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EASY VERSION Facility IX: The Core

Archive: 9 posts

http://i3.lbp.me/img/bl/bb384a922ef9853ad1066bc280a434a64ce0fed9.pngFacili ty IX: The Core (http://lbp.me/v/k9p753)
Welcome to Facility IX: The Core (EASY VERSION). YOU WILL SURVIVE! This EASY Version has hints, indicators, increased lighting, and slower mechanics, to aid the player in reaching the Scoreboard. I hope you find it enjoyable. Single Player HIGHLY Recommended due to complexity. This is a free roam style of level, but the indicators will help keep you on track. I also composed 2 music tracks for this level, "Minds Of Insanity" and "Corridors". I hope you enjoy!

Have fun trying to survive.

Here are some images from the level.





2013-05-03 13:15:00

Posts: 1567

Update. Thanks to SpaceMonkey (THANKS Tom), I now have a Video for your viewing pleasure. This provides some insight on one of the many ways you can reach the Scoreboard.

2013-05-05 02:52:00

Posts: 1567

Hey RickRock. I know I haven't done a level review in ages, and since this one has yet to be commented on, (and those pictures look amazing) I might as well give this one a shot! Sorry if this review turns out to be too long and I awkwardly switch between past and present tense on numerous occasions. (This'd be because I review levels while I play them, so I can soak in more details and whatever's on my mind. ) Alright then, since the description you gave is for the easy version, I guess I'll be playing that. (Although I'm not sure how much it differs from the far more brutal-sounding version of the level. Here goes!

The level starts very shockingly with lens flares and bolts of electricity from every corner, setting the stage with some super-cool special effects. The menacing vader-esque voice accompanying the stylish, hi-tech level logo was very awesome, and the "You will not survive" message was especially chilling. The actual gameplay starts with a multitude of flashy colors, making for a great contrast with the very dark, ominous spacecraft-like feeling here. The tone is already fantastic, and I loved the overall design. Standing there typing this, I didn't see a level that remained static, simply waiting for me to take my first step. already, gears were turning, lights were beeping back and forth, and some weird machine kept moving left and right. I absolutely LOVE the music created for this level, which pops up right after you take your first steps through the dark corridors of the place. I'm not sure how to describe it, but certain moments of the song are...bubbly and foreboding. Echoing with that same dark voice in the background, making it foreboding and just plain great.

Alright, enough about the song. The 3D foregrounds and backgrounds are very well done, with different materials ranging from barbwire and that sort of roller-coaster metal to really make you feel "trapped." Decorations and lighting that glows up as you pass by are taken into account. Riding up the lift with the plasma/mosaic background actually made it feel sort of like some giant, roller-coaster factory, to be quite honest. The sound effects were also great, being thrown in with the lift and other devices. Not far into the level, there was a cutscene shown aisles and aisles in this GIGANTIC facility. Seriously, the scope of this place is simply amazing. The level design stays practical, with objects such as the handle on a rotating platform as well as ladders being easily grabbable, (although being able to somehow climb back up the ladders would be nice, I guess.) and you're not restricted from jumping from one aisle to the next, (at least, that's what I'm calling the giant platforms.) and the large tracks in the background definitely give it that roller-coaster vibe.

I did run into some problems after this though, regarding the nuke object you are tasked to carry. Granted, I didn't pay too much attention to the silent cutscene which showed different parts like where the radiation sign was and the little whatever-it-was blockade. Remembering it, I now understand it was simply showing where a blockade was, and hinting at where to go in order to press on. I'll save the rant I was ready to type up regarding the use of the stair slopes invisible walls as I painfully tried dragging the nuke objects back up over 10 times, thinking that I was supposed to throw it in the green center of what turned out to be the blockade. (Thinking it was the rusty bars around it were emitting the gas, not the actual device itself. It was just my odd interpretation that only the nuke could pass through the gaseous walls, acting as a key of sorts) so yeah, I was just overthinking things, so not really a complaint. But maybe a little more form of direction would be nice, but again, I really don't think it's nice of me complaining about those sort of things, especially when it comes to puzzles. If it's humorous to your evil troll-like conscious hearing about my torment to solve the challenge though, then I also might add that I thought the rusty bar at the bottom that goes left and right that you hung onto from below was supposed to carry the nuke on the top of it (after failing to put it on top of the blockade), and that it acted as a key elsewhere. Little did I know it's only purpose was to press down on the main red button near the sign, which I presumed was the purpose of the blocks near the button. (Although I guess it was your way of clue-ing the player in that the nuke goes on the button, since I couldn't for the life of me grab any of the blocks. Still, that didn't stop me from trying to slide one of them over the button) Although I will say, climbing back up when the blockade is lifted does make me recognize that the camera drops a large distance, making it very difficult to see my sackperson. (Angle shown below.)


