Ps+ required for ps4
Archive: 57 posts
It seems like sony's been keeping quiet about it but ps4 will require money to play online =( Here's a petition if anyone is interested. https://www.change.org/petitions/sony-computer-entertainment-don-t-require-playstationplus-for-online-multi-player-on-playstation-4 | 2013-06-14 22:12:00 Author: XxHAMADEHxX ![]() Posts: 113 |
Perhaps this would be better discussed in the PS4 thread. (Just not sure if it needs its own thread.) https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=78228-Playstation-4-Announced-Releasing-Holiday-2013 Or at least we should prolly get a mod to move it to "General Gaming." Anyway though, yeah, after Sony pretty much dissed Microsoft's used game/online strategies in such an elegant way, I was a little bummed to find out that PS+ is pretty much mandatory for most of the online features. Sure, it's less than 5 bucks a month, and a great deal, but it's still one of many ongoing payments, plus I don't recall them ever really mentioning it during the conference, which makes me wonder if they've got a few other secrets left behind closed doors. (Still though, they did disprove many of the worrying rumors about their next console, so that's good.) | 2013-06-16 03:44:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
They did mention it in the conference but they said it inbetween the used games and no always online connection stuff so it was squeezed in and quickly said before the commotion of them saying that they weren't going to do what Microsoft was doing with used games and online connection. Plus they worded it somewhat differently so it's not something many caught on to until later interviews. | 2013-06-16 05:11:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
Hey it's less than $5 a month I don't really think its a bad thing... It might even turn out to be good! Ps4 will probably start getting the dlc at the same time as Xbox! Also with ps+ you get tons of new features! | 2013-06-17 05:31:00 Author: dolphins-r-lame ![]() Posts: 281 |
Free online was one of the advantages the PS3 had over the 360. Sony really shot themselves in the foot. | 2013-06-17 22:14:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
Free online was one of the advantages the PS3 had over the 360. Sony really shot themselves in the foot. Well, it's not like it's going to make the PS4 much worse than the Xbone... And that, folks, is why console wars are important. | 2013-06-18 13:44:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
It's not very much! 50€ a year! Less than a new game! So don't buy a new game, buy PS+! ![]() | 2013-06-19 08:14:00 Author: DeKa1357 ![]() Posts: 190 |
bit old news, anyways, this sure makes me less of want to buy any new gen console now, guess ill just wait for all the games to roll out and the price drop to make a decision... | 2013-06-19 08:31:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
Idk, it wasnt 100% clear to me... do i do a monthly payment? or do i pay the whole 50 bucks like i do today? it still isnt that big of a deal... and all f2p games like blacklight (favorite pc game... fun fact.) can be played with a normal psn... also, it helps sony get better security and stuff... you dont want online gone for a month again, right? -_- | 2013-06-26 18:57:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Hey guys! I've been an xbox user for 2 and a half years now, my friends were playing on it so I jumped ship a little after LBP2 came out. I can tell you now that Playstation users will not have it nearly as bad as Xbox players. One thing I'm looking forward to for the PS4 is mandatory PS+, it's like they're forcing you to get free games. It will pay for itself. On the xbox you have to pay for Xbox live to get basic features such as Netflix and Youtube, etc. That will not be the case on the PS4. So while it does seem a little stupid, consider the fact that you will ONLY lose online play if you don't get PS+. Also, if as many people are jumping ship from Xbox to PS4 as it looks like, Sony will need the money for more servers ![]() Any questions on why it won't be that bad just ask and I can elaborate. I have Xbox Live and I have had PS+ in the past a few times. | 2013-06-30 05:42:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
I heard PS+ games have to make a online check before you can play them even offline. Not good if your net likes to go out randomly a lot like mine does. But I also heard not all PS4 online games will need PS+... So I'll wait and see what happens with that. But yeah I won't be buying PS+ regardless. *mew | 2013-06-30 20:30:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I heard PS+ games have to make a online check before you can play them even offline. Not good if your net likes to go out randomly a lot like mine does. No they don't. Once you download them, an expiration date gets put on them for the same date that your PS+ membership runs out on. Then, the only time you'll ever need to go online is to renew your subscription once it runs out. ![]() I believe the only games that don't require PS+ to play online are the F2P ones, like MMOs and stuff though. I honestly couldn't recommend PS+ enough. The cloud saves make it easier to transfer saves between my gaming PS3 and my Netflix PS3 (just in case my brother wants to play Terraria or LBP with me), you get to indefinitely rent a whole bunch of games for the same price as you would spend purchasing a single new game (with tons of discounts, too), and you get access to betas and stuff. I have too many Vita games to even play now! I never even thought I'd like Gravity Rush or BlazBlue until I got them for free. They're awesome! ![]() Obviously the $50-a-year price is pretty intimidating, but it's well worth it in my eyes. | 2013-07-01 02:28:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
