The Last of Us discussion thread (SPOILERS)
Archive: 32 posts
So before I get into the topic, I would just like to warn you that if you haven't finished the game or haven't played the game at but are planning to (which you should) LEAVE, and come back once you've finished it. So. The Last of Us. This game has an overwhelming amount topics to discuss so it's almost impossible to know where to start. So feel free to contribute with whatever you found interesting. Whether it's about the story, an easter egg, the relationship between Joel and Ellie, Bill's sexuality, the gameplay, the ending or Ish, all thoughts and observations are welcome. http://25.media.tumblr.com/81f4cceb6426e6310640861d5fa16f57/tumblr_meti29kjTe1rhsqf5o2_500.gif EDIT: 1:00AM, sitting in a pitch-black room with headphones on.. That part in the hotel basement after elevator falls down.. Plays on hard mode with listen mode turned off.. Starts the generator.. See runners and clickers running towards you followed by a bloater.. Low on ammo, decides to run.. Hears their terrifying shriek as I desperately tries to get away.. "Finally, a way out!" 'requires key card!' "FFFFFFFF....." Turns around.. A bloater rushes towards me and splits my jaw in two.. Screams like a little girl.. Well, that's enough TLoU for today.. | 2013-06-19 01:19:00 Author: VenemoX ![]() Posts: 197 |
Why is Bill's sexuality a topic? Did I miss something...? But I'd like to vent feelings on the ending: I pretty much have never been so indecisive determining whether or not I like something. I feel dirty and wrong for killing the surgeon. I hate the idea of destroying the only chance to find a cure. But I agree with Joel's words in the final cutscene "No matter what, you keep finding something to fight for" - he decided to fight for a life with Ellie. And he decided humanity wasn't worth fighting for. Throughout the game there have been MANY times the human encounters were scarier than the clickers. So maybe he's right. Humanity wasn't worth fighting for. I have to give Naughty Dog credit - they led the story up to what I thought would be a generic cliche - but then took it to this bleak conclusion. | 2013-06-19 03:05:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
What I find somewhat annoying is on youtube is that everyone kind of thinks Joel lied to Ellie about the Fireflies when he actually didn't at all except about them not looking for a cure anymore. In the Hospital you do find a recording device that, I'm assuming, a doctor or one of the Fireflies talks about others being immune to the infection and having done surgery on them but they never succeeded and the patients died and that they only continued to do it because they held on to hope that perhaps the next person immune to the infection would provide better results. So Joel did somewhat tell the truth. As for your EDIT part, yeah same thing happened to me, wasn't dark out but was trying to get away from the bloater, then got caught up fighting a runner and right when I killed the runner all of a sudden the bloater is behind me and I nearly jumped out of my seat. XD | 2013-06-19 03:13:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
Probably my favorite part of the story was Sam getting infected. I didn't see it coming, and the part was so emotional, seeing Henry having to kill his loved one, and couldn't handle it, so he killed himself just to be with him. It was so surprising and it left me with such an impact. | 2013-06-19 04:58:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
The German TV Spot of TLOU is very cool! Many friends play and love it! So I think I need it too! ![]() | 2013-06-19 08:16:00 Author: DeKa1357 ![]() Posts: 190 |
(TL;DR at the bottom ![]() Well after actually playing through the whole game, I think I'm in a good position to give my thoughts/review on the game. ![]() So first off, I should say this game was not what I expected from Naughty Dog. Not...in...the slightest... This game really put them in a different light for me. Take note that this IS the company that made one of my favorite childhood games Crash Bandicoot and my favorite adulthood game Uncharted. I didn't expect this game to be as "family-friendly" as those games sure...but I didn't think even just judging from the commercials that it would be THIS explicit. I'll admit, the violence I did kind of expect. I mean it is a zombie game so I thought the worst I'd see someone's head get knocked off. ![]() But the language, seeing kids die, and people getting shot in their privates...that really caught me off guard. The first part of the game where Joel's daughter gets killed by the cop almost had me in tears and I was even ready to stop playing. I dunno if it's something to do with my relationship with my young niece, but I really don't like seeing young people get killed like that...really puts me off. I feel like Naughty Dog is trying to be like Rock Star or Epic Games or something with the violence, but it doesn't look good on them in my opinion. However, I do think that kind of thing really sets the mood to what you