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The future... Whats gonna happen and what you think will happen

Archive: 28 posts

Hello everyone, I'm mdoodle22 and recently in history class we watched a video, I forget who made it but it was a video about the future and it was definitely not a hoax considering that the film was very high quality and a high budget project. Anyways they said that by 2017 we will have tablets that if you put on glass it will project the picture from the tablet on the glass table. There also were phones that the keyboard thing was holograph and it was like 3d since it was popping out of your phone an it said that apple is actually working on prototypes for it right now. One other interesting thing is that it said most of the jobs in like 10 years from now never existed before so there will be jobs that most of us will do that we never heard about before...........
Now my opinion about the future... I think that there will eventually be flying cars and that within 200 years from now there will be buildings that go a mile high up at least and that's where people will work at and there will be cities in those high buildings, and that reminds me, I was watching this one channel on tv and it said the exact same thing about how there will be cities in the sky... One other thing that I think will happen in the future is that cars will drive automatically...

One thing that I'm concerned about the future though is economic crisis and that there will be like no jobs because robots will be the workers...

THANKS for reading this, I hope you learned a few things and feel free to give me your opinions in the comments, thanks again
2013-05-03 20:54:00

Posts: 95

Hello everyone, I'm mdoodle22 and recently in history class we watched a video, I forget who made it but it was a video about the future and it was definitely not a hoax considering that the film was very high quality and a high budget project

Bit of advice for your future: People you shouldn't trust have money, too.
2013-05-03 21:42:00

Posts: 10882

I personally don't think about what will happen to far into the future. I would much rather hear about some piece of technology that's being released in a years time rather than expect something to happen.

That way you aren't disappointed
2013-05-03 22:13:00

Posts: 996

a video about the future

it was definitely not a hoax considering that the film was very high quality and a high budget project

You still have much to learn.
2013-05-03 22:17:00

Posts: 6728

In the future:
1: The earth will be overpopulated and polluted, so we will overpopulate and pollute other planets too. (or just dump our garbage there)
2: Many more inventions that allow us to accomplish more while being lazy and fat at the same time.
3. Babies will be allowed to have guns
4. Humans will evolve to roll around instead of walk. (cause they're fat XD)
5. Anything actually useful that can change life forever will not be accomplished because it will never get the funding.
2013-05-03 22:24:00

Posts: 172

In the future , instead of us eating food, food will evolve to the point where it eats us.

There's some food for thought.
2013-05-03 22:38:00

Posts: 2426

There's a lot of negative things to say about the future, so I'm going to mention only the positive things.

1. GPS-driven cars or cars that drive themselves. If this was true, I can be eligible to drive because I don't need to drive. It's automated. Plus, car accidents may decrease in numbers.

2. Voice controlled elevators. Instead of wasting room for buttons, especially for tall buildings, you can hold down the button and tell what floor you want to go to. And the elevator will go there.

3. Many of the diseases we know may be eradicated.
2013-05-04 01:29:00

Posts: 1408

in the future, everyone dies.2013-05-04 02:33:00

Posts: 10882

I fear we will all be fat like that one guy from Jak 2. What's his name again?

Edit: Krew, his name is Krew
or like Fat Princess,
or Van from Harvest Moon:AWL,
Doughnut Drake! (Uncharted 2,3 online)
the list goes on
2013-05-04 02:41:00

Posts: 61

My future prevision list:

