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DUST 514: Tank

Archive: 2 posts

This is one of the over 40 weapons i probably have. I made this one awhile ago though. Its equipped with a big cannon. Sided with a secondary gun that shoots rapidly. In the front, there are two hatches which the driver can open and allow people into. These two hatches are connected to 2 guns which 2 passenger players can enter and use with the driver.

As of now, im brand new to this site and im using a PS3 to make this. I'd like to put the pictureup but i dont know how to. Could anyone help me out?
2013-05-07 21:45:00

Unknown User

copy and paste link from lbp me website first take pic in lpb2 then upload .2013-05-12 02:27:00

Posts: 184

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