Rio_Latta's Eternal Lake Trilogy
Archive: 1 post
Anyone who hasn't played this series best give it a try when they get the chance. This triple dose of dazzling environments, atmosphere, platforming and grand gameplay will be sure to win your heart(pun intended) as its well worth the visit. Although the series isn't too heavy with the story, you first start out outside moving about as you eventually make your way into the lake. You'll spend sometime there as you swim through underwater obstacles and re-emerge in the abandoned area that serves as the second level. Gameplay is heaviest here with you being teleported to final level at the end. After a (unfortunately) short trip across the lake(this part is my fav as the scenery is absolutely gorgeous<3), you'll end up participating in a boss battle with the end following after. Give it a try as I hope you'll enjoy your stay there cause I know I sure did.![]() Eternal Lake Prologue http://lbp.me/v/g8hgsq | 2013-06-04 12:10:00 Author: SirenScribble7189 ![]() Posts: 52 |
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