2017 - The current gaming industry crashes, only indie devs thrive under the aid of Steam;
2018 - Graphics rendering hardware become able to render life-like graphics at 30 FPS;
2019 - 100 TB hard drives are common;
2020 - Supersonic aircraft make a comeback into commercial flights;
2022 - The Earth's population becomes too much for the food production to keep up;
2025 - First hover car prototype;
2027 - Man steps on Mars for the first time;
2028 - Flights to the moon are a common tourism activity;
2034 - First commercial quantum computer device;
2041 - Water begins to become scarce, lots of research into desalinization;
2050 - First colony starts being built on the Moon;
2053 - Cyber implants become common;
2065 - Moon colony finished, Moon terraforming begins;
2083 - Water very valuable, South America becomes the new Middle East;
2098 - Third World War: The USA signs a deal with South America, making eastern Asian countries invade the continent;
2102 - Third World War ends when German scientist discovers way to manipulate molecules into water;
2104 - Living after death as a cyborg becomes common;
2136 - Moon colony finished;
2189 - Oil becomes obsolete;
2248 - Moon terraforming complete, now habitable;
2471 - Physicists discover way to travel over the speed of light by controlling the space-time; space flights go boom;
2742 - First sights of dark matter, as well as an possible alternate universe;
2824 - Discovered way to manipulate gravity;
3000 - A fake end of the world prophecy causes mass suicide;
3032 - Programmers finally end coding an artificial human brain;
3165 - Moon becomes a lush jungle paradise and it's renamed "The Arc";
3232 - First colonies start being built in Mars, planned to become a second Earth;
3854 - Mars becomes the second Earth;
4502 - First ever extraterrestrial contact, alliance formed;
5230 - Scientists find way to contact alternate realities;
7032 - Earth now part of an alliance with other 12 alien races;
12064 - Almost all of the planets and moons on the Solar System are now habitable, first spaceship sent to Alpha Centauri, at the speed of several AUs per second;
34203 - A "reality search engine" is created, allowing to open portals to any reality possible;
50286 - Robots rebel against humans, initiating the robot apocalypse;
100000 - The Earth is now robot territory, robots attack other planets;
1^6 - No remains of humans can be found, except for the very few survivors on alien planets;
1^9 - The universe show signs of becoming corrupt, alliance members discover that our existence is a simulation;
2^9 - Universe source code cracked, allowing for tweaking of laws of space and time;
3^9 - An accident involving the universal code causes existential rupture, destroying the entire universe; The Big Bang occurs an instant later;

If I get at least 12 of these right, I will scream "BINGO"!
2013-05-04 16:26:00

Posts: 5891

I don't think you can count on people reaching the dates mentioned all the time...even if it was a "high budget project". I mean, look at Back to the Future. According to this high-budget and trustworthy Hollywood film, we're supposed to have Jaws 19, hoverboards, and high-rises are still supposed to be cool.

Wait a minute...


Star Wars 7? Video conferencing? Hands-free videogames? 3D movies? A baseball team in Miami?
2013-05-04 18:14:00

Posts: 1195

The Sharkmen will enslave the human race, so there's no need to fear the rise of the robots.
Also I don't think we're in for drastic changes, maybe an iPhone you can use in the shower.
2013-05-04 18:43:00

Posts: 432

I personally have a pessimistic view on the "Future". I think over population will kill us, along with an economic crisis- Considering we are actually over populated right now. I also think either A Nuclear Atomic war, A biochemical war or even a plague driven by the forces of nature will be determined to kill us. Not to mention Asteroids and meteorites that will plummet through our atmosphere and set us through a Nuclear Winter? Also have you ever considered the possibility of a fossil fuel depletion and our "Renewable" energy wont be able to compensate- yes we did it before in the 1300-1700's but we have become so dependent upon technology. Maybe technology will be the end of us...2013-05-05 19:52:00

Posts: 167

My future prevision list...

*clears throat*

I'd like to make a few adjustments to your list.

"2025 - First Hover car prototype" - Does this count? http://moller.com/dev/index.php/neuera/neuera-specs
"2189 - Oil becomes obsolete" - This will more likely happen by the 2050s, according to recent estimates. That is, assuming we've already found most oil reserves in the world.
"50286 - Robots rebel against humans" - The word that stood out for me the most in this line was 'humans'. There are a few estimates floating around saying that humans will be gone by the year 11000. Probably nothing to worry about though.

The rest of your list seems plausible enough to me though, and it was interesting to read.

Anyways, I'd like to see a real 'superfood' some time in the future, not the kind we see in the media these days, but a food that contains all the nutrients you need, is easy and cheap to produce, doesn't rot, and can taste like anything you want. Maybe it's because it would solve a lot of the problems we face today, maybe it's because I just really like food.
2013-05-07 05:39:00

Posts: 359

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future#Future_of_the_Earth.2C_ the_Solar_System_and_the_Universe2013-05-11 06:42:00

Posts: 928

I dont know why you think automated cars are a good idea when software fails they would just wreck catastrophicly, and if human couldnt intervene they would die , gps once told me turn left and there was a brick wall there , the human elemnet in cars is a double edged sword but nessasary , stricter driveing tests and more training like euroupeans get should be mandatory over here in america its hey your 16 go drive LOL., also some of us are auto enthusiasts who enjoy driveing safely on the road and tearing it up at racetracks.stricter govermnet rules would make hotrods illegal , i for one think if you build them right they can be real safe , anything can be safe with a strong enoughf roll cage but , the future could make them musem peices , Hover cars , no way you would need 2 liscnces just to drive 1 for road 1 for sky just like back to the future 2.Rise of the machines is a fear of mine howerver irrational.Watch i robot , he still wrecks a self driveing car the computer fails , same thing happens in demolition man.Do you want a corolla to cost 900k , cause fully automated would cost that much imagine being in debt till you die , yep future will just be now but a little bit diffrent , i predict a 400mph car by ferrari tho in the next 14 years , we are getting close to the 300mph range with the dagger gt concept the venom by hennesy proformance ect .Edit , i dont trust movies about the future , in the 1993 movie demoliton man we had world peace by 2012 lol and president arnold schwazennegar Lamo , that will never happen , also taco bell being the only fast food in demolition man only taco bell , existis in the future .... and also the 48hrs of lemans on the moon will rock. , next motorstorm game is in outerspace , first gen ps4 has yellow light of death , just like the ps3 and 2's first gen problems .also i think ill grow a hulk hogan mustache .2013-05-11 07:23:00