No they don't. Once you download them, an expiration date gets put on them for the same date that your PS+ membership runs out on. Then, the only time you'll ever need to go online is to renew your subscription once it runs out. ![]() I believe the only games that don't require PS+ to play online are the F2P ones, like MMOs and stuff though. I honestly couldn't recommend PS+ enough. The cloud saves make it easier to transfer saves between my gaming PS3 and my Netflix PS3 (just in case my brother wants to play Terraria or LBP with me), you get to indefinitely rent a whole bunch of games for the same price as you would spend purchasing a single new game (with tons of discounts, too), and you get access to betas and stuff. I have too many Vita games to even play now! I never even thought I'd like Gravity Rush or BlazBlue until I got them for free. They're awesome! ![]() Obviously the $50-a-year price is pretty intimidating, but it's well worth it in my eyes. I know! ![]() | 2013-07-01 03:30:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
the only time you'll ever need to go online is to renew your subscription once it runs out. ![]() So If I don't renew my membership then I can't play any of my games downloaded while I had PS+? *mew | 2013-07-01 09:41:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
So If I don't renew my membership then I can't play any of my games downloaded while I had PS+? *mew No. If you look at the info on a downloaded game (I think you press triangle), you can see the time limit remaining. Once that limit is over, your PS3 will explode and you won't be able to play the game. Ok..... maybe not the part about the exploding ps3. | 2013-07-01 10:33:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
you won't be able to play the game. That's exactly what I said. Anyways. I won't buy PS+ unless they remove that time limit on PS+ downloaded games or whatever the hell it is from it. | 2013-07-01 11:15:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
That's exactly what I said. Anyways. I won't buy PS+ unless they remove that time limit on PS+ downloaded games or whatever the hell it is from it. I can't see them removing the limit. BTW, it's only the FREE games that expire. Discounted games do not expire. It makes sense though. Let's say you sign up with a broadband company that (as part of the deal) gives you free anti virus software. They're not gonna let you continue to use it if your contract expires, are they? As I've said in another thread, it's more than worth the ?40 a year. I've only just signed up, and have downloaded 3 free games already! | 2013-07-01 11:42:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I can't see them removing the limit. BTW, it's only the FREE games that expire. PS+ games are not free. You are paying for the service in order to get them. *mew | 2013-07-01 11:48:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
PS+ games are not free. You are paying for the service in order to get them. *mew I think you should stop complaining. You're getting full games for free. ![]() | 2013-07-01 11:55:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I think you should stop complaining. You're getting full games for free. ![]() You can't tell me not to complain. And it's not free like I said. Anyways I grow bored of this conversation. It should be obvious I'm just dead set against PS+ at this point to anyone. Also i am just in a bad mood today and felt like picking on something that annoys me. So smell ya later~ | 2013-07-01 11:57:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
You can't tell me not to complain. And it's not free like I said. The free games are all part of the subscription, just like the cloud storage. Since you didn't technically purchase them, then you don't own them. They're just optional extras that come with PS+. | 2013-07-01 12:15:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I've been a PS Plus member for a little over 2 years now and I think it's been worth every shiny penny. I love the idea of having online play subsidised by PS Plus subscribers - Sony having a constant source of funds to allocate to the health of the servers (so long as they do of course... who knows, really?) can only be a good thing. Better security, more upgrades to the systems, faster connections and streaming. All good things. PS+ has already paid itself back in dividends just with a few of the many free games I download each year. I very rarely buy a full release game now unless I'm really truly excited about it. Much of the time my gaming money is spent on a couple of psn games, and the rest are free. So, I can sort of understand a few people being a little miffed about the fact, but on comparison I really think PS4 got the better end of the stick. | 2013-07-01 20:54:00 Author: rialrees ![]() Posts: 1015 |
