How to Record in My Sticky Situation?
Archive: 8 posts
Before I start, I want to say that I am willing to buy adapters and other cords, but I am not willing to buy a better recording device. I'd like to record widescreen HD footage of LBP, but my TV isn't widescreen or HD. So to play it in widescreen HD, I use HDMI to hook my PS3 up to my widescreen HD monitor. I was wishing to record with this setup, but I just have a Dazzle Platinum HD, which only accepts AV/RCA inputs. Could anyone tell me how to play widescreen HD games through HDMI, and still have an AV/RCA output? If this is in the wrong section, I apologize. | 2013-06-13 20:25:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
Does it have to be HD? I hear lots of recording devices like Dazzle simply aren't compatible with HDMI. You could always try the other inputs, but if you really do want to do it in HD, (and I'm sure there are some devices/options that accept it) then you can just ignore this. Yeah, I remember buying a Dazzle for recording, but after my PS3 screwed up, it could only be played in HDMI, which really stunk. xP | 2013-06-13 20:43:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Does it have to be HD? I hear lots of recording devices like Dazzle simply aren't compatible with HDMI. You could always try the other inputs, but if you really do want to do it in HD, (and I'm sure there are some devices/options that accept it) then you can just ignore this. It doesn't have to be HD, but I'd really like it to be widescreen. Any method will work, as long as I have an HDMI, or even VGA, and an AV/RCA output that both work. | 2013-06-13 22:32:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
Could anyone tell me how to play widescreen HD games through HDMI, and still have an AV/RCA output? The PS3 can't be configured to output video to two different ports, no. Whether that's an actual hardware limitation or not I don't know. It sounds like you need to research the difference between composite and component AV cables. The PS3 only comes with a composite connector as standard, which isn't able to carry HD video. This is what you need in the first step of the chain before you split it: http://us.playstation.com/ps3/accessories/component-av-cable-ps3.html | 2013-06-14 02:10:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
The PS3 can't be configured to output video to two different ports, no. Whether that's an actual hardware limitation or not I don't know. It sounds like you need to research the difference between composite and component AV cables. The PS3 only comes with a composite connector as standard, which isn't able to carry HD video. This is what you need in the first step of the chain before you split it: http://us.playstation.com/ps3/accessories/component-av-cable-ps3.html Again, I don't need HD, just widescreen. All I need is an HDMI (or even a VGA) output as well as an AV/RCA output, which does not need to be HD, just widescreen. They don't have to be coming directly from the PS3 (converters are fine), but I need both. | 2013-06-14 20:24:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
I play my ps3 on an hd monitor and Im sorry to tell you that you cant use component inputs and dvi at the same time. The reason is Component(HD) is analog. So its a new tv or a new device your pick. sorry =( | 2013-06-14 22:31:00 Author: XxHAMADEHxX ![]() Posts: 113 |
Again, I don't need HD, just widescreen. That's not what you wrote in the OP. You said you wanted to play and record in HD. The PS3 will output video in whatever aspect ratio you tell it to. How your monitor or SDTV handles it is another matter. It doesn't need to be a 16:9 TV to display 16:9 video. | 2013-06-15 02:49:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
The PS3 will output video in whatever aspect ratio you tell it to. How your monitor or SDTV handles it is another matter. It doesn't need to be a 16:9 TV to display 16:9 video. That's the advice I needed! I'd still like to play it on the monitor, but I can just use a converter for that. Thanks for the help, Dragonvarsity and Ayneh! | 2013-06-15 18:36:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
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