Pokemon Vita Version (Trust me it's not the same old Pokemon vita remake)
Archive: 11 posts
Intro: I live very close to my school so I'm able to walk there every day and one day I thought how cool would it be if I had a Pokemon game that detects when you're walking and as you're walking you can find Pokemon and battle them on the spot thus an idea was born. How it works: Basically you hold your vita in two hands and when you walk your vita will count your steps via move sensor. How it plays: -To find a Pokemon you'll have to walk till you see tall grass on the corner of your screen which will make you find a pokemon every 40-65 (may change this number later) steps rarely sometimes it will take you more steps to find a Pokemon (trust me this may seem like not that many steps but once you start walking that's going to seem like nothing). -The tall grass might go away for a while and you'll see a town name this is because your actually walking through Kanto in the game. -To see where you're going there will be a map that you can tap on that'll show you where you would be in the game I'm thinking of having these maps based on the anime so they may not be what you're used to. -To change direction you'll have to tap on direction on another corner of the vita screen this'll bring up arrows which will allow you to choose which direction you want to go. If you want you can choose where you want to go ahead of time by tapping on the map and drawing a line on it to determine where you're going. -If you find a trainer who wants to battle but you want to just keep walking well now you can as there''ll be a put-off system that allows to battle trainers later althrough this will not work for important trainers, team rocket, or gym leaders as they'll need to be beaten to progress in the game once after beating a gym leader your put-off list will reset. -To go with the put-off system there'll be a continue later system that'll allow to continue a Pokemon battle later (this will work with important trainers, team rocket, and gym leaders though you won't be able to progress until you finish the battle) so that you can focus on walking. -A real time system that will determine the events that will occur on your journey. Story: The story will be a mix of the anime, manga, and games and depends on how fast you do stuff in game for example when you start you'll pick what time is it from 6:00am to 12:00pm which won't be based on real time. After you pick a time you walk (or run) to Oak's Lab if you're late like Ash you'll have to take a Pikachu, if you're after Ash you'll get an Eevee, if you're early you will have a choice of the original 3 Kanto Pokemon. So as you can see what you do and how fast you do it will determine the events you will encounter (while this applies to everything in game there is one thing that this wont apply to is the Pokemon League). Why I'm posting this: I need help from the community. Anything done yet?: Actually yes I've made a basic step counter that's playable right here. http://vita.lbp.me/v/cqw82/lists Who I need: A good LBP artist A great LBP music maker who can make Pokemon music Someone who knows everything about the battle system in Pokemon Someone who can use logic to recreate the battle system Someone who knows how many steps it takes to get to each town in the Pokemon Anime (not the games) That's all if you need to talk to me message me on PSN I'm more likely to reply there. Updates 7/14/2013 -So the poll for the put-off system for wild Pokemon is over with 3 votes to "Yes but not for Legendary Pokemon." -I was thinking of a new idea to have the option to run after Pokemon as you battle them if you decide not to put them off for later of course this is optional as if you want you could just walk or stay still altogether while battling. Now I'm thinking of making the running after Pokemon as you battle them (for less typing I'm going to shorted it to RAPAB if you can come up with a better name just let me know) mandatory for Certain Legendary Pokemon for story reasons (don't worry there'll be parts to slow down. If all else fails cheat and shake I don't care) although I'm not sure if I should add the option for all trainers and all team rocket grunts but I do want this for gym leaders of course that's optional too. Anyways I'm going to add another poll so you guys can tell me what you think. -One last thing I don't know how to make music in LBP Vita (or any LBP game) so if you know anyone who can make Pokemon music for me it would be appreciated thanks. | 2013-05-22 22:20:00 Author: PokeMario ![]() Posts: 6 |
Sounds cool. I'll have to check it out once it comes out. | 2013-05-26 02:06:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
Thanks I hope to at least finish the walk through Kanto quest and of course Kanto's 151 Pokemon done by xmas. | 2013-05-26 02:56:00 Author: PokeMario ![]() Posts: 6 |
sound cool so so you are gonna be spending your time making sprites, if you need help in sprites i may help or you can use the internet for help ![]() | 2013-05-28 00:39:00 Author: Nugahugachaka ![]() Posts: 80 |
I will be amazed if you find all the people you posted in the OP. I will be amazed-er if you can actually pull this off. :o | 2013-05-28 18:27:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
This does sound cool but really hard to make hope you actually do it also you spelt machine wrong in the second picture...sorry to be a grammar Nazi :/ | 2013-05-28 21:06:00 Author: thebombdrop ![]() Posts: 67 |
sound cool so so you are gonna be spending your time making sprites, if you need help in sprites i may help or you can use the internet for help ![]() I wish I heard that earlier it took me forever to find out how to make sprites captured from a camera look good although my sprites could be better so if you could I would like the help. Thanks. | 2013-05-28 21:36:00 Author: PokeMario ![]() Posts: 6 |
I wish I heard that earlier it took me forever to find out how to make sprites captured from a camera look good although my sprites could be better so if you could I would like the help. Thanks. great i would upload an image with the logic and tell me anything else to do to help i will also upload some pic of character made with the sticker panel | 2013-05-28 23:15:00 Author: Nugahugachaka ![]() Posts: 80 |
great i would upload an image with the logic and tell me anything else to do to help i will also upload some pic of character made with the sticker panel Thanks. Would you want me to add you on PSN so we can work together in create mode? | 2013-05-29 00:48:00 Author: PokeMario ![]() Posts: 6 |
Thanks. Would you want me to add you on PSN so we can work together in create mode? Vita has no online create. D: | 2013-05-29 06:16:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Wait what. A step counter using the Vita's move and tilt abilities? I know that most of those move/tilt features aren't really used, but still... whow... i don't think anyone has thought of that before. Clever! | 2013-05-29 09:39:00 Author: Woutery ![]() Posts: 793 |
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