Worried about my 60 gig PS3.
Archive: 17 posts
Hi, im very worried about my 60 gig PS3 getting a YLOD soon. When i play 30 minutes or longer, it gets really warm down there. And ive been putting saves on USB, Ejecting disks before i turn off the console, and all of that. also, the PS3 was bought in 2007. Am i going to be ok? I want it to last a long time (mainly because no backwards compatibility will be on PS4) | 2013-04-27 23:24:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
It will die. | 2013-04-27 23:28:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
It will die. I knew it! good thing i have a slim ps3 too. but let me note that its not extremely hot. but very warm. will i be any safer doing all that precautionary stuff? Because i dont want to have a disk stuck in there >.< (AND HOPEFULLY NOT LBP) | 2013-04-27 23:29:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Are the fans clear? i.e. any dust in them, have enough room to actually be effective. I know my old '07 PS3 won't die because I can hear the fans whirring, albeit loudly. (Which I finally got round to googling, seems I need to raise it off of the table a bit. You may want to try that out too since it helps the fans.) | 2013-04-28 01:41:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
Are the fans clear? i.e. any dust in them, have enough room to actually be effective. I know my old '07 PS3 won't die because I can hear the fans whirring, albeit loudly. (Which I finally got round to googling, seems I need to raise it off of the table a bit. You may want to try that out too since it helps the fans.) yeah it is pretty dusty, thanks. | 2013-04-28 02:19:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
here's what I do with mine, think I may have gotten around the same time as yours. I baby mine because I need it to last. I have mine up off the surface by using 1" blocks underneath each corner. Sometimes I'll be playing and those fans will just all of a sudden come on really loud. I take a vacuum cleaner and put the hose attachment on it and vacuum out all the vents. suck all that accumulated dust out of it. It helps. It will go back to running normal for a couple of months then I need to do it again. I also don't play it for really long periods of time either. 2 hours tops. | 2013-04-28 04:36:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Thanks for the suggestions. I did googling and I found some trick with the switch on the back and the eject button. I did see a video and I noticed a YLOD at the end for a split second. If I do it, will I be fine? | 2013-04-28 05:19:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
The YLOD actually has two flavors, similar to how the Xbox 360 has variations on the RROD. The "good" version of the YLOD can be fixed by simply holding the power button and doing a factory reset (see below), but if that fails and your console requires refurbishing, you're out of luck. Please be aware that in both cases you risk losing all hard disk data, so it's good you're backing up to USB. If you have Playstation Plus you can also back up your game saves to the PS Cloud. Factory reset (hold down the power button): 1) Turn off the console by normal means, then turn the back switch OFF. 2) HOLD the front power button while you turn the back switch ON. 2) It should beep ONCE when it first starts, then TWICE a few moments later, then THREE TIMES. After it beeps three times, let go of the front power button. 3) A menu will display with various options. Choose the first option on the list and wait for the console to finish everything. 4) Try starting the console normally. If it still has issues, repeat step 3)... 5) ... except go to the second option on the list, then the third, then the fourth, etc. Be aware that when you reset to factory settings and start the PS3 this way, it will ONLY display via RCA cables (not HDMI; maybe component cables, I'm not sure, so it's best to hook your PS3 up with RCA cables before a factory reset or you'll be looking at a black screen regardless. http://www.gadgetplus.ca/images/products/PS123rcaCable_LG.jpg My advice is, if you have a slim PS3 and the save data is already backed up to USB, you should migrate to the slim PS3 and take your 60GB to a shop to trade in for whatever value possible while it's still functioning. There is also a tool sold similar to the one repair companies use to open PS3s, if you are absolutely sure you want to fix the YLOD yourself. An example of the step-by-step instruction and link to the toolkit can be found here: http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Yellow+Light+of+Death+Repair/3654/1 (However, I can't speak to the efficacy of the toolkit.) | 2013-04-28 12:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The YLOD actually has two flavors, similar to how the Xbox 360 has variations on the RROD. The "good" version of the YLOD can be fixed by simply holding the power button and doing a factory reset (see below), but if that fails and your console requires refurbishing, you're out of luck. Please be aware that in both cases you risk losing all hard disk data, so it's good you're backing up to USB. If you have Playstation Plus you can also back up your game saves to the PS Cloud. Factory reset (hold down the power button): 1) Turn off the console by normal means, then turn the back switch OFF. 2) HOLD the front power button while you turn the back switch ON. 2) It should beep ONCE when it first starts, then TWICE a few moments later, then THREE TIMES. After it beeps three times, let go of the front power button. 3) A menu will display with various options. Choose the first option on the list and wait for the console to finish everything. 4) Try starting the console normally. If it still has issues, repeat step 3)... 