Posts: 184

I dont know why you think automated cars are a good idea when software fails they would just wreck catastrophicly, and if human couldnt intervene they would die , gps once told me turn left and there was a brick wall there , the human elemnet in cars is a double edged sword but nessasary , stricter driveing tests and more training like euroupeans get should be mandatory over here in america its hey your 16 go drive LOL., also some of us are auto enthusiasts who enjoy driveing safely on the road and tearing it up at racetracks...

I think cars that drive themselves are a good idea. In fact, I hear that they are making them now. It may take another ten to twenty years, but it will happen. And how is it taking away freedom to drive anywhere where you can actually plug in a destination. That's how they work. You put in a destination, the car takes you there, and it follows the rules of the road.

I'm currently writing a story that takes place in the future, and all of the cars drive themselves.

Anyway, I saw a lot of interesting predictions over here. (http://www.futuretimeline.net/) Some of them may be true, but others may not happen. One prediction they're going to get it right is the PS4 release in 2013. You can see more when you click the link.
2013-05-11 07:53:00

Posts: 1408

I dont , i will never give up my keys till im dead , or 104 either or . why not just hire a driver and get a limo or some fancy pants car ? rich pepole do it pepole who cant drive do it .Im liveing life in the fast lane , why cant you drive , not to be rude but it sounds like you just dont like the idea of driveing you self places , its freedom you can go anywhere you want , its the freedom to control a vehicle i dont want to lose its my right as a american ,its protected by the Consitiution. also so are laser rifles , wish i had one .but i wouldnt mind a replicator slurpees at any time , even when 711 is closed would rule .2013-05-11 10:48:00

Posts: 184

Cold fusion is the primary source of electricity in developed nations.
It becomes economically viable to mine old landfill sites.
Male fertility continues to fall. Most pregnancies are conducted via artificial insemination.
Major cities have automated personal transport "taxis". People only own cars in rural areas or for driving pleasure.
All Western countries have 60%+ immigrant populations.
Meat becomes a luxury item.
All internet is fibre optic.
It's commonplace to not interact with another living person for weeks.
Stainless clothes, no clothes require ironing. Nobody owns a traditional washing machine.
China continues to expand business in Africa. Borders for a new Cold War are established under the auspices of national trade and development.
2013-05-11 18:45:00

Posts: 2454

In near future, this planet will face an apocalypse by countries nuking each others. To survive this, the humans trap themselves into shells of steel, thus creating the Cybermen and beginning the new cyber-age.2013-05-11 20:08:00

Posts: 2462

Fallout 3 will be the world lol , except we will have beat up apocalpse cars like mad max we will fight over working power plants and oil refinerys till time ends .2013-05-12 02:15:00

Posts: 184

The future is a hybrid of Fallout & Hunger Games... Oh, and Easter Island will be filled coast to coast with Chuck Norris statues. 2013-05-12 02:52:00

Posts: 27

yep with a splash of mad max , reminds me i need to build a v8 interceptor lol, cats will rule the world .... w8 they already do lol.2013-05-12 12:13:00

Posts: 184

I think Wall-E pretty much nailed it on the head.

2013-05-12 18:00:00

Posts: 849

All I have to say is that flying cars will probably be publicly available for about 4 times the price of an average car, by 2030.2013-05-28 03:35:00

Posts: 309

All I have to say is that flying cars will probably be publicly available for about 4 times the price of an average car, by 2030.
20 times in developing countries.
2013-05-28 12:45:00

Posts: 5891

I think I'll be back on the forums for another week or 2 in the future.2013-05-31 04:39:00

Posts: 1274

The collapse of the internet results in destruction of advertising industry, manufacturing industry falls, internet is replaced by localised servers, resulting isolation between non-bordering countries creates Cold-war like missile envy. Mass hysteria and starvation spreads, nuclear war, end of humanity.2013-05-31 11:38:00

Posts: 1872

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