The free games are all part of the subscription, just like the cloud storage. Since you didn't technically purchase them, then you don't own them. They're just optional extras that come with PS+. Your basically renting the game... not getting the game free. and most of those are old and they have dropped in price, so your still pretty much buying those games. | 2013-07-01 22:52:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Ps plus is generous when it comes to giving away games and discounts compared to Gold on the Xbox. Its the same there they are giving away old games. Your not going to take new release and make it free however nice the idea sounds. To be honest Plus is much better. Just think of it as ?40.00 or $60.00 ETC for a Huge discount. Think of each game that comes out each month for free think of what your saving, the discounts on DLC. it all tallies up eventually. ![]() | 2013-07-01 23:11:00 Author: Shooter0898 ![]() Posts: 996 |
I wouldn't mind paying for PS Plus to be online for PS4. I currently have an account and it was worth it. They even said at E3 that you can transfer you PS Plus to PS4. | 2013-07-01 23:26:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
What's great about the PS+ free games, is that (from what I've notice) a lot of them are good games, but you may not have necessarily played them. eg Ico/SotC, Catherine, XCOM. Xbox announces it's first free games.... one of them is Halo 3. Seriously??? I think 90% of Xbox owner would have already played that game!! | 2013-07-02 09:29:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I'm not interested in PS+ as it stands. There are perhaps 2 or 3 titles through the whole history of PS+ that are worth playing that I don't already own. It isn't value for money. It sounds dumb but if I want to play a game on PS3 I just buy it myself. The most disingenuous thing about all this is Sony charging for online multiplayer when they don't run those servers, the publishers typically do. A number of games are P2P, where the host's connection determines how well the session runs. It's really preying on the ignorance of consumers. You'll see absolutely zero increase in performance in online multiplayer by paying Sony for it. The next thing is the core features of PSN, your account, the store, the friends list and messaging services (the things that actually cost Sony money to run) won't require a PS+ subscription. I want to know where this money is going. | 2013-07-02 11:44:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
I'm not interested in PS+ as it stands. There are perhaps 2 or 3 titles through the whole history of PS+ that are worth playing that I don't already own. It isn't value for money. It sounds dumb but if I want to play a game on PS3 I just buy it myself. I guess it all bows down to personal taste or (perhaps in your case) how many games you've already bought. I've bought a lot of games, but I've already seen quite a few worth downloading, and more in the future. You and fumetsusozo should start an anti-PS+ fan group. ![]() | 2013-07-02 14:24:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Xbox announces it's first free games.... one of them is Halo 3. The second game came out today and its a tower defense like arcade game released in 2010 or so on the Xbox. The first was Fable III which was meh. Halo 3 and Assassins Creed 2 Microsoft announced them to be released this month but all of a sudden it's "we don't know" after telling their customers and even support staff who are on their forums about them. Besides Xbox free games is only meant to last till December. | 2013-07-02 16:04:00 Author: Shooter0898 ![]() Posts: 996 |
You and fumetsusozo should start an anti-PS+ fan group. ![]() What a weird thing to say. No one has said PS+ is bad and should be abolished. We're not against PS+, just against making it mandatory for online gaming, because to us it doesn't have as much value as to others. I don't have all that much time to play, especially with a hobby like LBP taking a big chunk, so when I play I want to play a game I really want, no some random thing I got for free in PS+. And really, if PS+ is such a great deal it shouldn't even need to be mandatory, people would just get it out of their own volition, wouldn't they? | 2013-07-03 12:03:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
What a weird thing to say. No one has said PS+ is bad and should be abolished. We're not against PS+, just against making it mandatory for online gaming, because to us it doesn't have as much value as to others. I don't have all that much time to play, especially with a hobby like LBP taking a big chunk, so when I play I want to play a game I really want, no some random thing I got for free in PS+. And really, if PS+ is such a great deal it shouldn't even need to be mandatory, people would just get it out of their own volition, wouldn't they? I was only having a little joke. And yes, I do agree that making PS+ mandatory for online play is a bad move, however myself and Ayneh/fumetsuzoususozo were talking more about the current PS+ benefits. | 2013-07-03 12:32:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I was only having a little joke. And yes, I do agree that making PS+ mandatory for online play is a bad move, however myself and Ayneh/fumetsuzoususozo were talking more about the current PS+ benefits. However Rogar has a point. I was only complaining because I don't like how PS+ is gonna be forced on PS4 if you want to play most online games. Same with Ayneh. As long PS+ is not forced on us. I don't have a problem with it really. *mew | 2013-07-03 13:18:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
However Rogar has a point. I was only complaining because I don't like how PS+ is gonna be forced on PS4 if you want to play most online games. Same with Ayneh. As long PS+ is not forced on us. I don't have a problem with it really. *mew It's all online games isn't it, anything that involves playing with other people? My main "worry" would be if we'd still be getting good "free" games with the subscription, when PS+ becomes mandatory for online play, | 2013-07-03 13:25:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