5) ... except go to the second option on the list, then the third, then the fourth, etc. Be aware that when you reset to factory settings and start the PS3 this way, it will ONLY display via RCA cables (not HDMI; maybe component cables, I'm not sure, so it's best to hook your PS3 up with RCA cables before a factory reset or you'll be looking at a black screen regardless. http://www.gadgetplus.ca/images/products/PS123rcaCable_LG.jpg My advice is, if you have a slim PS3 and the save data is already backed up to USB, you should migrate to the slim PS3 and take your 60GB to a shop to trade in for whatever value possible while it's still functioning. There is also a tool sold similar to the one repair companies use to open PS3s, if you are absolutely sure you want to fix the YLOD yourself. An example of the step-by-step instruction and link to the toolkit can be found here: http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Yellow+Light+of+Death+Repair/3654/1 (However, I can't speak to the efficacy of the toolkit.) I will definitely use that trick if it gets YLOD. With the toolkit, I will think about it, I have gotten my PS3 fixed once (Disk Drive had to be replaced) but how will I know which YLOD i have? | 2013-04-28 16:58:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
I think the basic difference between the YLOD's is that the "bad" one cannot be addressed with the method above and must be repaired one way or another for the PS3 to work again. Incidently, speaking from personal experience the method to repair the PS3 in the link does work if done correctly but it is not a guaranteed lasting solution. After I repaired my 60 gig it went out again after a rather long playing session; I repaired it again and it's working again but I've since stopped trying my luck and got a slim after backing up all the data. | 2013-04-28 17:14:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
im gonna try the vacuum trick. That thing hasnt been cleaned :O | 2013-04-29 01:11:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Indie in da haus! Hey guys, good thing you brought this up. Once upon a time, I really wanted to keep playing my old PS2 games in my PS3 so I decided to keep my old 60gb. This, however, was met with my negligence and my lack-of-foresight. I got the YLOD. I was a surreal and extremely upsetting experience. See figure 1.2: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmafw3iOgu1qc4ylc.jpg Figure 1.2 But after all the man-crying, I knew what I had to do: Phone Sony. I mean, I did do a hell of a lot of Googling, but I would seriously suggest you phone Sony if anything happens. It was amazing! I don't know if they provide the same service outside the UK, but once I had phoned them, they: - had a friendly and genial chat on the phone (we even discussed some of our favorite games!) - take you through the steps to help see if it can be repaired - if not, came and collected my PS3 and took it to China to be taken apart - REPLACED my PS3 with a [new] 60gb PS3! They will give you the option to either get a new slim PS3 or to get an old 60gb that has been made up of newer parts - Delivery in like two days. Amazing. All for a small (or non-existent) price. i'm not sure whether the first time was free and I had to pay ?100 after that (yep, I've had the YLOD more than once!) Hope that helped. Cheers, Bud. | 2013-05-02 10:14:00 Author: indiebud ![]() Posts: 80 |
PS3 always gets hot, it doesn't have adequate cooling. You can fix the YLOD if it's the CPU/GPU losing contact with the motherboard (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=65351). You only need a set of screwdrivers, thermal paste, tinfoil and an oven. Proper botch m8. | 2013-05-06 12:29:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
Indie in da haus! Hey guys, good thing you brought this up. Once upon a time, I really wanted to keep playing my old PS2 games in my PS3 so I decided to keep my old 60gb. This, however, was met with my negligence and my lack-of-foresight. I got the YLOD. I was a surreal and extremely upsetting experience. See figure 1.2: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmafw3iOgu1qc4ylc.jpg Figure 1.2 But after all the man-crying, I knew what I had to do: Phone Sony. I mean, I did do a hell of a lot of Googling, but I would seriously suggest you phone Sony if anything happens. It was amazing! I don't know if they provide the same service outside the UK, but once I had phoned them, they: - had a friendly and genial chat on the phone (we even discussed some of our favorite games!) - take you through the steps to help see if it can be repaired - if not, came and collected my PS3 and took it to China to be taken apart - REPLACED my PS3 with a [new] 60gb PS3! They will give you the option to either get a new slim PS3 or to get an old 60gb that has been made up of newer parts - Delivery in like two days. Amazing. All for a small (or non-existent) price. i'm not sure whether the first time was free and I had to pay ?100 after that (yep, I've had the YLOD more than once!) Hope that helped. Cheers, Bud. Thanks, is it the super slim or the 2009 one? XD | 2013-05-07 20:36:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Good question, it was the 2009 one. Although, I made my complaint before the super-slim came out so I don't know if they'd give you the super-slim now. | 2013-05-09 15:09:00 Author: indiebud ![]() Posts: 80 |
Supeslim never gets hot and its quiet i have mine on now ive been gameing since 10pm and its 5 am now almost 6 no sleep for me today lol. | 2013-05-11 13:58:00 Author: Brutal ![]() Posts: 184 |
Supeslim never gets hot and its quiet i have mine on now ive been gameing since 10pm and its 5 am now almost 6 no sleep for me today lol. lol... | 2013-05-11 22:04:00 Author: Seant1228 ![]() Posts: 348 |
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