are playing. It gives off the necessary "this-might-not-be-a-game-with-a-happy-ending" vibe. I think what Naughty Dog were trying to achieve was a sense of realism; trying to pull you into a world where you have to fight and hope to survive everyday. In that world, there is no sheltering censors or blurs, so I suppose without the crassness, it wouldn't be as immersive. In fact it might even be cheesy. It's certainly one way to raise the bar when you're a company who has created a Game of the Year. ![]() The game has a lot elements brought over from Uncharted. Specifically the dramatic voice acting, the very detailed visuals, the fact that it's a 3rd person shooter and you occasionally climb up and down on things and have to creatively overcome obstacles to advance. I don't consider that a bad thing really, but it's certainly creates a less novel experience if you've played the Uncharted games prior (and I've played all three, and the one on vita ![]() ![]() ![]() For me, the strongest element of the game is the characters. What kept me playing was the emotional investment I had in Joel and Ellie. I literally got frustrated playing certain parts of the game just because it was keeping me from seeing how these guys turned out. Sometimes I found myself more interested in those little side conversations than blowing zombies to a pulp. Now THAT'S some character development. ![]() The visuals I think speak for themselves on behalf of their awesomeness. ![]() TL;DR: Definitely Game of the Year material. Violence and language is a little over the top but works with the story. Similar to Uncharted, but not in any detrimental way. Visuals are to DIE FOR! Great characters with relatable personalities. Not my favorite game from Naughty Dog but certainly worth the $60 bucks! ^^I would've loved an explanation as to how everyone became zombies but...eh... ![]() | 2013-06-19 10:01:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
Why is Bill's sexuality a topic? Did I miss something...? Well people are speculating that Bill was homosexual. The way he spoke about his 'partner' Frank indicates that he was more than just a 'partner'. Also that magazine Ellie steals further proves that. Props to ND for making it very subtle and not making a big deal out of it when so many games that features a homosexual character makes him overly stereotypical (GTA IV for example). | 2013-06-19 11:46:00 Author: VenemoX ![]() Posts: 197 |
I'm more curious about what Joel did that put Bill in his debt. That was very mysterious. | 2013-06-19 21:33:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
I'm more curious about what Joel did that put Bill in his debt. That was very mysterious. Yeah I really wished they would've addressed that. BIll was an interesting character. | 2013-06-19 22:13:00 Author: VenemoX ![]() Posts: 197 |
Excellent game, loved it. I actually though Joel lied to Ellie at the end.. but it turns out as Arget says above he didn't. I zoned out a bit on the voice recording that explains it due to all the medical terminology but my partner explained it. So Joel's actions aren't really that controversial in my view, he definitely did the right thing. They were just clutching at straws and were prepared to sacrifice a life for no good reason. And he stopped them from doing that. | 2013-06-26 23:10:00 Author: LieutenantFatman ![]() Posts: 465 |
Excellent game, loved it. I actually though Joel lied to Ellie at the end.. but it turns out as Arget says above he didn't. I zoned out a bit on the voice recording that explains it due to all the medical terminology but my partner explained it. So Joel's actions aren't really that controversial in my view, he definitely did the right thing. They were just clutching at straws and were prepared to sacrifice a life for no good reason. And he stopped them from doing that. He did lie. The voice recording in question was about them experimenting on the infected to find out how it controlled the host. This is how they knew that Ellie would have to die for the antidote. | 2013-06-27 07:18:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
He did lie. The voice recording in question was about them experimenting on the infected to find out how it controlled the host. This is how they knew that Ellie would have to die for the antidote. Oh right.. I'll try and listen more closely to it when I replay the game. | 2013-06-27 17:06:00 Author: LieutenantFatman ![]() Posts: 465 |
In my view, there was nothing ambiguous about Bill's sexuality, he was definitely ***. Like VenemoX said, it was good that a big deal wasn't made out of it, though the scene where Ellie brings out the magazine was pretty funny. I'm curious as to whether anyone managed to find all collectibles/activate all optional conversations/open all shiv doors, on their 1st playthrough? I though I covered every darn polygon of that game, but still have about 50 collectibles to find, plus more doors/convos. Also, very surprised to see it was Nolan North who played David. Never would've guessed it was him until I saw the credits. | 2013-07-07 20:58:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
