Bad Weather
Archive: 15 posts
Hey guys, just got my new level published, went for a different approach with this one, no mouths, no arrows and no points...not sure how it'll be received but please leave me some constructive feedback as I need to improve and expand on this idea! http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/1912/48711061bo9.jpg http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/3535/14019299zv9.jpg http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/7684/65029413pm1.jpg http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/2561/68873770vd7.jpg I was inspired after playing Miglioshin's levels and special thanks to him for sharing his lightning with all of us! | 2009-01-25 09:55:00 Author: turnipeater ![]() Posts: 83 |
that looks brilliant, i will play it soon | 2009-01-25 12:46:00 Author: Samson107 ![]() Posts: 83 |
That certainly looks good, If i can i will definitely play and give you feedback on it soon! | 2009-01-25 14:42:00 Author: Marklin80 ![]() Posts: 458 |
Hey Turnip, I thought your level was brilliant, very Tim Burtonesque feel to your design. Pros: -Look was original and beautiful -Back to basics approach (no mm or sings) really made the look have even more impact. -Good Vs Bad weather obstacles made a good storyline Cons: -Too short, but a great start (I'm assuming you have alot of thermometer to play with still) -Clouds that frown when you jump on them, I really liked the idea and how it worked but I figured if the cloud is no longer happy it was gonna try to kill me and it didn't. Would make the story that much better if all frown/sad clouds where bad to touch. -The chase part, maybe start the race music when the cloud first appears, just to give a couple more seconds for peope to figure out they should run. Great level, | 2009-01-25 17:02:00 Author: Ozwald_the_cat ![]() Posts: 45 |
Hey Just played your level, I really liked it! (Hearted) Pros: Very fun Challenging Original Beautiful Cons: Kinda Short (I expected alot more level to it when the floor fell out from under me) Other than that it was great, Maybe wasnt way too short, just had a great feel to it, and would love to see more. Oh and your volcano stage was pretty fun too! | 2009-01-26 03:43:00 Author: Madafaku ![]() Posts: 738 |
I have just published a new update of my level addressing some of the ideas already suggested, thanks Ozwald and Madafaku, I really appreciate the feedback! -Too short, but a great start (I'm assuming you have alot of thermometer to play with still) Kinda Short (I expected alot more level to it when the floor fell out from under me) Other than that it was great, Maybe wasnt way too short, just had a great feel to it, and would love to see more. Im halfway through the thermometer at the mo, am just putting the level out while its in this state so I can get some opinions before expanding ![]() -Clouds that frown when you jump on them, I really liked the idea and how it worked but I figured if the cloud is no longer happy it was gonna try to kill me and it didn't. Would make the story that much better if all frown/sad clouds where bad to touch. Clouds now drop when you stand on them so if you're too slow you get gassed -The chase part, maybe start the race music when the cloud first appears, just to give a couple more seconds for peope to figure out they should run. Race music comes in earlier now, also cloud moved backwards so that you get a bit of a warning! There are a couple of other changes I have made, mainly making the level a bit prettier and just tidying up. I have also changed the ending slightly, makes more sense now! I am still open for suggestions as I want to expand this level as much as I can and the feedback you give really does help ![]() | 2009-01-28 19:57:00 Author: turnipeater ![]() Posts: 83 |
this level is the most visually pleasing level iv played yet, i loved it! but it doesn't seem complete. it could be much better if it were longer, everything in it is perfect but it just needs more. all the challenges and obstcles were just right and were made very cleverly, but they don't need to be, u could add a lot of very simple and basic challenges so the attention isn't drawn away from its unique look. i hope u agree and see the potential in this level too. 5 stars and a heart for u and ur level from me, well done! P.s. your other levels are awesome too. My level is called Operation 107 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=7968) and my PSN ID is Samson107 | 2009-01-29 19:35:00 Author: Samson107 ![]() Posts: 83 |
Thanks Samson, totally agree! have just put another update up with a whole new part at the end of the level, I have also included a points system but have thought long and hard about how I wanted to do it. I have managed to do it in a way which doesn't involve points/prize bubbles etc in any way whatsoever ![]() Again thanks for all the replies, the more the merrier!! Edit: Well annoyingly it seems that I cant get the points but everyone else who plays my level can... strange, any ideas? the way I have done it is to emit a paintinator blob and make it kill a brain elsewhere in the level, worked fine for me during testing but not since publish.... | 2009-01-30 18:29:00 Author: turnipeater ![]() Posts: 83 |
Hi pal. For the edit: try to kill the brain with pistons or fire/electricity (make them also vulnerable in the option menu) instead of an emitted paintinator ball; maybe it will works better (or maybe not, give it a try). I just looked to the pics you posted and I have already something to suggest, but you have to be patient (Tee-hee-hee-hee lol). Next week I'll work from 7.00 to 16.00 so I'll finally play this level. Be prepared for a really accurate feedback from me, since I gave you inspiration (and I'm proud of it, never expected though) I will cover you with any suggestion or little goodies I bought with my tears and blood! This really appealing visual style seems easy to handle with, but it is definitely not... | 2009-01-30 19:21:00 Author: Miglioshin ![]() Posts: 336 |
