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Recon Truck V.1.00

Archive: 4 posts

Hey this is my first real creation im publishing for anyone who wants it!
It has a Cab and a Trailer
the cab has 2 low beam lights on the front
the Trailer has 2 highbeams on the front 2 low beam reds on the back and 1 high beam which is controllable (by grabbing and moving yourself around, it is a search light)
the truck was suprisingly easy to make and if people want it say here and i will publish a level giving it away.

and if anyone has spare time can they help me get the Chinese Dragon Head?

EDIT: Noone wants it i guess so therefore...
2009-01-24 17:27:00

Posts: 1232

where is the chinese dragon head the only.
Well that is a big duh for me because the only level I don't have 100% is the one where you have to rescue everyone and that is because of 4 player zone.
I'll check your vehicle out but first I gotta do a touch up on my contest entry and then submit it and publish it.
2009-01-24 21:30:00

Posts: 106

lol ive spent days trying to find people to get it with but noone ever helps me we get to the bit with 4x then they all leave... *enter rude word here*
theres a very incomplete version of it in my level giving away a spawn lift but its just a boring one with nothing on it.
The real ones better but i havnt made it camouflaged yet
2009-01-24 22:49:00

Posts: 1232

Hey this is my first real creation im publishing for anyone who wants it!
It has a Cab and a Trailer
the cab has 2 low beam lights on the front
the Trailer has 2 highbeams on the front 2 low beam reds on the back and 1 high beam which is controllable (by grabbing and moving yourself around, it is a search light)
the truck was suprisingly easy to make and if people want it say here and i will publish a level giving it away.

and if anyone has spare time can they help me get the Chinese Dragon Head?

EDIT: Noone wants it i guess so therefore...

I would help you but i don't really know how to find and play online with you in the game cause i haven't really experimented with that yet:blush: but I'll help if I can.I don't think i have the dragon head dress either.
2009-01-26 04:58:00

The Comedian
Posts: 113

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