In my view, there was nothing ambiguous about Bill's sexuality, he was definitely ***. Like VenemoX said, it was good that a big deal wasn't made out of it, though the scene where Ellie brings out the magazine was pretty funny. I'm curious as to whether anyone managed to find all collectibles/activate all optional conversations/open all shiv doors, on their 1st playthrough? I though I covered every darn polygon of that game, but still have about 50 collectibles to find, plus more doors/convos. Also, very surprised to see it was Nolan North who played David. Never would've guessed it was him until I saw the credits. I'd be surprised if anyone did find everything in one playthrough. I did it on my second playthrough and even then I had to go back and find certain doors again through the chapter select since Survivor Difficulty doesn't provide enough shivs to open all the doors in just one playthrough. As for collectibles, I had to use a guide because some of the stuff is tough to find. As well for conversations since there are apparently 37 specific conversations that you have to do in order to unlock the trophy but there are more then 37 in the entire game. As for David, I was surprised as well, definitely a big surprise when you are so use to him being Nathan Drake in a Naughty Dog game. | 2013-07-07 21:39:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
I'd be surprised if anyone did find everything in one playthrough. I did it on my second playthrough and even then I had to go back and find certain doors again through the chapter select since Survivor Difficulty doesn't provide enough shivs to open all the doors in just one playthrough. As for collectibles, I had to use a guide because some of the stuff is tough to find. As well for conversations since there are apparently 37 specific conversations that you have to do in order to unlock the trophy but there are more then 37 in the entire game. As for David, I was surprised as well, definitely a big surprise when you are so use to him being Nathan Drake in a Naughty Dog game. Do you have to get all the shiv doors in as single playthrough or do they stack up? Survivor difficulty doesn't provide enough shivs? Hmmmmm. I'm guessing there's not much ammo available either? I was never particularly short on ammo in my Normal playthrough, but I often got caught and had to rely on it at times. I think I may struggle on Survivor mode. Yeah, Nolan North obviously does Drake, but he voices a lot of characters in other games, and they tend to be a bit nicer than mean ol' Dave. ![]() | 2013-07-08 09:16:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
If you've completed a playthrough, you can go through chapter select and be able to go and unlock whichever doors you need to still unlock I do not think they stack through different playthroughs though except if you do New Game Plus difficulty. For example you beat the game on Normal, you can go and do Normal New Game Plus and the doors will stack but if you beat the game on Normal Difficulty and then go to Survivor Difficulty then they won't stack and you'll have to find them all over again. Which is a bit odd since from what I noticed with collectibles, they stack no matter what playthrough, just shiv doors don't stack for some odd reason. I only know this since I unlocked a door on my first playthrough which was on Hard Difficulty which contained a collectible inside it, a comic book to be more accurate. Then I moved on to Survivor difficulty and was unable to unlock it then due to a lack of shivs. However when I beat the game on Survivor Difficulty I went back through the chapter select and it said I had all the collectibles in the level but in order to get the shiv door trophy, I had to go and unlock that door once more. As for survivor difficulty well, I would say it isn't much harder then Hard Difficulty. Just that you can't use the listening mode, and the lack of supplies at times but if you can get good with being stealthy it isn't to bad. Only really annoying parts I really came across were the Resort playing as Ellie, ran out of ammo a few times and was tough to steal kill some of the enemies, and the tunnel, before the hospital due to all the infected running about but you can make that part really easy by having the flamethrower at hand with a good case of ammo in it so best to never use the flamethrower up until that point in the game. | 2013-07-08 17:36:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