However, a simply jump remedies the angle. It's just a bit annoying going back and forth having the angle get in your way. Also, the radiation warning sign was a bit confusing at first. I mean, I get the place is hazardous, but there was a small part of hit that was hard to read, and while I first thought the bar only raised when the button is pressed on, a bar would raise simply with my presence. However, when the bar filled up from me being there, sometimes I'd die, others there would be no gas emitted at all, so it's hard for me to understand its purpose. I must ask, why were there two bars, and did they raise for separate reasons? Because both at some point raised from me being there. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but a little more explanation on the sign might be nice.

Moving to the grappling hook is great, with the yellow/black platforms that descend into the gas if you stand on them for too long. I'm no seasoned pro with the hook, but that doesn't stop me from thinking it's a great power-up. However, having to tred back to the hook every time can be a pain. Again, I hate to complain in terms of difficulty, but adding a checkpoint behind the grappling hook would be a real pleasure. This is because, even when I try the thing out, I might accidentally grapple onto the rusty bar that is still cycling back and forth because of the nuke resting on the button. So I end up accidentally grappling onto it, and because the rusty bar is also affected by the blue bars, gas is emitted around the moving bar before I can even ungrapple from, forcing me to start back at the checkpoint near the grabbinators, and making my way back to the grappling hook. Sorry if that's hard to understand, along with other parts of the review. I wish I could word some of it better, and I'd always be happy to do a replay and take some more pictures if you want. (not that any of these issues are anything major) Using the grappler to climb back up ladders is great, so I retract my statement from before about not being able to climb up them. There's some careful jumping after getting the grapple hook which is good, challenging fun, racing back to the grabbinator area. There are also TONS of great bonus collectables, I'm not sure how many I got, but there were some hidden, some in plain sight, and the ones trapped in electric cubes reminded me of Riddler trophies from Batman: Arkham City.

Unfortunately, I've been at the level for about two hours while typing for this, dying more times than I'd like to say, so I have to end it here. Sorry I couldn't finish it for now, and my apologies if you couldn't understand a thing I said. Basically...


The music is foreboding and amazing. Sound effects work great with it, as does the numerous uses of lighting in the level. Great, menacing voice at the beginning by the way. The whole setting is huge and very atmospheric, really making you feel you're in this living, breathing facility. The secrets spread throughout are very cool and are sneakily thrown all around the place. I especially love the one given it's own room with the three buttons and hazardous floor. ^^ Checkpoints and power-ups are cool too, and I love all the different aisles you can jump and grapple between.

However, a couple angles make things a little odd, the part with the nuke objects and radiation sign had me confused and befuzzled sometimes, as well as some irritating moments regarding getting gassed. The grappling hook is nice, but the constant backtracking towards it when dying can be especially annoying, although I hate to be one to complain about things like difficulty. Nonetheless, adding a checkpoint behind the hook would be nice.
2013-05-05 03:03:00

Posts: 5208

@ Dragonvarsity...Do I have to read all of this? Just kidding. I sincerely appreciate you taking time to play Facility IX and leaving such a wonderfully detailed review. I will be implementing some changes, based on your feedback.

It seems the radioactive area has proven to be the most difficult puzzle to decipher. But as you stated, you did over think a bit. The blurry part of the sign was the number 60, and basically says with the Rad-X you will be limited to 60 seconds of radiation exposure. The 2 timers are based on whether or not you have the Rad-X...one timer being 10 seconds and the other being 60. Regarding where to use the Rad-X, you probably did not notice the 3D sticker I used as an iindicator...it is the yellow X from the Watchmen DLC. I placed the sticker on the radioactive sign, just below and in front of the switch, and at the dispense station, tying this together visually as I have seen done in other PS3 games I have played. Considering your comments, I really don't need the switch or the device or grabinator. I will simplify the gameplay further by making the dispense station an innoculation station the player must step into that sprays a radioactive barrier.

Regarding the gas...it's purpose is to kill a player that exceeds the exposure time limit. LBP is buggy, though, especially when the Thermo is at MAX, as in this level. Sometimes the gas does not work...it's attached to a piston and is very thin so it is barely visible. If I emit it, it will have to cover the entire area and I did not like it visually. Once you move to the far right, there is a switch and a grappling hook. The switch activates the Spine that moves up and down between the maintenance bays, and when depressed, I provided a cutscene to the show the Spine moving. The only purpose for the grappling hook is to allow the player to grapple up and over the contraption that moves the rusty platform. There are hidden score givers up there, and a blinking R1 sticker as an indicator. And now, with the Spine activated, the player can jump on it to move to any maintenance bay they want.

Yes, this level is somewhat difficult. I wanted to challenge every aspect of a player's capabilities, and give them the ability to move through the level however they wanted to. I felt if I led them everywhere, it would diminish the atmosphere I created.

