue what to do. Yay me XD | 2013-10-04 20:32:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
ARR PEE GEE I'm in | 2013-10-05 12:33:00 Author: Shooter0898 Posts: 996 |
A pun typically has both meanings work. For instance, if I say "That is a read car", it isn't a pun because a "Read car" makes no sense. You monster. Fine. Be that way. You monster. Anyway... yeah, I have no clue what to do. Yay me XD Well, that post I made a while back still applies. If we can find a way to make leaders less OP, we might have a pretty good game on our hands. | 2013-10-05 16:51:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
Fine. Be that way. You monster. Well, that post I made a while back still applies. If we can find a way to make leaders less OP, we might have a pretty good game on our hands. Um... any chance you'd be willing to run it? I could help with stats and stuff and keeping things updated, but I don't trust myself to be able to run it well myself... | 2013-10-05 16:56:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Um... any chance you'd be willing to run it? I could help with stats and stuff and keeping things updated, but I don't trust myself to be able to run it well myself... Don't know if I'm the person who should be running this. I'm quite active during the weekends, yes, but school and homework mean I can't possibly be hosting something as involved as this. | 2013-10-05 17:08:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
Don't know if I'm the person who should be running this. I'm quite active during the weekends, yes, but school and homework mean I can't possibly be hosting something as involved as this. I know right I can't think of a single active person.... <---- Imma just leave this arrow here. | 2013-10-05 17:18:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
I know right I can't think of a single active person.... <---------- Are you volunteering to be the Head Honcho of a Strategy/RPG forum game? | 2013-10-05 17:20:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I'm hopping on to the neutral bandwagon. I'm going to be flying around the board on my airship (ALTHOUGH, I can only move on my turn.) If a scene gets OUT OF CONTROL and I'm there, I will attempt to eliminate the scene from above. It will take 5 turns until a battle gets OUT OF CONTROL. I would have the abilities like it would be if the enemy is me (For example, I can kill one person.) It will also cost money for me to evacuate the attacking team's soldiers. If I'm inactive, the service will not work. This fee is 100 currency. My turn will be during an enemy's turn. When I kill a territory, the defending territory keeps it. (This concept is like the USA in a way. They only get involved if something goes out of control.) My airship looks like the one in this level (Not by me.) https://lbp.me/v/qrny0yf Hope this spices up the RPG! | 2014-12-13 21:51:00 Author: eyepet2002 Posts: 40 |
Oh wow, forgot about this time I tried to do something crazy like this. Huh. | 2014-12-13 22:06:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Well, you know we can revive this! And why do i never check the dates? .-. | 2014-12-13 23:33:00 Author: eyepet2002 Posts: 40 |
Well, you can revive it if you want. I'm too lazy to actually organize something this crazy myself ;-; | 2014-12-13 23:46:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Ok! https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=93842-The-war-of-nuts-A-forum-RPG&p=1206667#post1206667 | 2014-12-14 00:05:00 Author: eyepet2002 Posts: 40 |
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