I managed to get through the tunnel no problem on normal difficulty, managed to just sneak by them. | 2013-07-08 18:30:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I've been playing through on survivor difficulty over the past few days. It's pretty darn tough at times. So far the part's I've struggled on the most are the first encounter with the runners (and the single clicker) in the office block (for some reason I haven't been able to find a decent tactic, plus the runners seem to spot you much easier on survivor), and probably the bit when you enter the school. I've just got to the part where you meet Sam & Henry. So I know the sewers part is coming up soon... which I'm absolutely dreading. Sometimes games like this (ie scary games) are worse the second time around because you know what's coming (ie scary parts)! Sorry for the double post, btw. But it's been 6 days so I'm sure it's alright. Further notes: - Supplies are really hard to come by in this mode, especially since I played through on normal difficulty the first time around. Even melee weapon pickups are a lot less common. - Some of Ellie's joke book puns are actually pretty funny. ![]() | 2013-07-15 11:16:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Don't forget to save your bombs and Molotovs for the end of that sewer section! | 2013-07-15 18:29:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Don't forget to save your bombs and Molotovs for the end of that sewer section! If I have enough supplies, yeah! I'm without a med pack at the moment, so that's my main priority. Don't think I have enough supplies to make a bomb either. I believe I have 1 molotov remaining, and not an awful amount of ammo. Pistol/revolver ammo is hard to come by..... why can't you loot ammo off dead bodies like they do in the first CGI trailer? ![]() That bit at the checkpoint before you get to the beach is bloody tough. | 2013-07-16 10:13:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
It's to be expected to have less supplies and less chances to loot bodies on such difficulties like Survivor, just have to roll with it. Of course in reality you would expect supplies on every body you come across but have to make the game harder somehow. Honestly I wouldn't worry about the sewer part too much, there's usually a Molotov in the room you can pick up and as long as you save your bullets for the clickers, you shouldn't be damaged to much, just don't stay in one spot in that room, run around a bit. | 2013-07-18 19:49:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
It's to be expected to have less supplies and less chances to loot bodies on such difficulties like Survivor, just have to roll with it. Of course in reality you would expect supplies on every body you come across but have to make the game harder somehow. Honestly I wouldn't worry about the sewer part too much, there's usually a Molotov in the room you can pick up and as long as you save your bullets for the clickers, you shouldn't be damaged to much, just don't stay in one spot in that room, run around a bit. Yeah, I managed to get passed the sewers after a few tried. More luck than anything else really. ![]() I'm trying to follow a guide to get all the collectibles. I've missed a couple of shiv doors because I didn't have the supplies. Somehow I've managed to miss a toolbox which I'm pretty annoyed about too. Pffft, nevermind. I'm at the university now. One of the firefly pendants is given by killing that bloater. Sod that! I'll chapter select on Easy if I can, to get that one! | 2013-07-18 21:39:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Yeah I did the same thing on Survivor, went for all the collectibles. What you can do after you beat the game on survivor, go to chapter select afterwards and then you can choose any chapter you need to play that you missed a shiv door on any difficulty and it will count to the overall 13 shiv doors. As for the bloater you have to kill, yeah it can be a pain, I went out of my way to kill him and it took awhile. As for toolboxes, don't worry about them all that much because if you are going to play Survivor+ next time, you can grab it then. Plus you won't be able to level up everything by playing the game on Survivor and then Survivor + soyou will have to play another playthrough to finish up leveling weapons if you go to Survivor+ after Survivor difficulty. Just after Survivor+ do Easy+ and you will get loads of supplies to upgrade weapons. | 2013-07-19 04:51:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
Do tools count towards the overall collectibles? I'm not finding it that difficult finding parts/supplements to level up. Is it me or are the water bottles (needed for med kits/molotovs) the most difficult items to find? | 2013-07-19 09:11:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Finding binding for shivs is the hardest thing to find, at least that was for me. Everything else was relatively easy to find, except for sugar for smoke bombs but I find very little use for smoke bombs in the story mode usually. Also tools do not count to overall collectibles so you are fine. They merely are needed for leveling up weapons. | 2013-07-19 16:37:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