Hi pal. For the edit: try to kill the brain with pistons or fire/electricity (make them also vulnerable in the option menu) instead of an emitted paintinator ball; maybe it will works better (or maybe not, give it a try). I just looked to the pics you posted and I have already something to suggest, but you have to be patient (Tee-hee-hee-hee lol). Next week I'll work from 7.00 to 16.00 so I'll finally play this level. Be prepared for a really accurate feedback from me, since I gave you inspiration (and I'm proud of it, never expected though) I will cover you with any suggestion or little goodies I bought with my tears and blood! This really appealing visual style seems easy to handle with, but it is definitely not... Looks like the points issue fixed itself...weird. anyhoos thanks miglioshin, I'm looking forward to hearing what your suggestions are ![]() Plays and hearts going up on my level now, hoorah! | 2009-02-01 11:18:00 Author: turnipeater ![]() Posts: 83 |
Ok, actually played 2 times and placed 3rd on the scoreboard. + pros: The idea of evil clouds trapping the suns, i found it original an well developed. But i'm not here to congrat you about the style, 'cause you know why... lol Ok let's break your work into pieces... lol - cons, and here comes the 'pain', there is only 1 con and you got a lot of work to do, you know? - It is too black and yellow. what you can do about it (IMHO): 1. replace the material of cloud with glass (that is more difficult to move but anyway, you have to) so you can sticker it in different colurs (the trick of the changing mouth will be harder to obtain but you can still have it) Same feeling about the suns and just to have a 'touch of evil' why don't you glue a yellow light behind that will turn on after you free them? Remember to adjust radius or they will mess up with the shadows. 2. Overall you have to add some more color to the background, you can manage to in the way I told you at point 1 (like green for trees i.e.). Also resize the crosses a bit, they're too big and mess up a little. 3. To have a greater effect you have to replace the plasma balls with raindrop shaped thin layers of glass glued to gas in the back (so they will kill you same way), also the ray of light of the moving cloud IMO has to be replaced with lightningh shaped layer/back gas. 4. You can add some glassy stickered flowers in the safer spot near the end of the level, in the front layer, so it will be more coloured and nicer. (like 3 or 4 will be enough) 5. The turning spiked platforms are a little too distant from each other, and the lightnings you use in that passage are too 'fat', remember that it may cause they won't be emitted if the sackboy is in the way, I'm not sure of it but I think only gas can be emitted straight on the player to kill him. So I think you could add an extra platform to that passage and replace lightnings with thinner layer glued to gas. The stairway just after that is hard to see but you can solve this in many ways, so think about it a little. 6. The cloud in the race is too fast, I tried with all my skill and didn't managed to win in any way. 7. After you fix theese points I think yellow background won't fit anymore so IMO change it with blue/grey or something (also due to the title ''bad weather'' not ''sunny adventure'&apos ![]() 8. The emitted platforms at the end of the level, before the floating bridge, are to fat ad involves too many layers, sometimes it is difficult to climb due to the next platform not to be emitted cause of the sackboy's too near. Make them just one square deep or so; or just use an elevator (and you will also save memory doing so)... 9. The very first vanishing platforms with the following cloud are badly tweaked, it's hard to understand what is the right moment to jump. Maybe you have to use more smaller platforms for that spot. I think I can stop here. Let me know when you finished theese so I'll replay the level. If you need some practical suggestions do not hesitate and let me know, since this style is really difficult to handle with, I'm at your disposal. Oh, I nearly forgot, 5/5 (2 times) and a heart, you already had my author heart... | 2009-02-01 14:17:00 Author: Miglioshin ![]() Posts: 336 |
Awesome level...5 stars and hearted! PROS: - Unique style. The color contrasts worked great - Disolve challenges were pretty fun - I really like the angry blowing cloud chase best!! CONS: - It was so fun it just ended too soon...would love to had played a little longer. - Didn't know how many suns I had to free and how many I left behind. you could do something at the scoreboard to let people know. you could have black suns on the right made out of disolve with the word suns not resuced or lost or something above them and just attach a switch that makes thems dissolve as you free the suns. Then you would know how many you missed. -There was a switch with a wench or string or something on it. Looked kind of weird. There is probably a cleaner way to accomplish what you were doing. Overall...awesome level!! | 2009-02-02 06:19:00 Author: Mattrick ![]() Posts: 214 |
