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Tweak Number Input

Archive: 6 posts

Ok, what frustrates me the most about this game is having to sit there for 10 minutes scrolling down all of these numbers, I think it would be cool if you could click circle when your highlighting tweak option with a number beside it and you could input the number you desire with a number pad.2009-01-26 02:05:00

Posts: 35

The d-pad and the analogue stick move the numbers at a different rate, this might help with fine tuning/big adjustments if you are not already aware of this.

Although a number output would be kind of handy, but it might mean that things would break more with less warning. Say if you set a piston max length too high, it might just break itself while trying to adjust.
2009-01-26 03:16:00

Posts: 1280

I completely agree with the op on this. There have been several occasions where I need to create a lift to get to a certain part of my level during my building and testing phase. Sometimes I want to tweak those but it takes so long because the numbers don't scroll fast enough (regardless of whether I use the d-pad or the analogue stick). Punching those numbers in would be much simpler and quicker for sure.

It's also weird to me that if I physically attach two items together that are at complete opposite ends of the level with a piston or a winch, they stay together and function without any problems at all. But then if I go to tweak the length of said fastener, it's maximum length tops out at 999.99 or something... when it was allowing me a longer length and working fine before.

It's just... weird.... and frustrating when that happens.
2009-01-27 03:07:00

Posts: 1737

Oh yea like have a piston or somthing that you want to go between like 1000, and ooo lets say, 0.5... Takes for ever,,,, and a few times (not sure why) Ive finished tweaking it, press O, and OMG its still between 1000, and 999.5.... grrrr at the very least it should go between however long its set for and like 0, then you can tweak the min length since its prob gonna be closer to 0 than 1000 anyway!2009-01-27 03:21:00

Posts: 738

It's also weird to me that if I physically attach two items together that are at complete opposite ends of the level with a piston or a winch, they stay together and function without any problems at all. But then if I go to tweak the length of said fastener, it's maximum length tops out at 999.99 or something... when it was allowing me a longer length and working fine before.

The maximum numbers we could input before were 300 odd or so. They increased that number to 999.9 just recently. That is a very long distance if you look at it in game. Not one side of the level to the other, but it's still quite big. :eek:

I guess a barrier to increasing the numbers manually is the poor text input system they have right now on default. They might be able to put in some sort of adjustable number thingy though which might make it easier I guess. People who use keyboards don't have this problem though, so it's kind of a lame excuse.

It would be nice to see something put into the future. I guess a problem is people making silly levels that make no sense but just use big numbers. That's kind of a small problem though. :blush:
2009-01-27 06:26:00

Posts: 1280

I guess a barrier to increasing the numbers manually is the poor text input system they have right now on default. They might be able to put in some sort of adjustable number thingy though which might make it easier I guess. People who use keyboards don't have this problem though, so it's kind of a lame excuse.

Wait... are you saying I CAN use my keyboard to input numbers when tweaking? I've been trying to figure out how to with no success.
2009-01-27 13:42:00

Posts: 1737

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