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Objects moving within the extra layers

Archive: 14 posts

Hi all, Looked in the tuts and can't find anything. Here's the thing. I can move objects along or up, in a layer using a piston, but I want to move a disc (image of a planet)on a sticker material disc from layer to layer, say starting at the very back and coming forward. I've tried to have a circuitboard emitted with a sequencer on it, with several in/out movers all set to out, but this doesnt seem to work. I know its possible, because Ive seen lvls where the clouds move towards you through the extra layers. Does anyone know how to do this neat trick?2013-05-13 22:42:00

Posts: 74

I'd like to know this too! I have seen this as well and have always been curious as to how it's done. Maybe Pookachoo (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?14086-Pookachoo) knows2013-05-14 03:50:00

Posts: 8424

Offhand.. you might need several emitters each in their respective layers hooked to one sequencer. I was working on something like this long ago along with other stuff moving in the extra layers and got bored with all the extra fiddly bits. lol

Be curious to see how someone has successfully done this though.
2013-05-14 03:58:00

Posts: 11383

if you mean having objects start in the background extra layers and more forward till they reach the normal play layers like in the video below, then all you need is to activate a single in/out move on the object but have it set to either "move to middle" or "move to front". you have to have it target a specific layer instead of just moving out once.
also once an object starts moving toward the play layers there is no way to stop it, this is due to the fact that logic and collision wise it moves instantly to the target layer, where visually it may take a few seconds.
the only exception to this is if you use a glitched sackbot head, as they will move freely in and out of extra layers, and with a special emitter allows you to emitt into whatever layer the object is in (there is a tutorial for that here somewhere)

2013-05-14 08:18:00

Posts: 612

the only exception to this is if you use a glitched sackbot head, as they will move freely in and out of extra layers, and with a special emitter allows you to emitt into whatever layer the object is in (there is a tutorial for that here somewhere)

What your talking about (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=73928-Very-Awesome-3D-Tool)
2013-05-14 23:47:00

Posts: 408

Yeah, what evret said
I had pieces of sticker panel moving forward from about 15 layers in the background in Frightasia (http://lbp.me/v/7fr8zt) and I could only get it to work by moving into the front layer. These were wafer thin pieces, maybe that's why the middle layer wouldn't work for me.
2013-05-15 19:30:00

Posts: 838

There's a way to move objects back and forth between layers which I've found it to be quite fascinating but materials can only move forward between layers with the back/middle/front settings.2013-05-15 20:42:00

Posts: 18

if you mean having objects start in the background extra layers and more forward till they reach the normal play layers like in the video below, then all you need is to activate a single in/out move on the object but have it set to either "move to middle" or "move to front". you have to have it target a specific layer instead of just moving out once.
also once an object starts moving toward the play layers there is no way to stop it, this is due to the fact that logic and collision wise it moves instantly to the target layer, where visually it may take a few seconds.
the only exception to this is if you use a glitched sackbot head, as they will move freely in and out of extra layers, and with a special emitter allows you to emitt into whatever layer the object is in (there is a tutorial for that here somewhere)

Thanks Evret, I'll try that and get back to you.(gotta get to work)Later.
2013-05-16 05:57:00

Posts: 74

if you mean having objects start in the background extra layers and more forward till they reach the normal play layers like in the video below, then all you need is to activate a single in/out move on the object but have it set to either "move to middle" or "move to front". you have to have it target a specific layer instead of just moving out once.
also once an object starts moving toward the play layers there is no way to stop it, this is due to the fact that logic and collision wise it moves instantly to the target layer, where visually it may take a few seconds.
the only exception to this is if you use a glitched sackbot head, as they will move freely in and out of extra layers, and with a special emitter allows you to emitt into whatever layer the object is in (there is a tutorial for that here somewhere)

I popped a single mover set to 'move to front layer' on the object (which is wafer thin) then emitted it in one of the back layers (about 20 layers back).....Nothin happened.
2013-05-18 08:05:00

Posts: 74

do you have anything activating the in/out mover? also is the target layer blocked by anything?2013-05-18 09:42:00

Posts: 612

do you have anything activating the in/out mover? also is the target layer blocked by anything?
You mean, like a battery? I'll try that. No, nothing blocking.


Wow! Thanks! That works! Quite smooth movement too. If only there was a way to slow it down. I guess the 3 seconds it takes will have to tell the story. Thats what I love about LBP _ theres always stuff to learn! Thanks again.
2013-05-18 21:13:00

Posts: 74

I've never tried this, but maybe if you set the battery to lower output - like 20% - that might slow it down?
The speed of movement between layers might be fixed, I don't know.
2013-05-19 21:37:00

Posts: 838

Yeah it is fixed, visually the layer change goes at one layer every 5 frames while collision and logic wise the object reaches the target layer either the same frame or the frame after the in/out mover is activated2013-05-20 02:27:00

Posts: 612

Yeah it is fixed, visually the layer change goes at one layer every 5 frames while collision and logic wise the object reaches the target layer either the same frame or the frame after the in/out mover is activated
Yeah thanks, you're right. tried different voltages...same diff. I can get 4 seconds travel time MAX. From the very back layer to the middle and I can trigger the mover from something in the normal layers, not just a battery on the item itself.
2013-05-20 09:50:00

Posts: 74

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