It's all online games isn't it, anything that involves playing with other people? Kinda hard to know until it happens isn't? They may change their minds to some level of degree by then. *mew But I think it'd be outrageous for such games like LBP. Since LBP is not running on servers to play with others. The only thing LBP's servers do i think is download levels to your console and get info uploaded to them like reviews. But the host player is the 1 who acts as the server for the group. *mew | 2013-07-03 13:37:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Count me in for the AMPS+ team. I don't care about the benefits, if I want to miss them I should have the right to miss them. Plus, if everyone has to have it, what's stopping them from holding back a few of the benefits? (Specially if the Xbox One flops) | 2013-07-03 13:53:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Kinda hard to know until it happens isn't? They may change their minds to some level of degree by then. *mew I suppose. What does make me laugh is that there will be quite a lot of people out there who will pay ?350 for the PS4, plus ?80 per year (?40 for game, ?40 for PS+), JUST for Call of Duty! BTW, it's been bugging me a while, but shouldn't this thread be in the gaming section? | 2013-07-03 14:49:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
BTW, it's been bugging me a while, but shouldn't this thread be in the gaming section? Yep, probably should be. ![]() Moved to General Gaming | 2013-07-03 15:42:00 Author: Lady_Luck__777 ![]() Posts: 3458 |
I guess it all bows down to personal taste or (perhaps in your case) how many games you've already bought. I've bought a lot of games, but I've already seen quite a few worth downloading, and more in the future. If it just boils down to personal taste anyone who doesn't share your taste in games is screwed, right? | 2013-07-03 16:50:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
It's all online games isn't it, anything that involves playing with other people? They've already said free-to-play MMO's will have the choice to stay outside this rule, so they can remain absolutely free. It's up to the MMO maker. My main "worry" would be if we'd still be getting good "free" games with the subscription, when PS+ becomes mandatory for online play, There's always that. Even now there's little guarantee on any service Sony (or anyone else) provides. They said PS3 online gaming remains free, but there's very little we can do if they change their minds (except not play online). Take Other-OS for example, they simply patched that out, all we could do was not update our PS3 and thus be locked out of online. | 2013-07-03 17:39:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
If it just boils down to personal taste anyone who doesn't share your taste in games is screwed, right? What? My taste do you mean? No, all I meant was that if you preferred a certain type of game (eg JRPGs) then you might be left disappointed with the selection of free games on PS+. However, if you're a lover of 3rd person shooters, then you might be happier with the selection. They've already said free-to-play MMO's will have the choice to stay outside this rule, so they can remain absolutely free. It's up to the MMO maker. There's always that. Even now there's little guarantee on any service Sony (or anyone else) provides. They said PS3 online gaming remains free, but there's very little we can do if they change their minds (except not play online). Take Other-OS for example, they simply patched that out, all we could do was not update our PS3 and thus be locked out of online. I can't see Sony changing their minds with the PS3 online. Would be a huge PR nightmare if they did that. | 2013-07-03 18:38:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Yeah, it's very unlikely. I wasn't trying to bash Sony or anything, just saying it's good to consider more remote possibilities, not just the here and now situation. Like, I prefer disk-based games, so I can still boot up my favourite games 30 years from now after the PS store is long and gone. ![]() | 2013-07-03 19:43:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Yeah, it's very unlikely. I wasn't trying to bash Sony or anything, just saying it's good to consider more remote possibilities, not just the here and now situation. Like, I prefer disk-based games, so I can still boot up my favourite games 30 years from now after the PS store is long and gone. ![]() Same here. They take up less HDD space, you don't have to spend hours downloading them, plus they tend to be cheaper. Most of the downloadable versions I've seen on PS store have been up to ?20 more expensive than the disk versions (for new games). The Last of Us being an exception, as that was priced at ?39.99, which is the standard retail price. | 2013-07-03 19:58:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Well all i can say right now is Im pretty sure this online thing only affects massive shooters like COD or KILLZONE. im pretty sure games like LBP wont be affected by this. | 2013-07-05 10:09:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Well all i can say right now is Im pretty sure this online thing only affects massive shooters like COD or KILLZONE. im pretty sure games like LBP wont be affected by this. What makes you believe