- It is too black and yellow. 1. replace the material of cloud with glass (that is more difficult to move but anyway, you have to) so you can sticker it in different colurs (the trick of the changing mouth will be harder to obtain but you can still have it) Same feeling about the suns and just to have a 'touch of evil' why don't you glue a yellow light behind that will turn on after you free them? Remember to adjust radius or they will mess up with the shadows. Have added a few drops of colour into the eyes of the clouds and raindrops but i wanted to keep as limited pallette as i could. I have also put lights behind the sun and am very impressed with how that looks ![]() 2. Overall you have to add some more color to the background, you can manage to in the way I told you at point 1 (like green for trees i.e.). Also resize the crosses a bit, they're too big and mess up a little. Have resized crosses and I think it looks better now, the scale was all wrong before! Havent added anymore colour into the background yet, im still deciding ![]() 3. To have a greater effect you have to replace the plasma balls with raindrop shaped thin layers of glass glued to gas in the back (so they will kill you same way), also the ray of light of the moving cloud IMO has to be replaced with lightningh shaped layer/back gas. Have done bother of these and have to say I'm much more pleased with the outcome. less thermometer use, less annoying noise and looks 10x better! 4. You can add some glassy stickered flowers in the safer spot near the end of the level, in the front layer, so it will be more coloured and nicer. (like 3 or 4 will be enough) Will try this as I think if I'm gonna put more colour in itl be at the end ![]() 5. The turning spiked platforms are a little too distant from each other, and the lightnings you use in that passage are too 'fat', remember that it may cause they won't be emitted if the sackboy is in the way, I'm not sure of it but I think only gas can be emitted straight on the player to kill him. So I think you could add an extra platform to that passage and replace lightnings with thinner layer glued to gas. The stairway just after that is hard to see but you can solve this in many ways, so think about it a little. Changed the lightining and it no longer just lets you jump through, was aware of this from the start but just didnt know how to fix it, thanks! 6. The cloud in the race is too fast, I tried with all my skill and didn't managed to win in any way. Will slow it down a tad but it is possible, keep trying ![]() 7. After you fix theese points I think yellow background won't fit anymore so IMO change it with blue/grey or something (also due to the title ''bad weather'' not ''sunny adventure'&apos ![]() Again I'm happy with the style at the moment but when I'm a bit further through the level I will experiment! 8. The emitted platforms at the end of the level, before the floating bridge, are to fat ad involves too many layers, sometimes it is difficult to climb due to the next platform not to be emitted cause of the sackboy's too near. Make them just one square deep or so; or just use an elevator (and you will also save memory doing so)... Want to keep the platforms emitted as is more of a challenge but see where you're coming from they are a bit too big, will have a look when i have more time 9. The very first vanishing platforms with the following cloud are badly tweaked, it's hard to understand what is the right moment to jump. Maybe you have to use more smaller platforms for that spot. Re done the emitter, you now have a second where both platform is there so its easier to time CONS: - It was so fun it just ended too soon...would love to had played a little longer. The level is still expanding, just running a bit dry on ideas, if you have any though feel free to share them ![]() - Didn't know how many suns I had to free and how many I left behind. you could do something at the scoreboard to let people know. you could have black suns on the right made out of disolve with the word suns not resuced or lost or something above them and just attach a switch that makes thems dissolve as you free the suns. Then you would know how many you missed. Have now added a thing at the end of the level that ticks off the suns as you release them! Thanks for the suggestion -There was a switch with a wench or string or something on it. Looked kind of weird. There is probably a cleaner way to accomplish what you were doing. I think you're talking about the checkpoint before the race and i agree, its butt ugly but I had a lot of trouble with pistons and winches breaking and that seemed to fix it Thanks for all the feedback, its really helping to shape my level! Still happy to get more though ![]() | 2009-02-06 07:37:00 Author: turnipeater ![]() Posts: 83 |
Looks fun. Too bad I can't find your level. ![]() ![]() | 2009-02-07 10:11:00 Author: mostevilmilo ![]() Posts: 131 |
Found it! Well, some of the stuff I wanted to say has already been said in the previous reviews/comments, so my review will be on the short side: The good stuff: - Beautiful visual style, it's really different and captivating. Loved the character and set designs too. - The happy suns vs. the angry clouds theme is neat. - Cool use of emitters. - The obstacles/puzzles were challenging and fun, never frustrating. - The scoreboard at the end showing how many suns you freed or left behind was a nice touch. Stuff that need improvement - Well, the race thing is still a little confusing. I didn't realize it was a race until I got creamed by the angry cloud. Overall, a great level. ![]() If you have time, please try my levels. Their threads can be found with my signature. ![]() | 2009-02-07 10:59:00 Author: mostevilmilo ![]() Posts: 131 |
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