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Stardonia North: New Video and Pics

Archive: 5 posts

Seeing as no one is playing my level I thought I'd finally get round to creating a video and some pics. Here's the video:

YouTube - Stardonia North: Finding Blammo!

Check out the pics over at LittleBigWorkshop:


2009-01-24 16:31:00

Posts: 8

Seeing as no one is playing my level I thought I'd finally get round to creating a video and some pics. Here's the video:


Check out the pics over at LittleBigWorkshop:


I'll take a look.

Note: if you put feedback-for-feedback you tend to get more reviews. Not that people SHOULD require feedback-for-feedback but it is a nice incentive to get authors away form their own levels if it's possible.

OK, I went ahead and played it. Gotta tell you, this level was really well done!

+ Loved the puzzle elements. You really thought this one through. Getting clues and going on kind of a "Treasure Hunt" after the star guys is a great concept. It really lengthened the game and was different from the standard "get to the end" level (in fact, I saw the end of the level and turned the other way because I wanted to find more star dudes).
+ Visual style - very colorful, and had diffent sections with different looks - very nice.

- Small thing: on the "race" I didn't realize at first I was supposed to be jumping up the columns. So I just started running forward and came to a wall, walked around, and then went "Oh!". Maybe a little up arrow or something on the first column.
- Small thing, but could improve visuals: Maybe instead of using a lot of the standard building stickers over and over, custom built houses out of some material. Certainly not a big deal, but would be cool if you have the thermo. People recognize those particular stickers from the standard ones.

All in all, a great game! I got 2nd place in the leaderboard (right below yours, but then... you designed it....)

Ok, how - you don't need to give feedback, but at least TRY "Splat Invaders Saga" (my new one). Why? Just because it's fun.
2009-01-24 21:59:00

Posts: 4430

OK, I went ahead and played it. Gotta tell you, this level was really well done!

Thanks for playing my level CCubbage - I'm glad you enjoyed it!

- Small thing: on the "race" I didn't realize at first I was supposed to be jumping up the columns. So I just started running forward and came to a wall, walked around, and then went "Oh!". Maybe a little up arrow or something on the first column.

I see - I will add an up arrow today.

- Small thing, but could improve visuals: Maybe instead of using a lot of the standard building stickers over and over, custom built houses out of some material. Certainly not a big deal, but would be cool if you have the thermo. People recognize those particular stickers from the standard ones.

Yeah, I know what you mean. This was my first level though - I did it back in November - and I ran out of thermo (probably because I wasn't very efficient when building stuff). Now, whenever I open the level in create mode I constantly get a warning that my thermo is full!! I should be able to add an up arrow on the rock race but that's about it

All in all, a great game! I got 2nd place in the leaderboard (right below yours, but then... you designed it....)

Thanks. Just out of curiosity - how many StarGuys did you find?

Ok, how - you don't need to give feedback, but at least TRY "Splat Invaders Saga" (my new one). Why? Just because it's fun.

Will play it today - thanks again for your feedback.

2009-01-25 13:02:00

Posts: 8

I THINK I got 6 or 7. I could see some others, but my son was getting fidgetty so I had to finish (it was his turn to play).

I'm going to go back in and play this one again and try to get all of them.
2009-01-25 13:11:00

Posts: 4430

I've added some arrows to the Rock Race. It's pretty difficult I must admit but that just makes it more of a challenge IMO!2009-01-25 20:12:00

Posts: 8

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