Ridge Rush
Archive: 5 posts
http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb435/WoodburyRaider/RidgeRushBanner.jpg (http://s1205.photobucket.com/user/WoodburyRaider/media/RidgeRushBanner.jpg.html) LBP.me Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/k7qsxb The sequel to Skyline Sprint is twice as good! Parkour through a uniquely stylized city. Smash in windows, demolish doors, and power through this high-octane rush. Featuring Battlefield 3 themes, introduction cinematics, area lighting, sound effects, special effects, improved breakable glass, score bubbles, fine details, and much more Oh yeah, and enjoy the puns! http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/ba1c8daa2ef16a6ca1c9e3a065675b024bfb886b.jpg http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/dacac80a3252713fdfca2352cd1129cf3f57ee26.jpg http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/8d4564f40bb7b4064beebc06e988560486895fe7.jpg http://lbp.me/v/k7qsxb The other day, I finished up a level I had been working on for awhile, so I figured I would log back on to this site and share it here. It's not my best work, as my pride and joy will always be on PSP, but I think it still represents my style pretty well. Ridge Rush is probably my final LittleBigPlanet level I'll create, at least for a long time, so enjoy it! | 2013-04-28 17:09:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
looks pretty sleek. queued | 2013-04-28 17:23:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
I enjoy branching paths. I enjoy fluid score bubble chains. But what I really enjoyed was the puns. Gameplay is solid but it's a little short, though maybe that's a thermo issue. The level looks good but the background feels pretty empty and it lets things down. Perhaps try the marvel BG or work something out with the 3d layers? It's not a big problem so don't worry if you can't. | 2013-04-28 19:14:00 Author: Radishlord ![]() Posts: 706 |
looks pretty sleek. queued Thanks Bio! As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I enjoy branching paths. I enjoy fluid score bubble chains. But what I really enjoyed was the puns. Gameplay is solid but it's a little short, though maybe that's a thermo issue. The level looks good but the background feels pretty empty and it lets things down. Perhaps try the marvel BG or work something out with the 3d layers? It's not a big problem so don't worry if you can't. Believe it or not, it is a thermo issue. Normally I publish my levels in several stages. The first being an initial "demo," if you will, where I actually cut off the level to see if people enjoy it. This garnered a respectable 100 plays, so I decided to stick with it and expand the level to about double its original size. Currently, the level is at this stage, right before I add the final touches. I'm glad you reminded me about the backgrounds, however, as I completely forgot those existed for whatever reason! I was about to attempt cramming 3D layered skyscrapers into the background, but with the thermometer issues, I think I'll go the former route. I'm glad you fancy branching paths and my love for what some deem "the lowest kind of humor." ![]() Thanks for the advice Radishlord! I'll get right on creating that background! | 2013-04-28 21:57:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
By the name I thought this had something to do with the Bold and the Beautiful. Pathetic old European me. Always so full of soap-opera references. | 2013-05-01 21:51:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
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