I did it! Now for survivor plus! ![]() Might need a wee bit of a break from the campaign first, though. A lot of people seem to think the tunnel section near the end is really tough, it's not tough in the slightest once you know what you are doing. You can sneak past the last group of enemies, then leg it when Ellie knocks the block down. EDIT: - Regarding chapter select. Should I save over my most recent save file, or create a fresh one? | 2013-07-20 14:36:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Create a new save because when you do chapter select then new game +, the game will carry over whatever levels, collectibles, and all that type of stuff from that chapter select so for example like you had all collectibles but one by the end of the game but chose a chapter where you only had half the collectibles, when you got to new game +, it will carry over only half of the collectibles since it starts you out with whatever chapter you were on. Same applies to weapon upgrades which are a bigger deal then collectibles since it takes about two to three playthroughs to level all those up. So you want a new save so that you can later load up the older save which has your upgraded weapons and Joel's upgrades. Collectibles aren't as important since you can get that trophy through chapter select but that was the easiest example to use. | 2013-07-21 18:26:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
Oops! I used the same save. I read somewhere else online that collectibles don't carry over between saves. I have all the collectibles now, but I'm guessing that before I do new game+, I should do a chapter select on the last area, so that my upgrades are as high as possible?? I'm a bit annoyed because I'm missing 1 convo, and 1 shiv door. I think for some reason it didn't count one of them. What I might have to resort to is (when I've done new game+) start a new fresh easy game, and race through it just to get the shiv doors and convos. | 2013-07-21 18:59:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I gotta say, this game had me in an emotional mess throughout. Mostly due to the realness of the characters and how authentic the animation and voice acting sounded. The scene where Sarah dies almost felt TOO real. Oh, and while I'm on the topic of characters; The ending wasn't the thing that upset me. It was knowing that the Joel/Ellie story arch is finished. At the end of the game I felt like I lost a few friends or something. It gutted me. Joel has turned into my favourite videogame character. And Ellie... Oh man, Ellie was absolutely fantastic. Her questioning Joel about all the things that happened in "His time" was pulled off so believably. She's such an amazing character. And kinda pretty for a 14 year old.... heh. The story borrowed a few concepts from previous titles in the Apocalyptic genre, but it's definitely not the most cliche thing in the world. They tried something new with it and they succeeded -in my eyes- in refreshing and setting a standard for the genre as a whole. The bonding of Ellie and Joel is such a rocky-road of emotions and backstory, and it's enough to make it completely different from anything I've seen in the genre. I mean, I broke down and felt absolutely horrible about what Joel said to Ellie in the ranch during the fall segment, only to see him take back everything he said in the scene afterwards. This has completely replaced Portal 2 as my favourite game of all time. I found it absolutely perfect in every way. My only issue with the game was that collectibles still show up in NG+ if you've already collected them, making it hard to try and find what you didn't have already on your second time playing. I'll be playing this game in survivor, and then survivor+. giving a grand total of 4 playthroughs.... And I might even revisit it again after that because it's such a masterpiece. 100/10. | 2013-07-22 01:03:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Agree with pretty much everything you said.... apart from thinking of Ellie as pretty, she's far too young. I look at her like a younger sibling. Have been playing quite a lot over the past few days, 2 playthroughs so far and a total time of about 35hrs! Took me about 19hrs on my survivor difficulty run through! Mainly due to all the times I died! ![]() But yeah, it's fair to say that I've certainly become attached to the characters in my two playthroughs. The scene where Ellie first brings up Joel's daughter (when he says she's stepping on very thin ice) still brings me close to tears. Played a few bits in chapter select on easy difficulty. After playing on survivor mode it feels like a completely different game. Definitely a bit more Uncharted-like, you can happily go in all guns blazing. | 2013-07-22 11:10:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Is it me or are the water bottles (needed for med kits/molotovs) the most difficult items to find? Actually, they're alcohol bottles. Have you tried disinfecting wounds or setting things on fire using water? It's kind of hard ![]() | 2013-07-22 11:17:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Actually, they're alcohol bottles. Have you tried disinfecting wounds or setting things on fire using water? It's kind of hard ![]() It could be alcohol inside water bottles as far as you know! ![]() | 2013-07-22 11:46:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
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