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DUST 514: Tank

Archive: 1 post

This is one of the over 40 weapons i probably have. I made this one awhile ago though. Its equipped with a big cannon. Sided with a secondary gun that shoots rapidly. In the front, there are two hatches which the driver can open and allow people into. These two hatches are connected to 2 guns which 2 passenger players can enter and use with the driver. Every seat in the tank is capable of 3D view aswell.

This is actually one of the older versions. This one doesnt have the guns in the front. But atleast i figured out how to put the picture up lol.

This is just a create mode item and i i dont have any plans of releasing it yet. But i can show you the thing in action but thats only possible if you came on to the game...


Actually this one is really old.. Still has the forks on it.. sorry people.
2013-05-08 21:35:00

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