Thanks again for playing, and I am glad you found the level enjoyable in the manner you described.
2013-05-05 15:24:00

Posts: 1567

@ Dragonvarsity...Do I have to read all of this? Just kidding. I sincerely appreciate you taking time to play Facility IX and leaving such a wonderfully detailed review. I will be implementing some changes, based on your feedback.

It seems the radioactive area has proven to be the most difficult puzzle to decipher. But as you stated, you did over think a bit. The blurry part of the sign was the number 60, and basically says with the Rad-X you will be limited to 60 seconds of radiation exposure. The 2 timers are based on whether or not you have the Rad-X...one timer being 10 seconds and the other being 60. Regarding where to use the Rad-X, you probably did not notice the 3D sticker I used as an iindicator...it is the yellow X from the Watchmen DLC. I placed the sticker on the radioactive sign, just below and in front of the switch, and at the dispense station, tying this together visually as I have seen done in other PS3 games I have played. Considering your comments, I really don't need the switch or the device or grabinator. I will simplify the gameplay further by making the dispense station an innoculation station the player must step into that sprays a radioactive barrier.

Regarding the gas...it's purpose is to kill a player that exceeds the exposure time limit. LBP is buggy, though, especially when the Thermo is at MAX, as in this level. Sometimes the gas does not work...it's attached to a piston and is very thin so it is barely visible. If I emit it, it will have to cover the entire area and I did not like it visually. Once you move to the far right, there is a switch and a grappling hook. The switch activates the Spine that moves up and down between the maintenance bays, and when depressed, I provided a cutscene to the show the Spine moving. The only purpose for the grappling hook is to allow the player to grapple up and over the contraption that moves the rusty platform. There are hidden score givers up there, and a blinking R1 sticker as an indicator. And now, with the Spine activated, the player can jump on it to move to any maintenance bay they want.

Yes, this level is somewhat difficult. I wanted to challenge every aspect of a player's capabilities, and give them the ability to move through the level however they wanted to. I felt if I led them everywhere, it would diminish the atmosphere I created.

Thanks again for playing, and I am glad you found the level enjoyable in the manner you described.

Yeah, my reviews sure can be a mouthful sometimes, can't they? Sorry about that Rick, and I'm glad you understood the points I was trying to make. Thanks for explaining the radioactive area further. I did in fact spot the yellow X sign on numerous occasions, but I guess I sort of overlooked its meaning. xP Even in my confusion with that area, it was still a good puzzle to look over, and I loved grabbing onto the rusty bar and jumping over the sinking platforms.
2013-05-06 22:54:00

Posts: 5208

I made some significant modifications to the lower radioactive level to make this puzzler easier for the casual player. It is good to see a higher percentage of players making it to the scoreboard. I also moved the checkpoint next to the Rad-X Dispense Station, so the player can retry the obstacle more quickly, which hopefully will reduce frustration a bit. I also added a Game CAM to the lower maintenance bay to eliminate the inherent 3D visual issue.

Thanks again for your feedback, DV.
2013-05-08 16:17:00

Posts: 1567

The EASY version. This must have been made just for me as I failed miserably at the normal version! I guess there isn?t much more I can say after all that @dragonvarsity spit out, but I will anyway.

Besides the stunning atmosphere, my favorite part of this whole experience was looking for secrets and I really dug how you used the boxes to cover some. I know there are an awful lot that I missed, but this gives your level a nice replay factor and it would be a perfect level for a score challenge contest. I really need to kickstart that again?! If you?re interested in creating a short score challenge level for a community contest, let me know. I?m working on another one myself right now, but it will be a few months before I can get it done?.I?m slow!

Now that I read this thread closer, it says there is more than way to the scoreboard. Say what? Now that really makes me want to play again. I agree with @dragonvarsty that a CP by the grappling hook would be good thing. You did a marvelous job utilizing the extra layers, but they did make knowing the layer you were in a little tricky and it killed me unfairly a few times?especially by the ladders. I have to admit I got suckered into your unlimited point scheme on the ?ferris wheel?, and died way toooo much. I suck at using the grappling hook, so I raged for a bit, cried, cussed one last time and moved on.

Last but not least, the music and voice over were top notch and gave this level the extra push over the top. Great job and I?m looking forward to your next project.
2013-05-23 15:57:00

Posts: 359

I loved the hard version and I love the easy version!

This level is excellent.
I think everything has been said, so I just want to let you know what impressed me most:

- incredible 3d visuals
- fascinating gameplay
- the opressive atmosphere
- the scary sound
- the incredible voice which unfortunally told me the truth: "you will not survive"

Playing this level was an outstanding experience!

2013-05-25 10:39:00

Posts: 2526

Thanks, AV, for your great review. I am very glad you enjoyed your experience. I certainly enjoy creating moods when developing levels. I can't wait to publish "Light Speed Acceleron", but it is so Thermo intensive that it is going to take me a bit longer than expected to get these levels completed. I am placing even more emphasis on the mood and atmosphere of that series. 2013-07-03 01:50:00

Posts: 1567

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