this? It makes no sense. I'm pretty sure any and all games that have a multiplayer aspect will require PS+ to play online. It makes no difference if it's a shooter or a platformer. The only games that exclude this are F2P games, however even those games are up to the developers themselves. __________________________________________________ ____________________ You guys have to understand that this was inevitable. I remember the woes I heard about how horrible the servers were on the Playstation when BF3 came out, same with almost all of Call of Duty games compared to Xbox servers. When Black Ops I came out, I was fortunate enough to play the game on both systems, and the quality of games was vastly different on the Xbox compared to the Playstation, I'd get tons of lag and a lot of host migrations on the Playstation version, while the Xbox version was pretty seamless (mind you I'm talking about launch week). Sony needs to gain some monthly revenue to be able to sustain stable servers and decent security measures when it comes to their infrastructure. I honestly don't see this as a bad thing - less than 5 dollars a month for more stable servers, better security, etc,. | 2013-07-10 01:32:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
What makes you believe this? It makes no sense. I'm pretty sure any and all games that have a multiplayer aspect will require PS+ to play online. LBP multiplayer itself doesn't run on a company server far as I understand. The host player acts as the server. So it would be a bit annoying for them to charge you server fees for LBP when the multiplayer aspect has little to do with the LBP's servers. *mew However I do think they will make you need PS+ for LBP too. Which I think is a bad idea. But will likely happen. | 2013-07-10 02:05:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
LBP multiplayer itself doesn't run on a company server far as I understand. The host player acts as the server. So it would be a bit annoying for them to charge you server fees for LBP when the multiplayer aspect has little to do with the LBP's servers. *mew However I do think they will make you need PS+ for LBP too. Which I think is a bad idea. But will likely happen. basically uses the "server is the man" system from unreal? ps+ will probably not be required for lbp because 1. the focus on user content. 2. lbp isnt that great of a game without the online and sharing features. and having to be offline because you dont have ps+, you will stop playing lbp in 5 minutes... also, isnt lbp3 rumoured to be a PS3 exclusive anyway? | 2013-07-10 03:07:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
also, isnt lbp3 rumoured to be a PS3 exclusive anyway? It is yes. But regardless what system the rumored LBP3 will be on. You know there will be a LBP on PS4 at some point too. *mew | 2013-07-10 03:52:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
It is yes. But regardless what system the rumored LBP3 will be on. You know there will be a LBP on PS4 at some point too. *mew good point, >.< but still, lbp3 or 4 or 5 whatever on ps4 probably wont require +. | 2013-07-10 04:39:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
I have never had any gripes with PSN because it was free... If I were to pay for it, I would do my best to make every little issue a big deal. :tophat: | 2013-07-10 14:13:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Any FREE to play game will not require PS+ for obvious reasons (unless you're MS). | 2013-07-11 16:45:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Any FREE to play game will not require PS+ for obvious reasons (unless you're MS). It's up to the developers. So even though this seems logical, it doesn't make it 100% true. If the devs really want, they could make a F2P game require PS+. | 2013-07-12 01:00:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
It's up to the developers. So even though this seems logical, it doesn't make it 100% true. If the devs really want, they could make a F2P game require PS+. Why would they do that? The idea of FTP games is that they're FTP. They make their money from microtransactions so by putting them behind a pay wall they cut their own throats. It doesn't make sense. | 2013-07-12 14:02:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Why would they do that? The idea of FTP games is that they're FTP. They make their money from microtransactions so by putting them behind a pay wall they cut their own throats. It doesn't make sense. I never said it made sense, I'm just stating the facts. Sony never stated that F2P games will not require PS+. They said it is up to the developers. | 2013-07-12 21:28:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
I wonder if we'll get games doing both, for the first year or so a game could have a multiplayer thats behind the plus wall then when thats on the decline a stand alone free to play version gets released. | 2013-07-12 22:09:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Would anyone recommend Need For Speed: Most Wanted, to someone who's not particularly a fan of racing games? | 2013-08-01 15:38:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Would anyone recommend Need For Speed: Most Wanted, to someone who's not particularly a fan of racing games? Did you enjoy Burnout Paradise? | 2013-08-01 15:47:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Did you enjoy Burnout Paradise? Yeah, suppose I did. | 2013-08-01 15:56:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
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