More hearts than Yays
Archive: 15 posts
Am I the only one who wonders on why are there a fair amount of popular levels that has more hearts than yays? | 2013-06-17 21:09:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
You probably are the only one. ![]() | 2013-06-17 21:35:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
I think it's because people made them both a different rating. At least, i noticed and used it like that on the PSP. There used to be some pretty bad levels, that had some funny story or characters. They got most of the hearts. The good levels that had mostly good visuals and gameplay, got rated/yayed. | 2013-06-17 21:53:00 Author: Woutery ![]() Posts: 793 |
Pfff who cares about the rating? ![]() | 2013-06-17 22:24:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
No, you're not the only one, I also I've noticed that. ![]() And, talking about of yays and hearts, why some people heart and yay my lockbox? :kz: ![]() | 2013-06-17 23:16:00 Author: Pulparindo15 ![]() Posts: 334 |
No, you're not the only one, I also I've noticed that. ![]() And, talking about of yays and hearts, why some people heart and yay my lockbox? :kz: ![]() It's ONE OF NATURE'S MYSTERIES http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/vlWGIzFFto4/hqdefault.jpg Sorry I had to. xD People who played Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal will get this joke. | 2013-06-17 23:27:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
Hahaha, I just noticed my two team picks have more hearts than yays. Weird. I almost always yay a level unless it just complete rubbish. I feel that giving a creator a little encouragement is important. But hearts are saved for levels that are special. | 2013-06-18 01:40:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
The same here ! I yay each level which deserves to spend a piece of time to play it ! (so no H4H, P4P, "Amazing level"...the list is way too long ![]() I give hearts for my favorite ones only. | 2013-06-18 06:27:00 Author: Gwaeron ![]() Posts: 170 |
Hearts are saved for levels that are special. Amen to that. | 2013-06-18 12:07:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
I give a yay to levels that deserve it, and a heart to levels that deserve-er it. Creator hearts are for my friends or creators that really blew my mind with something | 2013-06-18 14:30:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
I count yay's like the nods on the spotlight team. If it has something excellent e.g. visuals, music but isn't quite perfect then I won't heart it, but yay it. So I have no idea why people heart more than yay! I'm the other way... | 2013-06-18 15:24:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
What I found out myself is tat sometimes I forget to yay and heart a good level. When I exit the level, and I find out, I can still heart it, but to yay it you have to be inside the level. Maybe more people are too lazy to enter the level a second time, and so only heart the level... | 2013-06-27 19:50:00 Author: wolfbrother117 ![]() Posts: 150 |
^ Possibly you are right. | 2013-06-27 20:14:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
Hmmm I actually thought of this since LBPV first weeks, as it has happened for quite a long time. I'm not sure if the system still works this way (I would need to corroborate this statement) but I think I remember you can only heart -and not yay- a level while offline playing (downloaded levels), so that may be a factor to this situation :O Now that was deep. | 2013-06-27 23:30:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
I yay levels when there's quality work and effort and I heart levels when I enjoy levels and intend to replay them. That is / was the purpose of hearts really: to bookmark levels you enjoyed. | 2013-07-04 18:52:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
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