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10-Way Option Switch

Archive: 7 posts

This switch was requested by King_Tubb.

Alright, so this switch gives you/the player the ability to pick between 10 different options (in this case, which colour block to emit).

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet - 10 Way Option Switch

It's pretty simple. Just needs a bunch of AND switches.

Each colour square on the dark matter has a mag. switch (set to directional on it, and the selector square has a key on it.
Each mag. switch it connected to a piston in the corresponding AND switch.
The OK button (set to directional) is attached to the second piston in every AND switch, so that the selector square and the button need to be on for the block to be emitted.

Everyone's free to use it. You can try to recreate it, but if you want me to give it to you, just ask.
2009-01-24 20:00:00

Posts: 431

Awesome thanks now it makes sense, thanks for the help!2009-01-24 21:01:00

Posts: 435

I heart Trap_T ohh wait I havent yet gotta do that when I log on.2009-01-24 21:31:00

Posts: 106

You might want to try optimizing the enable input to the AND switches to control just one piston instead of all of them. That would cut down on thermometer.

What I mean is to have one piston be the enable for all the AND switches instead of having multiple enables. You can do this by having a long strip of material connect to one piston instead of multiple smaller strips like you're doing with multiple AND gates.

Edited for clarity
2009-01-26 17:39:00

Posts: 102

You might want to try optimizing the enable input to the AND switches to control just one piston instead of all of them. That would cut down on thermometer.

What I mean is to have one piston be the enable for all the AND switches instead of having multiple enables. You can do this by having a long strip of material connect to one piston instead of multiple smaller strips like you're doing with multiple AND gates.

Edited for clarity

Ya that would probably help, but I tried to make it more compact so you could see everything at once. Also King_Tubb (who requested the switch) had a picture, with the colours in that order (2x5 grid) so I just went with it.
2009-01-27 02:34:00

Posts: 431

I think it could be optimised:


With the ... being space. So the button moves the left piston, and the "forks" if you like, on the end, extend like before.
2009-02-01 05:20:00

Posts: 672

Hi man,
didn't really understand,
whats mag and AND switch?

if you can send me the machine, that would be aweseme
my psn is same as my nick
2009-02-16 03:17:00

Posts: 1

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