Typo? Meh.
Archive: 14 posts
So, basically, repeat what the last person said. You ARE allowed to add, but not remove. BUT, with a catch. You may not use auto correct, you may not edit anything already typed, and once you start typing, you have to post. So only type if your sure. Example: User 1: Hi! What's up? User 2: Hi! What's up? I'm wondering about this forum game. User 3: Hi! What's ip? (Meant up) I'm wondering about this forum game. So...anyone here like portal? Please stay on topic! (Unlike the examples) I'll start. LBP is a rather origial game. | 2013-05-28 02:59:00 Author: qwerty123456 ![]() Posts: 309 |
LBP is a rather origial game. Yehs, LPB is a vary orijinal gaem inded. | 2013-05-28 03:25:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
LBP is a rather origial game. Yehs, LPB is a vary orijinal gaem inded. Hey, you're right, this is a pretty good game, and this forum is pretty awesome too. No typos? How sad :C | 2013-05-28 15:03:00 Author: Patofan ![]() Posts: 1185 |
LBP is a rather origial game. Yehs, LPB is a vary orijinal gaem inded. Hey, you're right, this is a pretty good game, and this forum is pretty awesome too. No typos? How sad :C When you type fast like, I do, you're bound to have typos, like that underlined comma earlier. (Wow, no other typos :O) | 2013-05-28 22:22:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
LBP id s tsther origial game. (meant "a rather original", obviously.) Yehs, LBP is a vary orijinal game inded. Hey, your rughtm, (right), thisi is a prett good game, ands this forum game is pretty aesome too. No typos? How sad :C When you type fast like I do, your bound to have typos, like that inderlined coma. (Wowm no other typos :O) Gosh I'm terrible at this game. | 2013-05-29 12:39:00 Author: qwerty123456 ![]() Posts: 309 |
LBP is a rather original game Yes, LBP is a very original game indeed. Hey, ylu're right, this is a pretty good game, and this forum game is prettw awesome too. No typost? How asad :C When you type fast like I do. your bound to have typos, like that underlined coma. (wow, no other ytpos :I) Goshm I'm terrible at this game. Hey, if you try to write everything from scratch really fast, you make a lor of typs. It's awesome ![]() | 2013-05-29 13:55:00 Author: Patofan ![]() Posts: 1185 |
Lbp is a rather original game Yes, LBP is a very original game indeed. Hey, you're right, this is a pretty good game, and this forum game is pretty awesome too. No typos? How sad :C When you type fast like I do, you're bound to have typos, like that underlined coma. (wow, no other typos :I) Gosh I'm terrible at this game. Hey, if you try to write everything from scrath really fast, you make a lot of typos, It's awesome ![]() I'm a bit dissapointed, I barely had any typos at all :/ | 2013-06-05 02:40:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
LBP is aa rather original game. Tes, LBP is a very original game indeed. Hey' yo're right, this is a pretty good game, and this forum game is pretty awesome too. No typos? How sad :c When you type fast like I do, you're bound to have typos, loke that underlined coma. (Wow, no other typos ![]() G Hosh, I'm terrible at this game-. Hey, if you try to write everyhthing from scracth really fast, yo mae ke a lot of typos. It's awesome ![]() I'm a bit dissapointed, I barely had any typos at all :/ Ths is getting really long. BTW my lieetter A does not work properly | 2013-06-05 15:08:00 Author: Patofan ![]() Posts: 1185 |
LBP is aa rather original game. Tes, LBP is a very original game indeed. Hey' yo're right, this is a pretty good game, and this forum game is pretty awesome too. No typos? How sad :c When you type fast like I do, you're bound to have typos, loke that underlined coma. (Wow, no other typos ![]() G Hosh, I'm terrible at this game-. Hey, if you try to write everyhthing from scracth really fast, yo mae ke a lot of typos. It's awesome I'm a bit dissapointed, I barely had any typos at all :/ Ths is getting really long. BTW my lieetter A does not work properly Yew know yw (you) could just copy and peeste. (paste) | 2013-06-16 20:46:00 Author: Xtrahuman ![]() Posts: 431 |
