Amethyst Ascension ~ A New TimeAttack Level!
Archive: 15 posts
Before I begin, i'd like to apologize for not being as active since my first track, the internet problems back in January actually lasted all the way until the end of Easter, and only now did i go back on LBPK again! I also didnt realise until my previous track was in the community showcase (104) so i owe you all a big thank you for that.. even if its a few months belated. :blush: Anyways, on with my newest creation, the Amethyst Ascension! Stitch yourselves up into your racing suits, fellow sack-folk, as your in for a wild ride! This time I shall take you my second race-track in the world of LittleBigPlanet Karting! The track is set high atop the mountains within the strange 'Ascension' testing facility. It is up to you to put your pedal to the metal and take out the 'Amethyst' handling and performance prototype a spin on this rapid test course! https://karting.lbp.me/v/buwh http://i42.tinypic.com/2s61xyo.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2mdjx37.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/5ocg7b.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/4zvy0.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/5khwqx.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/313iydt.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/e8q3x5.jpg I hope you enjoy my new track, and I hope to create more tracks soon.. and this time NOT have a 5 month break ![]() | 2013-05-25 12:41:00 Author: Snake55wildcat ![]() Posts: 15 |
![]() | 2013-05-25 15:04:00 Author: theIronHorse ![]() Posts: 279 |
I queued it and will play it tomorrow | 2013-05-25 20:34:00 Author: gipsy ![]() Posts: 408 |
Already like the style! You haven't been playing WipEout HD's Zone mode too much, have you? | 2013-05-25 23:17:00 Author: Hiroshige0 ![]() Posts: 114 |
Good. the turn just before the jump is pretty hard to take but that's a good track | 2013-05-26 12:10:00 Author: gipsy ![]() Posts: 408 |
Already like the style! You haven't been playing WipEout HD's Zone mode too much, have you? You'd be quite correct, I don't play Zone mode that often, but I very much got insipration from Sebenco Climb, as it is probably my favourite track in HD/Fury. I also had a little extra ideas from Motorstorm Arctic Edge's 'Ascension' track as well~ ![]() | 2013-05-26 21:10:00 Author: Snake55wildcat ![]() Posts: 15 |
It's queued up for me. I can already say that it looks slick. | 2013-05-28 02:20:00 Author: KingRyuukuro ![]() Posts: 24 |
Looks great! Queued for review <3 | 2013-06-07 16:24:00 Author: Wolfdre ![]() Posts: 218 |
Late review on this, here's some thoughts: Loved: Art style was impeccable, the use of hexagon shapes and lettering was a really nice touch. The turns are incredibly deceptive and more than a few times I barely scraped the paint of my kart acing a turn. Mixed: The jump seems to require some really precise requirements for you clear it. I had a situation where I nailed it dead center three times in a row and I just barely missed the edge, resulting in three ruined perfect runs. Oddly, it seems to only do it when I drift into the jump and use my stored boost just before; I don't know if that's canceling out the auto boost you have the beginning of the jump, but it made me rage more than a few times. Hated: Nothing! Other than nailing the walls constantly (but that's not your fault ![]() Improvements (optional!): When I played this I could not help but want WipEout HD, so if there's any room for improvement in my book, it'd be this: Color changes - It'd be pretty neat to have the color of the stage do a whole WO "color wipe" and shift to a different shade every 30 seconds or so. Health Bar - You could also give even more incentive to drive well by having a health bar that depletes on every hit. If empty, the game ends. But if they manage to have minimal hits, that bar is turned into points for them for every lap (the whole "perfect run" bonus) in WO. Great job otherwise, I gotta leave a review once I have a score that doesn't shame me. | 2013-06-10 17:27:00 Author: Hiroshige0 ![]() Posts: 114 |
Queued. ![]() | 2013-06-10 21:35:00 Author: fireblitz95 ![]() Posts: 2018 |
*Review* I am glad you liked the track, as it was my second track made in the game it was a very experimental track such an approach to track-making. (may have used too many hexagons) Funny you mentioned the jump.. previously it actually wasnt a jump, it was a connected, arc-ing road, but the problem was the camera kept glitching and made it awkward to go around. So im not -fully- satisfied with the jump either, but it was the only way to avoid such a disasterous problem, especially considering the track's high-speed nature. Also tap the X button as you leave the edge, you will easily gain enough distance to land on the next road (hence the jump label.. should've put an X there too). However that doesnt mean i shouldnt fix it ![]() (also, those floating hexagons at the aforementioned jump? they actually hover up and down, just for added subtleties and attention to detail~) The colour change idea does sound great, and i could definitely see this for a track that could change every lap, ill definitely consider it! I'm still not entirely good at the logic side of the game (couldnt get my head around much of LBP1/2, but LBPK does seem a little more bearable) but the health-bar idea sounds nice for a fast-paced survival track. ![]() | 2013-06-13 01:03:00 Author: Snake55wildcat ![]() Posts: 15 |
Funny you mentioned the jump.. previously it actually wasnt a jump, it was a connected, arc-ing road, but the problem was the camera kept glitching and made it awkward to go around. Ahh, that's a pain. If it's remotely possible, increasing the landing ramp by literally 20 feet (you could even drop a piece of material there as a ramp if you didn't want to increase the track length and mess with the camera) would be enough, when I miss the landing it's always by 2-5 feet. (also, those floating hexagons at the aforementioned jump? they actually hover up and down, just for added subtleties and attention to detail~) I actually did notice! Touches like that are what separates the good from the great. The colour change idea does sound great, and i could definitely see this for a track that could change every lap, ill definitely consider it! I'm still not entirely good at the logic side of the game... It's actually insanely easy (relatively speaking); a few weeks ago I had attempted to create an endless zone-mode style treadmill and the color changes every minute or so (the color changing worked great, the treadmill did not), the logic went like this: 45838 So in your case, you'd either use a player sensor or progress sensor to send a signal to the selector's cycle option, which would then cycle through a series of world lighting tweakers (the colored dots in the picture), creating a basic color change effect. Great work though, I like your style! | 2013-06-13 02:45:00 Author: Hiroshige0 ![]() Posts: 114 |
I forgot to update the thread with the most recent update to the track! shame on me! I have added an invisible force-field extension to the landing area of the mountain top jump, allowing for more players to be capable of making the jump easier ![]() | 2013-06-19 23:08:00 Author: Snake55wildcat ![]() Posts: 15 |
Missed this! Have to give it a go again, thanks! | 2013-06-27 17:56:00 Author: Hiroshige0 ![]() Posts: 114 |
I really enjoyed this, the sense of speed was tremendous and the handling was excellent, felt very close to Wipeout HD, the banked corners were also well done and contributed to that constant sense of velocity. It would be great if you could somehow turn this into a full-blown race (even if with just 4 racers) custom weapons and karts that mimic Wipeout HD would be a great addition as well IMO. | 2013-06-29 15:49:00 Author: atheistsw ![]() Posts: 147 |
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