LBP.. little bug planet
Archive: 9 posts
I sure hope the net patch addresses most of the issues because there are alot of them. Im tired of people commenting that a level has lots of bugs like its the creators fault. When its all said and done, the creator can only make things and use things that LBP will let them do, so any issue that shows up is due to MediaMolecules code. One of my biggest issues is emitters. The Paintinator.. an object I have no control over.. will just not work sometimes. Oddly enough all emitted objects from my tank will stop working sometimes so that shows an emitter issue. Its not like Im emitting to much either. Everything emitted on my level that I can control has a max lifespan and I think the longest is like 5 seconds and that paticular object has max emitted at once as 1. I have one emitting max 6 at once but with life of .04. Another emitting max 2 at once but life of .05. So its not like I have any significant emitted objects at one time. Another strange issue I ran into is that any additional pistons I add this level will not operate below .03. The current ones work. Rant over. | 2009-01-25 16:32:00 Author: rz22g ![]() Posts: 340 |
Hehe, yea well, the emitters are a serious problem in general. That's what was wrong with my level that got the Failed to load level message. When Mm sent it back to me they said it was the emitters that had forgot what they were supposed to emit that broke my level! I had some Christmas decorations attached to some bombs being emitted (final boss) and so when I got it back, I didn't take a chance, I just put bombs with nothing on them to emit. Oh and I haven't read about any paintinator glitches, what's happened? (I'm curious) | 2009-01-25 17:22:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
Oh and I haven't read about any paintinator glitches, what's happened? (I'm curious) Try his tank mission level, at the end the paintinator stopped working for me, even while it was full of paintballs. | 2009-01-25 17:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Try his tank mission level, at the end the paintinator stopped working for me, even while it was full of paintballs. I see, that sucks. Yea I just remembered I had done the training level but I never did the full level! What am I waiting for ![]() | 2009-01-25 18:07:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
Im guessing the paintinator issue at the end of my level is emitter related as well. I have lots of comments saying it would not work. Out of the 100 times or so I have run the level, it happend to me once. I went back to the tank and nothing emitter related on the tank was working either. I am really convinced now that there are other factors making these bugs show up. I get way to many comments saying the paintinator does not work and treads breaking. Between my daughter and myself we have easily played the level in the hundreds and out of those times never broke a tread and the paintinator stopped once. Is it possible the online play is contributing to these things happening? | 2009-01-25 18:38:00 Author: rz22g ![]() Posts: 340 |
What you're describing sounds a lot like a previous oddity I saw mentioned on the forums. From what I can gather, emitters (and this possibly includes the paintinator) stop creating new objects once the thermometer reaches 100%. In Play mode, the thermometer is not visible, but still taken into account. The problem had to do with bombs creating stickers on too many objects at once, which raised the thermometer to 100% and then caused the bombs to stop being emitted. I'll try to dig up the thread... here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=7498 | 2009-01-26 15:23:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
That makes sense and something they should fix and could easily fix by decreasing the sticker life. No need for stickers to hang around at the beginning of the level. Also no need for a sticker to be placed on top of another sticker when its not going to change the appearance, which I know happens. Thanks for that info. I think what I might try is setting a point past checkpoints that will dissolve objects that are prior to that checkpoint. Maybe that will lower the in game thermometer. Any suggestions let me know. | 2009-01-26 20:18:00 Author: rz22g ![]() Posts: 340 |
[...]Thanks for that info. I think what I might try is setting a point past checkpoints that will dissolve objects that are prior to that checkpoint. Maybe that will lower the in game thermometer. Any suggestions let me know. That sounds like a good idea. You could also use larger pieces of material so that all the stickers end up on the same object and trigger the sticker limit to delete the older stickers. I think adding more room to the thermometer could also work to some extent. Unfortunately I haven't had much experience with the Paintinator yet, so I can't offer many suggestions. | 2009-01-26 20:32:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I have it set now so two sections of my level and the LBP Bridge dissolve at certain points after you have passed them. My level before doing this is about 65% or so in create mode. So during play, when those sections dissolve, that should give more headroom. Still though Im getting reports of the paintinator not working. Not sure if the other emitters stop as well but Im guessing they do. The one time it happened to me they had stopped. I have the enemy tank set to dissolve, including the treads, but thats not completely reliable. I think if I can find a way to make the treads dissolve every time, this would help. Once I do that, if I get more comments on the paintinator not working, I would have to believe its NOT a decal issue. | 2009-01-27 00:08:00 Author: rz22g ![]() Posts: 340 |
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