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Killer Bee by Kato

Archive: 7 posts

And thus it was so. Kato got bored making a logo and began to craft the deadliest son of a bee you've ever seen. (1.0)

And he crafted it, and saw that it was sweet, and thus dubbed it.... THE KILLER BEE.
The Killer Bee is the latest in Sackdestruction equipped with a variety of features to annoy people with.

You can summon a swarm of little bees to follow you around. Or if you're feeling vindictive, fire the electric BEE CANNON.

Every Killer Bee comes equipped with an electric shield, and the ability to change layers. You can even summon Fat Bees to roll over enemies. Or friends.

I got bored for like five minutes and made this thing. It even has a button to do an evil laugh.

It's terrible and simple, and awesome. So if you've got free time oozing through your every orifice like honey, I have a prize bubble stashed in the WIP Incredible Noble Steed Contest Hub that I'm working on. This is not a contest entry, just an extra little blah blah since we've got three machine vehicles and no bee swarms. Enjoy!
2013-06-12 13:44:00

Posts: 732

That looks pretty good, surely all the logic didn't take 5 mins though, did it? 2013-06-13 18:58:00

Posts: 175

Actual count probably closer to 30 minutes, but it's really nothing extraordinary. Mostly just emitters, followers, and an advanced mover. I this case it's just goofy fun more than substance or style.2013-06-13 19:18:00

Posts: 732

Haha, very cool

I can see my killer bee story slowly coming to life.
2013-06-16 21:26:00

Posts: 300

Ha ha ha
Riding this monster was fun ^^
Are you sure it's a killer bee? For me it's more a cute litte bumble bee

Great vehicle!!!
2013-06-16 21:41:00

Posts: 2526

When I read Killer Bee I thought you made that character from Naruto

Not disappointed at all, good work !
2013-06-19 19:21:00

Posts: 622

GUH! Never! I loathe Naruto. But thanks.2013-06-19 21:18:00

Posts: 732

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