LBP is a rather original game. Yes, LBP is av ery original game indeed. Hey you're right, this is a pretty good game, and this forum game is pretty awesome too. no typos? How asd :C When you tyope fast like I do, you're bound to have typose like that underlined coma. (Wow, no other typose :/) Gosh, I'm terrible at this game. Hey, if you try to write everything form scratch really fast, you make a lot of typs. It's awesome. I'm a bit dissapointed, I barely had any typs at all :/ This is getting really ong. BTW my letter A does not work properly. Yes know you could just copy and paste. Whait, we can just copy and paste? Too late for that :/. Besides, making tons of typos is more fun anyways. | 2013-06-25 18:35:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
lpb si a rthatr ogrinial grma., ysd, lbpa is aaswaaaaaaryes orriginal gaem idnessd. sxsji bhjssw dsaS Asdsaad efimds dunssos nuisn niauds89 nussa? nsiaaffhgs hskshfudnssdkdshdfkdmdahd. dhsuindhka hua sadhfsjfsaiof shadfethskwhwpow. nfsiowiow. ysioa knawodandio aom. Oops, i made a typo. | 2013-06-26 23:33:00 Author: Xtrahuman ![]() Posts: 431 |
lpb si a rthatr ogrinial grma., ysd, lbpa is aaswaaaaaaryes orriginal gaem idnessd. sxsji bhjssw dsaS Asdsaad efimds dunssos nuisn niauds89 nussa? nsiaaffhgs hskshfudnssdkdshdfkdmdahd. dhsuindhka hua sadhfsjfsaiof shadfethskwhwpow. nfsiowiow. ysioa knawodandio aom. Oops, i made a typo. Well, we can't very well continue the game from that, so I'll revert to the last post (mine). ...back to the game.LBP is a rather original game. Yes, LBP is av ery original game indeed. Hey you're right, this is a pretty good game, and this forum game is pretty awesome too. no typos? How asd :C When you tyope fast like I do, you're bound to have typose like that underlined coma. (Wow, no other typose :/) Gosh, I'm terrible at this game. Hey, if you try to write everything form scratch really fast, you make a lot of typs. It's awesome. I'm a bit dissapointed, I barely had any typs at all :/ This is getting really ong. BTW my letter A does not work properly. Yes know you could just copy and paste. Whait, we can just copy and paste? Too late for that :/. Besides, making tons of typos is more fun anyways. I'm using copy and paste now! So much easier, it is. Oh, and look, I haven't made any typos! Huzzah! | 2013-06-30 02:51:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
Well,we can't continue the game from that, so I'll revert back to the last posr (mine_. ...kack to the gamw. Lbp is a very original game. Yes, lbp is av eru original game indeed. Hey your right, this is a pretty good game, and this foruun game is preetty awesome tooo. no typos? how asd. :C when you ty[e fast like I do, your boeun to have typos like that underlined coma. (Wow, no other typos. :/) Gosh, I'm terrib;le at this hgame. Heym it you try to write everything from scrratch really fast, you make lits of typos. its awesome.. I'm a bit dissapointed. I bareyly had any typs at alll :0 This is gotting really long. BTW my letter A dose noit work probersy Youi know you could just copy and paste. What, we can just sopy and paste? Yoo latef for that. :=. Besides making lots of typooos is fun more anyway. I'm using copy and paste now! So much easier itsis. Oh and look, I havent made an tyuppos huzzah! That took FOREVER. Also, folks, the idea is to retype the whole message. It'll reset when it gest toooo longg/ | 2013-08-26 16:41:00 Author: qwerty123456 ![]() Posts: 309 |
Well, we can't continue the game from that, so I'll revert back to the last post (mine)... back to the game. Lbp is a very oiginal game. Yes, lbp is a very original game indeed. Hey you're right, this is a ;retty good game, and this forum game is pretty awesome too. NOt ypos? How sad. :C When you type fast like I do, you bound to have typos like that underlined coma. (Wow, no other typos :/) Gosh, I'm terrible at this game. Hey, if you try to write everything from scratch really fast, you make losts of typos. It's awesome... I'm a bit dissapointed. I barely had any typos at all :0 You know you could just copy and paste. What, we can just copy and paste? Too late for that :/. Besdises, making lots of tyops is more fun anyways. I'm using copy and paste now! S mouch earsire, it is. Oh and look, I haven't made any typos huzah! That took FOREVER. Alos, folks, the idea is to retype the whole message. It'll reset when it gets too long. Holy crap, that's a lot of typos on my end. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why MS Word has spell cehck. | 2013-08-27 01:06:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
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